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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Sophia Kim

Date 11/17/2017 Subject/ Topic/ Theme: Math/ Multiply Decimals Grade 5

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
Students reinforces the on multiplying the decimals and the idea of placing the decimals points in the
right place is important.
cognitive- physical socio-
Learners will be able to: R U Ap An E C* development emotional

Place the decimal point in decimal multiplication. R U Ap

Explain how the multiplication with the whole number and the decimal
numbers are similar.
Ap An

Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies
based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction;
relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.
Explain patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying a number by powers of 10, and
explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of
10. Use whole-number exponents to denote powers of 10.
MP 2
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
MP 6
Attend to precision.
(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create

II. Before you start

Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten
times what it represents in the place to its right. For example, recognize that 700
Identify prerequisite 70 = 10 by applying concepts of place value and division.
knowledge and skills. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.NBT.B.6
Find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and
one-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of
operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and
explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
Pre-assessment (for learning): Ask the students what is the difference with multiplying
Outline assessment decimals and whole numbers. Teacher will go over how to multiply with whole
activities numbers.
(applicable to this lesson) Formative (for learning): Teacher will go over Unlock the Problem with the class together.
Formative (as learning): Have students work in their table groups to come up with a

decimal multiplication problem and give a presentation on how they did the process
on a small whiteboard.
Summative (of learning): Students will answer the Share and Show section of their
Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of
Representation Action and Expression Engagement
Provide options for perception- Provide options for physical action- Provide options for recruiting
making information perceptible increase options for interaction interest- choice, relevance, value,
Students will know Students will authenticity, minimize threats
where to put the interact with the
decimal points group members to
after taking it out of come up with their
the original own problem.
decimal number.
Provide options for language, Provide options for expression and Provide options for sustaining
mathematical expressions, and communication- increase medium effort and persistence- optimize
What barriers might this symbols- clarify & connect of expression challenge, collaboration, mastery-
lesson present? language oriented feedback
Students will use Students will give
the sentences to feedbacks if the a
What will it take communicate with student made a
neurodevelopmentally, the other peers mistake during the
and the teacher. preparations to the
emotionally, etc., for your
students to do this lesson?

Provide options for comprehension- Provide options for executive Provide options for self-regulation-
activate, apply & highlight functions- coordinate short & long expectations, personal skills and
Students will apply term goals, monitor progress, and strategies, self-assessment &
the concepts that modify strategies reflection
they have learned Students will
in answering the present the
Share and Show process of how
section of the they solve their
textbook. own problem that
they have come up
Materials-what materials Go Math textbook
(books, handouts, etc) do Teachers small whiteboard and a marker - Brain Talk
you need for this lesson Elmo to show the book to go over Unlock the Problem section of the book.
and are they ready to Small white boards for the group
Rubric for the presentation
The class will start in the carpet are for some Brain Talk but the class will
How will your classroom be set up just the way as it is.
be set up for this lesson? Students will seat their desks in groups.
III. The Plan
Describe teacher activities AND student activities
Time Components for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
10 Motivation Review: Carpet Area
mins (opening/
introduction/ Teacher will ask the students what Students will solve the brain talk for
engagement) is the difference with multiplying the day.
whole numbers and decimals. Students will solve the problem with
Teacher will come up with an the teacher.
example with a whole number
multiplication to solve with the
Teacher will motivate the students
by saying:
Today, we will be learning
how to learn multiply
decimals with moving the
decimal points.
20 Teacher will go over Unlock the Students will go over the Unlock
mins Problem section of the textbook. the Problem section of the
Textbook together with the teacher.
20 Development Teacher will change the phase by Students will come up with the
mins (the largest
telling the groups to come up with problem with Multiplying Decimals
component or
main body of
a multiplication decimal problem and prepare a presentation for the
the lesson) and present it to the class class.
Distribute the rubrics to the Rubrics will be used to evaluate the
students to grade other groups other groups presentation.
Closure Teacher will gather up the class in Students will find a pair to work on
(conclusion, their tables and assign Share and the Share and Show section of the
culmination, Show section of the textbook. textbook.
wrap-up) Encourage the students to
do the work in pairs.

Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)


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