Unit Paper 5 Art 133 1

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Foxx 1

Liana Foxx
ART 133
Amber Ward
November 2, 2017

Unit 5 Paper

Structures and systems are often seen as an aspect in life which assists in constructing a

model as to how one lives their life. This is due to the preconceived notion that a structure or

system is often very strictly organized and is seen as an axis of symmetry (Dorn, 1994, p.13).

However, structures and systems can also be very hectic, active, and unorganized. Because of

this, structures and systems presented in art can be viewed as analytical or chaotic, which can be

confusing to the audience. Despite this, structures and systems help to convey the message that

in complex forms, learning in the arts require the ability and willingness to surrender to the

unanticipated possibilities of the work as it unfolds (Eisner, 2002, p.29). With that said, the 21st

century art education approach of standard-based approaches ultimately assist with incorporating

structures and systems into the classroom by providing students with the tools to construct their

own investigation as to how they choose to create their artwork based off the standards presented

to them.

In an art therapy setting, I would modify the content learned in this unit in order to best

serve my patients mental and emotional needs by having my patients create a structure which

represents their ideal safe place out of foam boards, cardboard, and other construction like

materials. By creating their perfect safe place one can envision themselves being in this room or

building when feeling anxious, depressed, or overwhelmed, which will hopefully reduce these

negative emotions. Additionally, by physically having a replica of this structure my patients may
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feel it is easier to imagine themselves being in this room due to the fact that when attempting to

create an image in their heads, they may become clouded with their negative thoughts and

emotions. Overall, I believe by creating this structure it will ultimately help to benefit my

patients in controlling their thoughts and emotions.

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Dorn, Charles M., (1994). Art 133 Course Reader. Thinking in Art: A Philosophical Approach to

Art Education, 9-16.

Eisner, Elliot, (2002). Art 133 Course Reader. 10 Lessons the Arts Teach, 29.

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