Unleashing The Prophetic

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I met Rene Picota many years ago. His love for the Lord and His passion for people was

immediately apparent. He had a bold faith that believed God to move at any moment. He has

not lost that zeal. If you burn to be used greatly by God then let the words in this book ignite a

fresh fire within you.

Daniel K Norris, Evangelist, Revivalist, Author

I encourage you to read this book Unleashing the Power of the Prophetic and allow Rene to walk

you through key principles on how to release the prophetic ministry in your life.

Brian Kenney, Prophet, Coach, Author

"Practical, Powerful and Prophetic...Pastor Picota nailed it! I highly recommend this book for
the beginner as well as the seasoned saint!"

Jon McHatton, Christian International Apostolic Network and Grace Life Ministries
Unleashing the Prophetic

1. From Pathetic to Prophetic 5

2. The Prophetic Anointing 11

3. The Power of Prophetic Decrees 15

4. Prophesying with Authority 21

5. Prophetic Evangelism 25

6. Prophesying with Accuracy 30

7. Keeping the Prophetic Pure 34

8. The Office of a Modern Prophet 38

9. Passing the Mantle 42

Chapter 1

From Pathetic to Prophetic

Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but

He reveals his secret unto his servants

the prophets. Amos 3:17

I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home. I went to church every Sunday. When I

was young, my mom was heavily involved in ministry. We went to revival services very often. I

was lucky to have a great church to call my spiritual family. When I was fourteen years old, my

family relocated from Miami, Florida to Leesburg, Virginia, which is when everything changed.

Transition is hard for anyone, but this move was especially difficult for me because I was

a teenager and I was leaving behind all my friends, my youth group, all I knew. The drive from

Florida to Virginia took a few days. I was listening to Jars of Clay on my CD player and I began

to ask God why He was allowing this to happen. A few hours later, we arrived at a hotel and

while we were there we learned that our housing arrangements had fallen through. We found

ourselves homeless living in a hotel.

My mom knew a pastor who let us live in his church for a few weeks. This was

temporary. Eventually, we moved into a homeless shelter. At that moment I felt forsaken. I

remember crying out, Where is the God of Elijah? As I began school, I was embarrassed

because I didnt want anyone to know where we lived. I rode the bus home from school and my

sisters and I were the last ones dropped off. I was so upset with God. How could He allow this to

happen to us?

Like many teenagers, I began to act out as a response to my circumstances. I began

smoking marijuana and chasing girls. One day the cops showed up at the homeless shelter and I

ended up being kicked out of the shelter. I was dropped off at the local youth shelter where they

patted me down every time I left and came back. My mom worked hard and we eventually had

the finances we needed to get our own place.

During the time I was at the youth shelter, however, I encountered Gods prophetic

power. I realized that if things in my life where going to change, I was going to have to embrace

my calling. I knew from very young that the Lord had His hand on me for ministry. People had

prophesied that I would be a Pastor. But no one had said anything about the prophetic! I

developed a relationship with a local pastor at a very prophetic church. At this church, I crossed

paths with a Prophet named Jerrell Miller. I didnt know anything about Him. He claimed to be a

Prophet but I wasnt paying attention to his ministry, I was too busy flirting with a girl at church.

That Sunday morning he called me out in front of everyone and asked me to come down

to the altar where he began to prophesy over me. After the prophetic word he yelled fire! into
the microphone and I fell backward. Now, I didnt take a courtesy fall like many do. I have

had preachers try to push me and I dont go down. This was different. It was God. I melted as the

power of the Holy Spirit flowed through my body like currents of electricity. I felt as though a

fireball had hit my stomach. I was vibrating under the power of God. I didnt know it then, but I

would never be the same. That day marked a new life for me. God made all things new. I had an

encounter with the living God. As I laid on the floor, God set me free from drugs and lust, and I

was set ablaze for the glory of God.

I became so hungry for the supernatural. The manifest presence of God was all that I

desired. I began attending every revival meeting I could find. I was the first in line at the front

waiting for impartation. I would even push my way to the front in my zeal.

I remember traveling to Calvary Pentecostal Campground in Ashland, Virginia. I

remember worshiping at the altar in the glory. I opened my eyes and my hands and face were

covered in gold dust. A lot of people are skeptical about signs and wonders, but it was the real

deal. When the glory of God captures your heart nothing else will do. The things of this world

dont matter anymore. I had come to that point; I had lost my dignity.

My hunger for Gods presence increased even more. I lost interest in things that regular

teenagers are normally drawn towards. I watched TBN, The Church Channel, and Daystar all

day long. I would even skip school so I could stay home and watch This is Your Day at

2:30pm. I looked forward to stretching my hands on the screen and praying with Benny Hinn. I

was so thirsty for the presence of God. One day, while working at the Bible Outlet Store, I
convinced a co-worker to take a trip with me to New York to attend a Todd Bentley meeting. I

got blasted by the Holy Spirit. I received impartation and crossed paths with Patricia King for the

first time. The Holy Spirit highlighted her. I knew her ministry would play an important role in

my life. Later on I was privileged to sit under her ministry for almost 2 years.

When I arrived back in Virginia, I was invited by a local Pastor to go with him to the

Justice House of Prayer in Washington DC. They were beginning a movement called Bound 4

Life. We would arrive around 10PM and stay all night. I remember crying out to God for

abortion to end. We would pray in front of the Supreme Court with red tape over our mouths

with the word Life over it. A few days later we were on the cover of Time Magazine. During

this season I learned how to pray. I am grateful for Lou Engle and his team. They made an

indelible impact on my prayer life. I was like a sponge and if there was any power, any glory,

any anointing available I was going to absorb it. If you were in my way I would run you over. I

was desperate for the things of God.

I share all of this with you to encourage you. No matter how pathetic your life may feel,

God can turn it around. The secret to your breakthrough is pursuing the presence of Jesus. You

have to be willing to abandon everything you know and seek Him with all your mind, heart, and

strength. The things of this world all of a sudden wont matter. Your problems will become

small. Magnify Jesus. All you need is faith in God. All you need is one touch from the Master.

Every time I prophesy over someone I feel a fire in my belly. His fire has kept me warm during

the loneliest nights. I have come to the place where I know that my life is not my own. I belong
to Jesus. This is beyond a mental understand, it is a revelation from Him that changed everything

about my life.

