Hutson Et Al-2015-Journal of Neurochemistry

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JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY | 2015 | 134 | 693703 doi: 10.1111/jnc.


*Shire, Wayne, Pennsylvania, USA

Brains On-Line BV, Groningen, the Netherlands

Abstract choline and histamine efux in pre-frontal cortex and hippo-

Attention decit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurode- campus alone and in combination with the anti-depressant s-
velopmental disorder characterized by poor attention, impulse citalopram. LDX increased cortical acetylcholine efux, an
control and hyperactivity. A signicant proportion of ADHD effect that was not signicantly altered by co-administration of
patients are also co-morbid for other psychiatric problems s-citalopram. Cortical and hippocampal histamine were mark-
including mood disorders and these patients may be managed edly increased by LDX, an effect that was attenuated in the
with a combination of psychostimulants and anti-depressants. hippocampus but not in pre-frontal cortex when co-adminis-
While it is generally accepted that enhanced catecholamine tered with s-citalopram. Taken together, these results suggest
signalling via the action of psychostimulants is likely respon- that efux of acetylcholine and histamine may be involved in
sible for the cognitive improvement in ADHD, other neuro- the therapeutic effects of LDX and are differentially inuenced
transmitters including acetylcholine and histamine may be by the co-administration of s-citalopram.
involved. In the present study, we have examined the effect of Keywords: acetylcholine, attention-decit/hyperactivity
lisdexamfetamine dimesylate (LDX), an amphetamine pro- disorder, histamine, lisdexamfetamine, s-citalopram.
drug that is approved for the treatment of ADHD on acetyl- J. Neurochem. (2015) 134, 693703.

Attention decit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neuro- 2013) and bipolar disorder (Pliszka et al. 2003, Skirrow et al.
developmental disorder that may present in children as young 2012). The pharmacological management of many ADHD
as 5 years old and continue through adolescence and into patients who are also co-morbid for mood disorders relies on
adulthood. ADHD is characterized clinically by three the co-administration of either psychostimulants, including
symptom clusters, impulsivity, hyperactivity and inattention, methylphenidate, D-amphetamine, or non-stimulant medica-
and is managed pharmacologically by the use of psycho- tions, such as atomoxetine and guanfacine, in combination
stimulants such as methylphenidate and D-amphetamine, and with anti-depressants, including the selective serotonin reup-
non-stimulants such as the noradrenergic reuptake inhibitor take inhibitors (SSRIs) (Betts et al. 2014).
atomoxetine and the alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonist guanfa-
cine. The aetiology of ADHD is not fully understood, but
Received November 24, 2014; revised manuscript received March 27,
studies in animals and the use of psychostimulants suggest 2015; accepted April 29, 2015.
that dopamine and noradrenaline signalling play a signicant Address correspondence and reprint requests to Peter H. Hutson,
role in the cognitive and hyperactivity components of the Shire, 725 Chesterbrook Blvd, Wayne, PA 19087, USA. E-mail:
disorder (Pliszka 2005; Arnsten and Pliszka 2011).
A signicant proportion of patients with ADHD are also co- Abbreviations used: aCSF, articial cerebrospinal uid; ADHD,
attention-decit/hyperactivity disorder; AP, anteriorposterior; AUC,
morbid for other psychiatric disorders including mood area under the curve; DV, dorsalventral; LDX, lisdexamfetamine
(Pliszka 2003; Daviss 2008; Biederman et al. 2010), anxiety dimesylate; ML, medial-lateral; MRM, multiple-reaction-monitoring;
(Pliszka et al. 2003, Biederman et al. 2010; Vance et al. MS, mass spectrometry; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

2015 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2015) 134, 693--703 693
694 P. H. Hutson et al.

