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Global Banking Outlook 2017

is no excuse
for inaction
2017 must be the
year that banks move
decisively to improve
Executive summary 3

Uncertainty is no excuse for inaction 4

Reshape: set clear strategy and consistent structure 8

Control: enhance three lines of defense 12

Protect: minimize internal and external threats 14

Optimize: harness technology to drive

Grow: invest in staff and technology
to support innovation

Building a better ecosystem 23

Global Banking Outlook 2017 | 1

Innovation is necessary
to drive meaningful
improvements in
Executive summary

The year ahead is one of uncertainty for many banks, with the While the challenge for banks is how, in a year of uncertainty
implications of Brexit for the UK and the European Union (EU) Yf\oal`dalld][Yk`lgafn]kl$l`]q[Yfaehjgn]l`]ajfYf[aYd
unclear, the election of Donald Trump as President of the United performance, we expect the shift from keeping safe to making
States raising questions about the future direction of banking l`af_kZ]ll]jlg_Yl`]jhY[]gn]jl`][geaf_q]Yj&O]Z]da]n]
regulation in the US and European pushback on so-called Basel IV l`]j]Yj]k`gjl%Yf\e]\ame%l]jekl]hkZYfckk`gmd\lYc]afn]
j]_mdYlagfk\janaf_\]dYqkaffYdaraf_l`gk]jmd]k& kh][a[Yj]Yklg`]dhl`]eY\\j]kkZgl`Yc]]hkY^]Yf\eYc]
eYfqZYfckYjgmf\l`]ogjd\&=n]faf]e]j_af_eYjc]lk$ Reshape: J]l`afcZYka[gj_YfarYlagfYdkljm[lmj]k$[gfka\]jE9
hjglYZadalq`YkZ]]fkim]]r]\Yk_dgZYd][gfgea[_jgol``Yk kljYl]_a]kYf\f\f]ooYqklg_jgohjglYZdqafj]khgfk]lg
o]Yc]f]\&Hjgllj]f\keYqklj]f_l`]faf*()/hYjla[mdYjdq j]_mdYlgjqYf\eYjc]lhj]kkmj]k&
Control: =fkmj]l`YlfYf[aYdjakcYf\fYf[aYdh]j^gjeYf[]Yj]
lj]f\kafl`]gh]jYlaf_]fnajgfe]flYf\`goljYfk^]jYZd]l`]k] Protect: @gdakla[YddqY\\j]kkl`j]YlklgZmkaf]kk[gflafmalq^jge
improvements are to banks in other advanced economies and the Zgl`]pl]jfYdYf\afl]jfYdY[lgjk$af[dm\af_[qZ]jYf\fYf[aYd
]e]j_af_eYjc]lkj]eYafkmf[]jlYaf& [jae]&

Optimize: Use new operating models and technologies to address

But uncertainty cannot be an the challenges of margin pressure, customer experience and
excuse for inaction
=Q*()/_dgZYdZYfcaf_gmldggckmjn]qYkmjn]qg^k]fagj Grow: J]_YafhjglYZd]j]dYlagfk`ah_jgol`afYf]jYg^
]p][mlan]kYlYdegkl+((ZYfckY[jgkkl`]_dgZ]k`gokl`Yl heightened customer expectations and nontraditional market
gfdq))g^j]khgf\]flk]ph][ll`]ajZYfckfYf[aYdh]j^gjeYf[] ]fljYflk&
lgaehjgn]ka_fa[Yfldqafl`]f]pl)*egfl`k&9f\o`ad]l`] The successful execution of strategies in each of these areas, will
survey indicates that the risk and regulation agenda will continue j]imaj]ZYfcklgl`afcYf\gh]jYl]\a^^]j]fldq&AffgnYlagfoaddZ]
to dominate the attention of management and decisions about f][]kkYjqlg\jan]e]Yfaf_^mdaehjgn]e]flkafh]j^gjeYf[]&
spending over the next year, our research shows that many of the
worlds largest banks are starting to think about how to improve

Figure 1
Strategic banking agenda

Global Banking Outlook 2017 | 3

Uncertainty is no excuse
for inaction
*().oYkYq]Yjg^kmjhjak]kYf\ljYfkalagf&*()/emkl But, while 2017 will see a shift toward implementation
be the year that banks move decisively to improve their and supervision, this will not necessarily translate into a
hjglYZadalq& fYlmjYdhjgllYadoaf\^gjZYfck&

2016 started on a wave of anxiety, as commodity prices Instead, in 2017, we expect that the shift from setting
tumbled and concerns about global growth escalated hgda[a]klgaehd]e]flaf_jmd]koadd\]eYf\Yka_fa[Yfl
k`Yjhdq&L`]jklimYjl]jg^l`]q]Yjlqha[Yddql`] [gehdaYf[]]^^gjlYf\afn]kle]fll`Ylakmfdac]dq
kljgf_]kl^gj[YhalYdeYjc]lkj]n]fm]koYk`aklgja[Yddq lgZ]g^^k]lZqYkmj_]afj]n]fm]_jgol`&AfY\\alagf$
o]Yc&;gf\alagfkklYZadar]\afl`]k][gf\imYjl]j$Zml l`]afljg\m[lagfg^lglYddgkk%YZkgjZaf_[YhY[alq LD9;!
l`]f[Ye]YhYajg^hgdala[Ydkmjhjak]kl`]gml[ge]k as a resolution tool brings an explicit recognition that
of the UK referendum vote to leave the EU and the US investors will be on the hook if things go wrong; the
hj]ka\]flaYd]d][lagf&O`ad]eYjc]lkdYj_]dqlggcl`] associated implications of this for credit ratings and
ngl]kmjhjak]kafklja\]$Zgl`eYq`Yn]ka_fa[Yfldgf_% cost of capital will likely exacerbate banks challenges in
l]jeaehda[Ylagfk^gjZYfck& aehjgnaf_hjglYZadalq&