As you learn more about the prophetic by reading this book I encourage you to go deeper

than you have ever have before. Go after and press into the manifest presence of Jesus. Wherever

the presence of God is, get there. I am not talking about where you feel goosebumps. Go to the

places where lives are changed. Go to the places where miracles are taking place. You have to

get into the manifest presence of God. You really dont have time for anything else. Pursue Him

and He will pursue you back, and you will begin to realize that He has been after you from the

beginning. You are the object of His affection.

It takes just one second in the presence of God to change your life forever. I wasnt

expecting a prophetic word that Sunday morning, but I was close enough to His presence and He

found me. God has a way of setting you up like that. All you have to do is get close to the fire. If

you make yourself available, God will meet with you. His Word says that if you draw near to

Him, He will draw near to you. Open your heart and receive everything that God has for you.

Give yourself away so that God can use you to reach this generation. Your life needs to change.

You cant afford to stay the same anymore. Dont hold back for another minute.

I encourage you to keep a journal of your encounters with God. Write down your

experiences. Write down when He speaks to you through others. Record prophetic words. Do

your best to capture every encounter. The presence of God will linger on those MP3s, and on

the pages of your journal. Begin to pray like you have never prayed before. Pray in your prayer
language for hours. When you pray in the Spirit, you confuse the enemy. When I need the

anointing to manifest I begin to pray in tongues. I am not talking about a little bit of tongues here

and there. I pray in strong tongues until I feel the fire in my belly. Once I feel the fire, then I

begin to prophesy and minister to people. It flows out of me because I am a willing vessel

yielded to His purpose.

Make yourself available. Develop your spiritual gifts. Be intentional about it. Your gift

will make room for you. Use your gifts to bless those around you. You dont need a pulpit to

minister, although you may get one eventually. Be faithful with the little and He will increase the

influence you have. Faithfulness is the key to unlocking the prophetic. You must be willing to be

a mouthpiece set apart for God and willing to say anything He says. It doesnt matter if it isnt

something that they want to hear. It doesnt matter if it carries worldly consequences. When you

say yes to the prophetic, you are saying yes to Jesus, and He will take care of the rest.

Go ahead and began to prophesy over yourself. Say it out loud, I am going from pathetic

to prophetic. Begin to declare that today is the day that you change. This is your Kairos

moment. This is your divine encounter with the Lord. Grab ahold of your destiny. I dont believe

it is an accident that you are reading this book. God has a plan and a purpose for your life. Your

service to the Lord will come out of an encounter with His glory. Dare to get close to the fire. Be

willing to burn. Ask God to consume your life and remove everything that doesnt belong there.

I declare and decree over you that things are beginning to change for you. I declare that

you are no longer stuck. I prophesy that your best days are ahead of you! I declare that the
blessings of God are overtaking you. I decree that your moment of breakthrough is here! God is

about to touch you and you will feel His fire in your belly. Out of your belly will flow rivers of

living water in Jesus name!

Chapter 2

The Prophetic Anointing

And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that

I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh, and your

Sons and daughters will prophesy, and your

young men shall see visions: and your old

men shall dream dreams. Acts 2:17-18

The prophetic anointing is so powerful. It is Gods tangible anointing flowing out of His

throne room. We hear terminology in Christian circles like, he or she moves in the prophetic.

If you say that to someone who doesnt know Christ, they may look at you funny. My approach

is simple. I just want to be in Jesus and out of that place of intimacy hear Him whisper secrets to

His children. The prophetic anointing is different than the healing anointing. Yet healings can

occur while a prophetic anointing is flowing. Revelation 19:10 declares that the Spirit of

prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. We must bear Christ as His servants in all we do. Every

spiritual gift should be used to give glory to Jesus. That verse is key to understanding the

prophetic anointing.
There are over 300 prophecies that Jesus fulfilled through His life, death and resurrection.

They all pointed to Him. When we flow in the Spirit of Jesus, His love will envelop us and

individuals around us. The prophetic anointing is one of the sweetest anointings in all of heaven

and on earth. To understand the prophetic anointing, you must first understand the anointing. I

will use this chapter to lay a foundation on what the anointing is. Picture the prophetic as an ice

cream flavor. God has a big ice cream truck with lots of difference flavors. They are all really


The word anointing comes from the Greek word Chrio, which means to smear or rub

with oil. The origin of the anointing comes from the practice of shepherds. They anoint their

sheep to kill lice and other insects that would get into the wool of the sheep. In the Bible, people

were anointed as a sign of consecration for the office of a king, prophet, or another religious

service such as a priest. The word Aleipho, means to anoint with oil to signify Gods blessings

or call on an individuals life. Another meaning for anointed is chosen one. The Bible says that

Jesus was anointed by God with the Holy Spirit to spread the Good News and free those who

were held captive by sin. When Christ ascended to Heaven after His resurrection, He gave us the

gift of the Holy Spirit. All Christians have the opportunity to receive anointing to further Gods


God gives us His anointing to demonstrate His love and power. Because Christ dwells

within us, we have the same anointing as Christ. Jesus used the anointing to preach the Gospel

with power. He used the anointing to heal and restore people. He used the anointing to set the

captives free, and bring a fresh revelation of Gods love to those who are seeking it. He does the
same today. Jesus never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Isaiah 10:27 says,

that the anointing will break the yoke. No matter what yoke you may be bound with, the

anointing can remove it. The anointing breaks every chain. The power of God can transform

anything. The anointing is hope for the addict. It is a high that comes from the Most High. The

anointing will cure cancer. The anointing has the power to heal every infirmity under the sun. I

have seen people healed of blindness. I have seen tumors disappear. I have seen cancer healed.

The anointing of the Holy Spirit will break every chain you may be bound with. It will break

every chain oppressing those who you are ministering to.

The anointing is activated by faith. When I begin to move in the anointing, I declare by

faith that God is moving supernaturally in the lives of the people. Then I step out by faith and

begin ministering. I feel fire and electricity on my hands at times. Other times I dont feel a

thing. The first couple of people I pray for are usually blasted by the Holy Spirit. Then it is like

dominos. I dont know why they fall. All I know is that they get up changed. The anointing can

be transferred by the laying on of hands, through the spoken word, through prayer cloths and

other objects, and by location. Laying on of hands is the most common way to release the

anointing. I dont just let anyone lay hands on me. I am picky. The Bible says to know those who

labor among you. I dont mind people praying for me from a distance. However, I know the

power of laying on of hands. I also dont like others laying hands on my congregation if I dont

know them. Maybe that is just the pastoral calling on me.