Studies in animals and patients with mood disorders have has also been shown to increase extracellular dopamine, but
indicated that enhancement of monoamine dysfunction plays commensurate with its pro-drug activity this occurs at a
a central, although not exclusive, role in the management of smaller magnitude over a more prolonged time course and
mood symptoms (Hamon and Blier 2013). Similarly, it is consequently causes less locomotor stimulant activity than an
generally thought that enhanced cortical and hippocampal equi-molar dose of D-amphetamine (Rowley et al. 2012).
monoamine signalling following the administration of psy- Therefore, given the proposed role for both acetylcholine
chostimulants such as D-amphetamine is most likely respon- and histamine in cognitive function and that a signicant
sible for the efcacy across the cognitive symptom domains proportion of ADHD patients are co-morbid for mood
in ADHD. However, these are not the only neurochemical disorder, the aim of the current studies was to determine the
substrates that play a role in cognitive processing. Both the effect on acetylcholine and histamine efux in the ventral
cholinergic (Wilens et al. 1999; Degroot and Parent 2000; hippocampus and pre-frontal cortex of LDX alone and in
Kay 2000; Potter et al. 2006; Day et al. 2007; Alvarez 2009; combination with the SSRI antidepressant s-citalopram, two
Brioni et al. 2011; Savage 2012) and histaminergic (Kay medications that may be co-administered when managing
2000; Day et al. 2007; Alvarez 2009; Brioni et al. 2011; ADHD patients with co-morbid mood symptoms (Pliszka
Kohler et al. 2011) systems have been implicated in 2003; Betts et al. 2014).
learning, memory, attention, arousal and vigilance and,
consequently, may be involved in the cognitive decits in
Materials and methods
ADHD. Consistent with this, histamine H3 receptor antag-
onists, which increase histamine efux via an action on Animals
inhibitory H3 autoreceptors, improve attention and impul- Twenty-ve adult male SpragueDawley rats (Harlan, Horst, the
sivity (Witkin and Nelson 2004; Day et al. 2007). In this Netherlands) were used. Experiments were conducted in strict
regard, it is well documented that D-amphetamine, in addition accordance with EU directive 2010/63/EU and approved by a local
to enhancing catecholamine function, also increased the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Animals were
housed, in a temperature (22  2C) and humidity (55  15%)
extracellular concentration of acetylcholine in several brain
controlled environment on a 12-h light cycle (07:0019:00).
regions including the hippocampus (Day and Fibiger 1992;
Standard diet (RMH-B 2181; AB Diets (Woerden, the Netherlands))
Imperato et al. 1993) and cortex (Day and Fibiger 1992; and water were available ad libitum prior to experimentation.
Arnold et al. 2001; Zmarowski et al. 2007). However, these
ndings (with the exception of Zmarowski et al. (2007) Surgery
should be interpreted with caution as they all included an Rats were anaesthetized using isourane (2% and 500 mL/min O2).
acetylcholinesterase inhibitor in the perfusate, which could For analgesia, Finadyne (1 mg/kg, s.c.) was administered, topical
inuence cholinergic autoreceptor regulation of acetylcholine anaesthesia was applied on the skull using a mixture of bupivacaine
efux and the effect of drugs that modulate acetylcholine and epinephrine. Microdialysis probes (polyacrylonitrile membrane;
efux. In contrast, the effect of D-amphetamine on histamine Brainlink B.V. (Groningen, the Netherlands) were implanted into
efux is less well documented, although increased brain the pre-frontal cortex (4 mm exposed membrane surface; coordi-
histamine efux has been observed following methamphet- nates: anteriorposterior (AP) = +3.4 mm (from bregma); medial-
lateral (ML): +0.8 mm (from midline); dorsalventral (DV):
amine (Ito et al. 1996) and also atomoxetine and methyl-
6.0 mm (from skull) and into the hippocampus (4 mm exposed
phenidate, drugs that increase catecholamine efux in the
membrane surface; coordinates: AP = 5.3 mm (from bregma);
CNS and are used to treat ADHD (Horner et al. 2007; Liu ML: +4.8 mm (from midline); DV: 9.0 mm (from skull), the
et al. 2008). incisor bar was set at 3.3 mm (Paxinos and Watson 2008). The
Lisdexamfetamine dimesylate (LDX) is a D-amphetamine probes were attached to the skull with stainless steel screws and
pro-drug, currently approved for use in ADHD patients dental cement.
6 years and older. LDX comprises the naturally occurring
amino acid L-lysine, linked via an amide bond to D- In-vivo experiments
amphetamine, and is pharmacologically inert in vitro, lacking Experiments started after 1 day of recovery. The microdialysis
afnity for a wide range of molecular targets including g- probes were connected with exible PEEK tubing (PK005-020;
protein-coupled receptors, ion channels, transporters and Western Analytical Products Inc., Lake Elsinore, CA, USA) to a
enzymes (Hutson et al. 2014). Following its absorption into microperfusion pump (Harvard, Holliston, MA, USA) and perfused
with articial cerebrospinal uid (aCSF) perfusate containing
the blood stream, LDX is metabolized by a peptidase
147 mM NaCl, 3.0 mM KCl, 1.2 mM CaCl2 and 1.2 mM MgCl2,
associated with red blood cells to generate D-amphetamine
at a ow rate of 1.5 lL/min. An acetylcholinesterase inhibitor was
and L-lysine (Pennick 2010). The pharmacology of LDXs not included in the aCSF in any experiment. After collection of three
metabolite, D-amphetamine, is well documented (Heal et al. basal samples, LDX or vehicle was administered (t = 20 min) and
2013) and the primary consequence of its multiple molecular subsequently s-citalopram or vehicle at (t = 0 min = start collection
actions is to increase the synaptic availability of dopamine of rst post-dosing sample), samples were collected at 30-min
and noradrenaline in the brain. As might be expected, LDX intervals for 4 h post-administration while the microdialysis probes

