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Neal Hoover

Dr. Stuart

Literature for Young Adults

3 October 2017

Hey, Brian great game last Friday! The team really played well! Im really glad I ran into

you, Ive been wanting to talk to you. I know free time is tough for you right now with football

being in-season, but I think if you could make some time to pick up Woods Runner by Gary

Paulsen youd really enjoy the read. I know youre big into hunting and the outdoors, and in

this story the main character, Samuel, a wood runner for a small British colony in America is out

hunting and gathering for his village when Iroquois and British red coats attack. When Samuel

returns, the colony has been sacked and people are dead or missing. Among the missing are

Samuels parents, who he must track down and find before its too late. I really think youll

enjoy this book because of its background in nature and it does give you a little insight into the

history of our nation, which I know is your favorite subject. If you enjoy this book, Gary Paulsen

has a plethora of award winning books including Hatchet, and Brians Return which are two

books of a series in which a teen-aged Brian has to survive on his own in the wild after a plane

crash in which he was the lone survivor. I read the entire series when I was in school and

absolutely loved them! Let me know what you think of the book!
Neal Hoover

Dr. Stuart

Literature for Young Adults

3 October 2017

In choosing this book I had a student similar to myself when I was in high school in mind.

I was often playing sports year-round and enjoyed being outside more than stuck in a


Gives the student an opportunity to read, but has a basis in history if the idea of reading

doesnt appeal enough to them.

Could pair it with stories and biographies of Daniel Boone, Davy Crocket, etc.

Good opportunity to co-teach with a history teacher and do a combined project

o Potentially do a video project, or something that allows the students to use

creativity rather than a traditional writing prompt

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