The anointing is released through the spoken word as well. I recently prophesied over a

lady at a service and as I opened my mouth the power of God hit her and down she went. She
was out for like thirty minutes. When you prophesy, you are releasing the prophetic anointing. I

love to prophesy life into dead situations. It awakens hope in people. People are filled with faith

and are inspired to keep taking another step. They find a reason to live because the power of the


I have a blog on SpiritFuel.me and I am constantly getting emails about how people feel

the power of God as they read the articles that I write. God will use a blog. He will use a prayer

cloth. He has even used the grave of a dead man of God to transfer the anointing like we read

about in 2 Kings 13:21. I get so excited when I hear about people getting touched by Jesus! It is

all I am really living for. I just want to bring glory to God.

Without His anointing I dont want to live. I need His presence every single moment that

I am awake. I dont want to preach without His anointing. I dont want to lay hands on anyone

without the anointing. I dont want to prophesy over anyone without Him right by my side. I

dont like to do anything without Jesus. Jesus is so beautiful and nothing satisfies like His

presence. Scripture says if you drink of the living water you will never thirst again. If you want

the anointing, you need to seek His presence. You will find yourself in love with Jesus. You will

have a supernatural boldness empower you to answer the call of God. It becomes easy to step out

by faith. The anointing will cost you everything, but it is so worth it. The truth is, if God would

call me to a third world country with nothing but the clothes on my back I would gladly go.

Moses said it like this: If your presence doesnt go with me I dont want to go. Your personal

relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit are tied with the anointing on your life. If you dont

spend time with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the anointing will lift off your life. You will feel a
dryness. I have felt it before. The second I felt it I was quick to repent and cried out to God for a

fresh touch from Heaven. Be faithful with the anointing. Use it by faith. If you lay hands on a

hundred people and nothing happens be persistent and lay hands on another hundred. If you

prophesy over a hundred people and your prophecies are generic, keep prophesying. You will

begin to flow as you develop the gift within you.

Chapter 3

The Power of Prophetic Decrees

I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven;

whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven,

and whatever you loose on earth will be

loosed in heaven. . Matthew 16:19

God gives us prophetic words, dreams, revelations to show us things that are hindering us

from our destiny. He is trying to move us forward. Many have been stuck for years. When you

make prophetic decrees you are giving birth to your prophetic promise. Your words have power.

Proverbs 18:21 declares, Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Your words are

creating your future. You have the power to curse yourself and others or bless yourself and

others. What you confess is what will happen in your life. Proverbs 6:2 says that you have been

trapped by the words of your mouth. We must understand the power of our words.

Your words have more authority than you think. I have learned to ask God to cover my

words with His glory. I ask Him to let every idle word that I speak fall dead to the ground. One

way to find out why you are in the situation you are in is to examine what you have been saying.

If you are in a bind ask yourself if you have been complaining much. If people are gossiping

about you, have you been gossiping about anyone? We must be very careful with what we say.

Where it really begins is in our ears. What you hear will influence what you will say.
You should be careful of who you are listening to and what you are listening too. What

TV shows are you watching? What are your closest friends saying to you? What kind of music

do you listen to? These will all affect the way you think. What you listen to sets the tone for your

thought life. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions

become your habits. Your habits become your character. Your character says a lot about why

you are the way you are.

A great step to changing your current situation is to take a media fast. That means no

music, no TV, no social media for a season of your life. I encourage everyone to do this at least

once a year. After about 3 days you will find yourself free from the withdrawal symptoms. You

wont crave to check your Facebook or Instagram. You will be able to be still before God. You

will feel like everything has slowed down. The lies the enemy tries to feed you through the

media wont affect you. I personally like to take time off and go into the woods where it can just

be me and God. Its why I like hunting so much. I can hear from the Lord so clearly when I am

outdoors. I purposefully go somewhere I dont have any cell phone reception so no one can

interrupt my quiet time.

Perhaps you cant take a few days off work. You can still find ways you can be still in

Gods presence. Turn off your cell phone. Close your laptop. Get a chair and sit. Do nothing but

sit. Most people cant go more than 45 minutes doing this. I remember hearing a story of a youth

pastor who did this to his interns. He confiscated their cell phones. After 1 hour some of the

teens started crying. They needed to detox. The longest I have gone is 3 hours. I felt so free
afterward. All the things I could think about I thought. All the distractions were gone. I realized

that God had given me self-control. Self-control is what many in the body of Christ are lacking.

When I am in need of a breakthrough and I have quieted my spirit, I look through the

Bible for verses that pertain to what I need. I write down 5 or 6 of them. I then began to declare

them out loud over myself and my problems. When you begin to declare the Word of God over

your life things begin to shift supernaturally. The Bible says in Hebrews 4:12, the Word of God

is active. It is sharper than any two-edged sword. As you declare the Word of God over your life

the Word will cut through every attack you are facing. I have seen people healed as I declared

the Word of God over them. One time in Arizona before a church service, I prayed for a lady

who had cataracts over her eyes. She was completely blind. As I began to declare the Word of

God over her life the cataracts disappeared. She had beautiful blue eyes instead of a white milky

film over them. Everyone was in awe of what God did. We rejoiced for her and several people

gave their lives to Christ.

When I make prophetic decrees I am so hungry for Gods power. All I want is for God to

show up and show off. When God does miracles it means that He is near. I have seen people

have their breakthrough after years of struggling because they had a raw hunger for the presence

of the Holy Spirit. Something happens when you taste the Bread of Heaven. He will fill you until

you are overflowing. The prophetic anointing will energize your faith and you will be able to not

only believe for your breakthroughs but also for the breakthrough of others.
Though you may need an intervention in the natural from God, focus on Gods presence.

Focus on tucking yourself into the secret place described in Psalm 91. Your words will be

weightier under the anointing. Another thing to consider is how God created the heavens and the

earth. It says in Genesis 1:2 that the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the deep. God

was creating the heavens and the earth. In this verse, we find a clue to understanding how the

Creators power works. His Spirit hovering over you and around you is key to seeing instant

breakthroughs. When the glory is present, another dimension is at hand. It goes beyond faith.

You step into the eternal realm of Gods glory where there is no time or distance. This realm is

out of this world. The glory manifests where Jesus is glorified. The possibilities are limitless.

