Greek Lish

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-I tell my dog and he tells his...

queue =

- Many words are poverty = .

- Give the platanus my regards = .

- Potassium five and in the hand = () .

- From here go the others = ' ' .

- Mariori had everything, the feretzes is missing = ' ,


- To go with the old vineyard = .

- He baked the fish in my lips = .

-The clever boy from the nose catches = .

-Black snake that ate you = .

- What? "No" at referendum? Last year's bitter grapes. = ; ;


- queue = .

- Beter donkeytie than donkeyseek! = , .

- Silky pants need skilled butts = .

- ... = .

- Man that knows no letters is a wood unprocessed = ,


- Live my May to eat clover = .

- Two watermelons in an axle are not held =


- Teacher you taught and law you do not act on =


- From the city i come and at the top cinnamon =


- Mountain with mountain does not fit = .

- Love years does not look = .

- He can't split for two camels weed =

- Tsipras has read ''The Chapter'' of Marx, you will RESPECT! =

. !

- We -the Greeks of the Rootbreaking Left- say that: Two camels fight in a stranger's
animal house = - - :

- The gilf chicken has the tasty soup = .

- Alexi empty us the corner now... = , .

- y last knowledge, firstly i had you = ' .

- The liar and the thief are huppy the first year =

- Better five in the hand, than ten and karter =


- Your brain and a pound and the painters brush =


- The fly will eat iron and the mosquito steel =


- Forty five Johns one rooster knowledge =


- In the end, they shave the groom = .

- Grab the egg and cut it's hair = ' ' .

- We found a priest, to bury five-six = '-.

- Others instead of others, Friday's milk = ' ' .

- Philip found Nathan! = .

- Three talk and two dance = .

- Collect, even if they are nipples = ' .

- One of the thief two of the thief three and his bad day = ,
, .

- Here i want you crab to walk on charcoal =

- Rolled the pot ... and found it's lid! = .

- Hold the horses turkish people = ' .

- I will burn you Gianni, i will spread you oil = , '


- The fat priest ate fat lentil, why fat priest did you eat fat lentil? =

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