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Monster Novel Essay

Name: Fatima Arriola

1. Topic Selection: Focuses on one specific interpretation about the monstrous nature of
the novel. 7.5/7.5
2. Title: The title should be both creative and informative. 5.5/7.5
3. Thesis: Makes a clear, specific, and debatable argument about the monster in the novel
and what this interpretation of the monster tells us about the human condition. 23/30
4. Development/Support: Ideas are fully developed. Four scholarly sources (articles found
either on library databases or .edu websites) and the novel itself used to support your
thesis. 40/60
5. Organization: The ideas appear in a logical order; the paper uses transitions to move
from one idea to the next. 6/15
6. Spelling/Grammar/Mechanics: The paper is virtually free of spelling, grammar, or
mechanical errors./ 7/15
7. Page Length: The paper is 5-6 complete pages long. Papers less than 5 COMPLETE
pages will not earn a passing grade. Yes
8. MLA Citation: The paper uses MLA style citation for quotes, paraphrases, summaries,
and a Works Cited page. 7.5/7.5
9. MLA Formatting: The paper uses MLA formatting, including 12 point Times New Roman
font, double spacing, one inch margins, etc. 7.55/7.5
Total: 104/150 Comments: Cherry, you have some interesting points here, such as when you
discuss how sucking blood is a sexual violation. The problem with this paper is that your
interesting points do not add up to proving a central idea. Your thesis about how people change
personalities at will is potentially interesting, but it would be worded more specifically/clearly.
You also dont really get back to this idea until the end of the essay. I also am not sure if I fully
see the connection because, as you point out, Dracula forces people to change, but you are
saying we should fear ourselves because we change at will. Maybe if you say something about
how we are easily influenced to become corrupt, in the same way that Dracula influences his
victims, this would be clearer. You need to explain your points in more detail; you move into the
next point before fully explaining the previous one, especially when it comes to the sources that
you reference. You also dont have any quotes here to back up your points, from either the
novel or the articles. You need to work on creating transitions between your sentences; you
jump from one idea to another idea in the next breath, and its difficult to follow you. You also
need to work on organizing your paragraphs, as they are all over the place. Discuss just one
idea per paragraph. You also need to discuss some of the theory we went over about
Psychoanalysis. You need to fix the wording of your sentences for clarity, and you need to
proofread for spelling errors, etc. Use the correct verbs (We have, versus We got). The
authors name is Stoker not Stocker. Avoid using you.
Comments from Peers ( I didnt participate in the group peer review because I only had
one paragraph)
-Introduction is good
-No thesis.
-Needs to complete her paragraph.

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