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In-Class Presentation 3

Introduction to Information Systems

Evaluation - In-Class Presentation 3 (201709140436) Page 1


Evaluate the Students understanding of a course outcome through feedback on a study as part of a Team.

Tool and Technique(s)

Team Presentation


1. As a team, prepare a five (5) minute presentation that you will present to the class.

2. Two of the questions you will need to answer are outlined in Appendix A.

3. The remaining questions you are to answer, the presentation template you are to use, and any other
instructions will be provided in an update to this Evaluation during Class 10, Week 6.

4. The questions you will need to answer will be drawn from the Technology Innovation course content,
which is presented throughout the course up to the end of Class 11, Week 7.

5. Unless stated otherwise, the due/end date/time for this Evaluation is 0800 Fri 20 Oct 2017 (Class 12,
Week 7) the Assignments folder for this Evaluation will be created at the end of Class 10, Week 6.

Additional Information

1. It is advisable that all Team Members are present for the Technology Innovation course content, and
you take notes as appropriate, as a large percentage of this content will not be posted to eConestoga.

2. You will present your presentation using MS PowerPoint.

3. The presentation will be 5 minutes in length, and the presentation will be terminated if it goes beyond
5 minutes - a penalty will be awarded if the presentation is under 4 minutes and 30 seconds, or over
5 minutes.

4. Each Team Member will be responsible for presenting an equal proportion of the overall presentation,
and presenting for an equal amount of time.

5. All Team Members must be present for the presentation, otherwise, the Team will be awarded a
Grade of 0 (zero).

6. Team order of presentation will be derived by your Instructor at the time of presentation.

Evaluation - In-Class Presentation 3 (201709140436) Page 2

Appendix A

1. Identify the disruptive technology, and its impact on a prominent organizations business model, as
portrayed in the Triumph of the Nerds documentary.

2. Outline the unique business culture which Robert Noyce launched, and Silicon Valley became known
for, as portrayed in the Silicon Valley documentary.

Evaluation - In-Class Presentation 3 (201709140436) Page 3

Evaluation Description and Instruction

This is a Group Evaluation. During this Evaluation you may talk, discuss, and share with others in your
Group. You are freely allowed to exchange ideas and information within your Group, however, you must
ensure that your Group contribution is your own work.

By submitting this Evaluation, you also reaffirm the terms and conditions as outlined in the Student

Purpose Evaluate the Students understanding of a course outcome
through feedback on a study as part of a Team
Material covered Innovation Technology course content, and any applicable
content as outlined in the eConestoga Assignments
Presentation In-Class Presentation 3
Structure Team Presentation
Time allocated 5 min (Team Presentation)
Start date/time As per the Course Calendar following Instructor initiated
review of the eConestoga Assignments document
Due date/time As per eConestoga Assignments
End date/time Due date/time
Location performed In class, outside of class
Presentation date/time Shortly following submission at the Instructors discretion
Presentation order Derived by the Instructor
Presentation location In class
Material allowed during evaluation Required student resources, course content to date,
additional research
Restrictions None
Submission eConestoga Assignments
Submission responsible Team Lead
Number of files submitted 1
File Name In-Class Presentation 3
File Format MS PowerPoint
File Extension .pptx
Submission Folder In-Class Presentation 3
Files Allowed Per Submission Folder One file per submission folder
Submissions Only the most recent submission is kept
Submission comments/remarks None
Grade Group
Weight 10% of the overall grade

Evaluation - In-Class Presentation 3 (201709140436) Page 4

Late submission policy Not applicable
Marking Manual
Grade scheme Percentage
Rubric Analytic
Additional Instructions/Notes 1. See the eConestoga Assignments document for any
further details.
3. The content defined in the Material covered field will be
considered the definitive source for the correct answers.
4. Any dispute over a mark assessed will follow the Course
Mark Re-assessment Policy outlined in the Course Overview.
*Superseded by the Evaluations Disposition as presented in the Evaluations Assignments folder in

Evaluation - In-Class Presentation 3 (201709140436) Page 5

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