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Adding Models to LTSpice

This is a method to add models to LTSpice that eliminates the need for
include statements and allows the component to be accessed thru the
regular Spice menu.

1- Create two new folders. One in LTC/LTSiceIV/lib/sub/new (new

is just the name I gave my file) and another in
2- Find the model you want from the part vendors site, download it
and save it into notepad as an ANSI Text file. Note the exact part
name in the line .SUBCKT

* connections: non-inverting input
* | inverting input
* | | positive power supply
* | | | negative power supply
* | | | | output
* | | | | |
* | | | | |
.SUBCKT LM324 1 2 99 50 28

3- Save this file to the LTC/LTSiceIV/lib/sub/new folder as

LM324.sub (LM324 is just an example for a part number use the
one you downloaded.) This file must match the .SUBCKT number
from the downloaded file. Note that 324.sub is the file name not
the file type. The file type is still ANSI Text.
4-You could draw a new symbol, but it is easier to copy an existing
one. Go to LTC/LTSPiceIV/lib/sym/Opamps and choose a component
similar to the one you downloaded (in this case I chose an LT1013 op
amp) and double click it. It should open in LTSpice.

4- You can now edit this device to match your new part. Click on
Edit-Edit Attributes from the LTSpice menu. The symbol attribute
window should open.
5- Modify the data by double clicking the line.

Prefix X
Spice Model new/LM324.sub
Value 1 LM324
Value 2 LM324
Description Quad Op Amp

Click OK.

6- File save as LTC/LTSPiceIV/lib/sym/new/LM324.asy.

Youre done.

7- To add this part to a schematic click on the component icon as usual,

then new and LM324.

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