2017年雅思口语预测Part12BPart2 PDF

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2017 9-12 Part1



Work/ study

1. Have you ever take a trip by boat? Why?
2. Does Chinese like to travel by boat?
3. Do you like cruise traveling? Why?
4. Have you ever thinking about having a boat? Why?
5. What di you do if you have a boat?

1. Do you use computer when your work or study?
2. Whats the difference of computers between today and past?
3. Do you use computer to do your homework?
4. Why people use computer all the day?

Daily routine

Diet/ meal

1. When do you have your meals? And who with you

2. Whats your favorite food/ dish?
3. Do you often eat outside?
4. Do you often eat at home or in restaurant?
5. Any changes in the way you eat now compared with the past?
6. Can you cook? Why or why not?
7. On what occasions do you eat special food?
8. Whats the most famous dish from your country? Can you describe it?

1. Do you like to learn about history?
2. What historical event do you find most interesting?
3. What historical event do you think was most important
4. Do you think history is important?
5. Do you like to watch programs on TV about history?
6. How do you get information about history?


Family activity
1. What family activity will you do when you were young? And what about
2. Has the family activity changed in last 20 years?
3. Do you spend more time at home or outside?
4. What do you do at home?
5. What is the different between the activities you do on holidays and as
6. In China, what sorts of things do people do together as family?
7. When do you get together with other members of your family?




1. Who give you the name?
2. Any special meaning for your name?
3. Are there any meaningful names in China?
4. Do people feel that their name is very important?
5. Would you like to change your name?
6. Is it easy to change your name in your country?
7. Who usually names babies in your country?
8. What names are most common in your hometown?

On time/ time management


Pop stars
Public transport

Rainy day
1. Do you like rainy day? Why or why not?
2. How often does it rain in your city?
3. What do you do when its rainy?
4. Will you bring rainy coat or umbrella when its rainy?
5. Will it affect your mood?
6. Do you think raining will affect peoples behavior? Why or why not?
7. Does it rain much in your hometown? When?
8. Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your

School memory/ high school

1. Do you have any good friends from your high school?
2. Do you enjoy your high school time? why?
3. Have you still contact your high school friend?
4. What do you think about your high school teacher? Why?
5. Whats your first feeling when you join high school?
6. Which teacher left deep impression on you? Why?
7. Do you think high school time is important to you? Why?
8. Do you have any best friend you know though high school?


1.Do you often spend time with teenagers? Why or why not?
2.What do teenagers usually do in your country?
3.What are the best part of being a teenager?
4.Why teenagers are more fashion?
5.Do they like to be with their peers or others group of people?
6.What`s the best part of being a teenager?
2017 9-12 Part2

Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage.

You should say:
Who they are;
How you knew them;
What they usually do together;
and explain how you feel about their marriage.

Describe a person who was helpful to your work or study.

You should say:
Who it was;
What this person did;
How this person helped;
and explain how you felt after this person helped you.

Describe a person who is knowledgeable

You should say:
Who this person is
How you know this person
What kinds of things he knows

Describe a businessman that you admire

You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What kind of business that this person does
And explain why you admire this person.

Describe someone who is a good parent

You should say:
Who this person is
How you know this person
What this person does
and explain why you think this person is a good parent

Describe a time you went to a crowded place

You should say:
When you went there
Where the place was
What you did there
And explain why you went there

Describe a company or organization that employs a lot of people.

You should say:
What it is;
How many employees work there;
What its work;
and explain what you think about it.

Describe a city or town you have been to.

You should say:
Where it is;
When you visited it;
What you did there;
and explain why you like it.

Describe a dream home.

You should say:
Where it should be
What does it look like
When you want to live in there
And why you want a home like this.

Describe an public park or garden

You should say:
Where it is
What it looks like
What you do there
and explain how you feel about it

Describe an interesting place that few people know

You should say:
Where it is
When you do there
What you can do there
and explain why few people know there

Describe a place you know where people go to listen to music (such as theater or a music hall)
You should say:
Where it is
What kind of music is performed there
Why people go there
and explain your impressions of this place

Describe a useful website that you often visit.

You should say:
what the contents of this website are;
how you first found this website;
how often you go to visit this website;
and explain how this website helps you.

Describe a book that you would like to read again.

You should say:
what the book was about;
why you read it in the first place;
what you learned from the book;
and explain why you would like to read it again.

Describe your favorite piece of clothing.

