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The Sorcerer

This document provides suggestions and insights into how to translate the ideas of the
Sorcerer class from the source material into Path nder Fate Accelerated.
"Scions of innately magical bloodlines, the
Sample Iconics
chosen of deities, the spawn of monsters,
pawns of fate and destiny, or simply ukes of Ilsa, Voxel, Royce
ckle magic, sorcerers look within themselves
for arcane prowess and draw forth might few Starting Archetype Sets
mortals can imagine.
Emboldened by lives ever threatening to be
Arcane +4
consumed by their innate powers, these magic-
touched souls endlessly indulge in and re ne
their mysterious abilities, gradually learning Arcane +3, Roguish +1
how to harness their birthright and coax forth Spellblade
ever greater arcane feats. Arcane +3, Combative +1
Just as varied as these innately powerful Primordial
spellcasters' abilities and inspirations are the
Arcane +3, Primal +1
ways in which they choose to utilize their gifts.
While some seek to control their abilities
through meditation and discipline, becoming Support / Utility
masters of their fantastic birthright, others give The source material o ers sorcerers as
in to their magic, letting it rule their lives with full casting utility characters with an array
often explosive results." of options including bu ng, debu ng,
Archetype Considerations and control spells.
Arcane is the only Archetype a sorcerer Blaster
has to concern themselves with; everything A sorcerer can serve as a blaster,
else is optional. loading up on ranged damage spells.
To be considered a sorcerer (and not There is a point of view among
some other hybrid concept), a character Path nder grognards that blasting is not
should start with at least Arcane +3. an optimal strategy for a full arcane
Arcane +3 allows unrestricted spell caster, but it can be a fun way to go
casting using the simple magic guidelines, nonetheless and it is the rare sorcerer
which you should read rst if you are who doesn't have at least one or two
serious about playing a spellcaster. Free ranged damage spells.
casting is the norm in Path nder Fate Bloodlines
Accelerated, so there is no need to concern Sorcerers are able to choose a bloodline
yourself with "known spells". in the source material, from which their
For a standard starting character, this innate magical abilities manifests. Each
leaves only the decision of where to put the bloodline o ers some thematic abilities,
nal +1. and they provide a signi cant way to
individualize sorcerers.
A hyper-specialized, dedicated sorcerer Diverging From Source Material
will go all in on Arcane +4, but putting a +1 The sorcerer is a solid and exible class
into one of the other Archetypes goes a in the source material...indeed, it is often
long way towards suggesting a more considered to be among the most
interesting background for the character. powerful base classes in the game. But
Roguish +1 is a great choice for a Path nder Fate Accelerated o ers even
resourceful sorcerer who knows their way more exibility to personalize your
around civilized lands, has some people sorcerer to make a character that is as
skills, and is familiar with the use of distinctive as they are capable.
daggers, crossbows, slings, and the like. Free casting is the default in Path nder
Combative +1 is a great choice for a Fate Accelerated, so there is no need to
sorcerer who knows which end of a worry about "known spells" for your
weapon to point towards an enemy. It also sorcerer. Decide what kind of e ects are
opens the door to becoming a magus or appropriate for your sorcerer to cast, and
something similar later on. self-police on any urges to cast spells that
Primal +1 is a less common choice don't make sense per your character's
overall, but could make perfect sense for shtick.
sorcerers of certain bloodlines. You are free to personalize your
For instance, the aquatic, boreal, fey, sorcerer with abilities suited to a concept
elemental, and verdant bloodlines require such as a bloodline. As a player interested
Primal +1. in expressing their creativity you should
rst check with your GM to determine
Focused +1 is a very solid and safe choice
what they will and wont allow.
for an adaptable sorcerer. Also, it goes well
with bloodlines that o er innate physical or You can also opt to dispense with the
esoteric abilities. idea of a bloodline altogether, and just
make a straight up arcane spellcaster
For instance, the imperious and destined
with no frippery.
bloodlines require Focused +1.
Divine +1 is perhaps the most unusual
choice, and would most likely be taken
purely for concept reasons or something
like the celestial bloodline.

Approach Considerations
Sorcerers are diverse, and thus all Approaches are equally viable, depending upon what
sort of sorcerer is being represented. Sorcerers are ultimately great individualists, and
thus they defy easy stereotyping. Having said that, many sorcerers are Flashy with their
overt magic and strange bloodlines.
Blasting sorcerers will tend to favor Flashy or Forceful , while the more charming sort
opt for Sneaky or Clever .
Some sorcerers are Careful , or Quick but not in any statistically normative ways.

What Kind Of Sorcerer, Exactly?

