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‘Mummy portraits from the Roman period found in Fayoum, with curious staring expressions, may have been painted to show the deceased experiencing a vision of God. ‘to took contol of Ear flowing the cones by ‘Aleander he Grea 389 1G boosh wih them not "only anew Ingen an cule ut few world lew at wel Confontng Soci that had be unetoningee tively for tims te wand fa, utcome of his cual Clin wat ov ea) npc How woul sack mmgesthiibet and sacs Sosy "Sao the sh ewcomer? ‘A intigingmevomct at Tara et ete par lows Ie Mle aye wove us with bc imp oS Ean espome: thom af Pre + high pres of the god Tt, bul theft th ceniry BC. cnt ae thai tf pm rc in poe ‘co tha show ton Espa as snes of iy ie (ee werk ne "ck a eapenters workshop an soo ‘sceicd is combiution of Egypoy sn Geek arise ils, wou Reo ‘rach fo sam thats ey and Stal fasion of sles healed the ‘wn af Beatie nd Ramen 1 "ends bene the wo commu nthe wns the Grok ke mint ot .tbsowen fereipes ee hive come a a in, plore Hing their ox toa ten a ended ve a ele eats Thr igs Aleta eee 2 Avg Sem Bt ih ain sinters fri sls mer Ua Fay an a te tony timed. Accongy te irae were seo bud Grek Ces wih aa “eck into ich a te wnt het fe ww Sane and BY 30. tver he wend pt “olsen at dng raat a val ttle ff he een a Sse fut an ond te Grek Te Tgp Te moa wp of fosighs Anthony Alcock ‘occupy the county were the Roms ‘Being volerably familiar with Greck culture and probably daunted by the ot fe nature of the indigenous Egyptian one, "he Romans sete largely in hese places where they could fee! most casily at ome: in the Greek cities. Their elation ship to Egypt however, was quite der, fet from that of thelr prodecesor: the Macedonians had ruled in Egypt as Egy tian monarchs and Egypt was their home, From predynastic fimes man in Egypt had developed a set of ideas concerning what would happen after death that clearly involved the notion of some sort of post-mortem survival or renewal of the physical body, whereas the Ramin emperor never jk up residence ia Egypt Roman ami isrators sent tothe country holonged to transient commute i Irom thei Tove and eile at we are tte enue 10 ave restvere some athe ost remarhable paintings. prnhced ype: he many port From prelate ime nan in Ey thal developed 9 et of cas concer ‘what woul happen afer dca that cca Fy Tnvotvedt the mien ste srt Post-mortem survival or renewal of the Bysial body. Ta dymstc times tis et ‘he Egyptians co adopt exremely clio Zale measures to enstre the preservation ofthe body: afer removal of cenin in femal organs, the body was desiccned and subsequently embalmed in linen bandages. I beczme common practice [ul a mask over the face ofthe muni. fied body. In accordance with ihe goner- al principles of Egyprian att, this mask id ot necessarily record the actual fe: {ures ofthe deceased but rather resented sn idealized ponvait_ During the Roman Petiod this funerary mask was frequely teplaced by a porta executed inthe Ro ‘man fashion on a wooden board that Was inserted into the appropriate pat of the ‘mummy or directly emo the bandas themselves, The purpose of the ports is mani fealy to aceompany the munifed ody. But arising ftom this the follow ‘ng questions may be posed! cm were ‘hey paimed and io they serve the some Purpose a the funerary mask? Ia his mination of tbe Haste ports. the archeologist and Egypeoiogst Wilan Finders Petre came 10 the conch ‘hat the paintings adit some exes bee inet inthe ietimeof he decease Ind presumably hung in the house a Portas. This may be wa of ealcs pr 8. but i is noe necessary Ine oF ‘em al, because Got ll show signs of having bem adap for use afer death ‘This ould well Be rela wo th qe ton ‘ofthe campecton between the tammy ors andthe fara mss Pirie was ofthe opie that the Ro: ‘ans snd those following Roma a ‘om simply prefered he port the ‘mas. But may not be quite ts imple st, One might in fact se at fe Fett the to are ste differen Tie mash. a tvedincirns ple flowing the contours a tie Faces iv hind 0 sian desoned une 1990 Cairo Today £8 to fend off destruction, The iwo- where the devote could be initiated and Gimensonal poral onthe oiler hand, Nave dict experince ofthe divin express new concep of onologs the Cstianity was probsbly regarded nthe fniphass on the preservation of the body. beginning as oe of thse Feigions and for functioning. in an afterlife being seed may have gained many conve Semncwhat reduced ia favor of a tore ftom the others, because fw Fel to be Spittal appreciation of the world 10 Tn short, one might sy ome, Thus the dectased fs Tooking ou tthe mummy pois stared a cal portrait, shy clio by di forte pra pie to av rom. Under he se inience per aps of various mystery religions, meaning: to show the cel eaperesing a 70) Iti. of course, no ceidemt thatthe Fayoum,. though the earliest one tobe taken back to Earops tn the hn century ae sid to hav ‘ra. the ceme tery of Memphis Something like 700 ofthese pain listtated through: seus inthe wor th major collections. being in Cairo, London and Ber ie rohan Some ofthe finest examples figure. tac, come tom the excitons resorblanee int ‘hatte to Rgures are Probediy trotners. Found at ‘Amanopotsrmocern Sheth Yos0a) {te portat san be dad