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Jennifer Delgado

History 301

October 29, 2014

Southern women

The cult of domesticity means is the new ideas of femininity. It explores the idea

of how a woman is at home and the dynamics of a woman in her family. During the cult

domesticity women were to be perfect in every way to society to there home. Women

were the center of attention because a lot was expected. For example they had to be

loving wives, and caring mothers. Also their role in society was to inspire in religion too.

Women didnt have rights, yet they were expected to do a lot. I do not agree the woman

should only have the role to satisfy others. Women were probably so unhappy because

they always had to follow orders and were never given rights. Its really admiring to know

that woman would stand up for their rights, when they had society against them.

In the first primary source Aint I A women man were challenged when

Sojourner Truth stood up in front of the Womens Convention center. She challenged the

idea that why do women do everything a men demands. That everyone should be treated

the same. She believed that every women should be treated with respect, without caring

what skin color she is. In Memoir on slavery, by William Harper he was a

representative of pro-slavery. He believed that slavery was what kept our country going.

By analyzing my first primary source it shows how during the time women had no

rights. It was a huge deal when Truth decided to stand up for herself. She had to because

no one else was doing anything about the situation. She was the one that said what I bet

mostly everyone didnt dare to say. Religion played a big role because at the end of her
speech she states were God came from. The speech is very powerful because she argues

every point, and she knows the right thing is for every one to be equal because its

beneficial to women.

1. "A'n't I a woman" by Sojourner Truth is cited as follows:

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Matilda Joslyn Gage, History of

Woman Suffrage (New York: Fowler and Wells, 1881), 1: pp. 115-117.

In the other hand William Harper believed that slavery was beneficial to our

country. Truth and Harper think different because Truth was fighting and standing up for

everyone to have equal rights and that your skin color shouldnt matter. However Harper

states in Memoir of Slavery, that slavery is evil but it benefits society. His speech was

positive for society. Because of slavery he believed society had achieved good economy.

2. William Harper, "Harper's Memoir on Slavery," in The Pro-Slavery Argument: As

Maintained by the Most Distinguished Writers of the Southern States (Philadelphia:

Ippincott, Gerambo and Co., 1853), pp. 41, 42-45.

Since Truth was a slave she knew what it felt to be used and not listened to. I

agree that equal rights is the correct thing to do. I can imagine how hard it was back in

the day to stand up for what you believe. But it wasnt fair for all women to be defined

the same way, and be given the same roles. They both had different thoughts, its sad that

one was thinking about economic advantages instead of trying to create more modern

generation. Slavery and thinking women should stay home is against what I believe

because God created all of us with equal rights.

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