When we understand how to move in the glory, and when to move in the glory, we will

make powerful prophetic decrees and see results immediately. There will be no delays. Many

make prophetic decrees without any results or limited results because they dont have the glory

of God hovering over them or around them. The atmosphere must be charged with the presence

of the Holy Spirit. Moving in the glory opens up the realm of possibilities. Anything is possible.

You can decree and money can be multiplied. You can make decree and body parts can grow or

be recreated. I have seen bald men get a full head of hair. I even have seen people lose 30 pounds

in 15 minutes all in the glory realm. If you need supernatural weight loss work it out in the glory

realm. Prepare the atmosphere for His Spirit to hover over you.

To get the glory of God to show up you must understand the patterns of His presence.

Praise ushers in the presence of the Lord. Worship ushers in the anointing. Many love to worship

and they have the anointing. When we praise God the glory comes. Both are important. We must
bring God the sacrifice of praise. Praise changes the atmosphere. When we begin to praise God

for who He is and what He has done the glory will begin to descend. Oh, how I love His

presence! Friends, everything you need is found in Gods glory. He is all you really need. God is

more real to me than the air I am breathing.

Another important aspect of the prophetic realm of Gods glory is honoring God. Giving

Him glory is easy. Honoring God keeps His manifest presence from lifting. The Bible says do

not grieve the Holy Spirit. The Bible is clear in Ephesians 4:29-32 of what grieves the Holy

Spirit. We must be sensitive to the Lord. I like to think of the Holy Spirit as a dove sitting on my

shoulders. I dont want to do anything that is going to upset Him. That means I am not going to

allow my flesh to get the best of me. I am going to be gentle. This is different than when you

operate in the anointing. Romans 11:29 says that the gifts and callings of God are without

repentance. You can turn on and off the anointing. Thats why so many preachers and gifted

evangelists continue to see miracles in their ministries yet fall and are publically disgraced. The

glory of God will lift from them. They will become dry and you will see their flesh. They will

snap at people and have no grace with others. We must be gentle to see the glory of God.

Now that you know how to usher the presence of God in your life, practice being in His

presence. It is only by practicing the presence of God that we learn to decree and see results. We

must be carriers of His glory. I made up my mind a long time ago that when I walk into a room

the Holy Spirit will walk in with me. I know that He is present when people start feeling

uncomfortable saying certain things around me. They will apologize immediately. The Holy

Spirit begins to convict their hearts.

Chapter 4

Prophesying with Authority

Behold, I have given you authority to tread on

serpents and scorpions, and over all the power
of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. Luke 10:19

I love the anointing. His power is all we need. When it comes to prophesying with

authority we must understand our identity in Christ. When we know that we belong to Jesus we

realize that like Jesus we have authority over the enemy. The devil wants nothing more but to

keep you powerless. In Christ you have the victory over the enemy. Isaiah 54:17 says that no

weapon formed against you will prosper. Gods word declares in Deuteronomy 28:13 that you

are the head and not the tail. You are above and not beneath. His Word also declares in Luke

10:19 that we have authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the

enemy. When that revelation settles in your heart you will see that you are on the offense, not the

defense. You arent just fighting to make it one more day. You go from surviving to thriving. We

must discover the manifest presence of Jesus. We must also re-discover who He is by studying

what the Bible says about His nature. When I prophesy I think of the lion of the tribe of Judah.

He is roaring through me. When a lion roars everyone hears it. The earth shakes and trembles as

the lion roars. In the Spirit, when you prophesy every devil in hell hears you. The angels hear

you. Gods Kingdom is made known among you. When you prophesy dont doubt yourself. Just

flow in the Holy Ghost. If you miss it that doesnt make you a false prophet. A false prophet is

someone who claims to have the gift of prophesy and uses it for evil. If you miss it that simply
means you are growing and stepping out by faith. Simply take ownership for missing it and then

try again. I have missed it before many times. The more I prophesied the more the prophetic

words were spot on.

Another key to prophesying with authority is being filled with the Holy Spirit. The

baptism of the Holy Spirit is more than a one-time experience. When people hear about the

baptism of the Holy Spirit they immediately think about a certain group of people or of traditions

they have seen in churches. I remember growing up in a Pentecostal church and seeing people

pushed to the ground as hands were laid on them. They were told to repeat with them certain

syllables so they could speak in tongues. It never sat well with me.

We must start with a clean slate when it comes to being filled with the Holy Spirit. Forget

about what others have told you or taught you. The Bible talks about three different baptisms.

The first one is when you are baptized into Jesus by the Holy Spirit. This is talking about your

salvation. The second is water baptism. Water baptism is a public declaration of your faith in

Christ. Your salvation isnt tied to it. You are saved by grace through faith in Christ, not by

works lest any man should boast. And finally, the third baptism is the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

When you are born again you have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8 talks about being

clothed with power from on high to be His witnesses. The baptism in the Holy Spirit empowers

believers to proclaim the Gospel with boldness. It will turn you into an unstoppable force of love.

We know that Jesus is the one who baptizes in the Holy Spirit. The Bible says in James 1:17 that

every good and perfect gift comes from above. Therefore, the Holy Spirit is a gift that is
available to every believer. I must re-iterate that the baptism in the Holy Spirit has nothing to do

with your salvation. I have heard it explained like this: At salvation, the Holy Spirit fills your

cup. When you receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit your cup is submerged into a swimming

pool. The baptism in the Holy Spirit provides a high that you never ever have to feel guilty of

achieving. It is important for believers to be baptized in the Holy Spirit daily so they can fulfill

the Great Commission. When you ask for the baptism in the Holy Spirit, you covet all the

spiritual gifts. The Bible says to do so, especially the gift of prophecy. According to Acts 2:17-

18, in the last days God says He would pour out His Spirit on all flesh and His sons and

daughters would prophesy. He is talking about you and me.

So what about speaking in tongues? Tongues is important, too. It is your prayer language.

According to 2 Corinthians 14:2 when you pray in tongues you are uttering mysteries unto God.

