Psychiatric Symptoms and Expansion in Huntington's Disease

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American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics) 67:53-57 (1996)

Psychiatric Symptoms and CAG Expansion

in Huntingtons Disease
Maike Weigell-Weber,Werner Schmid, and Roland Spiegel
Institute of Medical Genetics, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

The mutation responsible for Huntingtons INTRODUCTION

disease (HD) is an elongated CAG repeat in Huntingtons disease (HD) is a rare, autosomal domi-
the coding region of the IT15 gene. A PCR- nantly inherited, neurodegenerative disorder with on-
based test with high sensitivity and accu- set in midlife. The mutation characteristic for HD is an
racy is now available to identify asympto- elongated and unstable CAG repeat within the pre-
matic gene carriers and patients. An inverse sumptive coding region of the IT15 gene on 4p16.3
correlation between CAG copy number and [Huntingtons Disease Collaborative Research Group,
age at disease onset has been found in a
19931. Huntingtons disease is one of eight disorders, in
large number of affected individuals. The
influence of the CAG repeat expansion on which unstable trinucleotide repeats were found to be
other phenotypic manifestations, especially the underlying genetic defects. These mutations are
specific psychiatric symptoms has not been further characterized by the triplet sequence and their
studied intensively. localization within or outside the coding region. In HD,
In order to elucidate this situation we in- as in four other diseases [La Spada et al., 1991; Orr
vestigated the relation between CAG copy et al., 1993;Koide et al., 1994;Kawaguchi et al., 19941, an
number and distinct psychiatric pheno- expanded CAG repeat eventually leads to an elongated
types found in 79 HD-patients. None of the stretch of glutamine residues in the respective proteins.
four differentiated categories (personality Molecular analysis of the CAG repeat numbers reveals
change, psychosis, depression, and nonspe- an overlap between normal (8 to 38) and expanded HD
cific alterations) showed significant differ- alleles (35 to >loo) [Andrew et al., 1993; Barron et al.,
ences in respect to size of the CAG expan- 1993; Duyao et al., 1993; Snell et al., 19931. Repeats in
sion. In addition, no influence of individual the intermediate size range (30 t o 38 copies) exhibit a
sex on psychiatric presentation could be low or moderate meiotic instability and have been
found. On the other hand in patients with shown to be a source for new mutations [Goldberg et al.,
personality changes maternal transmission 1993; Myers et al., 19931.The highest intergenerational
was significantly more frequent compared instability is observed in expanded CAG alleles,
with all other groups. whereas normal alleles are highly stable [MacDonald
Therefore we suggest that clinical sever- et al., 1993; Trottier et al., 1994; Zuhlke et al., 19931.
ity of psychiatric features in HD is not di- Mitotic repeat instability seems to be size dependent
rectly dependent on the size of the dynamic and may be the cause for somatic variation found in cer-
mutation involved. The complex patho- tain areas of the brain [Telenius et al., 19941. Sympto-
genetic mechanisms leading to psychiatric matology in Huntingtons disease is broad [Harper,
alterations are still unknown and thus geno- 19911. Important neurological features include chorea
typing does not provide information about and rigidity. Whereas chorea is present in 90% of all
expected psychiatric symptoms in HD gene adult patients, rigidity especially occurs in patients
carriers. 0 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc. with juvenile onset (<20 years) [Hayden, 19811.
Psychiatric manifestations are frequent. Minimal
KEY WORDS: genotype-phenotype-corre- psychic changes such as lack of initiative and apathy
lation, unstable trinucleotide are seen in almost every patient. Irritability, altered
repeat, personality change, personality, and dementia are common features
psychosis, depression [Harper, 19911. In a subset of patients the psychiatric
picture can strongly resemble schizophrenia or a major
affective disorder [Garron, 1973; Folstein et al., 19831.
Received for publication November 28, 1994; revision received Several recent studies have shown a strong inverse
May 1,1995. correlation, especially pronounced in juvenile cases
Address reprint requests to Roland Spiegel, Institute of Medical [Telenius et al., 19931, between CAG repeat length on
Genetics, University of Zurich, Ramistrasse 74, CH-8001 Zurich, HD chromosomes, and age at disease onset [Andrew
Switzerland. et al., 1993; Duyao et al., 1993; Snell et al., 19931. On
01996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