2015 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2015) 134, 693--703

LDX and s-citalopram effects on Ach and histamine 695

were perfused continuously. The 20-min LDX pre-treatment time response ratio of histamine and the internal standard suitable
was chosen based on previous studies (Hutson et al. 2014). Samples calibration curves were tted using weighted (1/x) regression, and
were collected into mini-vials (4001029; Microbiotech/se AB, the sample concentrations were determined using these calibration
Stockholm, Sweden) already containing 15 lL of 0.04% ascorbic curves. Accuracy was veried by quality control samples after
acid with 20 mM formic acid using an automated fraction collector each sample series. Concentrations were calculated with AnalystTM
(UV 8301501, TSE, Univentor, Zejtun, Malta). All samples were data system (version 1.5.2; Applied Biosystems).
split into two fractions, one for acetylcholine and one for histamine
analysis. The fractions were stored at 80C until analyses were Drugs
LDX was provided by Shire Pharmaceuticals LLC (Hampshire
After the experiments, the animals were euthanized by an intra- International Business Park Chineham, Basingstoke, Hampshire,
cardial overdose of pentobarbital under isourane anaesthesia (as UK) and was dissolved in deionized water. S-citalopram was
described above). The brains were removed from the skull and obtained from Sigma UK Ltd, Dorset, England and was dissolved in
stored in 4% paraformaldehyde for at least 3 days. The brains were saline. LDX was administered orally (1.5 mg/kg, p.o.) 20 min prior
then sectioned by hand to verify probe positioning. All probes were to the administration of s-citalopram at time = 0 by intraperitoneal
found to be targeted to the brain area of interest. injection (5 mg/kg, i.p.). Doses of LDX (Rowley et al. 2012;
Hutson et al. 2014) and s-citalopram (Marcus et al. 2012) were
Detection and analysis of acetylcholine selected from previously published studies with LDX and from the
Analysis was performed essentially as described by Giorgetti et al. literature, respectively. Both drugs were made up each day within
(2010). Internal standard solution was added to an aliquot of each 2 h of dosing and given using a dose volume of 2 mL/kg body
sample. Samples (5 lL) were injected onto an ion exchange weight. The dose of s-citalopram is expressed as mg/kg base; the
(150 9 2.1 mm, 5 lm) analytical column (Thermo Scientic LDX dose is expressed in terms of D-amphetamine base (salt/base
BioBasic SCX, Keystone, CO, USA) by an automated sample correction factor = 3.37).
injector (SIL-10 ADvp; Shimadzu, Tokyo, Japan). Analytes were
separated using a gradient of ammonium acetate, ammonium Statistical analysis
formate and acetic acid in acetonitrile:ultrapuried H2O (80 : 20 Three pre-administration samples with less than 50% variation were
volume/volume) containing 0.1% formic acid, at a temperature of taken at baseline. Their mean was set at 100%. Data are expressed as
30C. The MS analyses were performed using an API 3000 MS/ percentage of basal level (mean  SEM), within the same subject.
MS system consisting of an API 3000 MS/MS detector and a Prior to performing inter-group analyses, outlier analyses were
Turbo Ion Spray interface (Applied Biosystems, Bleiswijk, the performed. Outliers are dened as samples where relative increase at
Netherlands). The acquisitions on API 3000 were performed in a given time point is outside the 95% condence interval (2 SDs) at
positive ionization mode. The instrument was operated in that time point within the same treatment group. Only these specic
multiple-reaction-monitoring (MRM) mode for detection of the relative levels were excluded from graphing, statistical analysis and
compound (transitions m/z 146.0 and 87.1) and its internal AUC calculation. Compound effects were expressed as area under
standard (transitions m/z 155.3 and 87). the curve (AUC0240 min) of relative levels using the linear
trapezoidal method. Missing data were replaced with the average
Detection and analysis of histamine relative level at the relevant time point within the same treatment
Analysis was performed using a derivatization agent SymDAQTM, group. Statistical analyses were performed on the relative data using
Brainlink B.V. (Groningen, the Netherlands). By interaction with SigmaPlot for Windows version 12 (SPSS Corporation, San Jose,
primary amines SymDAQTM facilitates liquid chromatography and CA, USA). Treatment and time effects were compared, using two-
analysis of a range of monoamine and amino acid neurotrans- way ANOVA for repeated measurements followed by a Student
mitters. The method used was essentially described by Jacobsen NewmanKeuls post hoc test. The effects of the treatment on
et al.(2012) and Hoand et al. (2012). Internal standard solution acetylcholine and histamine concentrations, expressed as AUCs,
was added to an aliquot of each sample. This mixture was were compared using one-way ANOVA followed by a Student
derivatized with SymDAQTM automatically in the autosampler. NewmanKeuls post hoc test. Table 1 shows F and p values of the
After a pre-dened reaction period, the sample (45 lL) was statistical analysis, results of the post hoc tests are given in the
injected. Samples were injected onto a reversed phase results section. The level of statistical signicance was dened a
(2.0 9 100 mm, particle size: 2.5 lm) analytical column (Phe- priori at p < 0.05 for all tests.
nomenex, Utrecht, the Netherlands) by an automated sample
injector (SIL-30AC; Shimadzu). Analytes were separated on a
gradient of acetonitrile and methanol in ammonium formate Results
10 mM + 0.1% formic acid in ultrapure water at a temperature of
Effects of LDX and s-citalopram on cortical and
40C. The MS analyses were performed using an API 4000 MS/
hippocampal acetylcholine efflux
MS system consisting of an API 4000 MS/MS detector and a
Turbo Ion Spray interface (Applied Biosystems). The acquisitions The time course and AUC0240 min values for the change of
on API 4000 were performed in positive ionization mode. The acetylcholine efux following administration of LDX
instrument was operated in MRM mode for detection of the (1.5 mg/kg, p.o) or vehicle at t = 20 min and s-citalopram
derivatized histamine (transitions m/z 357.2 and 314.0) and its (5 mg/kg freebase, i.p.) or vehicle at t = 0 min are shown
internal standard (transitions m/z 361.2 and 318.0). Using the in Fig. 1(a, b, upper panel) and (c, d, lower panel) for