Generally speaking, when de ning a character in Path nder Fate Accelerated that you
envision falling into the sorcerer category, you might start out by asking yourself the
following questions:

1. What role do I want my sorcerer to ll?

2. Does my sorcerer have a bloodline, and if so how signi cant is the bloodline

3. Does my sorcerer focus more on spellcasting or on other abilities?

4. Is my sorcerer a swiss army knife spellcaster or does their magic have a theme?

A sorcerer can be individualized to ll a variety of roles, and you get to decide what
role you want your sorcerer to attempt to ll.
You might intend for your sorcerer to be optimized for con icts. Or perhaps you
want to play more of a smooth operator who opts for more subtle resolutions via
stealth, guile, and / or charm. Or you might want your sorcerer to be a problem-solver
or "support" character who is either specialized to address a particular niche or
generalized to have a broad range of "utility" allowing them to adapt to emerging
challenges that the group might face in their adventures. And of course, your sorcerer
might attempt to ll more than one role or not be intentionally designed to t any
particular role as you prefer.

Voxel is a cryptic cypher who reveals little of what he is actually thinking,

possesses an imperative air of command with expectations of immediate
obedience, and shows a callous disregard for the feelings of others.
Voxel's arcane mastery is impressive; he focuses his magic via Words of Power
uttered by his darkly melli uous voice, and few things can stand between him and
his goals for long. Voxel is a leader, not a follower, and he knows how to get things
done. He takes no more risks than are necessary, but he is well prepared for
con ict. Voxel is also well practiced at in uencing the minds of others as necessary
to get what he wants.

Bloodline Or No Bloodline?
You should decide if you want your
The source material added in the
character to have bloodline oriented
concept of bloodlines to di erentiate
abilties, or drop the concept altogether as
sorcerers from wizards, and to round
you prefer.
out the class with interesting thematic
If you do want to incorporate a bloodline abilities. This addition made sense, as
concept into your sorcerer, you can use the idea of bloodlines is internally
one of the bloodlines described in the consistent with the source material's
source material for inspiration or come premise that sorcerers are born with an
up with your own idea. inherited connection to magic.
If you do opt for a bloodline, it will The addition of sorcerous bloodlines in
probably in uence your High Concept. the source is a feature that o ers a
You may also want to anchor your mechanical solution to a class
bloodline concept with at least one Stunt. di erentiation problem, and also a
Alternately you might choose one of the conceptual solution by anchoring a
bloodline Stunt sets provided as premise that was previously stated to be
examples, which bundle thematic Stunts true in D&D 3e but was meaningless as
together. anything other than a roleplaying
And nally, you might also incorporate suggestion due to being pure u .
your bloodline into your Trouble; for
instance a person of Abyssal bloodline In Path nder Fate Accelerated the
might experience complications in their mechanical impetus for bloodlines
life. o ers no relevance or bene t.
This leaves only the conceptual facet of
Ilsa is a survivor of the Worldwound, bloodlines, and thus the decision to
descended from a once mighty family incorporate a bloodline into your
of lost Sarkoris, and inheritor of potent
character is one based entirely upon
boreal magics with a deep af nity for
cold and ice. your character concept.

Ilsa's people have fought tirelessly in If a particular bloodline helps you to

the ensuing years in the Mendevian realize your character concept, take it.
Crusades, vainly struggling to push If the bloodline idea is not relevant to
back the tide of evil seeping into the
your character concept, ignore the
entire idea of bloodlines and make the
The wars have ground her family to
character you want to play.
dust and bones; Ilsa is the last alive
and she has had enough, abandoning
the futile dream and seeking a new
future elsewhere.

Pure Spellcaster Or Thematic Hybrid?

The third question is about re ning your character concept; it will mostly in uence
your choice of Archetypes and your Stunt selections.
If a bloodline is an important part of your character concept and you want to take
some thematic abilities as Stunts and perhaps slide a +1 into a Archetype other than
Arcane, it will make your sorcerer more interesting and distinctive but it does reduce
your sorcerer's focus on spellcasting.
Of course, this decision is relevant even for sorcerers that eshew the bloodline
concept. There are all sorts of interesting directions to explore with the design of an
individual sorcerer, but nding a balance between spellcasting potency and other
abilities is key.
Generic Generalist Spellcaster Or Conceptual Specialist?
The fourth question is asking you to think about what kind of spells your sorcerer can
cast. Path nder Fate Accelerated doesn't impose restrictions on your spell choices; if
your character has a high enough Arcane Archetype you are allowed to attempt to cast
any spell you want unless the GM says no.
However, it can be a lot more rewarding and fun to self-impose a theme or shtick to
your sorcerer and attempt to solve problems while staying within it. This can inspire
you to creativity, and make your sorcerer seem a lot more interesting. Consider giving
it a try.
Alternately you may prefer to have a list of known spells to operate from for
convenience; not everyone is comfortable with coming up with things on the y and
that's ok. Feel free to make a list of known spells with sample spell write-ups and run
with it, but remember that it is just a list of convenience and not a restriction that you
can't deviate from.

