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Cooper Baker

Ms. Rodrick

English 115

4 October 2017

The Power of X

If you were to think of Generation X, what are the first things to come to your mind?

Smart phones? Artificial Intelligence? Twitter? Looking at the lasting impact that our generation

will have in this world, we will not be known as the Instagram generation. People find it so

easy to poke at smaller faults in everyday life such as social media and internet misuses. This

prevents them from seeing the marvels that have been created to improve everyday life. Medical

advancements, engineering feats, and even accidental inventions have taken a massive leap for

the betterment of the world. Because of these beneficial advancements in technology, we can

only define our generation as revolutionary.

In the medical world, Generation X is a gem of innovation, as research done by mere

college pre-med students have unlocked doors which no one thought existed. According to

Gregor Drummens article Fluorescent Probes and Fluorescence (Microscopy) Techniques, a

dramatic breakthrough was discovered where a new chemical compound injected into a patient

glows when reacting to the byproduct only created by cancer cell metabolism. Since HA

[compound shown below] is involved in a myriad of normal and abnormal biological processes,

including cell proliferation and migration, wound repair, the aforementioned functions in

cartilage, maintenance of the hydration and osmotic balance of tissues because of its high water
binding capacity, and plays a role in

certain cancers, e.g., mesothelioma,

Wilms tumor, prostate and breast

cancer, and in bladder cancer, HA was

found to be associated with tumor

angiogenesis and metastasis

(Drummen). Now, this may seem like a

mouthful, but in reality a simple yet vital

conclusion is drawn from this discovery.

Through the ability of bio-luminescence,

surgeons can now physically see cancer with their own eyes during an operation and remove it

more accurately, rather than having to target a gross portion of the body under threat of

metastasizing cancer. Because this technology is still in its infant phase, much more research will

be required until this becomes fully operational. Many people have brought up questions against

this project, saying that someone could be allergic to the substance or that the substance could

increase the rate of cell metabolism. This compound is a chemical that is already found inside the

byproduct of cancer, so even if the patient would be allergic, he/she would already have a

plethora of it running through their veins. If he/she were allergic, they would already be dead.

Secondly, it has no relation to the metabolism process of cancer, only what the cells basically

excrete once the process has finished. With future research, this product could even replace bulk

area treatment like radiation. These simple yet effective discoveries in medical research may

change the course of cancer procedure around the world and save countless lives.
Even mechanical sciences are taking wild leaps, turning once science fiction-like

thoughts into a reality. In 2010, the article New Ceramic Material That Harnesses the Power

from Body Movements: Magnetic Materials was released to the public. It talks of a project

underway using silicon based sheets that have the ability to convert the bodys kinetic energy

into electrical energy using millions of specially patterned magnets. As shown in the image

below, the magnetic fields shift with the flexing of the sheet, magnetic discharge is created,

which when channeled to a receiver such as a battery,

is converted into electrical power, now stored in said

battery. In theory, if someone wore a shirt made of

this material and performed the regular actions of

their everyday life, they could use all of this stored

energy to power a phone, laptop, tablet, etc. People have tried to counter this idea with the

dangers of having electricity flow or be generated by the body, which produces sweat and can

cause intense harm to the wearer. The idea is revolved around the sheet, not the clothing aspect,

as the idea of this fabric can be implemented in an infinite amount of ways. This idea could

revolutionize power usage in third world countries, where by moving a simple sheet in the form

of a blanket, flag, shirt, or sail, one could produce countless watts of power for everyday needs

and appliances.

Not all technological creations are monumental and vital to the worlds benefit, however.

According to Bob Gattys article Mishaps that Mothered Invention, some incredible gadgets

started out as accidents, such as sticky notes, scotch guard, and the slinky. Now, one might not

think that these would aid in the identity of a generation, but the advances made from these

unintentional discoveries have led to marvels beyond imagination. Scotch guard gave aid to the
idea to a new chemical used to line containers in space that are extremely hydrophobic, allowing

the entirety of any water based substance to leave the container without remanences, saving

countless dollars.

It is these advances in the world of technology that Generation X will be remembered by.

While social media and internet continue through time as an important social element, the

devices we use them on, and maybe their infrastructures themselves might change with research

and development. In the end, people will still try to define our generation by the faults that

present themselves. All generations have problems, but only those that overcome them with

success and determination for the betterment of the world with be remembered in a positive

nature with regard to technology. Yes, our generation relies on technology on a daily basis, only

because it is so effective and ever advancing. Generation X is the technological revolution that

will never be forgotten.

Works Cited

Drummen, Gregor. Fluorescent Probes and Fluorescence (Microscopy) Techniques -

Illuminating Biological and Biomedical Research. MDPI, Multidisciplinary Digital

Publishing Institute, 28 Nov. 2012,

Accessed 18 Sept, 2017

Gatty, Bob. Mishaps That Mothered Invention. Expanded Academic ASAP, 12 Oct. 1987,|A4664004&v=2.1&u=csunorthr

idge&it=r&p=EAIM&sw=w&authCount=1. Accessed 18 Sept. 2017

New Ceramic Material That Harnesses the Power from Body Movements: Magnetic Materials.

Edited by Laurie Donaldson, Materials Today, Elsevier, 20 Mar. 2010, Accessed

18 Sept. 2017

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