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Int J Ayu Pharm Chem

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e-ISSN 2350-0204

Agni-Beyond Digestive Fire An Exploratory Study

Satender Tanwar1* and Pradnya Chittawadgi2
Department of PG Studies in Shalya Tantra at SKAMCH & RC, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Department of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa, Ayurveda Mahavidyala, Hubli, Karnataka, India


NIRUKTI / DEFINITION- Agni in Ayurvedic classics can be referred as following,

That which having the tendency to move forwards and it is considered to be the type of TEJAS.

Agni, Fire, Digestive, Ayurveda

Greentree Group

Received 18/06/15 Accepted 30/7/15 Published 10/09/15

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in is reflected in the concept : :

of of this system. The term is ll

It is only the agni which is located in the

derived from the root word to heat or to
pitta that gives rise to beneficial or adverse
consequences according as it is in normal or
this term is seen to have three meaning viz.,
abnormal state of functioning.
, , -
: :
1. refers to the 2

generation of heat.
Clarifying the implication CHAKARPANI
2. related to the act of has observed that this term does not mean
burning of the nutrition. that the pitta of the body is flaming fire and

3. refers to that factor it only refers to phenomenon of heat which

is associated with fire.
which is responsible to make one
achieve 8 kind of benefits.

From the point of view of has
: 3
been described as agni since it performs the By implication heat is seen to be associated
fire-like actions such as with function of pitta. There are two aspects
paka which refers to pachan of pitta vyapar the digestion of the food and

dahana burning combustion or its transformation into various functional

oxidation. and structural factors of the body.

Parinama conversion A careful study of the existing editions of

Prakashan illumination. ancient Ayurvedic classics and allied

literature shows that pita performs functions
Varna/prabhakara to cause colour
similar to those of Agni.
and luster
In general sense the term kaya or
body itself has been equated to agni
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According to Charaka, Sushrutha and Tthe question if pitta and Agni are identical
Vagbhatta, the composition of pitta is or different has been raised. The passage
dominated by agni mahabhuta. under reference run as follows It may now

ll be asked, is pitta is same as Agni or

something different. The question may be
As per Charakas observation that, The life
answered as stating that pitta is same as that
of all living beings is food and world seeks
of Agni, since it performs the function as
food. Complexion, clearness of mind, good
PACHANA, DAHANA, similar action
voice, longevity, understanding, ease and
performed by fire hence, pitta is considered
pleasure, satisfaction, growth and strength
and intelligence are all dependent upon the
Out of various constituents of a living body,
much importance has been rendered to pitta
The body is outcome of the food. Even so,
and it has been accepted that almost all the
disease is also outcome of the food. The
vital activities depend either directly or
distinction between ease and disease arises
indirectly on the pitta.
on account of wholesome nutrition or the
By the term jatharagnipaka is meant the
lack of it respectively.
digestion of food under the influence of the
Food is the factor which sustains and
jatharagni. The jatharagni was shown earlier
supports the deha dhatus(tissue elements),
to be a synonym of pachakapitta (agni) the
ojas(the factor of resistance to disease and
other synonyms of its being: -
decay), bala(strength and capacity to
perform physical work), and complexion
AND audrya tejas.
among others. This food depends upon Agni
Jatharagni describes the intestinal digestion
to contribute to the nourishment of the body.
and the process involved in it, in simple
It is obvious that the body-elements or
terms, or in other words, it seeks to
sharira dhatus cannot be nourished and
generalize these processes. The term
developed when food is not properly
intenstinal has been advisedly used here on
digested by Agni.
the basis of description of the adho-
amashya furnished by chakrapani data
quoted elsewhere. it will be recalled that he