Royce is a dangerously curious trickster, burglar, mountebank, and Gnome-about-

town who uses illusions and deceit in the course of his daring heists and cons. His
inability to do anything in a direct and honest way leads to all sorts of unlikely
While he does know a bare handful of general purpose spells, it is Royce's mastery
of illusions that de nes his magic use. His illusions range from the simple to the
elaborate, and the ease with which he slips them into place in the most innocuous
of ways makes it very dif cult for any unsuspecting victims to know for sure what
is real and what is not when they are in Royce's vicinity.

Sorcerer characters might nd the following Stunt categories of interest: Arcanist, Special,
Innate, Bloodline.
The following Stunts are o ered as samples that might be relevant for some
However, the best Stunts are those that are tailor made to t your concept, so don't
hesitate to come up with your own or work with your GM to de ne something that is
"just right" for your character. See the Stunt options document for ideas on how to do

Arcane Aegis : Because I have mastered protecting myself with magic, I may use
Arcane to defend against physical attacks without needing to rst create an
advantage to invoke.

Arcane Archery : Because I am an Arcane Archer, when I am Cleverly Arcane and

use a bow and arrow I get +2 when I attack and the attack is considered to be
magic rather than mundane.

Arcane Bolts : Because I have mastered the art of Arcane Bolts, I gain +2 when I am
Flashily Arcane and attack with ranged magic.
Arcane Senses : Because I have developed my arcane senses to impressive heights,
I may use Arcane instead of Focused to notice or perceive things and I can sense
things that require mystical awareness to detect.
This stunt requires Arcane +1 or better to use.

Chained Lightning : Because I am able to project a bolt of lighting that jumps from
target to target, once per session when I am Flashily Arcane and attack I may
a ect all enemy targets in my zone without having to split my shifts between

Fireburst : Because I am able to cause a mystical explosion to occur, once per

session when I am Flashily Arcane and attack I may a ect all targets in up to two
contiguous adjacent zones without having to split my shifts between them. This
is non-discriminatory, and often causes collateral damage.

Hedge Arcanist : Because I practice a more ancient form of Arcane magic that
remains connected to the natural world, while Arcane I can cast spells that
replicate e ects that are usually the province of Primal. Further, I may also add
my Primal capability modi er as a bonus to my roll when I do so.
This stunt requires Primal +1 or better to use.

Heed Me! : Because I have a magical knack that allows me to augment my spoken
voice with enchanting magics I may use Arcane for social interactions if I can talk
and my target can hear me. I am resisted by Arcane when I do so. This is a form
of mind-a ecting magic.
This stunt requires Arcane +1 or better to use.

Levitation : Because I have mastered the art of mystic levitation, while I am Flashily
Arcane I may attempt to overcome a Superb (+5) di culty to create the
situational Aspect Levitating on myself. While this Aspect is in play I may levitate;
while levitating I am una ected by obstacles that I can levitate over, and I can
hover out of easy reach of the ground thus frustrating melee attackers. This
Aspect can be overcome by appropriate magic, with a Legendary (+8) di culty. I
cannot invoke the Aspect for any additional bene t.

Reverberation : Because I know many Words of Power, if I am currently able to

speak as a non-action I may spend a Fate point to utter a Word and immediately
remove from play any one situational Aspect in my zone or an adjacent zone
with a di culty of Legendary (+8) or less to overcome. Though there is no 4dF
roll involved, I am considered to be acting in a Flashily Arcane manner when I do
this and the reverberations of the Word are very noticeable.
Scroll Scrivener : Because I have mastered the art of scribing scrolls, I can be
Cleverly Arcane and prepare 'spell completion' items as scrolls or similar items
for speci c spell e ects that I can cast. I can later cast the inscribed spell (using
the simple magic system guidelines) from the item, gaining a bonus in the
process. Other characters with Arcane +1 or better can also use my scrolls. I can
also stockpile unused scrolls, as well as use scrolls inscribed by others. Unless
explicitly denied means and opportunity, I can prepare a number of new scrolls
ready for use equal to my Arcane capability each day.

Shocking Touch : Because I am able to generate a magical paralyzing shock, I may

use Arcane instead of Focused when ghting barehanded or grappling.

