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[your logo here]

Search Engine Optimization

Maintenance Agreement
[your business name here] Professional SEO
Prepared by [your name here]

[your business name here]

Terms of Agreement


THIS AGREEMENT is made this [insert number of day here] day of [insert number of month here], [insert
year here] by and between [your business name here] (SEO Consultant) and [Clients business name
here] (Client).

A. SEO Consultant has experience and expertise in the development of Search Engine
Optimization (SEO) Strategies for Web Pages, Web Sites and other Computer Networks.
B. Client desires to have SEO Consultant further develop and deploy Search Engine Optimization
Strategies, as part of an ongoing Maintenance Agreement in addition to the work already
performed as setout in the SEO Proposal.
C. SEO Consultant desires to maintain Clients SEO Strategy and Services on the terms and
conditions set forth herein (SEO).
D. Website URL to be maintained http:// [insert clients web address here]

In consideration of the mutual covenants set forth in this Agreement, Client and SEO Consultant hereby
agree as follows:


To provide the Client with Web based services such as Search Engine Optimisation Maintenance
(hereinafter referred to as SEO) and other web based services,outlined in this document, on the
Clients websites referred to domains as agreed.


This terms & conditions take into account the Clients website/s (as mutually agreed upon) and therefore
override and previously signed agreements between Wazzam & the Client.

SEO Consultant is authorised to use relevant keywords and/or phases for development, improving or
maintaining the ranking of, and/or positioning the contents of the Clients website/s (as mentioned above)
in the search engines i.e. and/or which are believed to be the
two most frequently used search engines in Australia.

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[your business name] SEO Maintenance Agreement

Client agrees to pay SEO Consultant a monthly maintenance SEO fee as stated in Payment Terms
below. Fees must be received on a monthly basis starting from the agreed date in the form of an invoice
issued to Client via email/fax. Client to ensure invoice payment is made within 15 days of invoice issue
date for SEO Maintenance services. SEO Services are intended to provide the client with preferential
positioning in search engines on an ongoing basis.


SEO Consultant will endeavour to optimise &/or maintain Clients main search terms along with
keywords+regions or keywords +suburbs to appear on the top pages of search engines mainly or .The search engine optimisation work will be carried out or
maintained on a regular basis until this terms agreement expires or if the Client fails to make payments
on time, or if this agreement is terminated.

The SEO Maintenance work that is carried out by SEO Consultant is solely aimed at increasing visibility
and boosting sites rankings on &/or . It is not possible to guarantee
SEO results for any specific search engines or keywords, nor can SEO Consultant quantify the level of
increased traffic or sales, as a result of the SEO Maintenance, nor can SEO Consultant guarantee
increase in sales as a result of boost in search engine rankings.


The SEO Maintenance contract for the Clients website/s (based on agreement) with SEO Consultant will
be for a minimum of 12 months starting from the date of order confirmation. During this period, all the
site/s will be maintained by SEO Consultant by also making suggestions or recommendations to design,
contents or structure of all site/s to improve or keep both sites optimised.

The Clients website/s ranking may vary during this period due to Search Engines change in algorithm
(logic on ranking sites) which is beyond the control of SEO Consultant. Additionally, both newly
launched websites and other competitor websites may be optimised and submitted every now and then.
Due to this reason SEO Consultant or any other SEO specialist cannot guarantee positions.


During this contract term no other web design/SEO SEO Consultant will have access to the Clients
website/s besides SEO Consultant. If for some reason the Client needs to give access for any other
reason besides website design, revamp, modification or SEO, then SEO Consultant will be informed
prior to giving access by the Client in writing through email or fax.

SEO Consultant will not be responsible for any of the Clients websites or search engine ranking if
access by the Client is given to any another individual/SEO Consultant or another Website Service

If any such work has been undertaken without the knowledge of SEO Consultant, then SEO Consultant
may make this terms agreement null & void and any outstanding balance payment to date becomes
payable by the Client to SEO Consultant, should it be discovered that the Client has participated in
actions to optimise their website through other means & sources.

The Client grants authority to submit both website pages to search engines, directories, and/or any other
resource or relevant sites. SEO Consultant will have the ability to optimise the structure and content of
Clients website/s pages. Such changes generally have a minimal visual impact. SEO Consultant will
work directly with the Client in order to maintain and/or improve the frontend design of the clients

The client must provide SEO Consultant with log-in information (username and password) to gain FTP
access to his/her website/s to be optimised. SEO Consultant will maintain confidentiality of log-in
information. During the contract term, SEO Consultant reserves the right to change username and
password to maintain confidentiality.