9_Yafkll`][`Ydd]f_af_gh]jYlaf_]fnajgfe]fl$ZYfck =imYddq$afl]jekg^[gf\m[l$j][]flf]kYf\
in developed markets continued to struggle to deliver discoveries of past misconduct show there is still a
JG=kl`Ylo]j]`a_`]jl`Yfl`]aj[gklg^]imalq&JG=k need for banks to clear up legacy issues and change
Ydkg\akYhhgafl]\afl`]]e]j_af_eYjc]lk$j]][laf_ l`]aj[mdlmj]&9dl`gm_`ka_fa[Yflhjg_j]kk`YkZ]]f
l`]aehY[lg^kdgoaf_][gfgea]k&Afl]jekg^ljYfkalagf$ made on this front, there remains a major challenge
the prudential regulatory framework is now well in implementing mechanisms to prevent a recurrence
established and the program of policymaking for capital, g^hjgZd]ek&Afklalmlagfk[YffglYddgodYj_]f]klg
liquidity and resolution rules is coming to a close, with [gflafm]lg\]kljgql`]aj[YhalYdZYk]k&

Figure 2
No signs of recovery: return on average equity for worlds 200 largest banks (%)

Developed others Emerging Markets Europe North America

FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 (annualised)

(annualized) FY16 cost of equity

Source: SNL Financial, EY analysis

We also expect that banks will continue to shrink their footprints in FglYZdq$^gmjg^l`]n]hjagjala]kafl`akdaklYj]Yda_f]\oal`l`]
[]jlYafZmkaf]kk]kaf*()/^gj]pYehd]$[gjj]khgf\]flZYfcaf_ c]]haf_l`af_kkY^]Y_]f\Y&
Despite this, we expect 2017 to also be the year that banks
analysis of the publicly stated strategies of 30 major banks around
9f\fYddq$Ydl`gm_`j]_mdYlgjkeYqZ][geaf_lgl`]]f\g^k]llaf_ the world, while their strategic priorities vary across regions,
policies related to prudential supervision, we anticipate that they many are focused on making things better by growing and
will turn their focus to the implementation of these rules, as well ghlaearaf_l`]ajZmkaf]kk k]]>a_mj]+!&O]Z]da]n]alakhgkkaZd]^gj
as consumer protection and cybersecurity reforms, all of which will ZYfcklgj][gf[ad][gfa[laf_hjagjala]klgaehjgn]l`]ajfYf[aYd
\]eYf\_j]Yl]jeYfY_]e]flYll]flagfYf\[YhalYdafn]kle]fl& performance, while also enhancing their control and protection
and reveals that risk and regulation will continue to dominate Reshape the business: Banks must clearly articulate a core
eYfY_]e]flYll]flagfgn]jl`]f]pl)*egfl`k& kljYl]_q\gl`]qoYfllg\geafYl]dg[YdeYjc]lk$Z]j]_agfYd
champions or establish themselves as universal super banks
that provide a full range of services to a global customer base?
2017 are:
They will need to identify their strengths and then restructure
)& EYfY_af_j]hmlYlagfYdjakc$af[dm\af_[gf\m[lYf\[mdlmj]jakck gh]jYlagfklgj]][ll`]e$o`ad]YdkgZ]af_egj]eaf\^mdg^l`]aj
*& E]]laf_j]_mdYlgjq[gehdaYf[]Yf\j]hgjlaf_klYf\Yj\k
Control the business: 9k[gehdaYf[]Yf\jakceYfY_]e]fl
+& =f`Yf[af_\YlYk][mjalqYf\[qZ]jk][mjalq
remain a priority, banks must also enhance their application of
,& E]]laf_[YhalYd$daima\alqYf\d]n]jY_]jYlagj]imaj]e]flk l`]l`j]]daf]kg^\]^]fk]lgfgffYf[aYdakkm]k$klj]f_l`]fl`]aj
focus on vendor management and simplify their supply chains to
-& J][jmalaf_Yf\j]lYafaf_c]qlYd]fl
or centers of excellence to scale down testing and surveillance

Figure 3
Banks strategic focus differs by region

Reshape Optimize

North American banks

European banks

APAC and Japanese banks

Control Protect

Global Banking Outlook 2017 | 5

Protect the business: :Yfckemklj]Zmad\ljmkl&L`] Our analysis also revealed that the maturity of strategic
ja_`lgj_YfarYlagfYd[mdlmj]oaddZ]Yc]q\a^^]j]flaYlgj actions banks are taking to keep safe and make things
^gjd]Y\af_ZYfck&AfY\\alagf$_an]fl`]gf_gaf_ Z]ll]jnYja]kka_fa[Yfldq&Dggcaf_Yl_jgol`$^gj
Yf\]pl]fkan]l`j]Ylg^[qZ]j%Yf\fYf[aYd% example, some banks are simply seeking to protect their
crime, banks must make their systems secure, use existing market positions, while others are ambitiously
l][`fgdg_qlgeYpaear]l`][gn]jY_]g^afl]jfYd afn]klaf_aff]ol][`fgdg_a]kYf\[mklge]jk]_e]flk&
protection and adequately train and supervise their There is a similarly divergent approach to reshape,
klY^^&AfY\\alagf$ZYfckemkl]eZ]\Y^g[mkgf with some banks maintaining their current business
[qZ]jk][mjalqafl`]aj\a_alYdYf\>afL][`Y_]f\Y& structures while exiting selected non-strategic markets,
and others actively building alliances with FinTech
Optimize the business: Banks must develop new
operating models that take advantage of technology
Over the medium term, we expect utilities to play an To drive meaningful ROE improvements banks will need
af[j]Ykaf_dqka_fa[Yfljgd]af\janaf_]^[a]f[q&Af lgaffgnYl]&L`]qemkldggc^gjf]ooYqklggh]jYl]
Y\\alagf$ZYfckoaddf]]\lg\gegj]lgghlaear]l`]aj l`]ajZmkaf]kkYf\\]dan]jY_Yafkl[da]fl]ph][lYlagfk&
balance sheets in the face of multiple market and Doing this alone will be challenging, and we believe
j]_mdYlgjq[gfkljYaflk& they will likely become increasingly dependent on an
ecosystem of providers to help them drive innovation
Grow the business: Lgj]_YafhjglYZd]_jgol`$
banks must determine the clients they want to
serve and harness the power of analytics to serve
product portfolios and the geographic footprint of the