Skilled Illusionist : Because I am skilled at using my illusions to hide the truth, I get
+2 when I am Arcane and create an advantage using illusion magics to deceive.

Spell Turning : Because I am able to re ect magic to protect myself, once per scene
if I am the target of an Arcane spell and I am aware of it I may overcome the
same di culty required to cast the spell while Cleverly Arcane; however I su er
a -2 penalty to my roll. If I am successful the spell has no e ect on me and I turn
the spell back upon its caster, against whom the spell has its full normal e ect.

Spell Turning (-2) : Because I am able to re ect magic to protect myself, once per
exchange if I am the target of an Arcane spell and I am aware of it I may
overcome the same di culty required to cast the spell while Cleverly Arcane;
however I su er a -2 penalty to my roll. If I am successful the spell has no e ect
on me and I turn the spell back upon its caster, against whom the spell has its
full normal e ect.

Elemental Bloodlines
A few write-ups are provided for a
Characters using the Elemental
handful of bloodlines. It is important to
bloodlines of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water
note that these are not intended as "the
may want to consider using the
one true way" to model bloodlines; they
Elementalist option suggested in the
are purely suggestions.
magic style options guidelines.
It is entirely possible, and valid, to model
Taking this approach ties the character
bloodlines in di erent ways up to and
more closely to natural and elemental
including allowing a High Concept or
forces, and also allows the character to
Aspect to fully represent all nuances of
be more successful in wildland
the idea via a combination of narrative
scenarios where Primal provides other
support, the create advantage action, and
bene ts beyond spellcasting.
fate points.
Mechanically this is a simple matter of
But, there is much to be gained by
taking Primal +3, Arcane +1 instead of
opting for a more concrete representation
as well. Arcane +3, Primal +1, and taking a Stunt
Each bloodline bundles together several that is already included in the Elemental
Stunts and usually one or more Archetype bloodline bundles.
or Approach requirements. Ideally a Camren, master of lightning, is an
character using the bloodline will take the example Aeromancer.
full set at character creation, but it is also
possible to just cherry-pick individual

Abyssal Bloodline (-5)

