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Case 1:17-cv-07857-JMF Document 83-3 Filed 12/07/17 Page 1 of 2

Case 1:17-cv-07857-JMF Document 83-3 Filed 12/07/17 Page 2 of 2

From: Reorg Research Alert <dockets@reo rg-research.com >

Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2017 9:11 AM
To: Goldfine, Jeffrey Ross
Subject: Windstream Holdings, Inc. - BREAKING: Aurelius Notices Acceleration of Windstream
6-3/8% Senior Notes Due 2023 (Americas Intelligence)

Reorg Researc h December 07. 2017 09: 11

R~9rgP{m eric~?

Windstream Holdings, Inc.

BREAKING: Aurelius Notices Acceleration of Windstream 6-3/8% Senior Notes
Due 2023
Relevant Document:
Acceleration Letter

Aurelius has today issued a notice of acceleration for Windstream Services' 6-3/ 8% senior notes due 2023.
According to the letter, Aurelius is "the beneficial holder of more than 50% of the aggregate principal amount
of the notes outstanding and more than 25% of the notes, inclusive of the notes "purp01tedly issued by the
Company pursuant to ce1tain exchange offers consummated on November 6, 2017, whose issuance Aurelius
maintains is null and void."

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