Banks will become
increasingly dependent on
an ecosytem of providers
to drive innovation and

Global Banking Outlook 2017 | 7

Reshape: set clear strategy
and consistent structure
EgklZYfck`Yn]mf\]j_gf]Yld]Yklgf]hgkl%fYf[aYd l`]\]faf_[`YjY[l]jakla[g^YljYfkhYj]fl$]^[a]fl
crisis strategic review in response to regulatory reforms Yf\[gehdaYflgh]jYlaf_kljm[lmj]ak[gfkakl]f[q&
Yf\l`][`Ydd]f_af_gh]jYlaf_]fnajgfe]fl&EYfqg^ This is especially important in the current (and
l`]k]j]na]okj]kmdl]\af\a^[mdl\][akagfkYZgml]palaf_ likely permanent) environment where domestic
noncore businesses, customers and geographies, regulators have taken a super-equivalent approach
jYlagfYdaraf_hjg\m[lg^^]jaf_kYf\$afkge][Yk]k$ to implementing global capital and liquidity rules
j]hdY[af_lgheYfY_]e]fl&Kge]ZYfckfgo`Yn]Y and where a consistent structure across countries
good idea of the future business model that they are and segments can facilitate resolution planning and
ogjcaf_lgoYj\& eafaear]kqkl]ea[jakc&>gjkge]ZYfck$]klYZdak`af_
an intermediate holding company may address these
For those that have less certainty about their strategic
these banks to stop doing what they dont do well and
logical alignment of legal entities with business lines
and reducing the complexity of processes across the
Reshaping with a forward-looking perspective will
model, embedding consistency in their operating model >afYddq$lg_jgohjglYZdq$ZYfckemkl]eZjY[]Yf\
and identifying how to drive innovation by participating Y[[]hlaffgnYlan]a\]Yk^jgeZgl`afl]jfYdYf\
afYf][gkqkl]eg^hjgna\]jk& ]pl]jfYdkgmj[]k&9[[gj\af_lggmj*()/_dgZYdZYfcaf_
We see the industry coalescing around four primary
systemically important banks (G-SIBs) see partnering
business models: local boutiques, global boutiques,
regional champions and universal super banks (see
year, just one-third of Non-global systemically important
ZYfck fgf%?%KA:k!\g&O]Z]da]n]l`YlYkZYfckj]k`Yh]
their business model and legal entity structure, they
will also need to ensure that they are establishing
the evolving industry landscape and could pose a
the infrastructure, culture and network necessary to
competitive threat, offer opportunities for collaboration
participate in a rapidly evolving ecosystem of innovative
competitors and partners that will allow them to
KaemdlYf]gmkdq$ZYfckemklj]f]l`]ajd]_Yd]flalq develop and adopt potentially revolutionary advances in
structures, especially as they seek to address recovery l][`fgdg_q&

1 2
Figure 4
Four potential future business models

Local boutiques Regional champions

KeYddYf\ea\%kar]\\ge]kla[ZYfck Built on local expertise and a targeted
serving retail and business customers with customer base; represents banks that
their home country, state or province; also operate major business lines across
represents banks that have a core focus multiple countries or provide a full-service
on a particular product or service, such as offering in their home markets
credit cards, mortgages, niche investment
or wealth management

3 4

Global boutiques Universal super banks

Provide selected services and products to Truly international in coverage and depth;
_dgZYd[da]flk ]&_&$d]Y\af_E9Y\nakgjq provide a full range of services to a global
internationally) customer base

Global Banking Outlook 2017 | 9

Figure 5
The reshape agenda: strategic priorities for banks in 2017*

Source: EY 2017 global banking outlook survey

"H]j[]flY_]g^j]khgf\]flkjYfcaf_kljYl]_a[afalaYlan]k0$1gj)(gfYk[Yd]g^( fglYlYddaehgjlYfl!lg)( n]jqaehgjlYfl!&

