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Impact Of Advertising and Sales Promotion In India

1 introduction
1.1 branding in today’s era
1.2 impact of advertising on branding
1.3 importance of branding
1.4 trends in india
1.5 recent trends in india
1.6 a case study: the incredible india campaign brand india
2. proposed objectives
3. research methods
4. research strategy
4.1 qualitative and quantitative research
5 references


Traditional Branding

The word mark comes from the old man brander of the norses, who meant to burn and of this it
entered the Anglo-Saxon. Earlier stigmatizing mainly with the hearth on creating the differentiation
of the others. A manufacturer of clothing of quality would differ from somebody who manufactured
the clothing of bad quality. The role of the marks and the definition to stigmatize went in the course
of regular review and development. Traditional, the definition of the mark was “the name which is
associated one or more products in the line and helps to identify the origin of them articles” (Kotler
P., 2000). The definition presented by the American association of marketing (AMA) is, “a mark is a
name, limits, sign, the symbol or the design or the combination of them envisaged to identify the
goods and the services of a salesman or salesmen of group and to differentiate them from those of the

In addition to the definition above, Keller (2003) adds that all the times that a purchaser produces a
new name, logo or symbol for a product. He or it creates knowingly or unknowingly a mark. Today
the definition and the idea and the hearth entireties were changed while stigmatizing. Many more
roles and goals was attached to stigmatize, compared to the definition above which are very simple
and depict clearness in the message. Until last years, the mark was just treated like discourteous part
of the product (Urde, 1999) and stigmatizing was seen like important question in the strategy of
product (Kotler, P., 2000). Traditionally the principal goal to stigmatize was to establish the public
image in order to gain the short-term advantages (Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2000). It had to make
more with communicating hidden qualities of the product (Kapferer, 1997).

In the traditional model stigmatizing, the function of the mark was of a mark. The team of
management of occupied and ordered mark the program. The director of mark was not in the higher
list of management, the responsibility for the mark was entirely the concern of the department of sale

(Davis 2002). Traditionally the management of mark and to stigmatize were at all vision directed and
contained strategy (Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2000).


Kapferer expresses the change to stigmatize traditional and with today by giving an example. Before
the Eighties the companies wanted to buy the producer of the chocolate and of the pastes and after
1980, they started to ask companies like KitKat and Buitoni. It is very important to note the
differentiation, like earlier the company was concerned with the product and maintaining the
companies wanted to establish an image in the spirits of the consumer (Kapferer, 1997). The
companies and the consumers realized that the importance of the marks and it they is not only marks.
There are values, attributes and personality attached to it. To stigmatize today is looked with the idea
with the strategy to the spirit because the companies realized that once they can establish a strong
mark, they can obtain a competing advantage counters competitors. They can charge 10-20 percent
more top of the second mark of top and 40-50 percent more top than the product of the products
(marry Lahr Schier, 2005). A strong mark creates not only the preference for the mark but also brings
the direction of fidelity towards the mark. The PRESIDENT of Heinz had in the past given an
example, a faithful customer is this person who is ready to walk out of the store and to seek it in
another store, if they do not find tomato ketchup of Heinz of the first stock (Kotler, P. 2000).

The manufacturers have earlier or recently carried out the importance to stigmatize and
that to stigmatize with the power to capture leaves it principal market. The Japanese
Korean companies and of the south spend a fortune to accumulate names of mark such
a Sony, Toyota, Samsung etc The Internet facilitated work little for the purchaser and
the consumer (Kotler P. 2000).


Construction stigmatizes with the assistance with publicity with corporation, the concept earlier
known was seldom included/understood or applied. Many wise companies now identify marks of
corporation as stock capital of the businesses and started to communicate with the consumers and the
community by announcing these marks. The calculation of the average budget on announcing for
marks of corporation was not very difficult. Consequently a consultation discovered how effective of
other efforts of publicity of corporation in industry are. Consequently, this will indicate what to
envisage your competitors, knowing that you always know how much additional effort you will
require to precede competition. It was very complex to measure the true impact which the publicity of
corporation creates on the building of mark. Thus came in the index to stigmatize with corporation
(CBI), of the obviousness gathered of the decision makers of businesses about the powers of mark, of
the knowledge of mark and the favorability. CBI shows now that the impact of the publicity of
corporation on the building of mark is measurable. Announcing the marks of corporation have
becomes a standard matter practice of industry. However, there is no reference mark or limit on how
much spending exactly on announcing for the building and him of mark depends entirely on the
product, the category and the target. Consequently, research and the analysis are required to make
purchasers projecting more directed and precise goal.

