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Bloody Work

It was a sunny day(LIGHT1) as I walked into work, aka hell. I honestly just dread work

every single day. Who doesnt? Who actually enjoys their job? I am exhausted and honestly all I

want to do is go back home and sleep.(OBS1) I can hear my bosss voice from around the

corner(SOUND), You people are pathetic around here! I always try to impress her and do my

best so maybe she wont get on me as much and make me do the dirty work.(KISS) Nothing is

good enough for her.

As soon as I go to clock in she tells me, I need you to go clean the break room

and be back up here in 20 minutes to get on your register.(CONTROL1) Im over here

thinking, Its 7 Oclock in the morning, I dont even use the break room, and why me!

But of course being the good employee I am smiles at my boss and goes and cleans the

break room. I go into the break room and its super dark.(LIGHT2). Im telling you, no

one uses it because its disgusting. Whenever you walk in, all you can smell is sour milk

from the dairy department.(SMELL). As Im cleaning everything, one of my coworkers

comes in there and heats up something in the microwave. I had just scrubbed the

microwave clean and guess what he does? He doesnt cover his food. This man is at least

40 years, you know his mother taught him to cover his dish in the microwave. I was

already frustrated with how my morning started so I let him have it. Um, I just cleaned

that microwave because nobody knows how to cover their food and you just came in here

and messed it up again so I think you should clean it up.(RANT). He did not like what I

had to say so he went and told on me. A 40 year old man telling on an 18 year old. What

is this?
I go back up front after Im done cleaning the break room and I get another

starbucks coffee.(OBS2). My boss looks at me and I already know what she is

thinking.(EYES). She walked over to me and said she heard I got into it with another co

worker in the breakroom and I told her what happened and she said she didnt care and

that I needed to go jump on a register because it was getting busy and the lines were

backing up.(CONTROL2). This rude old chunky woman(BODY1) comes through my

line and she has a cart full of food. I was so irritated at this point. All I can think about is

laying in bed watching Greys Anatomy. (DREAM). My boss tells me to go take my

break so I punch out and go get a slice of pizza. (OBS3). I got supreme, my

favorite.(TASTE). Im in my car and all the sudden it gets so dark outside(LIGHT3), I

hate when it rains, it was not going to be my day.

I walk into the store and everyone is going crazy because they wanted to beat the

rain. Lines were backed up and everyone was bumper to bumper with shopping carts.

(SIGHT). My manager gave me the evil eye so I knew what that meant(BL1). I am

ringing up this man whose eyes are so red, I asked him what was wrong and he said it

must be something in the air.(BODY2). The store goes through phases where it is busy

one minute and then dead the next. Thats what this whole day was like and it was so

annoying. This sweet lady came up to me and I asked if I knew where cranberry sauce

was and I told her the wrong aslie, so being the good employee I am goes and finds her

and tells her the right asile(ASTRAY). My boss starts freaking out because I left my

register, so she starts yelling my name over the whole store, Kristin to your register,

Kristin to your register! I go up to the front and apologize for leaving my register and

not telling her. She puts her arm on my shoulder(TOUCH) and tells me its okay just to
tell her next time. Why all of the sudden shes being nice! Its been such a long day at

work, my feet hurt and Im so tired(OBS4).

Its finally 3 Oclock and that means I get to home. My boss stops me on the way

out and ask if I can come in the next day at 12 and work until 6. Considering I had the

day off, I didnt really want too but she almost didnt ask me, she kind of just told me that

I was going too. Just by the way she walked over to me, I knew what she was going to

say. (BL2). I drove home and I take all of work clothes and change into my pajamas just

because I had no plans for the rest of the day. I am absolutely exhausted. Between school,

work, and my crazy boss, I needed some sleep.(OBS5).

The next morning, I slept in until 11 and I had to be at work at 12. Like always

my manager is there. Shes being rude to customers, running through the store, bumping

into people.(BL3). I had already had enough, I hate the way she treats people. It was only

12 and I was over it.

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