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Journal #3

Listen to or read at least 4 other essays ON THE This I Believe website

In your JOURNAL tell me which ones you read or listened to (Author, title and link). What did you
like about them? What "theme" did you find them? What was their thesis? What kind of support
did they give? How can you relate your essay to "their" essay?
There Is More to Life Than My Life by Jamaica Ritcher

What did I like? This story is happy. Its very positive.

Theme? Positive

Thesis? There really is no explanation for death, so find a belief to guide yourself through life.

Support? I tell her that when animals, including people, die, they are usually put into the ground
and that their bodies become the grasses, flowers and trees. To me this is support. However
your dog or cat may not be here anymore, I like the feeling of knowing that their bodies become

How can I relate? When my first dog died, I was only about 5 or 6. I couldnt understand it. My
parents kind of explained it the same way the author is in this story.
My Home Is New Orleans by Mike Miller

What did I like? I like how he pointed out all the flaws of New Orleans but then explained why he
didnt ever want to leave.

Theme? Hopeful

Thesis? Home is where the heart is, despite what people may think or say.

Support? This made me think about whether or not I want to move away from my hometown. I
dont like Waxhaw, but its where I grew up and theres no other place Id rather call home.

How can I relate? I honestly dont think I will ever be able to move to far away from Waxhaw.
Waxhaw is all Ive ever known.
Live Your Life So That You Will Have No Regrets by Nancy Yucius

What did I like? I like how she described her mother's life and advice to her and then started
explaining her life and her illness.

Theme? Family, Illness

Thesis? Live Your Life So That You Will Have No Regrets

Support? Live your life to the fullest, spend time with family, love one another.

How can I relate? My mother has always encouraged to have little regrets in life.
The Necessity of Compassion by Kevin Myers

What did I like? I liked how he described his childhood and how he is so forgiving.

Theme? Forgiveness, empathy and compassion.

Thesis? Forgive and forget, and have compassion for people who have wronged you.

Support? This is a lesson. It is very hard to forgive and forget, especially for people who have hurt
you, but its a great feeling to be the bigger person in a situation.

How can I relate? I have had plenty of times where I have forgave someone and forgotten. I also
have experienced people putting me down or just not meeting up to their expectations but I
always try and have compassion for them because you dont know their background or what
theyve gone through that day.

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