An action plan for reshaping the bank

A\]fla^q[gj]klj]f_l`kYf\\]f]hj]^]jj]\Zmkaf]kkeg\]d& J]k`Yh]l`]d]_Yd]flalqkljm[lmj]&The growing focus on
We advocate that banks use big data to support their decision- j][gn]jqYf\j]kgdmlagfhdYffaf_akeYcaf_alegj]\a^[mdl^gj
eYcaf_Ykl`]q\]l]jeaf]o`Yll`]qoYfllgZ][ge]&O`]f ZYfcklgegn][YhalYd$^mf\af_Yf\daima\alqY[jgkkbmjak\a[lagfk&
detailed information such as a time series of returns aligned 9kYj]kmdl$ZYfckemkl]eZ]\[gfkakl]f[qaflgl`]ajd]_Yd]flalq
to the current and future regulatory environment is simply not structures and if feasible, move to a global holding company
available, strong leadership will be required to overcome the data kljm[lmj]l`Ylgn]jk]]k\ak[j]l]dqj]_mdYl]\Zmkaf]kk]k&
<]dan]jhj]^]jj]\Zmkaf]kkeg\]d& Once a business model has top levels of management must make it clear that innovation is
been decided, banks must answer a series of critically important Yf]ph][l]\ljYalg^d]Y\]jkl`jgm_`gmll`]ZYfc&:Yfckk`gmd\
questions related to purpose, target customers, core products ]klYZdak`Y_gn]jfYf[]^jYe]ogjclgkmhhgjl]^[a]flaffgnYlagf$
Yf\k]jna[]k$\akljaZmlagfeg\]dYf\affgnYlagfkljYl]_a]k&L`] k]lYr]jg%lgd]jYf[]hgda[q^gjYfla%affgnYlan]Z]`YnagjkYf\$
answers to these questions and the steps taken to implement crucially, develop internal talent who can successfully engage
them will determine whether individual banks emerge as industry ]pl]jfYd][gkqkl]ehYjlf]jk&
<]f]YfaffgnYlagfgh]jYlaf_eg\]d&Banks should consider
Aehd]e]flYhdYfg^Y[lagf&Gf[]l`]hj]^]jj]\klYl]ak\]f]\$ o`Yllqh]g^affgnYlagfgh]jYlaf_eg\]d[]fljYdar]\$
banks should identify a course of action to get them there \][]fljYdar]\gj`qZja\l`]qoYfllgY\ghl&9`qZja\eg\]d
organically (special projects, launches, campaigns, wind downs); could make the most sense as it integrates the experts who
inorganically (disposals, acquisitions); or ecosystem change know how to innovate with the business units that know where
ogjcaf_oal`hYjlf]jk$YddaYf[]k$kmhhda]jk$bgafln]flmj]k$]l[&$af affgnYlagfkYj]f]]\]\&9ll`]kYe]lae]$Y`qZja\eg\]deYq
\a^^]j]floYqk!& hjgna\]ZYfckoal`l`]]paZadalqf]]\]\lg\jan]affgnYlagf

Global Banking Outlook 2017 | 11

Control: enhance three
lines of defense
Regulators are approaching the end of prudential regulatory policy Where historically banks have focused on delivering ROE targets
setting and the key components of the new framework are now Y_Yafklgf]j]_mdYlgjq[gfkljYafl[YhalYdlg\Yq$JG=_]f]jYlagf
o]dd%\]f]\&@go]n]j$l`ak\g]kfgle]Yfl`YlZYfck[Yfj]dYpl`]aj ak[gflaf_]flgfjkle]]laf_YfYjjYqg^j]imaj]e]flk^gj[YhalYd$
focus on compliance; instead, they face a daunting implementation ^mf\af_$daima\alq$d]n]jY_]Yf\lYpj]hgjlaf_&AfY\\alagf$l`]
]^^gjlafl`]q]YjkY`]Y\&9\\alagfYddq$_dgZYdj]_mdYlgjkYj] worlds largest banks have to demonstrate that their business
expected to increase their scrutiny on consumer protection and can be resolved easily and in a timely manner without an adverse
fgffYf[aYdjakckafl`]q]YjkY`]Y\$o`a[`e]Yfkf]ojmd]kaf aehY[lgfl`]fYf[aYdkqkl]e&9f\l`akd]n]dg^Y[[gmflYZadalqak
l`gk]Yj]YkYj]dac]dqlg]e]j_]&>mjl`]jegj]$afl`]\geYafg^ ]n]f`Yj\]jafYf]jYo`]j]j]_mdYlgjkYj]k[jmlafaraf_n]f\gjjakc
tax, now that a system of global information exchange has been eYfY_]e]flegj]l`gjgm_`dq&
established on customer tax data, banks can expect a new phase
during which tax authorities start to use this new data source to
banks have meaningfully improved their risk management
Despite banks aspirations to shift their strategic efforts to an ogjclg\g&Fgoakfgll`]lae]lgZ][gehdY[]flYZgmll`]aj
Y_]f\Y^g[mk]\gfghlaearYlagfYf\_jgol`$=Q*()/_dgZYd hjg_j]kk&Afkl]Y\$ZYfckemkl[gflafm]lgklj]f_l`]fl`]l`j]]daf]k
banking outlook survey shows that in the short term, compliance of defense risk management model, seek ways to better manage
oadd[gflafm]lgZ]l`]hjaeYjqhjagjalqg^ZYfckYjgmf\l`]ogjd\& fgffYf[aYdjakckYf\j]eYafhgak]\lg\]n]dghYkmklYafYZd]
Indeed, meeting regulatory compliance and reporting standards is j]khgfk]lg[`Yf_af_j]_mdYlgjq\]eYf\kYf\lae]daf]k&
Figure 6
The control agenda: strategic priorities for banks in 2017*

Source: EY 2017 global banking outlook survey

"H]j[]flY_]g^j]khgf\]flkjYfcaf_kljYl]_a[afalaYlan]k0$1gj)(gfYk[Yd]g^( fglYlYddaehgjlYfl!lg)( n]jqaehgjlYfl!&

