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What is bullying? It is the use of force and/or threats to abuse, intimidate or dominate
others. The behavior is often a habit for some people. Take todays generation for example.
A lot of children experience bullying at one point in their life. Its either because of their
family background, unique character and/or physical appearance. Sometimes, its only
because the bully is insecure about his or her own life so he puts others down to make
himself feel better.

Bullying is a very common social issue in this time. I think it stems from the hate that most
people have inside them. Maybe they had problems growing up, or maybe as Ive said in
the paragraph before theyre insecure about what they lack. Still, that doesnt justify the
fact that it is okay to put others down or to physically harm them, because it is not. The
trauma that the victims get is something they will carry throughout their life and some of
the words said to harm them will be engraved in not only their brain, but also in their
hearts. Ive been a witness to this many times already, and I sympathize with the people
who think theres not much that they can do in terms of their bullies. The worst part is that
they sometimes believe what the bullies are telling them, and it hurts because everybody is
worth more than what they actually think. If you are being bullied, do not just ignore it,
because while that may work for other people, it might not for you. If you are a victim, the
first thing that you should do is tell someone of authority. It could be your parents, a
teacher or maybe even a counsellor. They are the first people to give you support with
regards to this issue. Like the common saying goes, and I quote, To each his own.
Everybody is different and unique in their own way, so instead of making them feel bad
about themselves for being that way, embrace it. Also, I think that we should raise
awareness about this stigma, because not only is it happening in actual real-life situations,
but also in the internet where the term has been coined cyber-bullying. Whatever type of
bullying, intentionally hurting someone (physically or emotionally) is not okay.

In conclusion, I think there is one effective solution to really stop bullying: putting yourself
in the shoes of other people. You may be having a bad day but some of them may be having
a bad life. They dont need you making it worst for them, so before you push that girl in the
hallway, or before you say something bad about someone, pause and think for a moment:
what would you feel if you were in their situation? Empathize with others. This world could
definitely use a bit more sensitivity. After all, everybody deserves some love.

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