The devil doesnt have a clue what you are saying. Neither do the people around you. This is

separate from the gift of tongues and interpretation. There are a lot of different opinions and

streams on whether speaking in tongues is the initial evidence of receiving the baptism in the

Holy Spirit. After studying scripture, I believe it is the initial evidence of receiving the baptism

in the Holy Spirit. Some of you may not like that because you never have spoken in tongues. If

you want to speak in tongues as a prayer language open your mouth and speak in tongues just

like in Acts 2:4. It says they began to speak in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. God

isnt going to force you to speak in tongues. But I will tell you that when I spoke in tongues for

the first time it came from deep within me and I felt rivers of living water flow out of me.
When you unleash the prophetic you are unleashing Gods Spirit. When Gods Spirit is

unleashed through you, anyone in your way will be affected by His glory. The Spirit of God will

always point to Jesus. Jesus will be glorified and people cant help but get saved. Unless the

Spirit leads them they cant even receive Christ. There is a harvest of souls ready to be ushered

into the Kingdom of God. God longs to use you to prophesy over unbelievers so they can be

undone in Gods presence and know that God is real and longs to have a personal relationship

with them.
Chapter 5

Prophetic Evangelism

As they listen, their secret thoughts

will be exposed, and they will fall to their knees
and worship God, declaring, "God is truly here among you."
-1 Corinthians 14:25

There is a harvest of souls in the world that need an encounter with God. The body of

Christ owes them that encounter. They dont need church as usual. They dont really need to hear

another sermon. They need the presence of Jesus. God is looking for people who will be His

mouthpiece. I love prophesying over non-believers. I dont make it spooky. The other day I was

at dinner with a friend and right before we left I gave a prophetic word to the waitress. All I did

was tell her that God speaks to me and I had a message from the Lord for her. I released the

prophetic word in English not in King James type language. She understood it and was moved. I

could see hope fill her soul. She was so thirsty for the Lord. She wanted to know more about

Jesus and the church I attended.

The harvest is ready to be brought in. God is looking for laborers who are willing to lay

their pride and dignity aside so they can be used by God. There comes a point when what others

think doesnt matter compared to what the Lord thinks. God is so glorious and worthy to be

praised. I am not ashamed of the Gospel. I am not ashamed of the prophetic. I just want to flow

in the Holy Ghost and wherever He leads I am happy to go.

My wife Amber moves very strongly in the prophetic. She loves to take prophetic trips to

town called treasure hunts. Treasure hunts are a form of evangelism through prophesy and words

of knowledge. We wait on the Lord for words of knowledge and clues. Then we write them


For example, one time my wife was looking for Christmas trees, hot chocolate and

angels. She got in the car with her friend and drove around for a few hours but couldnt find

anything. The second she stopped looking she ran into a person we knew downtown. He was

with some friends. One of his friends was a cross dresser. He was dressed as a women. My wife

loves to just be super friendly and love people with gloves off type of love. She introduced

herself to him and she asked him his name. He replied, My name is Angel. Immediately she

remembered the list and she looked around. There were Christmas trees in the background and

he was holding a cup of hot chocolate. She told Angel that he was the treasure and God wanted

to speak to him. Amber pulled out her treasure map from her pocket and showed it to him. He

began to cry as the presence of the Holy Spirit overwhelmed him. She prophesied over him and

told him how much God loves him. Angel revealed to her that he had grown up in a Christian

home and that his parents where pastors who had rejected him. Only God can set such divine

appointments up!

The Lord is just looking for those who are available to be used for His glory. As I write

this I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit flowing so powerfully. I pray that He would make your
life what it ought to be. I pray that He would be able to flow through you freely. The secret to

evangelism is developing a heart for the people. I dont have a problem loving the people the

world calls unlovable. I have hugged many homeless people who smelled like cigarette smoke

and their breath smelled like liquor. God loves them so much. I dont have a problem giving

them money or buying them a meal.

Despite that, many warn me to not enable them. But I want to tell you that I gladly lay

my life down and I would let them walk over me. I have laid my life down. I am not exclusive. It

doesnt matter to me if you have a million dollars or if you are homeless. All are precious to

Jesus. From Wall Street to your street they matter to Jesus and because they matter to Jesus they

matter to me. Jesus died for them. God is so gracious and merciful. Let us never forget where we

came from. Never forget where you were when the grace of God changed your life.

Maybe you are new to the prophetic and you are afraid that you will miss it. Just

encourage people! Just show them Gods love. I love giving people prophetic hugs. They are not

side hugs but a full embrace. I hold them like they are my own kids. I let the love of the Father

flow through me. I call them prophetic hugs because they are encouraged. So many people just

need to be held. They need a holy embrace. When I hug people under the anointing I sometimes

feel the burdens they are carrying just drop off them. God is so gentle. He is so pure and kind and

we should be the same. I love people. The vision for His church is people. That is what God is

looking at. He isnt looking for another building or another event. He wants the children of the

earth to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He will bless those who have the desires of His heart.
The more time you spend in the presence of Jesus, His feelings will become your

feelings. What breaks His heart will break your heart. What moved Gods heart will move your

heart. When you see a need you will become the miracle they need. As a body, we need to start

meeting needs instead of just praying for them to be met. You were created to love like Jesus. It

will cost you something. Maybe you can pay an electric bill or leave a note on a car. Maybe you

can buy groceries or fill a gas tank. When you meet a need people will listen to you. It is then

that you have the opportunity to prophesy over someone and they will receive it.

One year the Lord spoke to me and told me to give away turkeys to needy families. Our

church gave away over 20 turkeys that year. Each family who received a turkey received a touch

from the Lord. Six people received Christ. I remember meeting a lady in the Walmart parking lot

and blessing her with a turkey. She took the turkey and then broken down. I believe that turkey

was anointed because the second she touched it the power of God hit her and she shared

everything she was going through and God was able to touch her and set her free. Hungry

families were fed. It was a tangible expression of Gods love. It was all for Jesus and to Him be

all the glory.

The gift of prophesy isnt a gift for you. It is a gift for the body of Christ. Never forget

that. Never let it go to your head. Stay humble. Just like Jesus left the 99 for the 1, do the same as

you minister. If you are at a meeting prophesying over people, no matter how tired you are keep
prophesying until everyone has received ministry. Dont ever become exclusive. Dont ever lose

sight of the mission. Always point to Jesus. All this is for Him.

I pray the anointing of the Holy Spirit will come upon you and that as you prophesy to

un-believers that many will come to know Christ. I pray that you would be able to lead to them

to an encounter with Jesus that changes their entire life. Taking risks by stepping out of your

comfort zone is always worth it.

Chapter 6

Prophesying with Accuracy

For Moses truly said to the fathers,

The LORD your God will raise up for you a

Prophet like me from your brethren. Him you shall

hear in all things, whatever He says to you.

