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RedditRedesigned A Gold CSS Theme

Designed by /u/JustJaaayy
CSS by /u/Cereal_Addict and /u/JustJaaayy
Moderator Tools CSS by /u/ridddle

- Theme - Elements
- One type of submission
- sorted by menu
- stylesheet images
- flair selector
- comment + share image
- show images


*, :before, :after {
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box-sizing: border-box

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/* defaults */

.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/Art/"]:after { content: "Art" }

.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/AskReddit/"]:after { content: "Ask Reddit" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/askscience/"]:after { content: "AskScience: Got
Questions? Get Answers." }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/aww/"]:after { content: "A subreddit for cute and
cuddly pictures" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/books/"]:after { content: "So many books, so little
time" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/creepy/"]:after { content: "Fot all things
creepy" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/dataisbeautiful/"]:after { content:
"DataIsBeautiful" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/DIY/"]:after { content: "DIY" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/Documentaries/"]:after { content: Documentaries"" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/EarthPorn/"]:after { content: "EarthPorn: Should be
renamed LandPorn." }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/explainlikeimfive/"]:after { content: "Explain Like
I'm Five | Don't Panic!" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/Fitness/"]:after { content: "Fitness" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/food/"]:after { content: "food" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/funny/"]:after { content: "funny" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/Futurology/"]:after { content: "Future(s)
Studies" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/gadgets/"]:after { content: "reddit gadget guide" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/gaming/"]:after { content: "r/gaming" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/GetMotivated/"]:after { content: "Get Motivated!" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/gifs/"]:after { content: ".gifs - funny, animated
gifs for your viewing pleasure" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/history/"]:after { content: "History" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/IAmA/"]:after { content: "I Am A, where the mundane
becomes fascinating and the outrageous suddenly seems normal" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/InternetIsBeautiful/"]:after { content: "10/10
would bookmark again" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/Jokes/"]:after { content: "Jokes: Get Your Funny
On!" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/LifeProTips/"]:after { content: "Life Pro Tips" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/listentothis/"]:after { content: "r/ListenToThis:
The New Music Machine" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/mildlyinteresting/"]:after { content: "For things
that are, you know, mildly interesting." }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/movies/"]:after { content: "Movie News and
Discussion" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/Music/"]:after { content: "/r/Music" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/news/"]:after { content: "All news, US and
international." }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/nosleep/"]:after { content: "NoSleep" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/nottheonion/"]:after { content: "Sadly, this is not
the Onion." }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/OldSchoolCool/"]:after { content: "OldSchoolCool:
History's cool kids, looking fantastic" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/personalfinance/"]:after { content: "personal
finance" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/philosophy/"]:after { content: "philosophy" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/photoshopbattles/"]:after { content: "a place to
have fun with everyone's favorite graphic software" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/pics/"]:after { content: "Reddit Pics" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/science/"]:after { content: "Science" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/Showerthoughts/"]:after { content: "Showerthoughts"
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/space/"]:after { content: "/r/space: news,
articles, images, and discussion" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/sports/"]:after { content: "the sportspage of the
Internet" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/television/"]:after { content: "/r/television - a
premium-quality television subreddit" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/tifu/"]:after { content: "Today I Fucked Up" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/todayilearned/"]:after { content: "Today I Learned
(TIL)" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/TwoXChromosomes/"]:after { content: "You are the
community. You have all the power of the internet to mold it" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/UpliftingNews/"]:after { content: "Uplifting
News" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/videos/"]:after { content: "/r/Videos" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/worldnews/"]:after { content: "World News" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/WritingPrompts/"]:after { content: "Writing
Prompts: Prompts and motivation to create something out of nothing" }

/* reddit admin owned */

.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/announcements/"]:after { content: "Official Reddit

announcements" }
.drop-choices.srdrop a[href$="r/beta/"]:after { content: "Beta testing on" }
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Animals" }
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/* subreddit search page */

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Apple-themed Moderator Tools

by /u/ridddle


#moderation_tools .content { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; }

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margin-top: 5px;
height: 210px;
width: 280px;
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@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2), (min-resolution:192dpi) {

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position: -14px 0; }
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