End Semester Examination: Foundation BSC Computing (Sept 2015 Intake L3S1)

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Time: 2 hr Computer Fundamentals & Network (L3S1 Sept 2015 Intake) Full Marks: 60

Foundation BSc Computing (Sept 2015 Intake L3S1)

End Semester Examination
Course: Computer Fundamentals & Network
(SECTION B- Sarbin Sayami)

Name: ____________________________________________________

Student ID: _________________________________________________


Time Allocated: 2 hr

Full Marks: 60

Pass Marks: 24

Section A: Brief Answer question: ---------------------------4 questions (16 marks)

Section B: Short Answer question: ---------------------------4 questions (24 marks)
Section C: Long Answer question: ---------------------------2 questions (20 marks)


Please read the questions carefully.

Do not ignore the NOTES to the questions.
In numerical questions, shortcuts to the calculations will not be acceptable. Full workings for deriving of
the answers must be shown.
Answers must be written in ink. USE either BLUE or BLACK pen.

I pledge on my honour that during this examination I have neither given nor received unauthorized
assistance, nor have I seen any violations of the Exam Code of Conduct.

Signature: ______________________ Date: _____________________

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16 February, 2016 10:00-12:00
Time: 2 hr Computer Fundamentals & Network (L3S1 Sept 2015 Intake) Full Marks: 60

Attempt all questions:

Section A [16 marks]

Brief Answer question

1. Choose the right answer from given options. [4 ]

i) Which of the following is the 1s complement of 10000?

a) 001100 b) 01111 c) 11100 d) 11001

ii) Which is the subnet mask of class C IP address?

a) b) c) d) none of above

iii) . Is a Primary memory.

a) ROM b) RAM c) PROM d) Hard Drive

iv)The octal system uses powers of

a) 2 b) 16 c) 3 d) 8

2. i) List out the layers of OSI? [2]

ii) Subtract 11011 from 1101110 by using 2's complement? [2]

3. i) Draw the figure and truth table for the function, F = AB'+BA+B'A'A. [2]

ii) What is universal gate and explain its use. [2]

4. i) What is the difference between IPV4 and IPV6? [2]

ii) What do you mean by Packet datagram? [2]

Section B [24 marks]

Short answer questions:
5. Explain the working mechanism of Laser Printer. [6]
6. What is protocol? Explain the DSL technologies. [6]

7. There are Five process with their burst time of 5, 2 ,3 ,1 and 15 ms. Their arrival time are 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4
ms respectively. Implement FCFS, SJF, SRT and Priority algorithms to calculate Average Turn Around time and
Average Waiting time. [6]

i) A15B.AC ii) 54C.221

8. Perform the following [6]

i) 111101 divided by 1101 ii) 111011 Multiplied by 11101

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16 February, 2016 10:00-12:00
Time: 2 hr Computer Fundamentals & Network (L3S1 Sept 2015 Intake) Full Marks: 60

Section C [20 marks]

Long answer questions:
i) Explain different types of Network Topologies. List out their advantages and disadvantages.
ii) Explain OSI layers with necessary diagram. [5]
10. You are given network address. Assign IP address to the following departments
properly. [10]

Sales Department 80 Hosts

Operation Department 20 Hosts

Account Department 30 Hosts

**************** Best of Luck ****************

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16 February, 2016 10:00-12:00

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