. Acts 3:22

Prophesying with accuracy is a gift from God. There are things that I have discovered

that will help you prophesy. However, before we get into those things I want you to ask yourself

why you want to prophesy with accuracy? Why do you want to be able to know the most

intimate details of peoples lives without them revealing them to you? If God reveals to you

something, can you really handle it? God knows your reactions. I remember the first time I

ministered in a crowd and called a lady out by name and read her mail. It was scary. She fell out

under the power of God before I even got to deliver the word to her. This kind of accuracy has its

purpose. As I share with you in this chapter, remember to always give Jesus the glory.

I first started seeing an increase in my prophetic words over people when I took inventory

of all the preachers and ministers I was listening to. I had to discover what stream I was part of.

There are many different streams and each serve their purpose. I know God has given me a
prophetic gift. I am always drawn to the prophetic. I found 3 ministries that are prophetic and I

started sowing into their ministries. Thats right. I sowed money monthly. I was tied to that

ministry and the anointing of that minister started to show up in mine. That is why it is important

to always sow into others ministries beyond just paying your tithes. I gave sacrificially. I

remember sowing 50% of what we had in the bank as a seed to a man of God. Many would call

his support letter a scam but I knew he was the real deal. I sowed and continue today to support

that prophets ministry.

The second you judge a prophet the impartation you received from their ministry will lift

off your life. The glory will lift where there is no honor. Humility precedes honor. Humility is

key. As a Pastor, we host prophetic friends to minister to our congregation. We always go above

and beyond and bless them. The Bible says in Matthew 10:41 if you honor a prophet you will

receive a prophets reward.

Some of the ministries I sow into I have never even met the leaders. I sow into them

anyway. Even if others criticize them, I sow generously. They will ultimately answer to God for

every penny they spend. Something that I have noticed, too, is that every time I sowed a seed

whether it was 50 dollars or 100 dollars or more, by the end of the month the money came back

to me multiplied. Once we sowed 60 dollars and within a couple of days we received a donation

for $2,200 dollars. You are where you are today because of the seeds you have sown. I am not

just talking about money. I am talking about the words you have sown and the actions you have

sown. God will not be mocked. Whatever a man sows he will also reap.
Another key to prophesying with accuracy is knowing the voice of God. We must tune

our ears to the whispers of the Holy Spirit. What does God sound like? When does He speak?

God sounds like His Word. He will never contradict His written Word. The more time I spend in

the Word the more I will know His Word and His ways. The more I worship Him in the secret

place, the more I will be able to understand Him and know the feelings of His heart. God is

gentle. He speaks sometimes in the quietness. Other times He speaks through circumstances or

through dreams. Often times He will give you a picture of someones house or business. He may

show you a series of numbers. I just take a chance and speak it out. If I get the number 45 and the

name Sandy I will ask for Sandy and ask what the number 45 is about. It could be her age or her

home address. I just go with the flow of the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes you will miss it. Other times they will lie to you and not want to admit that

their age may be 45. You never really know what to expect. If you miss it, that is ok! Just keep

trying. It is the same as giving words of knowledge. The first couple of times I missed it. Once I

thought I had missed it and a few days later someone called me and told me they were ashamed

because they didnt respond. There is nothing wrong with practicing giving prophetic words or

words of knowledge. The Holy Spirit will show you all you need to know. Use what you know to

point to Jesus.

The more you prophesy and move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit the more accurate you

will become. It takes practice. God is developing the gift in you. His Spirit will show you how to

flow. There are so many dynamics at play. John 5:19 shows us that Jesus only did what he saw
his Father doing. Only do what you see the Father doing. If God is going there then go there. If

he isnt going there then dont. Remember that it is His meeting. You are just a vessel. You are

in the passengers seat and He is driving. Dont try to kick God out of the drivers seat. If you do,

the glory of God will lift from your life and those things that were effortless will no longer be

effortless. If you take the glory from God the finances will dry up, too. Dont ever take the glory

from God. Always give it to Jesus and honor Him as a representative of His Kingdom on the

Chapter 7

Keeping the Prophetic Pure

For the time is coming when people will not

endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they

will accumulate for themselves teachers

to suit their own passions

2 Timothy 4:3

When we talk about keeping the prophetic pure we often think about those who prophesy

for money. We may think of tele-evangelists or letters we receive in the mail begging for


I dont prophesy for money. I prophesy to bless others. If others want to bless me then I

accept it. Not accepting it is pride. God uses people to bless me. He will use people to bless you

too. Money is a tool that ministries need to grow. If a minister asks me for money and I have it I

will sow if they are not trying to manipulate me. Statements like, God will heal you of cancer if

you sow $1,000 right now nauseate me. If you call yourself a man of God or a prophet of God

and say things like this in my presence I dont have a problem letting everyone know that you are

a scam artist. Healing comes from Jesus and He paid the ultimate price by laying down His life

for you and me.

Another statement that irritates me is, God showed me that you and I are supposed to get

married. That is so stupid. So many people fall for that and they end up unhappily married or

divorced. I have two daughters. If you say that to one of them we will have a serious talk. When

you are called to marry someone, the community and your pastor will support you in your

decision. You will also be ready to start your life together. If you are a man, you should have a

job that provides enough to pay your bills. You need to lead your family by meeting their

spiritual needs as well. Take them to church. Lead by example. If you are a women, you need to

be ready to be your husbands help mate and support him in all he says and does. Honor him and

respect him. Husbands, love your wives like Christ loved the church and laid his life down for


Another reason why prophetic ministers fail is because of lust. Prophetic people tend to

be sensitive to whatever their eyes see. Setting safety parameters is key. I recommend setting a

filter on your computer and mobile device. Also, have an accountability partner. Have someone

who will ask you hard questions. Dirty old men arent the only ones looking at porn. Women

look at porn just as much as men. We all need to protect our eyes gate. We need to have eyes

that honor God.

We must learn to bounce our eyes. When someone walks in the room and they are

showing too much cleavage or their pants are too tight, bounce your eyes. I like to look at people

in their eyes. It shows respect. Any minister needs to have common sense. Dont ride alone with

someone of the opposite sex unless it is your spouse or a family member. The Bible says to avoid
the appearance of evil. My wife and I also have each others password for all our emails and

social media pages. I saw a post where someone said that affairs start on Facebook. I couldnt

agree more. According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, Over 80% of

divorce attorneys have seen a rise in cases using social networking. We live in a sexualized

culture. Consumers are becoming desensitized to their convictions because sex is everywhere.