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has also described this part of the amashya other two gunas being, sattva and
variously as agnashya and pachyamanasya tamas. The phenomenon of tejas or
meaning the organ of agni whre the food is agni understood at the
cooked or digested. The organ is also known phenomenon level in many forms
as kshudraantra or small intenstine and viz., the force of motion, radiation,
grahani.5 heat, electricity and magnetism(
The term jatharagni would seem to stand for including forces of cohesion and
and compromise several factors such, for friction) is implicate in the concept
example as the several enzymes which of and potential in rajoguna of
participate in the digestion of the different mulaprakriti. The origin of agni
components of food in the small intestine. In both the physical and biological is,
this sense jatharagni would represent a therefore to be traced to rajoguna of
complex of substances isolated from others mulaprakriti.
of its kind, present in this region of the 2. AGNI IN NYAYA
alimentary canal. VASHESHIKA
The concept of agni of Ayurveda which According to Nyaya-vaisheshikas,
refers to the manifold functions ascribed to tejas, in which agni is implicit, is one
pitta is at once comprehensive. It is only of the navadravyas and it is
includes chemical agencies responsible for represented by tejaswpramanu. One
the aharapachana in the koshtha which leads of the properties ascribed to tejas
to the separation sarabhaga of the ahara pramanu by nyaya vaisheshikas is
from the kittabhaga but also the metabolic heat.
events energy, synthesis, and maintenance 3. UDAYANA- in his Lakshanavali has
metabolism.6 defined Tejas as thatwhich is
HISTORICAL REVIEW substratum of colour and which
shares a common substratum with
1. AGNI IN THE SAMKHYA the absolute absence of taste.
SYSTEM - agni in the samkhya 4. KANADA RAHASYA- has stated
view is potentially present in the that Tejas is that which has a
rajoguna of the mukaprakriti- the

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common substratum with colour but commentatories there on; to do otherwise

not with weight. will lead to such preposterous translation of
5. ACCORDING TO VYOMAVATI- PITTA as the liver bile which will be shown
quoted by umesh mishra the qualities at a later stage to be MALA (KITTA i.e.
of tejas can be summed up as waste product of the RAKTA).
follows- its colour is illuminating Continuing from where we disagreed to the
and touch is hot. study in brief of the concepts of agni vis a
6. ACCORDING TO vis Pakas it will be recalled that ayurvedic
PRASASTPADA- the natural concepts of digestion and metabolism are
movements of tejas is upward. Its based on the concept of Pitta.
colour and touch do not undergo any It is therefore necessary in passing to make a
chemical change,hence they are nitya brief refrence again to the concept of pitta.
and eternal in the pramanus and Pitta , like VATA and KAPHA ubiquitously
anitya or non-eternal in karya or present in all the parts of the body. The
products. functions, normal and abnormal it is
7. ACCORDING TO generally stated to perform according to
Nyayabodhini on tarkasamgraha has SAMHITA are as shown in the table.
stated An unripe fruit ripens, under
the influence of solar heat. AS PER CHARAKA SAMHITA
Thus the study of Ayurveda presumes the FUNCTIONS OF PITTA
possession of adequate knowledge of the PAKTI- The APAKTI- The
physical, chemical, biological, and promotion of impairment of the
psychological theories furnished among digestion. digestion
others by the Nyaya and vaisheshika DARSHANA- ADARSHANA- the
darshanas . visual promotion. visual impairment
have to be studied in the light of A- responsible for A- The impairment for
contribution made by these darshanas and the production of the production of
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normal body heat. normal body heat. Ushmakrit- aids in

PRAKRITI VIKRITI VRANA- production of the
VRANA- the the causation of body heat.
production of anormal colour and
normal colour and complexion of the AS PER ASTANGA HARDYAM
complexion of the body. NORMAL FUNCTIONS OF THE
body. PITTA
courage complex. Pakti- digestion and Buddhi- enables to
HARSHANAM- KRODHAM- anger, metabolism. knowi.e. knowledge.
cheerfulness. rage. Ushma-production Medha- promotes the
PRASADANA MOHAM- confusion, of the body heat. intellect- memory.
lucidity of the clouding, thinking. Darshanam- enables Dhi- promotes
mind. the visual intelligence and
perception. understanding.
AS PER SHUSHRUTA SAMHITA Prabha- production Dhairyam-
NORMAL FUNCTIONS OF THE of luster of the responsible for
PITTA body. courage.
Ragakrit aids in Medhakrit- aids hunger and appetite.
normal colour of the intellectual Trit- causes thirst.
body. functions. Ruchi- promotes
Paktikrit aids in desire and relish for
digestion and food.
metabolism. Tanu mardavam-
Ojokrit- aids in promotes the
production of the suppleness of the
ojus. body.
Tejakrit- aids vision
light and colur. PACHAKA PITTA
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The concept of pachaka pitta is fundamental increase or decrease as the case may
importance, especially when studied in the be, of JATHARAGNI.
light of some of the more recent He proceeds to observe that the seat
developments in the field of GASTRO- of agni in the region above the
ENTEROLOGY. nabhi( umbilicus). The seat of agni
The concept- charaka has envisaged this also called as the GRAHANI,
concept in very general term as follows- because it receives and retains the
Koshthagni is the leader of all factors food for the duration of its digestion.
concerened with the digestion and The structure of grahani is supported
metabolism in the body. by the agni. It retains the food which
l is still to be digested, while the the
digested portion of itthe food is
moved down to the pakwashya on

l either side.

