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Dan Auerbach (Black Keys)
Turn Blue Tour Rig

Shin-ei! Radial! Electro! MXR! Boss ! Boss Boss! Boss!

Fuzz! Tonebone! Harmonix ! EQ! PS5! OC-3! PH-3! TR-2!
Big Muff!

Plexi 45

Fender ! Victoria ! Fulltone! Marshall Model 1987!

Quad Reverb! Double Deluxe! Tape echo! Marshall cabinet!

This informa,on is provided for educa,onal purposes only and does not imply endorsement or approval from any person or en,ty. All product
names used herein are trademarks of their respec,ve owners, which are in no way associated or aliated with Line 6. Shin-ei is a registered
trademark of Robert N. Feldman. Tonebone is a registered trademark of Forest Electronics Ltd. Electro-Harmonix and Big Mu are registered
trademarks of New Sensor Corp. MXR is a registered trademark of Dunlop Manufacturing, Inc. Boss is a registered trademark of Roland Corp.
Fender is a registered trademark of Fender Musical Instruments Corpora,on. Victoria is a registered trademark of Victoria Amplier Co. Fulltone
is a registered trademark of Fulltone Musical Products, Inc. Marshall is a registered trademark of Marshall Amplica,on Plc.

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