54 Weigell-Weber et al.
the other hand no apparent relationship was estab- genomic DNA, 10% DMSO, 0.05 Unit Perfect Match
lished between clinical manifestation [Andrew et al., (Stratagene), 10 mM Tris HCL, 50 mM KCL, 0.01%
1993, MacMillan et al., 19931 or velocity of progression gelatine, 0.75 mM MgC12,200 pM of each dNTP, 2.5 mCi
[Kieburtz et al., 19941 of the disease and repeat copy 32P-CTP,3.6 pMol of each primer, and 0.4 Unit Ampli
number. Taq DNA polymeraseRin a total volume of 10 pl. Cycling
The objective of this study was to evaluate possible conditions were initial denaturation at 94C for 2 min
influences of CAG-repeat length, individual sex, and followed by 30 cycles of denaturation a t 94C for 30 s,
parental transmission of the genetic defect on the type annealing at 50C for 30 s, synthesis at 72C for 1min
of psychiatric presentation, which would have a n with a final elongation at 72C for 5 min. PCR products
impact on genetic counselling and on long-term psycho- were resolved on 6% denaturing polyacrylamide gels.
logical care of patients and families. Exact CAG copy number was determined by compari-
son to a M13-sequence ladder.
Patients RESULTS
Seventy-nine patients from 52 unrelated families Fifty patients (63.3%) exhibited characteristic psy-
were investigated. Juvenile cases were not considered chiatric symptoms and could be classified in one of the
in this analysis. There were 30 men and 49 women, three DSM-adapted categories (see Table I). The
aged 29 to 82 years. Age of onset varied from 26 to 70 remaining patients (n = 29; 36.7%) did not show typi-
years with a mean of 44.2 years, while duration of ill- cal features and therefore were considered to belong to
ness ranged from less than 1to 24 years. Blood samples the nonspecific group. Ten patients showed psychotic
and informed consent of patients were obtained for pre- symptoms. In seven of these patients psychotic symp-
dictive testing of unaffected relatives a t risk by linkagetoms definitely preceded choreatic movements and in
analysis and, since 1993, for molecular confirmation of some of them schizophrenia was assumed; 12 indivi-
diagnosis in affected individuals. duals, of whom 3 attempted suicide, were affected
by severe depression. The largest group contained
Psychiatric Classification 28 subjects with personality changes, mainly emotional
Clinical information was obtained from psychiatric instability, irritability and aggression (see Table 11).
(n = 381, neurological (n = 201, both (n = 3) or other Sixty-two percent of the patients were females, who
(n = 3) records, and by interviewing patients (n = 6) and were slightly overrepresented in the classes with non-
relatives (n = 14). The patients were grouped according specific alterations (65.5%) and depression (66.7%).
to their relevant psychiatric symptoms into three Interestingly, males represented 42.9% of patients with
classes, adapting criteria of DSM-I11 and DSM-111-R for personality changes and 40% of patients with psy-
organically caused psychic syndromes [American Psy- choses, although they made up only 38% of the entire
chiatric Association, 1980, 19871. These categories were cohort (Table 11). Statistical analysis, however, re-
personality changes, depressions, and psychoses (for de- vealed no significant differences in sex among the cate-
tails see Table I). Symptoms were scored as present if gories (chi test: chi = 0.6; P = 0.9054). Sex of the
they were observed a t any time during the illness. transmitting parent was known in 83.5% (n = 66) of
Patients who exhibited more than one psychiatric the patients (see Table 11).The disease was transmitted
symptom were categorized according to the most severe paternally in 32 cases and maternally in 34 cases,
symptom and the presence of additional features (see respectively. The only group in which maternal trans-
Table I). Patients, who either did not exhibit psychiatric mission occurred more often included patients with
symptoms, or who could not be classified unequivocally, personality changes (16 versus 6 patients). In the three
were referred to a s nonspecific alterations. other classes the number of paternal transmissions
was higher. The influence of parental sex on expression
Molecular Analysis of a specific psychiatric phenotype in general is not
DNA was extracted from peripheral leucocytes using significant (chi = 7.3; P = 0.2931). However, parental
standard techniques [Sambrook et al., 19891. CAG- transmission between patients with personality changes
repeats were amplified by PCR using flanking primers and all other patients is significantly different (chi = 6.6;
[Riess et al., 19931. Reaction conditions were 50-100 ng P = 0.0377). When the different categories were com-