2015 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2015) 134, 693--703

696 P. H. Hutson et al.

Table 1 Summary table of ANOVA results for pre-

ANOVA Source of variation F p
sented data
Acetylcholine Two-way RM Treatment 9 time F24,166 = 8.64 < 0.001
Levels in PFC
Acetylcholine One way Between groups F3,21 = 7.80 0.001
AUC0-240 in
Acetylcholine Two-way RM Treatment 9 time F24,160 = 5.46 < 0.001
Levels in vHipp
Acetylcholine One way Between groups F3,20 = 6.37 0.003
AUC0-240 in vHipp
Histamine Two-way RM Treatment 9 time F24,167 = 4.35 < 0.001
Levels in PFC
Histamine One way Between groups F3,21 = 5.23 0.007
AUC0-240 in PFC
Histamine Two-way RM Treatment 9 time F24,160 = 6.23 < 0.001
Levels in vHipp
Histamine One way Between groups F3,20 = 9.76 < 0.001
AUC0-240 in vHipp

For all analysis all groups were initially compared in a one-way or two-way repeated measures
ANOVA. Based on the outcome, the specic interactions were determined using a Student
NewmanKeuls post hoc test. Results of the post hoc analysis are described in more detail in
the results section.

pre-frontal cortex and the ventral hippocampus, respectively. animals (Fig. 1b). As with the LDX/vehicle group, mean
Basal acetylcholine concentrations are given in Table 2. AUC0240 min acetylcholine efux in the LDX/s-citalopram
Administration of vehicle caused a transient and non- group was signicantly different (p = 0.006) from vehicle/
signicant increase of pre-frontal cortex acetylcholine efux vehicle-treated rats (Fig. 1b).
to approximately 155% of baseline values at t = 30 min and In ventral hippocampus, vehicle administration caused a
which returned to normal levels at t = 60 min (Fig. 1a). S- transient and non-signicant increase in acetylcholine efux
citalopram (5 mg/kg freebase, i.p.) caused a small, transient to approximately 117% of baseline values at t = 30 min
increase of acetylcholine efux at t = 30 min which was and which returned to normal levels at t = 60 min
comparable to that observed in the vehicle-treated animals (Fig. 1c). S-citalopram also transiently increased (125%
(Fig. 1a). When compared using the AUC0240 min values, of basal) acetylcholine efux at t = 0 min but then values
there was no signicant difference between s-citalopram and declined below vehicle control values and remained at
vehicle-treated rats (Fig. 1b). LDX caused a time-related these levels for the duration of the study. The decrease was
increase of acetylcholine efux which was signicantly signicantly lower (p < 0.05) than vehicle controls at
(p < 0.05) greater than vehicle-treated animals between t = 90 min (Fig. 1c). This change was reected in the
t = 60 and 210 min. A maximum value of 208% of basal mean AUC0240 min value which was numerically lower but
was reached at t = 60 min after which values declined to not signicantly different from the mean AUC0240 min
basal values at t = 240 min (Fig. 1a). This increase in value for vehicle-treated rats (Fig. 1d). In contrast to the
acetylcholine efux was reected in the AUC0240 min values effects in the pre-frontal cortex, LDX caused a small
which were signicantly (p = 0.021) higher than vehicle- increase of hippocampal acetylcholine efux reaching a
treated animals (Fig. 1b). maximum of ~ 143% of basal values at t = 90 min which
In animals treated with LDX and s-citalopram, acetylcho- was sustained for 210 min and then returned to basal
line efux increased along a similar time course to that values at t = 240 min (Fig. 1c). This effect of LDX was
shown by the LDX/vehicle group with the exception that only signicantly different (p < 0.05) from vehicle-treated
efux values did not decline at t = 240 min; in fact, animals at t = 180 min. The overall effect of LDX on
acetylcholine efux was highest at this time point (230% hippocampal acetylcholine efux was reected in the
of basal) and was signicantly (p < 0.05) greater than AUC0240 min value which was not signicantly different
vehicle-treated rats between t = 60 and 240 min (Fig. 1a). from vehicle-treated animals (Fig. 1d). In rats administered
This extended effect on acetylcholine efux was reected in LDX and s-citalopram, acetylcholine efux was signi-
the mean AUC0240 min value, which was numerically higher cantly (p < 0.05) greater than vehicle-treated rats between
but not signicantly different from LDX/vehicle-treated t = 120 and 240 min. A maximal value of ~ 205% of basal