You cant even go to a movie nowadays without a sex scene or sexual innuendo.

Dont get me wrong; sex isnt a bad thing. Sex was created to be enjoyed in the context

of marriage between one man and one woman. If you are married and in ministry, have lots of

sex with your spouse. Think of it like a Thanksgiving dinner. Have so much sex that you dont

have any room for dessert. Some of you may be reading this and feel uncomfortable. I dont

apologize. Sexual sin is rampant around the world. According to the University of North

Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Journalism and Mass Communication, one in two sexually

active persons will contract an STD/STI by age 25. We need to be pure. We dont need to cover

up our sins. We need to have them washed away by the blood of Jesus.

The presence of God is pure. If we are intentional about spending time in His presence

we will keep the prophetic pure. We need to put on the righteousness of Christ. The Bible says in

Matthew 6:33 to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything else would

be added unto you. We must seek Gods righteousness. To seek His righteousness we must

understand what that means.

Righteousness means right living. God gave us the Ten Commandments. That is a good

place to start. The Ten Commandments show us how badly we miss the mark and need Gods

grace. How do we think we can be good enough? It isnt by works. He saves us only by grace

alone. He sanctifies us and fills us with the Holy Spirit so we can be free from sin. Christ writes

His law upon our hearts. He commands us to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, strength and

mind. He also calls us to love one another. There is no greater love than someone who lays His

life down for another. The solution for our sin is Jesus. Jesus is what keeps the prophetic pure.

Jesus is perfect theology. Jesus will give you the strength you need to have integrity. Integrity

means to be whole. Integrity requires that you are honest. If you cant tell the truth how you will

ever share the truth of the Gospel with the world?

The qualifications of a minister are found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7:

This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work.
A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of
good behavior, hospitable, able to teach; not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for
money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous; one who rules his own house well,
having his children in submission with all reverence (for if a man does not know how to
rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?); not a novice, lest being
puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil. Moreover he must
have a good testimony among those who are outside, lest he fall into reproach and the
snare of the devil.
The Apostle Paul repeats these qualifications in Titus 1:5-9:
For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking,
and appoint elders in every city as I commanded youif a man is blameless, the husband
of one wife, having faithful children not accused of dissipation or insubordination. For a
bishop must be blameless, as a steward of God, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not
given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but hospitable, a lover of what is good,
sober-minded, just, holy, self-controlled, holding fast the faithful word as he has been
taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who
When your motivation is Jesus you wont be able to help but flow in the power of Gods Spirit.

His glory will rest upon you. Every day I thank God that it is only by His grace that I have gotten
as far as I have. Without Christ I am the biggest sinner of them all. Thank you Jesus for the

cross. Thank you for the price you paid. I am forever grateful.
Chapter 8

The Office of a Modern Prophet

Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but

he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

Amos 3:7

Prophets are not gifts of the Holy Spirit like the gift of prophecy. Prophets are Christs

gift to the church. Ephesians 4:7 says, But to each one of us grace was given according to the

measure of Christs gift verse 11 continues by saying, And He gave some as apostles, and

some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers. They are not just

gifted people but they are the gift. A prophet is part of the five-fold team.

When we talk about the office of a Prophet we are talking about the governing

responsibility of a Prophet. The Prophet has a responsibility to lead the people. A Prophet has

both an anointing and a mantle. The anointing will always remain with the Prophet. But the

mantle rests upon them when they are in a leadership role. The mantle may be passed on

depending on the mission. Prophets have the ability to understand issues at their root. They can

tell if a person has pure motivations. They have the ability to predict the future. A Prophet

understands authority. They understand their role and the role of others in the body of Christ.

Prophets are servants of God and God tells them His secrets.
The primary responsibility of a Prophet is to equip the saints to do the work of the

ministry. Ephesians 4:11-16 says,

He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as
pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the
building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the
knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which
belongs to the fullness of Christ. As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here
and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men,
by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in
all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being
fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of
each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.

A Prophet equips the body of Christ with eyes to see and ears to hear. This causes

stability in the Body of Christ and helps everyone to work together in unity.

Prophets have been used by God to restore families. Malachi 4:5-6 says, Behold, I am

going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the

LORD. He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to

their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse. Prophets set leaders in

place and release the anointing over them so they can lead. Samuel did this to Saul.

Prophets judge prophetic words. 1 Corinthians 14:29 says, Let two or three prophets

speak, and let the others pass judgment. It may not be a Prophet who judges a prophetic word

but maybe another fivefold minister.

Prophets and apostles are the foundation of the church. Ephesians 2:19-20 declares, So

then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of

Gods household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus

Himself being the corner stone. Apostles and prophets are to work together. The apostle has a

mission from the heart of the Father that the prophet must submit to. Once the prophet submits to

the mission on an apostle they can be co-missioned. We must understand how to operate under

an apostolic mantle. The Bible gives us a great example in Exodus 17:8-13,

Then Amalek came and fought against Israel at Rephidim. So Moses said to Joshua,
Choose men for us and go out, fight against Amalek. Tomorrow I will station myself on
the top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand. Joshua did as Moses told him, and
fought against Amalek; and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. So it
came about when Moses held his hand up, that Israel prevailed, and when he let his hand
down, Amalek prevailed. But Moses hands were heavy. Then they took a stone and put
it under him, and he sat on it; and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side
and one on the other. Thus his hands were steady until the sun set. So Joshua
overwhelmed Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.

Joshua had the victory once Moses was supported. Moses had led the Israelites for 40

years. Joshua was faithful and served under Moses authority. There is no room for

insubordination in the Kingdom of God. You can always tell you are working under someones

mantle when they put their hands down and you start losing. Moses not only held Joshua

accountable but He provided covering for him. Many people want covering but they dont want

relationship. Before you can have a vision, oftentimes God will require you to serve the vision of

another person first.

You must understand that supporting others is a process that God requires of everyone

before they are promoted. If you are a Prophet, find an Apostle and serve the mission from the
Father with him. If you are a Prophet, you are a gift to the body of Christ. In the final chapter of

this book we will talk about picking up the mantle. Are you ready to leave a legacy?
Chapter 9

Passing the Mantle

And Elijah passed over to him and threw his mantle on him.