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[your business name] SEO Maintenance Agreement

Clients must inform other Webmasters or anyone else who has access to the both websites that SEO
Consultant has been engaged for maintaining both sites for SEO services.

The Client must allow implementation of all optimisation strategies on their websites. The Client is
responsible for ensuring that their website/s are always active and accessible.


Client acknowledges the following with respect to services:

SEO Consultant has no control over the policies of search engines with respect to the type of sites
and/or content that they accept now or in the future. Client sites may be excluded from any directory at
any time at the sole discretion of the search engines or directories. SEO Consultant will resubmit those
pages that have been dropped from the search engine index.)

Due to the competitiveness of some keywords/phrases, ongoing changes in search engine ranking
algorithms and other competitive factors, SEO Consultant does not guarantee positions on search
engines for any particular keyword, phrase or search term.

Some search engines may take as long as 1 to 3 months, and in some cases longer, after
submission/resubmission to list your site. Occasionally, search engines will stop accepting submissions
for an indefinite period of time.

Occasionally, search engines will drop listings for no apparent or predictable reason. Often listing will
reappear without any additional submissions. Should the listing not reappear, SEO Consultant will re-
submit the site based on the current policies of the search engine in question.


The source code and backend tactics used by SEO Consultant to optimise website/s will remain the
intellectual property of the SEO Consultant.

On termination of this terms agreement, the remaining contract amount needs to be paid out upfront (in
full) till the end of contract period, and all SEO work done on both sites will be removed, this being the
intellectual property SEO Consultant used to optimise both websites.


The Client agrees that their website/s are not hosted with free web hosting providers. In cases where
there is either concern that the current hosting IP address may be part of a 'bad neighbourhood' or for
reasons of optimisation, then SEO Consultant may request the Client to change hosting provider, for the
Clients benefit.


Ongoing SEO Maintenance fees are payable monthly within 15 days from invoice issue date.

SEO Consultant reserves the right to suspend this terms agreement following non receipt of ongoing
SEO Maintenance fees.


Costing for SEO and Web based services to be quoted as per clients requirement and the amount of
work involved to achieve clients objectives

Costing associated with any engagement to provide additional services such as changes, edits in layout
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[your business name] SEO Maintenance Agreement

or structure, source code alterations or any other service will be billed by the rates as setout below:

[insert your rate or fee structure here be sure to include billing cycle and type eg. Monthly, hourly etc]

The work will be carried out primarily off-site; however for any on-site work the client will be required to
ensure the appropriate information is supplied in an orderly fashion and readily available.

Finally, should the current entities grow in size (and work load) the seo consultant reserves the right to
review the current costing and consult the client as deemed necessary.


To be quoted as per the clients website size and traffic


This terms agreement runs for a 12 month period starting from the contract confirmation date, and can
be cancelled in writing by either party giving 1 month notice in writing.


The Seo Consultant hereby acknowledges the contents of the following confidentiality undertaking given
in favour of the Client and agreed to be bound thereby. All of the information mentioned below is includes
any part of such confidential information. A reference in this letter to a person includes a reference to a
SEO Consultant, a partnership, a joint venture, a private individual or any other entity at law capable of
granting rights and incurring obligations.

The Seo consultant acknowledges that all of the information provided to them by the Client and its
authorised representatives is confidential and is being provided to the Seo consultant in order to enable
them to supply appropriate web based solutions.

The Seo consultant undertakes that they will not, without prior consent of the Client, disclose any of the
confidential information to any other person, nor will they use or permit the use of any such information
by any office, employee or agent of theirs or any other person under their control for any purpose other
than in respect of evaluating such confidential information for the purposes for which it is intended.

The seo consultant (or Authorised Representative) and Client (or Authorised Representative) execute the
Service Level Agreement with an understanding of the terms and conditions set out in the engagement.


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[your business name] SEO Maintenance Agreement

This contract and any Appendices attached thereto constitute the sole agreement between the SEO
Consultant and the Client regarding this agreement. It becomes effective only when signed the Client. It
is the spirit of this agreement that this will be a mutually beneficial arrangement between the SEO
Consultant and the Client.

Both parties warrant that they have read and understand the terms set forth in this agreement.
These standard terms and conditions and the Agreement between SEO Consultant and the Client shall
be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of [insert your country here].
On behalf of the Client.________________________

Date ______________________________________

On behalf of the Developer [your name here]

Date [insert date here]

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