ll Pachaka pitta known variously as
jatharagni, kosthagni, antragni,

The concept of the pachaka pitta pachakagni and dehagni etc.; while

(KOSTHAGNI) has been described by three being located in its own place in area

main authorities of ayurveda viz., between amasaya and pakwasaya

CHARAKA, SUSHRUTA, and directly participates in the digestion

VAGBHATTA at distinct periods of time. of the food and at the same time,
lends support to and augments the
functions of the remaining pitas,
According to CHARAKA 500
present elsewhere in the body.
PITTA) is the leader of all factors It would be seen from the foregoing

concerned with the digestion and that the ayurvedic concept of agni

metabolism in the body of all living includes, not only five types of pitas

beings. The activities of all these but also, the dhatwagni and bhutagni.

factors normal and abnormal are It is clear from the classical

derived from and dependent upon an ayurvedic texts that the enumeration
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of the number of agni various from

According to charaka samhita read
together with its main commentatory Both sushruta and vagbhatta have described
by the chakrapani datta, the number this concept with a wealth of details. A
of agni enumerated are over 13 as reference was made earlier to the kala viz.,
showen below:- the pittadhara kala that covers the regions
1. Antragni- 1 between the amashya and pakwashya. It was
2. Bhutagni-5 then noted that kala that obtains between the
3. Dhatwagn-7. amashya and pakwashya is where it obtains
On the other hand as per sushrutha is is spoken of as the grahani. The main
seen to have described only five function of this part of koshtha is support
agnis viz. pachakagni, ranjakagni, Gives to the pachaka pitta which is required
alochakagni, sadhakagni and for the digestion of the food brought to this
bhrajakagni. There is however part of the koshtha on its way to pakwashya.
indirect reference in Sushtutha Sushrutha observes further that located as
samhita to five bhutagni, in brief grahani is on the way to pakwashya. It aids
description made to the in the sepration of the sara of the food from
transformation which food stuffs kitta it is because of these functions that this
undergo in the organism. When these structure is known as grahani.
agni ntaken into the consideration It is seen as already referred to elsewhere
the total no. of the agni avccording to that in sushruthas view that the integrity of
the sushrutha would be ten. grahani depends upon the agni and the latter
Vagbhatta is seen rekoned in all the is located in the former. Any impairement in
23 agni. the agni involves ipsofacto the integrity of
1. Pitta- 5. grahani and vice a versa.
2. Bhutagni-5. The foregoing represent a few important
3. Dhatwagni-7. refrences which have an immediate bearing
4. Doshagni-3. on pachaka pitta and kala, known as
5. Malagni-3. pittadhra kala vis a vis portion of the

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koshtha, described as grahani. Stated in other hand and the amshas i.e. parts or
general term, we are called upon to study the moieties of it present ubiquiotesly in the
concept of pachaka pitta on the background dhatus on the other.
of pittadhra kala and grahani. The increase of former (quqlitative
Pittadhra kala was discussed already and it and quantitative) is stated to result in
was then shown that its description bears a corresponding increase in the
very close resemblance to the mucosal activities of the latter. An outcome of
covering, in particular of the small such increase and decrease as the
intenstine. case may be, of the pachakaamshas
As stated elsewhere, the pittadhara kala present in the dhatus has been stated
would also appear to be the structure that to contribute to a decrease ( atrophy-
makes available the pachaka pitta. It is seen wasting) or an increase
in addition that integrity of this kala (hypertrophy) respectively of the
dependes upon pachaka pitta and and there dhatus, subject of course to the
relationship that exists between the former availability of indhana( fuel) to the
and the latter is comparable to that between dhatus in the poshaka dravyas (
the structure and function. nutrient substances).
The structure in the present case is the The idea basic to the two kind of
pittadhra kala and function among others is events discussed above can
its secretion- the pachaka pitta. illustrated with the examples of
The concept of pachaka pitta ,as reflected in clinical conditions described in
the citation above, studied together with the ayurveda as atyagni or bhasmaka
citation quoted earlier from charaka samhita roga and mandaagni which in
that, koshthaagni is the leader of all the modern parlance correspond to hyper
agni open out many significant and far and hypo metabolism, respectively.
reaching possibilities. sushruta is stated to exhibit the
They envisage an intimate generic condition atyagni or tikshna
relationship that is stated to exist between (bhasmaka roga) symptomatology
the the pachaka pitta (agni) in the described below:- The patient easily
adhoamashya or small intenstine, on the digests even a very heavy meal in an
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exceedingly short space of time. He hyperthyroidism. This condition is