2015 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2015) 134, 693--703

LDX and s-citalopram effects on Ach and histamine 697

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 1 Effect of vehicle or lisdexamfetamine dimesylate (LDX) PFC data from vehicle + LDX group where n = 7). AUC0240 min data
(1.5 mg/kg, p.o.) given at t = 20 min and vehicle or s-citalopram are expressed as mean  SEM (n = 6 per group, except for PFC data
(5 mg/kg freebase, i.p.) given at t = 0 min on the acetylcholine efux from vehicle + LDX group where n = 7). *p < 0.05 LDX + s-citalopram
time course (a and c) and area under the curve (AUC0240 min) (b and compared with vehicle + vehicle, p < 0.05 LDX + s-citalopram
d) in the pre-frontal cortex (a and b) and ventral hippocampus (c and d). compared with vehicle + LDX. Arrows indicate time(s) of administra-
Time course data are expressed as mean  SEM (half error bars are tion.
shown for clarity), % of baseline values, (n = 6 per group, except for

Table 2 Basal extracellular concentrations of acetylcholine and hista-

mine in the pre-frontal cortex and hippocampus Effects of LDX and s-citalopram on cortical and
hippocampal histamine efflux
Pre-frontal cortex Hippocampus The time course and AUC0240 min values for the change of
Concentration (nM) (n = 25) (n = 24) histamine efux following administration of LDX (1.5 mg/
kg, p.o.) or vehicle at t = 20 min and s-citalopram (5 mg/
Acetylcholine 2.71  0.26 1.15  0.08
kg freebase, i.p.) or vehicle at t = 0 min are shown in
Histamine 3.88  0.41 2.16  0.26
Fig. 2(a, b, upper panel) and (c, d, lower panel) for
pre-frontal cortex and the ventral hippocampus respectively.
was reached at t = 180 min where it was sustained for the Basal concentrations of histamine efux are given in
duration of the study (Fig. 1c). The overall effect of LDX Table 2.
in combination with s-citalopram on hippocampal acetyl- Administration of vehicle transiently and non-signicantly
choline efux was reected in the AUC0240 min value increased histamine efux to 151% of baseline values at
which was signicantly (p = 0.046) different from vehicle- t = 30 min which returned to control values at t = 150 min
treated animals and was numerically higher but not (Fig. 2a). S-citalopram (5 mg/kg freebase, i.p.) transiently
signicantly different when compared with LDX-treated and non-signicantly increased histamine efux reaching a
rats (Fig. 1d). maximal value of 197% of basal, at t = 30 min and which

2015 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2015) 134, 693--703

698 P. H. Hutson et al.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 2 Effect of vehicle or lisdexamfetamine dimesylate (LDX) PFC data from vehicle + LDX group where n = 7). AUC0240 min data
(1.5 mg/kg, p.o.) given at t = 20 min and vehicle or s-citalopram are expressed as mean  SEM (n = 6 per group, except for PFC data
(5 mg/kg freebase, i.p.) given at t = 0 min on the histamine efux time from vehicle + LDX group where n = 7). *p < 0.05 LDX + s-citalopram
course (a and c) and area under the curve (AUC0240 min) (b and d) in compared with vehicle + vehicle, p < 0.05 LDX + s-citalopram
the pre-frontal cortex (a and b) and ventral hippocampus (c and d). compared with vehicle + LDX. Arrows indicate time(s) of administra-
Time course data are expressed as mean  SEM (half error bars are tion.
shown for clarity), % of baseline values, (n = 6 per group, except for

