Qualities of System Analyst and SDLC

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1. Describe qualities of system analyst.


Problem Solver: The systems analyst have the ability to take a large business problem,
break that problem down into its component parts, analyze the various aspects of the
problem, and then assemble an improved system to solve the problem.

Communicator: The systems analyst able to communicate effectively, both orally and in

Strong personal and professional ethics: They have strong personal and professional
ethics to help them shape their client relationships.

Self-disciplined and self-motivated: The systems analyst is self-disciplined, self-

motivated individual who is able to manage and coordinate other people, as well as
innumerable project resources.

2. Describe Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Ans: The systems development life cycle is a systematic approach to solving business
problems. It is divided into seven phases. Each phase has unique activities

7 Phases of SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle) are:

a) Planning
b) Analysis
c) Design
d) Development
e) Testing
f) Implementation
g) Maintenance
Phase 1: Planning

Review project requests

Allocate resources
Identify project development team

Phase 2: Analysis

Conduct preliminary investigation

Study current system
Determine user requirements
Recommend solution

Phase 3: Design

Acquire hardware and software, if necessary

Develop details of system

Phase 4: Development
Involves taking all of the detailed design documents from the design phase and
transforming them into the actual system

Phase 5: Testing

Involves bringing all the project pieces together into a special testing environment to
eliminate errors and bugs, and verify that the system.

Phase 6: Implementation

Convert from old system to new system

Train users
Compile final documentation
Evaluate the new system

Phase 7: Maintenance

Removing undetected errors, and

Enhancing existing software

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