This bloodline requires Flashy +1 and Focused +1 or better to use.
Natural Weapons : Because I have natural weapons and am skilled in their use, I
may use Focused instead of Combative when my natural weapons are
relevant. In situations where it matters I can choose to be treated as attacking
barehanded or attacking with a weapon, whichever bene ts me more in the
situation. Finally, though I can be inconvenienced and my natural weapons
can be fouled or restrained, being disarmed is generally o the table for me.
Demonic Durability : Because my demonic nature makes me much more
durable than normal, I reduce by two (2) all stress in icted on me by physical
attacks. However this does not work against magic, cold iron, or weapons
blessed by a benign deity.
Fiendish Teleportation : Because I inherited the ability to teleport (though not
e ortlessly), once per session as an action I can remove myself from the
scene by teleporting myself elsewhere. My range is limited to somewhere
within approximately fty (50) miles of my current location.
Mantle Of Abyssal Power (-2) : Because I am invested with Abyssal power that
cloaks and protects me, I gain +1 when Sneaky to create advantage or
overcome to avoid notice, and I may use Focused to defend against magic.
Accursed Bloodline (-5)
This bloodline requires Primal +1 or better to use.
This bloodline requires Arcane +1 or better to use.
Hedge Arcanist : Because I practice a more ancient form of Arcane magic that
remains connected to the natural world, while Arcane I can cast spells that
replicate e ects that are usually the province of Primal. Further, I may also
add my Primal capability modi er as a bonus to my roll when I do so.
Evil Eye : Because I can hex others with the power of the Evil Eye, I gain +2 while
Arcanely creating advantage to attach the spell Aspect The Eye Is Upon You to
a person or creature in my zone that I can see. This spell Aspect lasts until it
has no more invokes remaining or it is overcome. Anyone in the scene may
invoke this Aspect to penalize or interfere with the target's actions.
Forbidding Presence : Because I present a very intimidating and stern visage
while emanating a frightenting aura, I gain +1 when being Flashy and
attempting to frighten or demoralize.
Forced Dementia : Because I have the ability to a ict the minds of others with
mental confusion and temporary insanity, I gain +1 while Arcane to create
advantage on a foe within my zone to place the situational Aspect Demented
Confusion upon them. The recipient may be compelled by the GM or other
players to do bizarre and illogical (but not suicidal) things. The Aspect lasts for
a scene but can be overcome via appropriate magic as a Superb (+5) di culty
challenge. The recipient themselves can also overcome the Aspect while
Carefully Focused as a Fantastic (+6) di culty challenge. This is a mind-
a ecting ability.
Damage Reduction : Because I am more durable than normal, I reduce by one
(1) all stress in icted on me by physical and magical attacks.
Aquatic Bloodline (-5)
This bloodline requires Primal +1 or better to use.
Water Breather : Because I am able to breath underwater and I am comfortable
when in aquatic environments, I am able to breath underwater inde nitely
even if unconscious and I gain +1 to create advantage and overcome while in
the water.
Fast Swimmer : Because I am a fast swimmer, I may move an extra zone for free
when swimming and this does not prevent me from attacking. Alternately, if I
do nothing but move while swimming I may use this ability to move two (2)
extra zones.
Darkvision : Because I have Darkvision I can see perfectly in total darkness.
Damage Reduction : Because I am more durable than normal, I reduce by one
(1) all stress in icted on me by physical and magical attacks.
Control Aquatic Creatures : Because I can control aquatic creatures, I can justify
using Primal to have social encounters with aquatic creatures as if I share a
language with them, and under most circumstances they are generally
friendly to me. I also gain +1 to create advantages related to gaining aid or
cooperation from aquatic creatures.
Boreal Bloodline (-5)
This bloodline requires Primal +1 or better to use.
This bloodline requires Arcane +1 or better to use.
Hedge Arcanist : Because I practice a more ancient form of Arcane magic that
remains connected to the natural world, while Arcane I can cast spells that
replicate e ects that are usually the province of Primal. Further, I may also
add my Primal capability modi er as a bonus to my roll when I do so.
Enervating Cold : Because I am able to drain the life energy from others with
intense cold, if I in ict a Consequence on a target with cold or ice based
magics I a ict them with enervation and ennui. Consequences such as Easily
Fatigued, Frostbitten, Debilitating Shivers, and Cold Sti ened Limbs cause
those a icted to struggle to take even basic physical and mental actions,
struggle against cold-numbness, and so forth.
Freezing Bolt : Because I can o ensively focus blistering coldness, I gain +1 to
attack while Flashily Arcane by projecting a ray of freezing cold air and ice
shards at an opponent within two (2) zones of me. If I get a boost, it is
automatically upgraded to the Aspect Numbed By Cold with two (2) invokes
on it. This aspect can be overcome as a Great (+4) challenge.
Icy Shield : Because I am able to create a shield of hardened ice to protect
myself, I gain +2 to defend against physical and elemental attacks while Quick
if I am aware of the attack and able to move. This ability does not work in hot
and dry environments.
Immune To Cold : Because I am immune to cold, I am una ected by any malign
e ect that relies on cold.
Celestial Bloodline (-5)
This bloodline requires Flashy +1 and Divine +1 or better to use.
Rally Leader : Because I am able to inspire my allies to regroup and rally, once
per scene I can give a motivating monologue or shout out words of courage
and valor to allow all allies within one (1) zone of me to clear one of their
stress boxes or a Mild consequence.
Celestial Ray : Because I have learned to channel my celestial lineage into an
attack, I gain +1 to attack while Flashy by projecting a brightly glowing arc of
energy at an opponent within two (2) zones of me. I may also add my Divine
Archetype (if any) as a bonus to my roll.
Celestial Bane : Because of my celestial nature, I in ict two (2) extra shifts of
damage when I physically attack devout followers of malign deities.
Mantle Of Celestial Power (-2) : Because I am invested with celestial power that
empowers and protects me, I gain +1 while Flashy to defend against attacks,
and I may cast pure revealing light in all directions from my person to brightly
illuminate my zone.

Destined Bloodline (-5)