Banks halfway into a 15-year risk transformation$=Q$*().&

An action plan for enhancing controls

Af[j]Yk]jkl%daf]Y[[gmflYZadalqYf\[`Yf_][mdlmj]Yf\ La_`l]f][gkqkl]eeYfY_]e]fl&9kZYfckgmlkgmj[]lYkck
af[]flan]k&:Yfckemklklj]f_l`]fjkl%daf]Y[[gmflYZadalq^gj previously done in-house to vendors, partners and utilities, they
fYf[aYdYf\fgffYf[aYdjakck$j]Yda_f[gfljgd^mf[lagfk$ljYaf will need to take steps to hold these counterparties to the same
the front line on risk and devolve risk appetite further down into klYf\Yj\kYkl`]ajgof]ehdgq]]k&@go]n]j$ZYfckoaddf]]\lg
Zmkaf]kkdaf]k&:YfcZgYj\kYf\]p][mlan]eYfY_]e]fll]Yek work with their counterparties and regulators to develop and
emklY[lfgolg[`Yf_]l`][mdlmj]g^l`]ajjekZq]eZ]\\af_ Y_j]]gfYhhjghjaYl]eg\]dk^gjk`Yjaf_jakc&
a risk management and control mindset in day-to-day business
=f`Yf[][jakakeYfY_]e]fl[YhYZadala]k&Banks must improve
their crisis management and recovery and resolution planning
;dYja^qj]khgfkaZadala]kY[jgkkdaf]kg^\]^]fk]&9[jala[Yd [YhYZadala]kkgl`Ylafl`]]n]flg^klj]kk$l`]gj_YfarYlagf
component to enhancing three line model effectiveness is has an effective toolkit, contingency action plan and clear
[dYja^qaf_Yf\[geemfa[Ylaf_l`]jgd]kg^l`]jklYf\k][gf\ communication protocols that can be deployed in a timely and
daf]k&L`]j]akfgaf\mkljqklYf\Yj\Yklgo`a[`[gfljgdkk`gmd\ ]^^][lan]eYff]j&:Yfckoadd[gflafm]lgZ]mf\]jhj]kkmj]lg
kalafl`]jklgjk][gf\daf]&>gj]pYehd]$o`ad]egklZYfck`Yn] demonstrate that their business models and growth strategies do
l`]ajjkldaf]h]j^gjeZmkaf]kk%daf]Y[lanalq[gfljgdk$oal`l`] fgld]Y\lgkqkl]ea[jakckgjl`]f]]\^gjYZYadgml&
second line owning key risk policy, performing control testing
and designing the control framework, the industry is split on who
legacy data and technology architectures to pre-emptively detect
9\ghljeoa\]hjg[]kk]kYf\lggdk&The adoption of common hgl]flaYdZj]Y[`]kg^[gfljgdkYf\daealk ]&_&$ljY\]kmjn]addYf[]!&
jeoa\]jakc%Yf\%[gfljgdlggdkYf\hjg[]kk]kY[jgkkl`]l`j]] Testing and surveillance teams should be scaled down while banks
daf]kg^\]^]fk]akYc]q[gehgf]flg^km[[]kk&O`ad]eYfq make greater use of robotics and centers of excellence to manage
jek`Yn]hjg[]kk]kafhdY[]^gja\]fla^qaf_$Ykk]kkaf_Yf\ jakcegj]]^^][lan]dq&
reporting risks, issues management processes and the underlying
K]Yj[`^gjl`]Zdm]hjafl^gjkljYl]_a[km[[]kk&In the short
term, the ongoing implementation of the global capital and
appetite frameworks will play a crucial role in properly reinforcing
liquidity agenda will make tactical and strategic adaptation the
Aehjgn]ZYdYf[]k`]]leYfY_]e]fl&Banks must develop tools changing implementation deadlines and differences across
Yf\hjg[]kk]klgeYfY_]Yf\ghlaear]l`]ajZYdYf[]k`]]lk bmjak\a[lagfk$oaddZ]oal`ZYfck^gjYo`ad]&MdlaeYl]dq$`go]n]j$
Y[jgkkYjYf_]g^eYjc]lYf\j]_mdYlgjq[gfkljYaflk&AfY\\alagf banks will need stable, sustainable business models appropriate
to product and customer segments, legal entity and jurisdiction ^gjl`]\]eYf\af_j]_mdYlgjq]fnajgfe]fl&

Global Banking Outlook 2017 | 13

Protect: minimize internal
and external threats
L`]hgkl%[jakak]jY`YkZ]]f[`YjY[l]jar]\ZqYoa\]jYf_]g^ processing but to protect the bank against increasingly data rich
banking scandals, including claims of Libor manipulation, sanctions Ym\al[`Ydd]f_]kZqlYpY\eafakljYlagfk&Egj]kljYl]_a[Yddq$lYp
and tax violations, improper sales of mortgage securities and administrations are actively engaged in understanding the potential
hYqe]flhjgl][lagfafkmjYf[]$Yf\egj]&J]kgdnaf_l`]k]eYll]jk for block-chain to transform the tax environment, as well as the use
j]kmdl]\afkl]]hf]kYf\d]_Ydk]lld]e]flkY__j]_Yl][gf\m[l of technology, strengthening the role of banks in the operation of
costs for 20 large global banks from 2011-15 were more than lYpkqkl]ekoal`affYlagfYd][gfgea]k&
issues behind them, demonstrate that they have systems in place
O`ad]eYfqZYfck`Yn]j]khgf\]\Zq`ajaf_[gehdaYf[]g^[]jk$ lghj]n]flegf]qdYmf\]jaf_Yf\fYf[aYd[jae]$Yf\Ydkg^mddd
implementing new codes of conduct and changing incentive l`]j]e]\aYlagfhdYfkY_j]]\lgoal`kmh]jnakgjqYml`gjala]k&=n]f
structures, more must be done to rebuild the trust of clients, egj]\a^[mdl$l`]qemklhj]hYj]^gjYf\hjgl][lY_Yafklhgl]flaYd
regulators and investors; a culture change and greater investment ^mlmj]kqkl]egmlY_]kYf\[qZ]jYllY[ck&
Our 2017 global banking outlook survey found that, along with
For example, while in a functional area like tax, technology has managing reputational risks, one of the top priorities for banks in
ljY\alagfYddqZ]]fk]]fYkY[gklYf\]^[a]f[qhdYq$l`]jYha\ the coming year is enhancing cybersecurity, while managing the
adoption of new and more powerful technologies by tax authorities l`j]Ylg^fYf[aYd[jae]ak]e]j_af_YkYeYbgj[gf[]jf^gj_dgZYddq
oadd[`Yf_]l`YlhYjY\a_e&9klYpYml`gjala]kegn]lgoYj\k kqkl]ea[YddqaehgjlYflZYfck k]]_mj]/&!
collecting underlying transaction data and applying analytics to
The challenge for banks is to holistically address threats to business
whole data sets we expect that to shine a light on underlying data
continuity from both external and internal actors and failures to
look to apply technology in tax not to simply automate tax return