shorty ater tte town’ foundation i the 130 AD. mesning wet being) on te right shower Of hopalor inn croton 3 9007 ick "nant lng boore Ke einitor ried out by Flinders et i the = BAC) the so-called Lahrith which well preserved as late a fom the body direly st Go. TH i ieresting in thi eapct to com pane the easter portraits withthe ltr fx: from eyes "hat tend 40 be inthe is resting woberve tha here ame pr mouth, had Boe same doubt in Europe as 0 the they toro Emer ina authomlety of Wiese ports hefore the Wigted by thick blk cavations of Pei in 1888 and 1911 thatthe decease onfrmes tha they had in Fat ee exe Tis centres of oi i aig. The reson for thse mpi there wat an nereise on the doubts can easly be appreciated. Mans rowth of so-called “mysery religions.” of the fits resemble the syle $54 Caio Tooay Juno 1990 aiming poplar in late 19th century France known as Impressionism, Tes customary t divide the porta Pressionitic paintings belonging to ‘nughly the fat two centuries AD, and the la. dak, erate poviris belonging to the next two the practice of muni ‘caon was officially banned by an impe al edit in 381 AD). ‘The pomrats ate all frontal, cnirast ing very sharply withthe Egyptian po fle technique. "They usually show Head and shoulders, oocssioally with arms. The mex and women depicted inthe pot= teas generally have serene and unitoubled Sram “and tem! The men and women nes” sowoptasy | ton be postayed in youth or early middle depicted in the demic esublishment ge. However, ica ia oe fe England founded 10 fot necessarily be as. POFEraitS generally 2 Enel loundes ‘sumed that this és when have serene and scholars: Ginon Col they ded. They areal _entroubled expressions te, Camonge most ceninly of the imitie wo mgter me rid Ferd 10 Be ae tet ais Sei eg, portrayed and" jewtiy retecr carly middle age, i onteripor fashions. One could ‘magne, for example, necessarily be Ta ita a woman tom in assumed that this is Tae NO AD. brought up in Rome oa 95-100 aD When they died. They —6f' gypsum plasicr or fashions mish have are almost certainly ges (a mixture of suved in FAY with her husband to take up Of the middle to higher fxces “were” then 4 colonial appoinem income groups. sketched onto the panel in about 130A. ee own siyle of dressing Jct have comin — Me thot of 95-100, and this would have st the trea wo be followed by local Eeyptian gins and women. Thus cersin entity mun be allowed for when wing portal fash fom sa dating erteron. ‘Generally speaking. mle sissies ange fio the short srg ci of beatded'men inthe carly pers tothe more hnurlant hair an ear of ste peri whic then begin oe trimmed, Men send 10 wear & white lien tune with pechaps an over garment cu palin ‘or cham) soldier ko wear leh tettand buckle aver the lsu ‘Wontem wear ner simple cuts with Plats ithe carly pect which even labors nthe Pasian period They allen wear gare of imperal — Hozvever, it cannot ates tend o be on sys ‘ed or violet and their jewelry usally | consis of secklaces and earings, The tarly ports show women wih one necklace, but later anes: show 40 oF ‘more, one of gold, the ether of previous oF semiprecions stones. There are bat cally treo types of earings. gold dss, hoops of pold sith twn or tice stones aud bars with verical pendints Bsc les and medallion were ala ecasionl 1y wom. Sormetimes the names ofthe decease sre recoded on the ports. Perhaps the best known of these isthe lady Herm one, described a "rammatite” wean ing’ “teacher” oF eho: ar This portrait now ‘noua ina wel nn “The earlier paitings in youth or sypess wood Uist ot fan inch thick, mess | x9. The later ‘ore, about 1/4" thick 278", The oa | usally pre= aed with a thin cost talk and glue). The in red or black. The ‘most common pigmeris ‘were black (fom cu bon), yellow "(ocie), ted (ache or re ead, bv (agi ade from sila, malachite and ealeam czbo- | nate mised together and ested, or az ite: Secasionlly vegetable dyes, such as made, were also wed. The lechigu | Known as tempera consisted in mist | the pluments with water and an adhesin: (eum anbie or ege white) the pain was | then sealed with beeewan The mest common method of apply ing he put was tat known as en tie" which comsisted in mixing the pie mien with was that ad ema through heatiag citber om a fre op haps mae samply inthe sun. The beta gs ere mace fp firs, tha contd sone o apply the pit very tick i CaIROTODAY Mart aro Today Mart ic» motly teste, Seewrcuesea ss “ore Ise and 48 PT te 18s Thee 515 word icin, Aebravaone td Economic Servite: We provide you seth Egypt cone ee a ‘elon » Sic Mage” Dict {Taster The Milde Ean Ua Te T1010. PAR” S804 The Imbotep_ Gallery diplaye » fine Asteaion of Weeden Frat of Cap aad Ki Tate, ches, minors designed fr ery spon Dally rpelar sopping ow ‘leet Fay and Sunday 118 Mig ‘Steet, Habopli Te 3905154 Dental Cline, De. Mohammed 1 Seats Jicntat clinic. 24." Jeddeh Srey evenings. Apparent ree. Aes Spat cn cep tpanment with ‘slephone. 2h Boor, nding piewasc sew of pyro od Cin. Wain mang tc fom | ‘ncrcen and’ Brith emerson, Cal MoD0«2 ot 3401618. Sande thot Tags ram 9a pe ToxoRIOUsLY FURNISHED PLAT FOR RENT IN GIZA eaten everboking Za Fone exbany athe Rie Cones tune 1990 Cairo Toaay 5

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