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Larry Nassars sentencing today on federal child pornography charges represents another important

step toward justice for the victims. As our president has said, we recognize the pain sexual violence
causes and deeply regret any time someone in our community experiences it. We acknowledge it takes
real courage for all victims of sexual violence who come forward to share their story. His behavior was
deeply disturbing and repugnant, as the state and federal criminal charges that he has been convicted of

To your other questions, allegations have been made against the university, claiming it is engaged in a
cover-up by university administrators. MSU unequivocally denies this accusation. Moreover, MSU and its
external counsel have consistently promised if it were to find any employee knew of and acquiesced in
Nassars misconduct, it would immediately be reported to law enforcement. As for the call for an
independent investigation, the FBI and MSU Police Department conducted a joint investigation earlier
this year to determine whether any university employee other than Nassar engaged in criminal conduct.
The results of that investigation were sent to the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Michigan.

Additionally, on Dec. 6, President Simon responded to Michigan Attorney General Schuettes letter
regarding Larry Nassar. She instructed Patrick Fitzgerald from Skadden Arps, who represents MSU in
these matters, to respond to the Attorney Generals request for information.

If any other law enforcement agency would like to conduct additional criminal inquiries, we will
cooperate fully.

- Jason Cody

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