then declined to control values at t = 90 min (Fig. 2a). tration on pre-frontal cortex histamine efux was reected in
Accordingly, there was no signicant difference in mean the mean AUC0240 min value which was not signicantly
AUC0240 min values between s-citalopram and vehicle- different from the vehicle/vehicle group and was numerically
treated rats (Fig. 2b). In contrast, LDX caused a time-related lower but not signicantly different from LDX/vehicle-
increase of histamine efux which was signicantly treated animals (Fig. 2b).
(p < 0.05) greater than vehicle-treated animals between Similar to that seen in the pre-frontal cortex, vehicle
t = 60 and 240 min and reached a maximum of ~ 250% of administration caused a small (~ 150% of basal), non-
basal at t = 90 min after which it declined towards basal signicant and transient increase of ventral hippocampus
values at t = 240 min (Fig. 2a). The increase above vehicle histamine efux which was maximal 30 min after adminis-
controls was reected in the mean AUC0240 min value which tration and returned to control values at t = 150 min
was signicantly (p < 0.014) higher than vehicle-treated (Fig. 2c). S-citalopram transiently and non-signicantly
animals (Fig. 2b). In animals treated with LDX and increased histamine efux, reaching a maximal value of
s-citalopram, histamine efux increased over the 240 min 183% of basal at t = 30 min and which then declined to
time course and was signicantly higher than vehicle control values at t = 90 min (Fig. 2c). The lack of effect of
controls between t = 180 and 210 min; however, the max- s-citalopram compared with vehicle-treated rats on
imal value attained at 120 min was only ~ 190% of basal hippocampal acetylcholine efux was reected in the mean
(Fig. 2a). The overall effect of LDX/s-citalopram adminis- AUC0240 min values (Fig. 2d). LDX caused a time-related

2015 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2015) 134, 693--703

LDX and s-citalopram effects on Ach and histamine 699

increase of histamine efux which was signicantly 1992, 1994; Imperato et al. 1993), an effect that was blocked
(p < 0.05) greater than vehicle-treated animals between by the D1 receptor antagonist SCH23390 (Day and Fibiger
t = 60 and 240 min and reached a maximum of 271% of 1994), so it was surprising that LDX failed to do so.
basal at t = 150 min after which it declined towards basal However, all of the previous studies employed the use of an
values at t = 240 min (Fig. 2c). The overall effect of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor in the aCSF and hence direct
LDX on hippocampal histamine efux was reected in the comparison with our own studies with LDX in the absence of
AUC0240 min value which was signicantly (p < 0.001) an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor is difcult for the reasons
different from vehicle/vehicle-treated animals (Fig. 2d). In outlined above. To our knowledge, there are no studies that
rats administered LDX/s-citalopram, histamine efux have systematically examined the effect of amphetamine on
increased over the 240 min time course and was signicantly cortical and hippocampal acetylcholine efux with and
higher than vehicle controls between t = 120 and 240 min; without an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor in the aCSF. The
however, the maximal value attained at 120 min was only reasons for the lack of effect of LDX in the hippocampus are
190% of basal which was sustained for the duration of the not clear at present.
study (Fig. 2c). The overall smaller effect of LDX/s-citalop- In the current study, s-citalopram had no effect on acetyl-
ram administration on hippocampal histamine efux was choline efux in the cortex and slightly reduced efux in the
reected in the mean AUC0240 min value which was not hippocampus. As with the effects of D-amphetamine, it is
signicantly different from the vehicle/vehicle group but was difcult to compare the effects of s-citalopram on acetylcho-
signicantly different (p = 0.019) from LDX/vehicle-treated line efux in cortex and hippocampus in the current study with
animals (Fig. 2d). previous reports where different SSRIs and acetylcholinester-
ase inhibitors were used. Furthermore, there appear to be no
systematic investigations of how acetylcholinesterase inhibi-
tion may inuence SSRI-induced changes of acetylcholine
Results in the present study demonstrate that LDX (1.5 mg/ efux in these brain regions. Notwithstanding these caveats,
kg) increased acetylcholine efux in the cortex but not in the results in the current study with s-citalopram appear to be
hippocampus. The present experiments were conducted consistent with previous observations showing a lack of effect
without the inclusion of an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor in on hippocampal or cortical acetylcholine efux following the
the aCSF which has been used previously to articially raise systemic administration of the SSRIs uoxetine (Hirano et al.
the extracellular acetylcholine concentration. However, this 1995; Degroot and Nomikos 2005) and citalopram (Egashira
may inuence cholinergic auto- and heteroreceptor function et al. 2006).
and hence drug-induced effects on acetylcholine efux, as The lack of effect of SSRIs on acetylcholine efux is of
was shown in the striatum where amphetamine failed to interest as these agents show limited effects in treating
increase acetylcholine efux when a low but not a higher cognitive symptoms in major depression (Jeon et al. 2014;
concentration of neostigmine was used in the aCSF (Acquas Keefe et al. 2014) despite their pronounced effects on
and Fibiger 1998). In the case of cortical or hippocampal enhancing forebrain monoamine availability (Owen and
acetylcholine efux, there are no similar systematic studies to Whitton 2006; Fernandez-Pastor et al. 2013; Kaminska
investigate the effect of acetylcholinesterase inhibition on et al. 2013; Ortega et al. 2013). Clearly, enhancing forebrain
drug-induced responses. However, the effect of similar doses monoamine function alone by SSRIs appears to be insuf-
of D-amphetamine and LDX (present study) on cortical cient to broadly improve cognitive dysfunction in major
acetylcholine efux were comparable and appeared not to be depression. More recently, Mork et al. (2013) found that
affected by the presence (Arnold et al. 2000) or absence vortioxetine, a clinically effective anti-depressant, also
(Zmarowski et al. 2007) of an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. improved episodic memory and increased cortical acetyl-
It is unclear how LDX (or D-amphetamine)-induced choline efux; however, this compound has broad pharma-
increases of acetylcholine efux in cortex and hippocampus cological activity in addition to serotonin reuptake inhibition,
are mediated, and additional studies would be required to be which may explain its neurochemical and behavioural effects
conducted under similar conditions (i.e. absence of an (Pehrson et al. 2013), and acetylcholine efux was deter-
acetylcholinesterase inhibitor). Interestingly, the potential mined in the presence of an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor,
role of noradrenaline in mediating the amphetamine-induced thereby articially elevating the extracellular concentration
increase of acetylcholine efux has been less extensively of acetylcholine.
explored, although Moroni et al. (1983) showed that The effects of combining LDX and s-citalopram on
noradrenaline decreased acetylcholine efux in the cortex, acetylcholine efux in the cortex essentially reected the
so it seems unlikely that noradrenaline release by LDX effect of LDX alone with the exception of a marked decrease
would contribute to this effect, at least in cortex. of acetylcholine concentration at 240 min in the LDX/
D-Amphetamine has previously been demonstrated to vehicle group, which was not observed in the LDX+s-
increase hippocampal acetylcholine efux (Day and Fibiger citalopram group. While this represents a statistically signif-