TABLE I. Psvchiatric Categories: Classification Criteria

Personality change Depression Psychosis
Characteristic Extraordinary change in Depressive mood Hallucinations
feature(s) behavior or personality Delusions
Additional Emotional instability Loss of appetite
features Apathy, indifference Sleep disturbance
Distrust Psychomotoric agi-
Paranoid imaginations tation or inhibition
Excessive hate Loss of interest and
Hysteric behavior initiative
Psychiatric Symptoms in HD 55
TABLE 11. Individual Sex and Parental Transmission of HD Mutation
in Different Psychiatric Categories
Sex Transmission
Categories n (%I Male Female Paternal Maternal
Nonspecific alterations 29 (36.7) 10 (12.6) 19 (24.1) 14 (21.2) 11(16.7)
Personality change 28 (35.4) 12 (15.2) 16 (20.2) 6 (9.1) 16 (24.2)
Psychosis 10 (12.7) 4 (5.1) 6 (7.6) 5 (7.6) 4 (6.1)
Depression 12 (15.2) 4 (5.1) 8 (10.1) 7 (10.6) 3 (4.5)
Total number (%) 79 (100) 30 (38) 49 (62) 32 (48.5) 34 (51.5)

pared according to age at onset, no differences were Only two previous investigations focused in part on
found (data not shown). The individual onset-ages the effect of the CAG expansion on differing expression
showed a n equal distribution spanning from 32 to 56 of psychiatric features in HD-patients. One study dif-
years in each category. One patient with personality ferentiated patients with chorea, psychiatric distur-
changes became ill a t 70 years, which was the highest bance (psychosis or depression), dementia, or rigidity
observed onset age. The patient with the earliest age at as the major presenting feature at the time of diagnosis
onset (26 years) presented with psychotic symptoms. [Andrew et al., 19931. In the second study patients were
CAG copy numbers in this study ranged from 11-28 either classified according to their presenting symp-
for normal alleles and 39-53 for HD alleles, clearly in toms a s psychiatric (cognitive) or motoric (chorea). A
expanded range (see Fig. 1). The groups, defined by third group in this study included rigid juvenile cases
different psychiatric symptoms, did not differ according [MacMillan e t al., 19931. With the exception of this last
to CAG-repeat length on HD chromosomes as shown group, where patients had considerably greater num-
in Figure 1. Since median (44-44.5), mean (44-45.2), ber of repeats, the different classes in both studies did
and modal value (44) of CAG repeat lengths were not differ significantly in respect to CAG copy numbers.
almost identical in each class, normal distributions are The intention of our study was to further elucidate
obvious. All groups exhibited moderate repeat length possible influences of CAG repeat length, individual
variation. Depressive patients showed the smallest sex, and parental transmission of the mutation on the
spectrum (42 to 50 CAG), whilst the broadest range type of psychiatric presentation.
(39 to 53 CAG) was observed in patients with nonspe- Complementary to the findings mentioned earlier
cific alterations. The relation between any psychiatric [Andrew e t al., 1993; MacMillan et al., 19931our results
category and CAG repeat length on HD chromosomes disclosed no significant relation between any clinical
was statistically not significant (F-test: F = 0.6; P = psychiatric phenotype and CAG repeat length. Mean
0.6461). Furthermore, the distribution of CAG repeat and median of CAG repeat length in all our categories
lengths in patients with specific psychiatric symptoms differed no more than four repeats from those observed
did not differ significantly from those with nonspecific in total cohorts [Andrew et al., 1993; Duyao et al., 1993;
psychiatric changes. Additionally, there was no signifi- Snell et al., 19931 as well as in clinical subtypes
cant relation between CAG repeat length on normal [MacMillan et al., 19931. In two studies with over 250
chromosomes and any psychiatric phenotype (F-test: schizophrenic patients only one case with CAG-expan-
F = 1.2; P = 0.3011). sion was found [Kremer et al., 1994; St. Clair, 19941.
This was a female, in which schizophrenia without
DISCUSSION pathological changes in the striatum but temporary
Genotype-phenotype correlations have been described shaking attacks was associated with CAG expansion
for all diseases t h a t are caused by dynamic mutations, in the lower range (CAG = 37). Pure schizophreniform
with the most striking correlation existing between psychosis could therefore represent a n extreme form of
trinucleotide copy number and age at onset. In myo- clinical heterogeneity in HD. We suggest that specific
tonic dystrophy the size of the repeat is related not only psychiatric features in HD are not a function of CAG
to age at onset, but also to clinical severity [Harley copy number alone. Possibly, nondetectable somatic
e t al., 19931. In Kennedy disease there is also a correla- variation in CAG repeat length in specific brain areas
tion between repeat length and stair-climbing ability could explain the differences in symptoms [Telenius
[La Spada e t al., 19921. An inverse correlation between et al., 19941. Additionally, variability of psychiatric phe-
CAG copy number and disease onset-age has con- notypes may be influenced by unknown genetic and en-
stantly been described in Huntingtons disease [Andrew vironmental factors, as it has been assumed for age a t
et al., 1993; Duyao et al., 1993; Norremolle et al., 1993; onset. Genetic components that could influence age a t
Novelletto et al., 1994; Snell et al., 1993; Stine e t al., onset have already been discussed before the HD-muta-
19931. A smaller, but significant, correlation was also tion was characterized. They include genetic imprinting
found between CAG repeat length and age of death [Farrer et al., 1992; Ridley et al., 19911, ageing genes
[Andrew et al., 19931; however, no such relationship [Farrer e t al., 19841, protecting maternal factors [Myers
was evident for the rate of clinical decline a s shown in et al., 19821, and impact of the normal allele [Farrer
a recent study [Kieburtz et al., 19941. et al., 19931. Since we did not find a relation between
56 Weigell-Weber et al.