This bloodline requires Sneaky +1 and Focused +1 or better to use.
Better Lucky Than Good : Because I am unusually lucky, whenever I make a 4dF
resolution roll and the result is 0000 (all blanks) I treat the outcome as if I
had rolled ++++ (all pluses).
Secret Signs : Because I have an unusual mystical talent I sometimes see signs,
portents, and sigils that provide me with information about the present or
near future that I could not possibly know otherwise. I gain +2 while I am
Focused and create advantage when I attempt to discover or notice some
detail, fact, Aspect, or truth about the scene, or a person or group in it, even if
it would not normally be possible for me to know or detect this information
with merely mundane senses.
Close Call : Because I excel at getting out of really bad situations, I can spend a
fate point to concede after I already rolled to defend (normally a concession
must be made instead of rolling to defend).
Sublime Expertise (-2) : Because I am extremely skilled and rarely blunder,
whenever I make a 4dF roll I treat any result of less than 0 as -1.
Draconic Bloodline (-5)
This bloodline requires Forceful +1 and Focused +1 or better to use.
Natural Weapons : Because I have natural weapons and am skilled in their use, I
may use Focused instead of Combative when my natural weapons are
relevant. In situations where it matters I can choose to be treated as attacking
barehanded or attacking with a weapon, whichever bene ts me more in the
situation. Finally, though I can be inconvenienced and my natural weapons
can be fouled or restrained, being disarmed is generally o the table for me.
Supernatural Durability : Because I am descended from one or more
supernatural ancestors I am more durable than normal. I reduce by one (1) all
non-magical stress in icted on me.
Spell-like Abilities : Because my lineage grants me innate magical capabilities, I
may use my Focused Archetype instead of the Arcane Archetype to activate a
small set of speci c magical abilities and to intuitively understand magical
phenomenon related to my particular lineage. GM's discretion applies.
Breath Weapon (-2) : Because I am able to expel a speci c kind of breath attack
from my mouth, once per scene I may make a special attack a ecting all
targets (animate and inanimate) in my zone without having to split my shifts
between them. In addition to in icting stress, I can also re-use the results of
my attack roll to attempt to overcome or alter a single situtational aspect
present in the a ected zone if I can narratively justify it; for instance I could
overcome an obstruction by destroying it. This attack is non-discriminatory
and often causes collateral damage at the GM's discretion, such as modifying
ambient descriptors within the a ected zone to re ect a damaged or ruined
state; for instance a Fancy Hotel Room descriptor aspect might be altered to
instead be Scorched Hotel Room.
Eldritch Bloodline (-5)
This bloodline requires Arcane +4 or better to use.
Arcane Senses : Because I have developed my arcane senses to impressive
heights, I may use Arcane instead of Focused to notice or perceive things and I
can sense things that require mystical awareness to detect.
This stunt requires Arcane +1 or better to use.
Arcane Aegis : Because I have mastered protecting myself with magic, I may use
Arcane to defend against physical attacks without needing to rst create an
advantage to invoke.
Arcane Bolts : Because I have mastered the art of Arcane Bolts, I gain +2 when I
am Flashily Arcane and attack with ranged magic.
Levitation : Because I have mastered the art of mystic levitation, while I am
Flashily Arcane I may attempt to overcome a Superb (+5) di culty to create
the situational Aspect Levitating on myself. While this Aspect is in play I may
levitate; while levitating I am una ected by obstacles that I can levitate over,
and I can hover out of easy reach of the ground thus frustrating melee
attackers. This Aspect can be overcome by appropriate magic, with a
Legendary (+8) di culty. I cannot invoke the Aspect for any additional bene t.
Spell Turning : Because I am able to re ect magic to protect myself, once per
scene if I am the target of an Arcane spell and I am aware of it I may overcome
the same di culty required to cast the spell while Cleverly Arcane; however I
su er a -2 penalty to my roll. If I am successful the spell has no e ect on me
and I turn the spell back upon its caster, against whom the spell has its full
normal e ect.
Elemental Air Bloodline (-5)
This bloodline requires Flashy +1 and Primal +1 or better to use.
This bloodline requires Arcane +1 or better to use.
Aeromancer : Because I have mastered the ancient magics of the Element of Air,
I may combine my Arcane and Primal Archetypes when I am casting spells
related to air, wind, lighting, weather, and so forth.
Air Walk : Because of my elemental a nity, I may walk upon the air as if I
weighed no more than a feather. I am never harmed or unduly
inconvenienced by falling, even if I am unconscious. However this e ect is
temporarily cancelled if I am encumbered or anchored by more than half my
own body weight.
Shocking Touch : Because I am able to generate a magical paralyzing shock, I
may use Arcane instead of Focused when ghting barehanded or grappling.
Lightning Arc : Because of my elemental a nity I am able to project an arc of
electricity that jumps from target to target, when I am Flashily Primal and
attack I may spend a Fate point to a ect all enemy targets in my zone without
having to split my shifts between them.
Immune To Electricity : Because I am immune to electricity, I am una ected by
any malign e ect that relies on electricity.