2015 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2015) 134, 693--703

700 P. H. Hutson et al.

icant difference between the groups at this time point, the LDX alone. The reason for the smaller increase in histamine
reasons for which are uncertain, it does not affect the overall efux following combined administration of LDX and s-
drug effect when compared using the AUC data. In the citalopram is unclear, but these data suggest that cortical and
hippocampus, the combination of s-citalopram and LDX hippocampal histamine efux following combined adminis-
signicantly increased acetylcholine efux at specic time tration of LDX and s-citalopram is still greater than vehicle
points (120240 min) and overall (AUC) when compared controls but may be attenuated when compared with LDX
with vehicle controls, although this effect was not signi- alone.
cantly greater than LDX alone when examined over The signicance of the increase in acetylcholine and
the whole time course, largely because the increase in histamine following LDX in relation to its therapeutic effects
acetylcholine only occurred 2 h after administration. It is in the management of ADHD is unknown. The cell bodies of
conceivable that with a greater number of animals per cholinergic neurons originate in the nucleus of the diagonal
treatment group, more pronounced interaction effects would band, nucleus basalis, substantia inominata and the septum
have been observed. Importantly, the effect of combining and project to several forebrain structures, including the
these two drugs did not diminish the effects of LDX alone, cortex and hippocampus. The effects of acetylcholine release
suggesting that cortical and hippocampal acetylcholine efux are mediated by both g-protein-coupled muscarinic and
may be enhanced in patients treated with both drugs. ionotropic nicotinic receptors of which there are multiple
In the present study, LDX caused a large, sustained subtypes that are present on pre- and post-synaptic neurons.
increase in cortical and hippocampal histamine efux, which Acetylcholine has been shown to play a signicant role in
is consistent with previous studies of methamphetamine in arousal and in learning and memory as evidenced by the
the striatum (Ito et al. 1996) methylphenidate and atomoxe- successful use of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for the
tine in the cortex (Horner et al. 2007; Liu et al. 2008). The treatment of cognitive dysfunction in Alzheimers disease
effect of methamphetamine on striatal histamine efux (Wilkinson et al. 2004) and in cognitive function in animal
appears to be mediated via an indirect action of dopamine models (Prickaerts et al. 2005). Of note, cholinesterase
on D2 receptors (Ito et al. 1996), and while a similar dose of inhibitors (Wilens et al. 2000; Doyle et al. 2006) and
LDX increased both dopamine and noradrenaline efux in nicotinic receptor agonists (Wilens et al. 1999; Potter et al.
the cortex (Rowley et al. 2014), it is unknown at this time if 2006, 2014; Day et al. 2007; Apostol et al. 2012) have been
the effect of LDX on histamine efux in these regions is examined for efcacy in ADHD albeit with mixed success, in
indirectly mediated by dopamine and/or noradrenaline. some cases probably due to the poor tolerability of the drugs
Unlike vortioxetine, which increased cortical histamine used.
efux (Mork et al. 2013), s-citalopram had no effect on Histamine-containing neurons originate from a single
histamine efux beyond that of vehicle administration in group of cell bodies located in the tuberomammillary nucleus
either brain region. It is possible that the effects of (Panula et al. 1989) but project widely throughout the brain
vortioxetine on histamine efux are mediated by pharmacol- innervating monoamine-containing cell bodies and forebrain
ogy other than serotonin reuptake inhibition (Pehrson et al. regions. As with acetylcholine, histamine is also thought to
2013), although this is currently unknown and studies with play a signicant role in arousal and cognitive function (Kay
other SSRIs appear to be lacking. The lack of effect of s- 2000; Witkin and Nelson 2004; Day et al. 2007; Alvarez