Figure 7
The protect agenda: strategic priorities for banks in 2017*

Source: EY 2017 global banking outlook survey

*Percentage of respondents ranking strategic

afalaYlan]k0$1gj)(gfYk[Yd]g^( fglYlYdd
aehgjlYfl!lg)( n]jqaehgjlYfl!&

An action plan for protecting the bank

=klYZdak`_gn]jfYf[]Yf\\][akagf%eYcaf_^jYe]ogjcklg 9\\j]kkl`][qZ]jk][mjalqkcaddkk`gjlY_]&With cyber skills in
better manage conduct risk and protect against the threat short supply, banks must move to cultivate the cyber workforce of
g^fYf[aYd[jae]&They must also establish a decision-making l`]^mlmj]&@ajaf_Yf\j]lYafaf_h]ghd]oal`l`]ja_`l[qZ]jkcaddk
framework that enables them to rapidly understand issues and oaddZ]l`]jklkl]h&@]dhaf_l`]k]h]ghd]\]n]dghZmkaf]kkYf\
]k[YdYl]l`]e& jakckcaddkoaddZ]Y[jm[aYdf]plkl]h&

=eZ]\[qZ]jk][mjalqafYddf]o\a_alYdYf\>afL][`afalaYlan]k& =klYZdak`klYf\Yj\kYf\ljYafaf_&The industry should develop

With pressure to improve ROE, there is a risk that speed to norms of behavior and codes of conduct for its employees,
market overrides protection when banks are developing new Ykgl`]jhjg^]kkagfk`Yn]&:Yfckk`gmd\]klYZdak`Y[gf\m[l
\a_alYdlggdkgjk]jna[]k&:Yfckemkl]eZ]\[qZ]jk][mjalq academy where employees need to demonstrate they are well
[gfka\]jYlagfkafYddf]oafalaYlan]k& drilled on decision-making and on the standards and behaviors
required, both when they enter the industry and certainly before
Af\mkljaYdar][qZ]jk][mjalqkY^]_mYj\k& Even in an era of
afl]dda_]f[] 9A!Yf\Y\nYf[]\YfYdqla[kg^^]jl`]YZadalqlg Afn]klafJ]_L][`&Banks can use technology to do things more
YfYdqr]Yf\hgl]flaYddqhj]n]fl[qZ]jYllY[ckZqa\]fla^qaf_ ]^[a]fldqYf\eYc]l`af_kkY^]j&Afkge][gmflja]k$ZYfck`Yn]
hYll]jfkg^Y[lanalq&;jala[Yddq$o]Z]da]n]l`]af\mkljqoaddZ] begun working with authorities to develop RegTech solutions
stronger when it can collaborate to share information about cyber l`Yl[YfeYc][gehdaYf[]egj][gkl%]^^][lan]&Oal`l`][gklYf\
l`j]Ylk& effort of compliance radically increasing in recent years, many
cost and manual effort required to monitor activity across the
bank, spotting poor behaviors much more quickly and identifying

Global Banking Outlook 2017 | 15

Optimize: harness technology to
>gjYdegklY\][Y\]$ZYfckhYjla[mdYjdqaf\]n]dgh]\ Our 2017 global banking outlook survey found that
eYjc]lk`Yn]lgml]\]ph]fk]eYfY_]e]flYkgf] ZYfckYj]^g[mk]\gfghlaearaf_[mklge]j[`Yff]dk$
of the primary levers that they could pull to improve driving strategic cost reductions and using new
hjglYZadalq&Fme]jgmk]^[a]f[qhjg_jYek`Yn]Z]]f l][`fgdg_a]kkm[`YkjgZgla[hjg[]kkYmlgeYlagf JH9!
dYmf[`]\Yf\[gehd]l]\&L`]k]`Yn]^g[mk]\dYj_]dqgf lgaehjgn]]^[a]f[q& K]]>a_mj]1&!
tactical measures such as:
Reducing staff costs ghlaearYlagf&:qYddg[Ylaf_[YhalYdlgl`]`a_`]kl%j]lmjf
businesses and carefully managing risk-weighted assets
;gfljgddaf_\ak[j]lagfYjq]ph]fk]k ]^[a]f[qYf\hjglYZadalq&@go]n]j$kaf[]*())$lglYd
Simplifying processes
While such efforts drove a 6% reduction in operating l`]lglYdJO9'lglYdYkk]lkjYlag&O`ad]l`akeYqhYjlaYddq
costs between 2011 and 2015, the savings achieved due to regulatory impacts in areas such as operational
o]j]g^^k]lZqY.\jghafj]n]fm]k& risk, it also suggests that the industry has not focused
actually increased 21% over the same period, as Banks must reassess their tactics for managing both
stronger economic growth provided a revenue tailwind [gklYf\[YhalYd]^[a]f[qkaf[]]^^gjlkl`mk^Yj`Yn]
that gave them the luxury to invest in geographic ^Ydd]fk`gjl&AlakhYkllae]^gjZYfcklgk`a^l^jgeY
expansion and revenue initiatives and decreased the near-term triage approach to managing their resources
mj_]f[qlgghlaear][gklk&9k][gfgea[_jgol`lj]f\k to a decisive, forward-looking effort to harness and
in these markets have slowed, however, emerging- embrace technology to meaningfully reduce costs and
eYjc]lZYfckYj][geaf_lgl`]j]YdarYlagfl`Yl[gkl jakckYf\aehjgn]Y_adalq&Kge]l][`fgdg_a]kYj]eYlmj]
eYfY_]e]flakYd]n]jl`]qf]]\lghmdd& enough to be used immediately and others are a little

Figure 8


1.60% 1.61%

FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15

Source: SNL Financial, EY analysis

Figure 9

Source: EY 2017 global banking outlook survey

"H]j[]flY_]g^j]khgf\]flkjYfcaf_kljYl]_a[afalaYlan]k0$1gj)(gfYk[Yd]g^( fglYlYddaehgjlYfl!lg)( n]jqaehgjlYfl!&