Elemental Earth Bloodline (-5)

This bloodline requires Flashy +1 and Primal +1 or better to use.
This bloodline requires Arcane +1 or better to use.
Geomancer : Because I have mastered the ancient magics of the Element of
Earth, I may combine my Arcane and Primal Archetypes when I am casting
spells related to earth, rock, seismic vibrations, and so forth.
Stoney Skin : Because of my elemental a nity I am able to protect myself with a
stoney skin that shields me from damage, I reduce by one (1) all stress
in icted on me by physical and magical attacks.
Hammer Of Stone (-3) : Because of my elemental a nity I can conjure a
fearsome stone hammer at will; I gain +1 to attack and defend and can use
Primal in place of Combatives while wielding it. If I get a boost while attacking
or defending with it, I may upgrade the boost to apply the Aspect Stunned!
with two (2) invokes on it to the opponent I am engaged with.
Elemental Fire Bloodline (-5)
This bloodline requires Flashy +1 and Primal +1 or better to use.
This bloodline requires Arcane +1 or better to use.
Pyromancer : Because I have mastered the ancient magics of the Element of
Fire, I may combine my Arcane and Primal Archetypes when I am casting
spells related to re, heat, combustion, and so forth.
Immune To Fire : Because I am immune to re, I am una ected by any malign
e ect that relies on re.
Blade Of Fire (-3) : Because of my elemental a nity I can conjure a aming
magical sword at will; I gain +1 to attack and defend and can use Primal in
place of Combatives while wielding it. If I get a boost while attacking or
defending with it, I may upgrade the boost to apply the Aspect On Fire! with
two (2) invokes on it to the opponent I am engaged with.

Elemental Water Bloodline (-5)

This bloodline requires Flashy +1 and Primal +1 or better to use.
This bloodline requires Arcane +1 or better to use.
Hydromancer : Because I have mastered the ancient magics of the Element of
Water, I may combine my Arcane and Primal Archetypes when I am casting
spells related to water, precipitation, steam, mist, liquids, and so forth.
Control Water : Because I am skilled at controlling and manipulating water with
my magics, I gain +1 while I am Cleverly Arcane and attack, defend, create
advantage, or overcome when I can make a reasonable volume of water
relevant to the narrative.
Water Breather : Because I am able to breath underwater and I am comfortable
when in aquatic environments, I am able to breath underwater inde nitely
even if unconscious and I gain +1 to create advantage and overcome while in
the water.
Fast Swimmer : Because I am a fast swimmer, I may move an extra zone for free
when swimming and this does not prevent me from attacking. Alternately, if I
do nothing but move while swimming I may use this ability to move two (2)
extra zones.
Fluid Resistance : Because I excel at avoiding harm and rolling with whatever
comes my way, I can use more than one stress box to absorb stress from an
attack (normally, only one stress box may be used to o set stress from a
single attack).
Fey Bloodline (-5)
This bloodline requires Sneaky +1 and Primal +1 or better to use.
This bloodline requires Arcane +1 or better to use.
Hedge Arcanist : Because I practice a more ancient form of Arcane magic that
remains connected to the natural world, while Arcane I can cast spells that
replicate e ects that are usually the province of Primal. Further, I may also
add my Primal capability modi er as a bonus to my roll when I do so.
Pass Without Trace : Because of my mastery of the natural world, I gain +1 when
I am Sneakily Primal while in the wildlands, I am unobstructed by
undergrowth, and if I take a full move I may move three zones instead of two.
Finally, tracking me in wildland areas is very di cult; those attempting it must
overcome a di culty equal to my ((Sneaky + Primal) * 2).
Willful Invisibility : Because I can turn invisibile at will, if I do not attack or create
advantage in an exchange I may place the situational Aspect 'Invisible' on
myself as a free action that takes no time before or after my normal action. If I
attack or create advantage while invisible, this Aspect is immediately removed
and I become visibile for at least one (1) exchange before I am able to use this
ability to become invisible again. My innate invisibility can be temporarily
neutralized by those with unusual senses or magic or special items creating
an applicable advantage; the di culty to do so is Superb (+5). It can also be
overcome and thus removed by some abilities that explicitly counter
invisibility or dispel magic; the di culty to do so is Fantastic (+6).
Wild Shape (-2)

Because I have the ability to change into the form of any normal animal of
my choice, I may spend a Fate point to temporarily assume an animal form.
My trappings magically change with me and are unavailable until I return to
my normal form.
When I change forms I move all of my Approach bonuses to a disposition
relevant to the animal form I am assuming, and I move all of my Archetype
bonuses to Focused (leaving all of my other Archetypes at +0). This lasts for
an entire scene unless I choose to return to normal, which ends the e ect.
Additionally, I may spend another Fate point to assume a di erent animal's
form, and I do not have to rst change back to normal.
When I change forms I gain an additional Aspect named for the animal
form I have assumed which I can invoke when my current animal form is
relevant, and which can be compelled whenever my animal form or lack of
humanoid anatomy might inconvenience me.
If the animal form I change into has natural weapons I may use Focused in
place of Combatives while in a physical con ict.
If the animal form I change into has an unusual form of movement, such as
the ight of a bird, the running of a wolf, or the swimming of a shark then I
gain that mode of movement while I am in that form as well, at the GM's
If the animal form I change into has an unusual or extra keen sense, such
as the low light vision of a cat, the olfactory senses of a canine, or the
echolocation of a bat then I gain that sense while I am in that form as well, at
the GM's discretion.

