Research Proposal

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Hutchison 1

William Hutchison

Lecturer Debi Jizi

UWRT 1104

24 October 2017

Proposal of Research

The ultimate goal of this inquiry project is one thing: to find

out How do people buy a boat? Seems reasonable, and simple. Its

been written on in my free writes and in different pieces Ive written

in different areas. The goal of the whole thing is to analyze the

trend of people who own boats. And when I say boat, I mean boats

sizeable enough to live on and house at least 2 people; not

necessarily a houseboat or yacht, but enough for those conditions.

What kind of people end up owning these assets? How do they fall into

the group of people who do? Do these people have a common interest? Do

these people have a trend in job types or income?

The target purpose? The specific reason for this question is to

find out who buys boats. I hope to see how others do it in an attempt

that I might be successful as well if not better. Buying a boat

understandably is a hard thing to do. Most people that own them, have

poured a good amount of money into it, so if I am spending money on

it, a significant amount of money on it, I better know what the heck

Im doing: hence the reason for this research inquiry. I am hoping

that what I find will not only be insightful but clear and

unconvoluted. That people will explain how they ended up with their

interests, how they managed to get to their goal, and how they managed

to save or earn the money for it.

Hutchison 2

Boats are my favorite area of interest, be it from the first

submarine, which was a barrel with a screw behind it mind you, all the

way up to the Enterprise-F, from Star Trek. I knew that if I wanted to

get to live on a boat, not only would I need the boat, but Id need to

find out how to get the boat. Boats require money, but luckily I have

an interest in an area that just so happens to yield a sizeable income

of money. Where Im going should theoretically get enough for me

(based on averages) to achieve my dreams. But, also something of note

is that I know I will need some form of boat-license. Just like I

need to drive a car, surely there is something similar to this out for

boats. Theres also probably some kind of program I need to go through

in order for me to become a captain of my own boat. People that have

boats such as what I want have got them through one of two ways in my

mind. Either hard work and effort that they have spent their lives

working towards, or by using some sort of political power of

corruption to get it either via bank fraud or what have you. Since I

know nothing of politics really, and love working for what I want,

finding a job that rewards me with my life goal shouldnt be too

difficult, nor should finding out how to obtain everything needed.

This is to research how to buy a boat.

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