Global Banking Outlook 2017 | 17

An action plan for optimizing the bank


Afn]klafjgZgla[hjg[]kkYmlgeYlagf JH9!&JH9[YfZ] =eZjY[]l`]mladalqeg\]d& The banking industry has a

integrated into existing interfaces without requiring changes ka_fa[Yflghhgjlmfalqlg_Yaf][gfgea]kg^k[Yd]Zqogjcaf_
to systems and can reduce the cost of high-frequency manual together on common external platforms for meeting such
gh]jYlagfkZq,(gjegj]&9ll`]kYe]lae]$JH9aehjgn]k requirements as know your customer and anti-money laundering
imYdalqg^k]jna[]&AehgjlYfldq$JH9l][`fgdg_qakk]d^%^mf\af_ gjZqhggdaf_j]kgmj[]klgeYfY_]ZY[c%g^[]hjg[]kk]k[geegf
Yf\j]Y\qlgaehd]e]flfgo&Aee]\aYl]kYnaf_k^jgeJH9[Yf Y[jgkkl`]af\mkljq&O`ad][Yj]emklZ]lYc]faf]fl]jaf_km[`
Z]j]afn]kl]\afgl`]j[gkl%]^[a]f[qe]Ykmj]k& arrangements to safeguard customer data and privacy, such
Use big data and technological advancements to improve
9\nYf[]kafl`]YZadalqlg[gdd][lYf\YfYdqr]Za_\YlY[YfeYc] 9[lan]dqafn]klafZdg[c[`Yaf&Distributed ledger technology
al]Yka]j^gjZYfcklgaehjgn]l`]ajafl]jfYdJO9eg\]dkYf\ could have a profound impact on the banking industry once issues
]nYdmYl]l`]hjglYZadalqg^nYjagmkZmkaf]kkY[lanala]k&:a_\YlY j]dYl]\lgk[YdYZadalq$j]kada]f[]Yf\k][mjalqYj]j]kgdn]\&O`ad]
can provide the information necessary to both support tough banks can start developing and testing applications in the near
decisions about business exits and drive further savings of 15%- term, in the longer term they should be looking for opportunities
*(g^JO9& to help build the public blockchain ecosystem by collaborating
with large IT multinationals, participating in industry consortiums
While total replacement of a core banking system may be too
expensive, time-consuming and daunting to consider, there are
other approaches banks can take to renew their systems: build
a parallel core, replace modules gradually or surgically replace
purpose cannot be ignored, but banks must not delay decisive

Surgically replacing core banking platforms$=Q$*().&
Blockchain: the hype, the opportunity and what you should do$=Q$*().&

Grow: invest in staff and technology
to support innovation
In recent years, banks have had little control over 9[[gj\af_lg=Q2016 Global Consumer Banking
l`]ajj]n]fm]_jgol`ljYb][lgjq\m]lgka_fa[Yfl Survey, banks have some advantages over non-
eY[jg][gfgea[$_]ghgdala[YdYf\j]_mdYlgjq`]Y\oaf\k& ljY\alagfYd[geh]lalgjk&L`]qj]eYafl`]hj]^]jj]\
Between 2011 and 2015, aggregate revenues at the provider for products such as primary checking
top 200 global banks grew only 4%, and even emerging Y[[gmflkYf\egjl_Y_]kYf\l`]qYj]ljmkl]\
markets banks were not immune from slow growth YhhjgpaeYl]dq1+g^[gfkme]jk`Yn]kge]\]_j]]g^
lj]f\k&L`]lgh]e]j_af_%eYjc]lZYfckkYol`]aj ljmklafl`]ajhjaeYjqfYf[aYdk]jna[]khjgna\]j&
The outlook in 2017 may be improving for some banks becoming more willing to get these products from non-
hYjla[mdYjdqafl`]MKYkegf]lYjqhgda[qfgjeYdar]k traditional providers and those that do bank with new
and capital markets respond with increased resiliency to players trust them as much those who use traditional
_]ghgdala[Yd]n]flk& ZYfckYkl`]ajhjaeYjqfYf[aYdk]jna[]khjgna\]j&L`ak
means banks must act now to defend their existing
market share and use their competitive advantages
inaction, the industry is now passing the point where
it can blame external factors for lack of growth or rely
services remains strong, the market share of the major
on their customers, invest in innovation and talent
and leverage their competitive advantages to compete
Before this erodes further, investment banks must move

Figure 10
Slow growth environment: revenues (in US$b) at the top 200 global
banks have only grown 4% since 2011

2,514 2,547 2,521

1,029 1,072
972 1,004 1,013

1,448 1,510 1,518 1,609 1,508

FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15

Net interest income Non-interest income

Source: SNL Financial, EY analysis

Global Banking Outlook 2017 | 19

Figure 11
The grow agenda: strategic priorities for banks in 2017*

An action plan for growing the bank

Hj]k]jn][mklge]jljmkl& Banks must promote transparency Make and execute informed decisions about products and
in all transactions and proactively protect their customers from [`Yff]dkljYl]_q&Banks must leverage data to shape their
\YlY$hjanY[qYf\[qZ]jk][mjalql`j]Ylk&4 [`Yff]dkljYl]_a]k&Gmj2016 Global Consumer Banking Survey
found that 60% of consumers globally value a bank with a
Mf\]jklYf\[mklge]jkZ]ll]j& Both retail and investment
This suggests that banks must balance digital and branch
investments and develop a clear design for future cross-channel
on which products they want to offer and how they distribute
analytics to better understand customers expectations and to
banks may have to choose between offering only high-return
=eZ]\YfaffgnYlagfeaf\k]l& Banks must adopt innovative
Afn]klaflYd]fl& Banks must invest in their front-line staff,
practices to deepen customer relationships by offering
particularly in their skills, culture, incentives and toolkits, to
solutions that address all aspects of important stages of
to hire technologists to interpret big data and help design
They must also leverage market and customer insights to build