change 0

,5 -
nonspecific -
alteration 1 I I I I t I 1 1 1 I

38 40 45 50 55

CAG repeatlength
Fig. 1. CAG repeat lengths of HD chromosomes in patients with different psychiatric symptoms,
including depression, psychosis, personality change, and nonspecific alterations. Four histograms,
demonstrating the distribution of CAG repeat length for each category, are shown. There were similar
frequencies and distributions of CAG-expansions for all psychiatric categories, as well as for the group
with absent or unspecific changes.

psychiatric phenotype and gender, a marked influence psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. Unspe-
of sex linked genes on psychiatric manifestations in HD cific responses to different toxic effects may be part of
can be excluded. Parental origin of the mutation also common pathways leading to psychiatric symptoms.
does not influence symptomatology generally, but in pa- In conclusion, there is no relation between distinct
tients with personality changes maternal transmission GAG repeat lengths and specific psychiatric features.
is significantly higher than in other patients. Therefore Therefore, the size of the CAG-expansion is not a reli-
genetic imprinting, as well as protecting maternal fac- able biological marker which could provide information
tors, seem to be unlikely. Psychosocial factors due to ill- on expected psychiatric symptoms in a HD gene carrier.
ness of the mother could account for the frequent occur- Nevertheless, in some patients with psychiatric symp-
rence of personality changes in maternally transmitted toms, e.g., schizophrenia and a positive family history,
cases. Finally, an influence of the normal allele on it might be recommended to investigate the CAG
psychiatric presentation is not obvious. repeat length in the IT15 gene.
At present not much is known about the pathophysi-
ological effect of the GAG repeat expansion in neuro- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
degenerative disorders. Comparable repeat lengths We thank all the physicians who helped us in collect-
and an elongated stretch of glutamin residues in the ing information about patients and our colleagues for
respective proteins suggest a common pathomechanism. support in the lab. We are indebted to Mrs. Cathy
Simple inactivation of the HD gene due t o triplet Haeberlin for her help in preparing this manuscript.
expansion is unlikely, since patients hemizygotic for
parts of chromosome 4p show no clinical signs of HD.
Homozygotes and heterozygotes for HD exhibit similar American Psychiatric Association (1980): Diagnostic and Statistical
clinical features and a gain-of-function mutation was Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-111).Washington, DC: Ameri-
can Psychiatric Association.
therefore suggested [Wexler et al., 1987; Myers et al., American Psychiatric Association (1987): Diagnostic and Statistical
19891. At the moment too little is known to exclude sim- Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM-111-R).Washington, DC: Ameri-
ilarities in pathology and pathophysiology between can Psychiatric Association.
Psychiatric Symptoms in HD 57

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