Art 133 Unit 2 Paper

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Liana Foxx
ART 133
Amber Ward
September 20, 2017

Unit 2 Paper

The idea of Power can be a very complex concept to grasp due to the fact that people

can interpret its meaning in a variety of ways. Power can be defined as a big idea which

encompasses some key concepts of access, scarcity, control, privilege, fear, and inclusion and

exclusion (Walker, 2001, p 141). With that said, visual culture serves as a powerful component

in the world of art education. Visual culture is defined as a study of social practices of visuality

which is intended to entertain and influence (Hurwitz and Day, 2007, p 75). Additionally, the

images and objects in visual culture help to present opinions, reinforce attitudes and confirm and

deny beliefs or attitudes (Barrett, 2003, p 7). The influence of visual culture on society ultimately

serves as a powerful facet in which many base their views or beliefs upon.

In an art therapy setting, I would modify the content learned in this unit in order to best

serve my patients mental and emotional needs by having my patients express through art how

visual culture has had a powerful influence on their self image. By reflecting on this, the patient

and I can discuss ways visual culture has altered the ways in which they view themselves both

positively and negatively. From there, the patient and I can discuss why visual culture has such a

powerful impact on their self image and how society can prevent visual culture from negatively

impacting our views on self-image. By doing so, I hope to reduce my patients stressors and

difficulties with their mental and emotional health which is caused by societal beliefs and values

derived from the messages conveyed from visual culture.

Foxx 2


Barrett, T. (2003). Art 133 Course Reader. Interpreting Visual Culture, 1-7.

Hurwitz, A., Day, M. (2007). Art 133 Course Reader. Children and Their Art, 73-90.

Walker, S. (2001). Teaching meaning in artmaking. Worchester, MA: Davis.

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