1 Kings 19:19b

The story in the Bible where Elijah passes his mantle to Elisha is one of my favorite

passages of scripture. It is full of prophetic revelation. Lets devour the Scriptures together:

1 Kings 19:13 When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and

stood in the entrance of the cave. And behold, a voice came to him and said, What are you doing

here, Elijah? The mantle that Elijah is carrying is the covering that takes him into the presence

of God and extends Gods divine nature to all the earth.

The plot thickens in 1 Kings 19:19-21:

So he departed from there and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, while he was plowing
with twelve pairs of oxen before him, and he with the twelfth. And Elijah passed over to
him and threw his mantle on him. He left the oxen and ran after Elijah and said, Please
let me kiss my father and my mother, then I will follow you. And he said to him, Go
back again, for what I have done to you? So he returned from following him, and took
the pair of oxen and sacrificed them and boiled their flesh with the implements of the
oxen, and gave it to the people and they ate. Then he arose and followed Elijah and
ministered to him.
In this passage we see Elisha transition from working with the oxen to serving Elijah.

Notice that Elijah didnt speak to him. He just threw his mantle on him. Elisha then burned the

plows. When we receive a mantle we must be willing to forsake the old identity. The identity

Elisha had was a career working with the oxen. Can you imagine how nasty that must have

smelled? How many of our lives smell, and yet we are crying out for God to use us? We must be

willing to receive the full weight of the mantle and drop everything. In the New Testament Jesus

does something similar. He tells Peter to drop his nets and become fishers of men. Peter dropped

everything and followed Jesus. Elisha nor Peter had any idea what was in store for them. They

just had to move by faith. Are you willing to let go of that job to follow Jesus? Are you willing to

leave that church if God calls you to serve somewhere else?

Elisha was hungry for what Elijah had. He was so hungry for the power of God that he

asked Elijah for a double portion: 2 Kings 2:9-10 says, When they had crossed over, Elijah said

to Elisha, Ask what I shall do for you before I am taken from you. And Elisha said, Please, let

a double portion of your spirit be upon me. He said, You have asked a hard thing.

Nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if not, it shall

not be so. Elijah responds with a test for Elisha. He told him he has to be with him until the end.

This speaks to me about perseverance. So many times we are quick to bail on those we are

serving just because things get a little rough. We wonder why when we serve someone for a

season and then leave our lives our still the same. We didnt stay until the end. We must be

faithful. If you stay until the end you will receive a double portion.
The mantle was passed to Elisha in 2 Kings 2:11-14:
As they were going along and talking, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire and horses
of fire which separated the two of them. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind to heaven.
Elisha saw it and cried out, My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and its
horsemen! And he saw Elijah no more. Then he took hold of his own clothes and tore
them in two pieces. He also took up the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and returned
and stood by the bank of the Jordan. He took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and
struck the waters and said, Where is the LORD, the God of Elijah? And when he also
had struck the waters, they were divided here and there; and Elisha crossed over.
What a powerful passage of Scripture! The land Elisha had been in represented seasons

of training, the familiar, and the place where he burned his plows. Perhaps you can relate. The

season you have been in has been one where you have felt like you were just going through the

motions of Christianity. It may represent the place where you dreamed about doing great things

for God, but now those dreams have consumed you to the point where you are ready to make

them come true. God is calling you to step out and make your dreams and make them a reality.

The moment finally came where Elijah was taken up in a chariot of horses and fire into a

whirlwind to heaven. It states that Elisha grabbed and ripped the mantle of Elijah. The mantle

fell to the ground and Elisha picked it up. Elisha had a choice. He could have gone to his former

lifestyle. He could have bought new oxen and stuck to what was familiar. Or he could have

moved forward into his destiny. When you commit to the call of God on your life, there is only

one direction to move and that direction is forward. Many in the body are standing still. God is

saying to you, what are you waiting for? You have everything you need inside of you. The

Kingdom of Heaven is within your reach. Pull the greatness out from within you. Bring your

future into the now. Change is inevitable. How will you respond? Dont settle for the good when

God has something greater for your life.

Elisha demanded a supernatural sign. He picked up the mantle to strike the water. Elisha

cried out saying, Where is the God of Elijah? Suddenly, the river split in two and he crossed

over. Crossing over into your destiny is quite the experience. Once you take the first step, many

wonder, What if the river closes in on me? Perhaps that is how you feel. Perhaps you see the

waves of fear and doubt and want to turn back. This is where your calling is made certain. This is

where it counts. This is where everything you have experienced, all the training that you have

been through matters the most. This is your moment of divine destiny. You are crossing over.

One step at a time, the promises of God are closer than you think. This is where you have to quit

looking to the left and to the right and fix your eyes on the prize and run the race set before you.

The thing that will get you into your destiny, and that will split the river, will be His supernatural

ability. He will teach you to become fully dependent on His power. So many people rely on their

own strength. God is looking for us to cry out to Him. He can move supernaturally and we can

embrace our calling if we learn to depend on Him.

When you pick up that mantle God is giving you, when you receive that double portion

anointing, you are to take your whole life and strike the water. Strike the water with all you have.

Give it all you have. Step into the unknown. Do what you can and God will do the rest. His grace

is sufficient for you. Go ahead and step out by faith. You dont need to have faith for the whole

journey, just the next step. Once you step into your calling and begin to cross the river, there is

no turning back. Dont settle for the good and comfortable in your life when God has something

greater for you! This is the hour. This is your season. Now is the appointed time for you to fulfill

your destiny and discover your purpose. Put your whole life in Gods hands and strike the water!

God wants to use you to bring revival to the world. He wants to use you to bring glory to His
name! Cry out to God, Where is the God of Elijah? I need you to show up now, God! I am

waiting on you until you make a way where there seems to be no way. Watch how He moves

supernaturally. When He does, you begin walking. You begin to cross into your place of purpose

and you begin do the impossible by becoming Gods voice, and becoming His hands and feet to

this world. When He speaks you speak. When He heals you heal. Where He calls you that is

where you go.

Pastors Rene and Amber Picota are a powerhouse couple that have a clear vision
from God and have planted a life-giving church in Winchester, Virginia. They both
love to encourage people to step into their destiny and dream bigger dreams with
God. Their passion is to raise up leaders and release them into their calling by
teaching them how to tap into their divine flow and discover their true identity. The
atmosphere of heaven manifests everywhere they minister.

To invite Pastor Rene to speak at your church or conference fill out

the Invite form.


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