Unit Plan

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Design Topic: AdditionWhole Number Operations Subject(s): Math Grade(s): 1st Designer(s): Cameo Roman

Understanding by Design

Unit Cover Page

Unit Title: Addition Grade Levels: 1st Grade

Topic/Subject Areas: Math-Computation and Estimation Focus: Whole Number Operations

Key Words: Addition, Adding, Sum, Solve

Designed By: Cameo Roman Time Frame: 2 weeks

School District: Regent University School: Deep Creek Central

Brief Summary of Unit (including curricular context and unit goals):

In this unit, students will learn that addition means to add two parts together to get a whole
number. Students will learn various strategies on how to solve addition problems. The students will
become familiar with addition number sentences presented in a variety of ways, such as with pictures,
horizontally, vertically, and sentences. The students will be able to identify all of the necessary
components for an addition number sentence, such as addends, plus sign, equal sign, and sum. The
students will be able to create their own addition number sentences in various formats.
Also in this unit, students will complete an addition booklet to show that they can solve
addition problem sentences when given scenarios in written format. They will also show that
they can recognize different fact families. Also, the students will complete an addition pennant
banner to show that they can create a variety of addition number sentences. Along with these
projects, the students will be given a mid-chapter assessment, various worksheets, and time to
complete their math workbooks to show further understanding of addition.

Unit design status: X Completed template pages stages 1, 2, 3

Completed blueprint for each performance task X Completed rubrics

Directions to students and teacher Materials and resources listed

x Suggested accommodations x Suggested extensions

Status: Initial draft (date: ___________) Revised draft (date: ____________)

Peer Reviewed Content Reviewed Field Tested Validated Anchored

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 1

Design Topic: AdditionWhole Number Operations Subject(s): Math Grade(s): 1st Designer(s): Cameo Roman


Unit Title: Addition

Established Goals: The student will recall basic addition facts with sums to 18 or less. The student
will create and solve one-step story and picture problems using basic addition facts with sums to 18
or less (Virginia Standards of Learning, Grade 1, Math 1.5 and 1.6).

Understandings: Students will understand that Essential Questions:

Addition means bringing two numbers How do we solve addition
(parts) together to get the whole number. problems/sentences?
There are many strategies to help solve What is the purpose of the equal sign?
addition problems. What does the plus sign mean?
Addition problems can be in various Why is it important to know different
forms. addition strategies?

Students will know: Students will be able to:

That the two parts in an addition equation Add two numbers together to get the
are called the addend. sum.
That adding two numbers together Recall what the different parts of an
creates a sum. addition equation are (addend, plus sign,
That the plus sign indicates that it is an equal sign, and sum).
addition problem. Solve various forms of addition problems
That the equal sign indicates that the left (picture, word, story, vertical, horizontal).
side is equivalent to the right side. Create addition problems when given the
That the sum when adding a number to sum.
zero is still the same number. Write addition problems accurately.
Solve addition problems with a variety of
strategies (counting on, number line, flip


Performance Tasks: Other Evidence:
The students will complete an addition banner The students will complete a mid-chapter
to show that they can create a variety of assessment to show understanding of how
addition number sentences. to solve addition problems and write
The students will complete an addition addition problem sentences.
booklet to show that they can solve addition
The students will complete the addition
problem sentences when given scenarios in
pages from their math workbooks
written format.
Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 2
Design Topic: AdditionWhole Number Operations Subject(s): Math Grade(s): 1st Designer(s): Cameo Roman

The students will complete various

addition worksheets such as the counting
on with fingers and dominoes worksheets.
Student Self-Assessment and Reflection

Students will complete an exit ticket at the end of the day. The exit tickets will ask a variety of
questions pertaining to that days content
The students will complete various addition activities using manipulatives on a daily basis.


Summary of Learning Activities:
(list by number here and then complete the week-by-week planning calendar below using the same information)

