Khis 3-15-17 PLC Summary

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Summary of New Teacher PLC

Windward Peer Mentor Program

PLC for School: Kahuku High & Intermediate School

Peer Mentor Teacher Facilitator: Steven Caruso
PLC Meeting Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2016 Time: 2:25-3:00 Place: W102

Members of PLC Present:

Gina Ahue, Allen Akoi , Jonathan Gomez, Ester Macy, Erynn Marlar, Sheynoa Mataafa, Robbie
Mitchell, Eddie Nautu, Jacquline Rasmussen, Kiana Uluave, Wendy Uluave, Lori Vimahi, Carli
Gardner, Brittany Peay

Members of PLC Not Present:

Bethany Berry

Goals of PLC:
Teachers build collegial relationships and potential networks of peer support
Share success experiences and effective strategies that address Danielson topic: 3: Instruction

Summary Notes:

1. Welcome, refreshments.
2. Reviewed g oals for PLC.
3. Discussion s trategy each teacher wrote down one topic for discussion. The papers were folded
and placed in the center of the table. Each card was read and one at a time and teachers shared
possible ideas/solutions.
4. Jigsaw activity: 99 Ideas to Engage all Students Simultaneously in Academic Learning
a. Each teach read one page of the article and shared the strategy with the table group
5. Evaluation of PLC

Evaluation of PLC
(Scale of 1-5, 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree)

This professional development activity met the goals stated on the agenda: Average- 4.8
This p rofessional activity contributes to my professional well-being and to building my capacity for
effective teaching: Average- 4.8

Sample of comments from teachers on what is working well in PLC:

Teachers sharing how to solve classroom problems
I was able to collaborate with other teachers and share strategies
Sharing with other teachers about concern
Small group discussions was a great time to share experiences and ideas
Opportunity to listen to peers on suggestions of what has worked for them with regards to
questions and concerns we all have.

Windward District Peer Mentor/Induction Program rev 8/13

I liked the small group discussions on concerns. I got some good advice and it was nice to
hear from others.

Windward District Peer Mentor/Induction Program rev 8/13

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