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1302 Legislation in Indian Mines Safety, Health,.

and Sanitation in Mines 1303

details shall be prepared in duplicate, and such sketch shall be duly signed measuring (give dimension)which fell from (roof or side or face,. or
by the manager/undermanager, etc., safety officer, surveyor, and the basket or tub, etc., as the case may be) at a height of (give dimensions)."
workmen's inspector (where there is no workmen's inspector, by a workperson
present at the place of accident). Such sketch shall also be supported by the The items 'Compensation' and 'Date of Return of Duty' (in case of coal
photographs, where practicable, of the place of accident. . mines) should be coi'rectly filled in. If the information is not immediately
available, it may be sent subsequently, and a suitable note added to the
If the place of accident is disturbed/altered to prevent further accident, Proforma.
or to rescue persons from danger before the sketch could be prepared, the
same shall be prepared immediately thereafter, giving all relevent details The date of return of duty should relate to the date when the affected
as existed before the place was disturbed/altered. worker can perform the duties normally assigned to him before the
occurrence of the accident. Alternative light work, if any, given in the
One of the authenticated sketches shall be delivered or sent to the meanwhile, should not alter the above date.
concerned Regional Inspector. Tlie date, on which the worker has been deciared to be medically fit
Furnishing correct information in the accident notices is very impor- for resumption of his normal duties, may be furnished against the date of
tant for evolving an effective programme of accident prevention. In respect resumption of duri es; and a suitable foot-note added for clarification. In such
of serious accidents, since enquiries are seldom held by the Inspectorate, a cases, the return should be accompanied by a copy of the Fitness Certifi-
correct information is all the more necessary. cate, issued by the certifying doctor.

The accident notice forms should be filled in carefully on the basis of In Form IV-C, to be submitted by the metalliferous mines only, the
the enquiries, colducted under the Regulations, by the manager, assistant date of accident should also be entered against every name.
manager, etc. A failure of heart may be caused in the natural way, or as a result of
In form IV-A, the actual location of the accident should be clearly any injury,. received while engaged in any operations connected with
stated by specifying : mining. In case it is felt that the death has been caused by heart failure in any
operation whatsoever, the post-mortem report of the dead body should be
(i) the shaft, seam/vein, level number, etc., (in case of an under- submitted to the Chief Inspector as soon as possible.
ground location), or,
In order to study the impact of vocational training, it is suggested that
(ii) the quarry and bench, etc., (in case of a location in opencast an additional item should be included, in the accident notices and records,
workings), or, in respect of each deceased/injured person, viz.:
(iii) the exact location on the railway siding, surface tramline, "State whether the person/persons had received initial and/or, re-
workshop, pit top, office, etc., (in case of a location on the surface). fresher training under the Mines Vocational Training Rules. If so, give
In case of accidents, occurring on the surface, it should be clearly particulars thereof."
mentioned whether or not that particular area falls within the mine leasehold.
Occasionally, roof falls occur in mines which (i) do not result in any
Further, unless a clear indication of both 'cause' and 'description' of the fatal or serious accident, or (ii) could not be termed as 'premature collapse
accident is given, the data cannot be properly examined for finding ways and of any part of working'. Though no notice is required to be sent, every major
means to prevent the same. roof fall in a mine, whether it is in a development district, or at a longwall
face,. or at any other place in the mine, and irrespective of the fact whether
A correct description of an accident involving "injury by a piece of
it was anticipated or not, is a useful pointer to the general deterioration of
coal/stone while at work" may be as follows :
roof conditions at that place. It is, therefore, suggested that the report of
"While a (miner or loader or trammer, etc.) was (cutting coal or every such roof fall in a mine should be furnished to the concerned Regional
loading coal or withdrawing props, etc.) at (x depillaring/development face, Inspector within 24 hours of the occurrence, giving all relevant particulars
or y roadway, or z junction), he was injured by a piece of (coal or stone) along with a sketch plan, showing the site and dimensions of the fall, and
the action taken, or proposed to be taken, to deal with the situation.

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