suffers from voracious hunger, marked by gradual increase or
parched throat, plate and lips and speeded up cellular respiration which
other discomforts his all frequent has been shown to result in the
and heavy meal notwithstanding liberation of so much of heat that the
Charaka furnishes more detail of this affected person feels hot all the time.
condition. They are : in a person In spite of gluttonous eating, so
afflicted with atyagni the food much of food is burnt that the body
ingested is digested as rapidly as it weight may decrease; the person is
consumed; having thus consumed the constantly under the nervous strain
food, it is also begins to consume the and highly irritable by stimuli and,
dhatus or the tissues of the body , yet is unable to do sustained work
such as rakta or blood etc. the patient due to the lack of fuel reserve. He
is then afflicted with debibility and suffers from the retarded growth.
disease that leads to death. He feels Mandagni described in Ayurveda in
relieved (satisfied) when he has which the dhatus(tissue elements) are
eaten his food but feela faint on the atated to mundergo vriddhi (
completion of digestion of the food increase, growth or hypertrophy) is
ingested. comparable to hypo metabolism,
Vijayrakshita has stated that this usually associated with
condition is also spoken of as 1. Hypothyroidism.
bhasmaka as in this state not only 2. Simmonds disease.
the food that is eaten but also the Hypo-metabolism associated with
body tissues are burnt into ashes. hypothyroidism is stated to occur due to low
The condition described above as thyroxin availability. It will be recalled that
atyagni(tikshanagni or bhasmaka, as the thyroxin activates cellular oxidative
it also called) is reminiscent of an process throughout the body. Thus, in this
analogous condition , described in condition, under reference, there is seen to
modern medicine as hyper be reduction in the oxidative reactions and
metabolism, usually associated with the basal metabolic rate has been shown to
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fall -25. It exhibits the following symptops:- to malfunctioning of the agni either due to
the development of myxedema, reduction in over or hypo functioning. For better
the mental and bodily vigour, loss of sex understanding the agni can be classified into
drive, loss of hair, and the abnormal following types. The subclassification can
thickening of the skin, as if much water has be made for better and easier understanding
been accumulated in it- oedema or shotha as follows:-
which latter leads to an increased body 1. Classification based on the location.
weight, since less of food is burnt in the 2. Classification based on the action
cells and much of it is stored up as fat- a performed by it.
condition which closely resembles the 3. Classification based on the similar
description of medo vriddhi and maamsa properties shown by other elements.
kshaya.7 4. Classification based on the
Simmonds disease is stated to be due to chemical/physical characteristic.
failure of thyrotropic function of the pitutiry 5. Classification based on the Dosha
gland which results in insuffiency of predominance.
thyroxin availability. It is seen not to involve Classification based on the location
the thyroid as such in the morbidity. The Jathragni.
basal metabolic rate, in this condition, is Bhutagni.
seen to be very low. Dhtawagni.
These examples illuatrate the condition Malagni.
described as atyagni and mandagni which
according to Ayurveda, involve the Classification based on the action
tikshanata and mandata respectively of performed by it---
kayagni ( pachakagni) and its amshas

present in the dhatus.

TYPES , :, , ll
Making a classification of agni in ayurevda
requires proper understanding of the (../).

location, its functions and disease arises due Agni in ayurveda classified under four types

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Classification based on the similar Udavarta, Atisara, Jathra, Gaurava,

properties shown by other elements Antrakujana, Pravahana.
As PITTA. 2. TIKSHNAGNI- As it is pitta
As acha pitta. predominant, digests even large
As nueral control- SAMANA quantities of all, toofrequent meals;
VATA. after digestion produces Galashosa,
Classification based on the and Daha, Ostha shosha, and
chemical/physical characteristic Talushosha and Santapa.