The relevance challenge$=Q$*().&

Global Banking Outlook 2017 | 21

The key to success
will be building a
better ecosystem,

Building a better
In 2017, banks in most regions anticipate limited O]Z]da]n]ZYfckoaddk]]e]Yfaf_^mdZ]f]lk^jgel`ak
aehjgn]e]flafl`]ajfYf[aYdh]j^gjeYf[]$Yf\ egj]]paZd] Yf\egj]]ph]ja]f[]\!eg\]d2
management focus is expected to continue to be
From improved risk management to better
compliance, and from better resolvability to greater
We believe management must carve out time to re- ljmkl$l`]k]afklalmlagfkoaddZ]kY^]jl`Yf]n]jZ]^gj]&
examine and reshape their businesses to determine
expenses could be more than 30% lower than they
In our experience, this means innovation and the
requirements to a stronger employee proposition,
and from an enhanced client experience to smarter
One thing is clear: banks are currently ill-positioned j]n]fm]Y[imakalagf$ZYfckoaddZ]Z]ll]jghlaear]\
lg\gYddl`akYdgf]&O]Z]da]n]l`]c]qlgkm[[]kkoadd Yf\Z]ll]jYZd]lg_jgol`Yf]n]jZ]^gj]&
Institutions must look for alternative ways to be
substantial engagement with regulators, which
increasingly expect banks to be able to guarantee
Afgmjna]o$l`ake]YfkZYfckemkl\gd]kk&:Yfc that third-party providers can offer the same level
operating models need to have a much thinner spine of resilience and assurance of processes as banks
than they have today, making extensive use of industry l`]ek]dn]k& K]]>a_mj])*&!
utilities and a diverse range of partners to deliver better
The challenge to banking leaders is to be bold
services, drive out cost, manage risks and help protect
and move beyond incremental adjustments to
effectiveness of implementation and execution of
innovation, as well as the quality of the ecosystem

Figure 12

Collaborating competitors Financial institutions End users of finance

Bank ecosystem provide broader coverage



Corporate clients

Embedded services
and products

Other clients

Venture capital Thin spine of core bank Extensive use of PaaS

funds innovation infrastructure and managed services

Collaborating Managed service

Venture capital Vendor platform FinTech provider
Industry utility Bank of the future Market infrastructure

Global Banking Outlook 2017 | 23

EY Contacts

Global Regions Service lines

Bill Schlich Michael Onak Dai Bedford
?dgZYd:Yfcaf_;YhalYd :Yfcaf_;YhalYdEYjc]lk9e]ja[Yk ?dgZYd:Yfcaf_;YhalYd
EYjc]lkD]Y\]j Leader EYjc]lk9\nakgjqD]Y\]j
Toronto ;`Yjdgll] London
Zadd&k[`da[`8[Y&]q&[ge ea[`Y]d&gfYc8]q&[ge \Z]\^gj\8mc&]q&[ge
#),).1,+,--, #)/(,++))0*/ #,,*(/1-).)01

John Weisel EYja]%DYmj]<]dYjm] Rod Roman

<]hmlq:Yfcaf_;YhalYd :Yfcaf_;YhalYdEYjc]lk ?dgZYd:Yfcaf_;YhalYd
EYjc]lkD]Y\]j =E=A9D]Y\]j EYjc]lkLYpD]Y\]j
New York Paris London
bg`f&o]ak]d8]q&[ge eYja]%dYmj]&\]dYjm]8^j&]q&[ge jjgeYf8mc&]q&[ge
#)*)*//+0*/+ #++),.1+/+*) #,,*(/1-))-,1

Karl Meekings Ryuji Takagi Keith Pogson

?dgZYd:Yfcaf_;YhalYd :Yfcaf_;YhalYdEYjc]lk ?dgZYd:Yfcaf_;YhalYd
EYjc]lkD]Y\9fYdqkl BYhYf9j]YD]Y\]j EYjc]lk9kkmjYf[]D]Y\]j
London Tokyo @gf_Cgf_
ce]]caf_k8mc&]q&[ge lYcY_a%jqb8k`affa`gf&gj&bh c]al`&hg_kgf8`c&]q&[ge
#,,*(//0+((0) #0)++-(+))(( #0-**0,11**/

Laura Tayman Jan Bellens Charlie Alexander

?dgZYd:Yfcaf_;YhalYd ?dgZYd:Yfcaf_;YhalYd ?dgZYd:Yfcaf_;YhalYd
EYjc]lkK]fagj9fYdqkl EYjc]lk=e]j_af_ EYjc]lkLjYfkY[lagf9\nakgjq
Denver EYjc]lkYf\9kaY%HY[a[D]Y\]j Services Leader
dYmjY&lYqeYf8]q&[ge Singapore @gf_Cgf_
#)/*(1+),,-( bYf&Z]dd]fk8k_&]q&[ge [`Yjda]&Yd]pYf\]j8`c&]q&[ge
#.-.+(1.000 #0-**.*1+1.)

The EY 2017 global banking outlook survey asked senior executives at almost 300 banks across

Further reading

building the
bank of the

Capital Markets: building the

investment bank of the future

A set of blueprints
for success
Seventh annual global EY/IIF
bank risk management survey

A set of blueprints for success

management survey

Leading through innovation

The future of banking in emerging
Leading through
The future of banking in
emerging markets

Global banking outlook 2016

Transforming talent
The banker of the future
EY t9kkmjYf[]tLYptLjYfkY[lagfkt9\nakgjq

About EY
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and
deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital
outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises
in building a better working world for our people, for our


About EYs Global Banking & Capital

Markets Sector
In todays globally competitive and highly regulated
environment, managing risk effectively while satisfying
an array of divergent stakeholders is a Sector key goal
deep technical experience in providing assurance, tax,
to anticipate market trends, identify their implications
Ultimately, it enables us to help you meet your goals and



ED None

This material has been prepared for general informational purposes

only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax or other


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