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Vicarstown National School, S. N.

Bhaile an Bhiocire,
Vicarstown, Bhaile an Bhiocire,
Co. Cork. Co. Chorca.
P32 DX40 P32 DX40
Telephone: 021-7332179 Guthn: 021-7332179
Roll No: 06342L Uimhir Rolla: 06342L

7th December 2017

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Holy Day of Obligation 8th of December

All pupils from 1st to 6th class will attend 9.30am mass tomorrow morning in Matehy church.

Visit by Inniscarra Hurlers & Footballers Guthn/Facs: 021-

The Inniscarra Hurling & Football team are dropping by to show the pupils their cups and trophies tomorrow Friday
8th of December. Please get your children to wear their Inniscarra Jerseys or blue and white 7332179
tomorrow. Well done lso to Stephen Linehan, Sean Ahern, and Tom OSullivan members of the BCS hurling team
that won a Munster title yesterday. E-mail:
Do this in Memory Mass
Reminder for 2nd class pupils that the Do This in Memory Mass will take place this Sunday 10th of December in St.
Josephs Church Matehy at 9.30am.

Sciath na Scol Girls Indoor Football Tournament

Congratulations to the girls from 3rd and 4th class who won all of their matches last Tuesday 5th of December, beating
teams from Kilbonane NS, Muinefliuch NS, Canovee NS and Firmount NS.

Sciath na Scol Boys Indoor Football Tournament

The boys from 3rd and 4th class will participate in their Indoor Football tournament next Tuesday the 12th of
December. We have organised a mini bus, would the children concerned please remit 5 + permission slip.

Quiz Teams
Well done to our sports quiz team from 5th & 6th class who really enjoyed participating in the Sports Quiz yesterday
in the Rochestown Park Hotel yesterday.

Early Closure on Friday 15th of December

The school will close at 12.30pm on Friday, 15th of December as staff will attend a Parish meeting.

School Christmas Concert

The date of the Christmas Concert has been changed. The concert will now take place on Thursday 21 st of
December at 7.00pm more details to follow next week.

Christmas Cards and Photographs

The Christmas Cards have been given out to all pupils today. Christmas calendars (for those who ordered them) will
be here on Friday or Monday next week. The photographs will be distributed early next week.

Christmas Cookery Demonstration December 13th in The Farm, Grenagh

There will be a Christmas Cookery Demonstration in aid of Courtbrack Hall on December 13th in the Farm in Grenagh
and all support would be greatly appreciated. Tickets can be purchased from Karen Mulcahy and Mary OMahony.
There is also a light up Courtbrack evening on Sunday 10th December at 5.30pm to celebrate the 20th anniversary
of the community field in Courtbrack. There will be hot chocolate, mince pies and some carol singing all welcome.

St. Vincent de Paul

We will hold our annual collection of non perishable foods for the St. Vincent de Paul over the coming week. We will
have a box in the school hallway for any donations you wish to make. Thank you.

Head Lice
At this time of year, head lice are more common. Please be vigilant and treat hair immediately should your child
have a case.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Mulcahy,

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