Imperious Bloodline (-5)

This bloodline requires Flashy +1 and Focused +1 or better to use.
Inspiring Leadership : Because I inspire my allies and followers, any allies who
join me in battle gain +1 on all actions they take within a con ict while being
Combative. Allies must be within three (3) zones and within line of sight of me
to bene t from my leadership. This ability applies for the duration of the
con ict even if I am taken out, as my allies are moved to protect or avenge
Commanding Voice : Because I am able to speak in a commanding voice that
compels obedience in those of lesser willpower; I may use Focused for social
interactions if I can talk, and I am resisted by Focused when I do so. This is a
mind-a ecting e ect.
Will To Power : Because my will to push forward to victory is absolute, once per
session I may gain +4 when attempting to overcome any one (1) situational
Aspect in my zone or an adjacent zone.
Re ect Magic (-2) : Because I am able to re ect magic to protect myself, once per
exchange if I am the target of a spell and I am aware of it I may overcome the
same di culty required to cast the spell while Quickly Focused; however I
su er a -2 penalty to my roll. If I am successful the spell has no e ect on me
and I turn the spell back upon its caster, against whom the spell has its full
normal e ect.
Infernal Bloodline (-5)
This bloodline requires Clever +1 and Focused +1 or better to use.
Diabolic Agony : Because I have learned to project intense pain into the minds of
others, I gain +1 to attack while Cleverly Focused by intensely concentrating
upon an opponent in my zone or an adjacent zone. If I get a boost it is
automatically upgraded to the situational Aspect Debilitating Pain with two (2)
invokes. This Aspect can be removed as a Great (+4) challenge. This is a mind-
a ecting e ect.
Diabolic Durability : Because my infernal nature makes me much more durable
than normal, I reduce by two (2) all stress in icted on me by physical attacks.
However this does not work against magic, cold iron, or weapons blessed by a
benign deity.
Diabolic Teleportation : Because I inherited the ability to teleport (though not
e ortlessly), once per session as an action I can remove myself from the
scene by teleporting myself elsewhere. My range is limited to somewhere
within approximately fty (50) miles of my current location.
Mantle Of Infernal Power (-2) : Because I am invested with infernal power that
empowers and protects me, I gain +2 when Clever to create advantage and
overcome in social encounters when I can bring my sharp wits to bear.
Additionally I gain +1 to defend while Arcane.
Verdant Bloodline (-5)
This bloodline requires Primal +1 or better to use.
This bloodline requires Arcane +1 or better to use.
Hedge Arcanist : Because I practice a more ancient form of Arcane magic that
remains connected to the natural world, while Arcane I can cast spells that
replicate e ects that are usually the province of Primal. Further, I may also
add my Primal capability modi er as a bonus to my roll when I do so.
Plant Traits : Because of my verdant nature, I am immune to mind-a ecting
e ects (charms, compulsions, morale e ects, patterns, and phantasms),
paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, and stun. However I take +1 shift of stress
from attacks that rely on cold, re, acid, or are described as being especially
e ective vs plant life.
Pass Without Trace : Because of my mastery of the natural world, I gain +1 when
I am Sneakily Primal while in the wildlands, I am unobstructed by
undergrowth, and if I take a full move I may move three zones instead of two.
Finally, tracking me in wildland areas is very di cult; those attempting it must
overcome a di culty equal to my ((Sneaky + Primal) * 2).
Barkskin Knack : Because I have a minor magical knack, I can create advantage
while Carefully Primal vs an Average (+1) di culty to apply the Aspect
Barkskin to myself. While this Aspect is active I gain +2 when defending
against physical or damaging magical attacks. This Aspect may also be
invoked to o er additional protection when defending from physical or
magical harm. This Aspect can be overcome and removed as a Superb (+5)
di culty by those with Primal +3 or higher.
Entangling Undergrowth : Because I am a master of natural magics, when I am
in a rural area with vegetation, while I am Carefully Primal I may attempt to
overcome a Great (+4) di culty to cause the undergrowth in my zone or an
adjacent zone to animate and wrap itself around and entangle all targets. See
the Entangling Undergrowth pro le for details. I am immune to this e ect.

Entangling Undergrowth
Animated Undergrowth, Creeping Vines
Good At : Entangling (+5)
Limitation : An immobile construct anchored to its zone.
Hits : [1][1][1][1][1]

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