1. TTW give the students an addition pre-assessment.

2. TTW show the student various items in different groups and ask them for help on counting them
all together.
3. TTW introduce addition vocabulary.
4. TTW guide the students on completing addition story problems with the manipulatives.
5. TTW read 12 Ways to Get 11 by Eve Merriam for the students to enjoy and to help them solve
simple math problems mentally.
6. TTW then review the previously learned vocabulary (addition, whole, part, sum, plus, and equal)
on a PowerPoint. TTW review the commutative property (flipping the parts in an addition
problem) and also practice recognizing the parts and whole of picture addition problems.
7. TTW use the Addition Facts Practice PDF to show the students that when zero is added to a
number, the sum is the same as the number.
8. TSW complete pages 21-24 of the Addition Concepts Workbook.
9. TTW play the Add Em Up song video from Youtube for the students to enjoy and sing along to.
10. TTW then review the previously learned vocabulary (addition, whole, part, sum, plus, and equal)
on a PowerPoint. TTW remind students about the commutative property and practice recognizing
the parts and whole of picture addition problems.
11. TTW play the BrainPop Jr. Counting On video.
12. TTW then go over the Addition Strategies Anchor Chart to show students how solving addition
problems can be done in various ways (counting on, number line, pictures, etc.).
13. 50s Decade for 50th Day of School Celebration.
14. TSW complete the Dinosaur Number Line Addition worksheet and the Ten Frame Addition
15. TSW complete the Domino Addition worksheet.
16. TSW enjoy the When You Add With A Pirate song (Youtube).
17. TSW complete the mid-chapter assessment
18. TTW play the My Dog Addition song video from Youtube.
19. TTW then review previously learned vocabulary (addition, whole, part, sum, plus, and equal) from
the PowerPoint. TTW introduce the term addends. TTW will also review how to solve vertical
addition problems, while showing the students how dominoes can be used to create addition
20. TSW complete their addition pennant banners.
21. As an exit ticket TTW ask the students what addends are.
22. TTW review previously learned vocabulary the PowerPoint. TTW will also review how to write and
solve vertical addition problems.
23. TTW review with the students how to write and solve vertical addition problems with the white
Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 3
Design Topic: AdditionWhole Number Operations Subject(s): Math Grade(s): 1st Designer(s): Cameo Roman

24. TSW finish their pennant banners.

25. TTW review previously learned vocabulary the PowerPoint. TTW will also review how to write and
solve vertical addition problems.
26. TSW practice creating and solving addition problems with manipulatives in different stations.
27. TTW quiz the students with addition problems in a competitive game format.
28. TSW start on their addition booklets.
29. TTW read the story Mission Addition by Loreen Leedy.
30. TSW finish their addition booklets.
31. TSW complete pages 27-30 in their math workbooks.

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 4

Design Topic: AdditionWhole Number Operations Subject(s): Math Grade(s): 1st Designer(s): Cameo Roman

Stage 3 Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
TTW give the TTW read 12 Ways to TTW play the Add 50s Decade for TSW complete the
students an addition Get 11 by Eve Em Up song video th
50 Day of School Dinosaur Number
pre-assessment. Merriam for the from Youtube for the Celebration Line Addition
TTW show the students to enjoy and students to enjoy and worksheet and the
student various items to help them solve sing along to. Ten Frame Addition
in different groups simple math problems TTW then review the worksheet.
and ask them for help mentally. previously learned TSW complete the
on counting them all TTW then review the vocabulary (addition, Domino Addition
together. previously learned whole, part, sum, worksheet.
TTW introduce vocabulary (addition, plus, and equal) on a TSW enjoy the When
addition vocabulary. whole, part, sum, PowerPoint. TTW You Add With A
TTW guide the plus, and equal) on a remind students Pirate song
students on PowerPoint. TTW about the (Youtube).
completing addition review the commutative property TSW complete the
story problems with commutative property and practice mid-chapter
the manipulatives. (flipping the parts in recognizing the parts assessment
an addition problem) and whole of picture
and also practice addition problems.
recognizing the parts TTW play the
and whole of picture BrainPop Jr. Counting
addition problems. On video.
TTW use the Addition TTW then go over the
Facts Practice PDF to Addition Strategies
show the students Anchor Chart to show
that when zero is students how solving
added to a number, addition problems can
the sum is the same be done in various
as the number. ways (counting on,

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 5

Design Topic: AdditionWhole Number Operations Subject(s): Math Grade(s): 1st Designer(s): Cameo Roman

TSW complete pages number line, pictures,

21-24 of the Addition etc.).
Concepts Workbook.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
TTW play the My Dog TTW review TTW review TTW quiz the TTW read the story
Addition song video previously learned previously learned students with addition Mission Addition by
from Youtube. vocabulary the vocabulary the problems in a Loreen Leedy.
TTW then review PowerPoint. TTW will PowerPoint. TTW will competitive game TSW finish their
previously learned also review how to also review how to format addition booklets.
vocabulary (addition, write and solve write and solve TSW start on their TSW complete pages
whole, part, sum, vertical addition vertical addition addition booklets 27-30 in their math
plus, and equal) from problems. problems. workbooks.
the PowerPoint. TTW TTW review with the TSW practice
introduce the term students how to write creating and solving
addends. TTW will and solve vertical addition problems
also review how to addition problems with manipulatives in
solve vertical addition with the white boards. different stations.
problems, while TSW finish their
showing the students pennant banners.
how dominoes can be
used to create
addition sentences.
TSW complete their
addition pennant
As an exit ticket TTW
ask the students what
addends are.

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 6

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