citalopram on histamine efux may contribute to its limited 2009; Brioni et al. 2011; Kohler et al. 2011). The effects of
efcacy in ameliorating cognitive dysfunction in mood histamine are mediated via three g-protein-coupled receptors
disorders (Jeon et al. 2014). (H1, H2, H3) which are localized in many forebrain regions.
Interestingly, the combination of LDX and s-citalopram Of particular relevance, H3 receptors are pre-synaptic
appeared to result in a non-signicant attenuation of autoreceptors on histamine terminals, which regulate the
histamine efux in the cortex. There was a signicant release of histamine, but they also exist as heteroreceptors
increase above vehicle controls at later time points but the regulating dopamine (Medhurst et al. 2007; Esbenshade
overall change as reected by AUC was not signicantly et al. 2012), serotonin, noradrenaline (Medhurst et al. 2007;
different from either vehicle or LDX alone. It is conceivable Dremencov et al. 2011) and acetylcholine (Bacciottini et al.
that with a greater number of animals per treatment group, 2002; Medhurst et al. 2007; Esbenshade et al. 2012) release
more pronounced interaction effects would have been in several brain regions including cortex and hippocampus.
observed. A similar pattern was observed in hippocampus Surprisingly, and despite their relevant neurochemical and
with histamine efux in the LDX + s-citalopram group being behavioural prole, histamine H3 inverse agonists/antago-
signicantly higher than vehicle controls at time points 120 nists have failed to show efcacy in patients with ADHD
240 min but the magnitude was signicantly less than that (Herring et al. 2012; Weisler et al. 2012).
produced by LDX alone at timepoints 60180 min. When While the predominant effects of drugs that are used to
compared over the full time course, the AUC data revealed a treat ADHD are monoaminergic, it is conceivable that
signicant attenuation of histamine efux compared with increased acetylcholine and or histamine transmission by the

2015 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2015) 134, 693--703

LDX and s-citalopram effects on Ach and histamine 701

action of psychostimulants may play a role in improving the medial septum-diagonal band complex increases the release
cognitive function in ADHD (Horner et al. 2007; Liu et al. of acetylcholine from the hippocampus: a dual-probe microdialysis
study in the freely moving rat. Eur. J. Neurosci. 15, 1669
2008) and the present study showed that LDX increased the
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Furthermore, the present study indicates that when LDX was M. H. and Wu E. Q. (2014) Period prevalence of concomitant
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management of comorbid mood symptoms in ADHD), the with attention-decit/hyperactivity disorder during 2009. J. Child.
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changes of acetylcholine and histamine were still present,
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Consequently, if these transmitters contribute to the overall psychiatric outcomes of girls with attention decit hyperactivity
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M. D. (2011) Discovery of histamine H3 antagonists for the
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J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 336, 3846.
Daviss W. B. (2008) A review of co-morbid depression in pediatric
Acknowledgments and conflict of interest ADHD: etiology, phenomenology, and treatment. J. Child.
disclosure Adolesc. Psychopharmacol. 18, 565571.
Day J. and Fibiger H. C. (1992) Dopaminergic regulation of cortical
Complete Healthcare Communications, Inc. (CHC; Chadds Ford, acetylcholine release. Synapse 12, 281286.
PA, USA) provided support in formatting, proofreading and Day J. C. and Fibiger H. C. (1994) Dopaminergic regulation of
copyediting this manuscript. This study was conducted by Brains septohippocampal cholinergic neurons. J. Neurochem. 63,
On-Line BV (Groningen, the Netherlands), with funding provided 20862092.
from Shire Development LLC (Wayne, PA). Shire Development Day M., Pan J. B., Buckley M. J., Cronin E., Hollingsworth P. R., Hirst
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