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Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation: Vocabulary scores for 12 toddlers in your class

Child ID Vocab Score Score -Mean Score Mean 2

Ally 1 131 -19 361
Betty 2 235 85 7225
Charlie 3 404 254 64516
David 4 109 -41 1681
Ella 5 17 -133 17689
Felix 6 24 -126 15876
Garret 7 86 -64 4096
Harry 8 354 204 41616
Isaiah 9 194 44 1936
Jacob 10 120 -30 900
Kaleb 11 72 -78 6084
Lola 12 54 -96 9216

What is the mean of their scores? (add up all the scores, then divide by number of children)

1800/12 = 150

( X - M )
What is the variance in their scores? (subtract the mean from each score, Var ( X ) = X

multiply that number by itself, and add them all together) N -1

171,196/11 = 15563.2727

What is the standard deviation of their scores? (find the square root of the variance) SD( X ) = Var ( X )

What is the standard deviation of their scores?


Which children have scores higher than 1 Standard Deviation above the mean?

Charlie and Harry

Which children have scores lower than 1 Standard Deviation below the mean?

Ella and Felix

Compare this to the decile scores for these same children? How does knowing the Standard Deviation
change your interpretation of how far above/ below childrens scores are compared to others?

Knowing the standard deviation has allowed me to understand that all but 4 of the children in
the classroom have typical vocabulary scores. This shows that there are two students
should receive a little bit of extra help (Ella and Felix).

Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation: Scores for 30 children in your class

Score - (Score Score - (Score

2 2
Child ID Scores Mean Mean) Child ID Scores Mean Mean)
Ally 1 24 4 16 Paula 16 16 -4 16
Betty 2 16 -4 16 Quinn 17 19 -1 1
Charlie 3 28 8 64 Renee 18 25 5 25
David 4 30 10 100 Seth 19 24 4 16
Ella 5 17 -3 9 Tami 20 30 10 100
Felix 6 15 -5 25 Ulan 21 25 5 25
Garret 7 5 -15 225 Vera 22 6 -14 196
Harry 8 10 -10 100 Wally 23 25 5 25
Isaiah 9 21 1 1 Xochitl 24 27 7 49
Jacob 10 22 2 4 Yasin 25 26 6 36
Kaleb 11 18 -2 4 Zinia 26 22 2 4
Lola 12 19 -1 1 Aaron 27 15 -5 25
Matt 13 29 9 81 Bobby 28 20 0 0
Natalie 14 8 -12 144 Candice 29 27 7 49
Owen 15 12 -8 84 Dhalia 30 19 -1 1

What is the mean of the scores? (add up all the scores, then divide by number of children/scores)
600/30 = 20

( X - M )
What is the variance in their scores? (subtract the mean from each score, multiply that X
Var ( X ) =
number by itself, add them all together, divide by the number of scores minus 1) N -1
1442/29 = 49.72
What is the standard deviation of their scores? (find the square root of the variance) SD( X ) = Var ( X )
Which children have scores higher than 1 Standard Deviation above the mean?
Charlie, David, Matt, Tami

Which children have scores lower than 1 Standard Deviation below the mean?
Garret, Harry, Natalie, Owen, Vera
Which children have scores lower than 2 Standard Deviations below the mean?


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