You should say:
Where you got it;
Do you often dress it;
When you wear it;
and explain why it is your favorite clothing.

Describe an occasion that you had a special cake.

You should say:
What kind of cake;
When you ate the cake;
Whom you ate with;
and explain why you think it is special.

Describe a TV drama series you have watched.

You should say:
What it is;
Who the actors are;
What the most favorite part is;
and explain why you like watch it.

Describe a free gift you received.

You should say:
What it was;
Who sent it to you;
Why this gift is free;
and explain how you felt about it.

Describe an impressive work of art (such as painting or sculpture) you saw.

You should say:
what it is;
when and where you first saw this work of art;
what it looks like;
and explain why you like it.

Describe a kind of vegetable or plant

You should say:
What it is ;
What is looks like
Where you have seen this plant
and explain why you like it

Describe an invention that has changed the world.

You should say:
what it is;
how its changed our life;
how popular it is among different age groups;
and explain how you feel about it.

Describe a traditional product in your country

You should say:
What the product is
When you tried this product for the first time
What is it made of
and explain why you like this product

Describe a subject of science that you learned in secondary/high school

You should say:
What it was;
What you learned
Whatdo you think of the teacher
and explain how you felt about it

Describe a piece of furniture in your home

You should say:
Who bought it
What it looks like(what it is made of)
What is is used for
And explain how you felt about it.

Describe an exciting book.

You should say:
What it is about
How you knew about this book
When you read it for the first time
And explain why you think this book is very exciting.

Describe an important letter you received.

You should say:
Who sent it
What it was about
When you received it
And explain why it was important to you.

Describe something you bought recently that made you feel happy.
You should say:
What it is
Where you bought it
Why you bought it
And explain how you felt about it.

Describe an advertisement that you saw or heard or liked

You should say:
Where you saw or heard it
What kind of advertisement is was
What the content of the advertisement was
and explain how you felt after about this advertisement

Describe an interesting experience during your childhood.

You should say:
When it happened;
What happened;
Who you were with;
and explain how you felt about it.

Describe a time you moved to a new home or school

You should say:
When you moved
Where you moved
Why you moved
And explain how did you feel about the moving

Describe an important change that happened to your life recently

You should say:
What the change is;
When it happened;
How it happened;
and explain why it was a important change.

Describe a time that you arrived at a place early.

You should say:
When it happened;
Where it happened;
What you did ;
and explain why you arrived there early.

Describe a leisure activity on or near sea you want to try.

You should say:
What it is;
What you should prepare;
Why you have to prepare;
and explain how you felt about it.

Describe a thing that a wise person did/a person who gives a clever solution to a problem
You should say:
Who he/she is
When he did it
Where he did it
And explain why do you think he is clever

Describe a piece of good news you heard from others

You should say:
What it was
When you received this news
How you received the news
And explain why you felt it was good

Describe a favorite sport which you like to watch.

You should say:
What it is;
When you watch it;
How you watch it;
and explain why you like watching it.

Describe a plan you havent done yet

You should say:
Where it is about;
When you plan yo do;
Why you want to do it;
and explain why you havent done yet.

Describe a time you had a conversation with a stranger.

You should say:
Where it happened;
When it happened;
What you talked with each other;
and explain how you felt about it.

Describe an English lesson you enjoyed.

You should say:
when and where you had the lesson;
who gave the lesson;
what the lesson was about;
and explain why you enjoyed it.

Describe a time you saw lots of people were smiling

You should say:
When you saw them
Where you saw them
Who you were with
And explain why people were smiling

Describe a good decision someone made

You should say:
who made the decision;
what decision it was;
when it was made
and explain why it was a good decision

Describe a car journey you went on

You should say:
Where you went
What you did at this place;
Who you went there with
and explain why you went on that journey by car

Describe an achievement that you are pround of

You should say:
What it was;
How you did it
How difficult it was
and explain why you are proud of it

Describe a way to stay healthy

You should say:
What this way is / what you do
How you knew about this way
When you started you use it/do it
And explain why it can help you stay healthy.

Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree

You should say:
What this rule is about
Why this rule is established
What happens if it is broken
And explain why you agree or disagree with it.

Describe a time you felt happy that you used your cellohone
You should say:
When is happened
Where is happened
Who you were with
And explain why you felt happy by using your cellphone

Describe an experience that you taught a friend or a relative

You should say:
Who you taught
When you taught
What you taught
And explain how you felt about the teaching

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