As a liquid state. 3. MANDAGNI- As it is kapha

As a dry state. pradhana- Cannot digest even normal

Concept of pithr paka and pilu paka diet properly causing udaragaurava,

vada. Sirogaurava, Kasa, Svasa, Praseka,

Classification based on the Dosha Chardi and Gatrasadana.

predominance. 4. SAMAGNI- As this is due to all the

dosha, properly digests the normal
, : , :,
Health as per WHO defined as A state of
physical, mental, spiritual and social well
being not merely a absence of disease or
Ayurveda defines health as the equilibrium
of the Doshas, Dhatus, Malas and Agni.
Samagni refers to the equilibrium of all the
three doshas and necessary to maintain the
1. VISHAMAGNI- As it is vata
predominant, sometimes digests
slowly, sometimes normally and
sometomes produce Adhmana, Sula, : : ll
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It has been understood from the above said urged to need to carefully preserve agni and
shloka that AGNI is one among the prime retas.
factor to maintain the health of a person. If
there is any impairment in the agni leads to AGNI WITH W.S.R. TO DISEASED
various consequences. STATE
There are several other references in the As explained in the classics AAHARA is
ayurvedic classics which describes the considered to be the factor which is
importance of the agni and maintenance of responsible for the proper functioning of
health. the body both physically and mentally.

: l To do the proper PAKA of the

AAHARA the main requirement is the
good quality of the agni if that is lacking
: ll give rise to impaired digestion and
leades to the manifestation of the various
The dehagni is the basis of strength, positive
health, longrvity, complexion, increase of
cheerfulness, luster and resistance to disease

and decay.
As per Yoga-Ratnakar

The branch of AYURVEDA i.e.

KAYACHIKITSA which entirely deals
ll with the AGNI- Its description, action
and disease related due to the
malfunctioning of the Agni.
The most recent aacharya yoga-ratnakarhas

stated that agni is the mula of the bala in
man as retasis the root of the life. Therefore ll

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Its not only in the AYURVEDA that the

AGNI is the prime factor for
manifestation of the disease. But even in
the contemperoroy science we will get
description as the
cause of all the disease manifestation. (... /)

CONSTIPATION - Root cause of all the Kayachikitsa one among the eight branches
disease. of the Ayurveda. In its scope, it embraces
INDIGESTION leads to all other the entire field of medicine known today as
disorders. internal medicine. Both chakrapani datta and
Hence, we can say that these are few Gangadhra sena have described it as
scattered reference in the classic and other Antragnichikitsa.
science to supports the importance of the The term Antragni and Kayagni are
Agni. synonymous.
: ll
The disease which are to be concerned with

: l
the increase agni is to be considered due to
increase and decrease of the agni--- : l

The consequences which may happen due to (.. /-)

the Mandagni or impaired or hypo
A decrease or an increase of dhatus occur
functioning of the agni is the Ama
according as the tikshnata or mandata of the
In the ayurvedic viewnearly all of the
pachkaagni present in the dhatus.
disease included under kayachikitsa, have
As the flame of the forest fire tendes to
their origin in Amadosha, Amadosha and
increase or decrease according to the
Amavisha are conditions which are stated to
quantity of indhana so also is the case with
occur due to the impairment of the agni.
Dhatu prampara.
(... /-)

: :
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Agni is the great entity explained in the
Ayurvedic classics not only explained about
the digestive functions but beyond the
digestive functioning includes hormonal,
neural endocrine and even beyond these.
The possible and sincere effort has been
made to explain the functioning of the Agni
as per Ayurvedic and modern perspective
Hence it can be concluded that Agni is
beyond digestive functioning and a complex
entity explained by our great Acharyas
which is to certain extent explained and
understood by the present physician need
much more exploration for the better
understanding of the disease and counter act
the pathology and to provide a healthy and
happy life for human beings.

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1. Introduction to Kayachikitsa By C
Dwarakanath, 3rd edition, pg- 46-50, pp-
2. Charaka samhita by Dr. Brahamanand
Tripathi, reprint 2011, 13th chapter, pg-
471, pg-1450.
3. Kayachikitsa by Vidyadhar Shukla,
Reprint 2005, pg-2005, pg-194, pp-640.
4. Sushruta Samhita, Sutra sthana by
Kaviraj Ambika Dutt Shastri,
Poorvadh reprint 2008, 5th chapter,
pg-41, pp-286.
5. Fundamentals principal of Ayurveda
By C. Dwarakanath reprint 2003,
pg-20, pp-211.
6. Concepts of Jathragni in Ayurvedic
medicines by Salavurao Gopal, 2nd
edition, pp-408, pg-11.
7. Concepts of Jathragani in Ayurveda
A Patho-physiological Study by
Vaidya S.N. Sharma, pg preface
01,16, 122, pp-135.
8. Text book of medical physiology
by Guyton and hall 9th edition,
pp1147, pg-909, chapter 72nd
energetic and metabolic rate.

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