(James R. Gregory, The Impact of Advertising on Brand Power)

The identity of mark is very important for any company supporting their mark. According to Park,
1986) identities of mark of Jaworski and MacInnis (are the arrangement of perception of the
customers which is derived from all relative Activities Company by mark is committed Po. The
identity of mark is principal with success because the identity is described like the “values, the goals
and the objectives which reflect a direction of individuality will help to differentiate the mark from
other marks of competitor (De Chernatony, 1999).

Strengthening the brand and its value

 Advertising is only one of the nine ways given by Patricia Nakache for making your brand
stand strong in the market against the competition.

 Develop creative advertising: something that is catchy, easy to remember, consumers can
imagine themselves in the advertisement but creatively. Example: Heineken Beer.

 Sponsor well-regard events: this will help create awareness and next time the event occurs
customers will relate the event with you.

 Invite your customers to join a club: a social gathering at a club will help you a lot in
strengthening the brand value. Example: Mahindra club.

 Invite the public to visit your factory and offices: this will reinforce if the trust is lost due to
some controversy, otherwise it will help strengthen the image of the company. Example:
Cadbury, Reliance petroleum etc.

 Create your own retail units: Reach out to your customer. Take their suggestions and apply if
sensible and possible. Example: Nike, Addidas, Nestle etc.

 Provide well-appreciated public services.

 Give visible support to some social causes: once built a strong brand, companies have to build
a strong corporate image and corporate social responsibility is the first step.

 Be known as a value leader: Example: Tesco value plus goods, IKEA value goods.
 Develop a strong spokesperson or symbol to represent the company: Virgin, The Body Shop
and KFC have strong spokesperson for their company. (Patricia Nakache, 1998)


The companies spend the enormous amount of money to develop and launch their marks. They need a
certain kind of legal protection against the competitors in the event of copy. Consequently, the
recording of your name of mark and trade mark are important. Reduced the effort of the salesman of
launching the product because the consumer realizes of the marks and can distinguish two products
(Daniel H. McQuiston, 2004) stigmatizing adds prestige to the product for which the company can
practise the price of best quality or to capture leaves it principal market.

A strong brand creates brand loyalty among consumers.

If you have a strong mark under your belly, you can practise the price of the best quality of your
mark. You charge the surplus of the best quality of the prices of up to 10 percent the second product
of top (if you are mark highest evaluated) and 40-50 percent more top than the product Susan
McPherson, President Creative Communication Consultants Inc. by products (Marry Lahr Schier,
2005) (Kotler P., 2000 and Lars-Haue Pedersen, 2004)

Key decisions to be made before Branding:

Brandind Decision: To Brand or Not to Brand?

Do the first and primary decision a company and its director of sale have to make is “, whether to
stigmatize or not? ” Earlier, the major part of the market product was without mark. There was no
identification of supplier on the product; the purchaser depended on the integrity of the salesman. The
first sign to stigmatize inherited the existence for the medieval period where the people of trades were

accustomed to putting their trade mark on their product to protect from the purchasers against
products of bad quality. Later, stigmatizing was also found in arts too.

Today, to stigmatize came like forces strong. There is almost nothing which disappears without mark.
Salt, the oranges, the nuts and the bolts, clothings, fit etc all is stigmatized and supports the trade
mark of the producer. Thus the question arises, why with make stigmatize when it implies the

Advantages of Branding to the seller:

 In case of problems in the product or delay in delivery, sellers can easily track down the
producer of the product.
 Brand name and trademark assures the seller and the buyer that the product has the features
and quality.
 Branding makes customers loyal towards a particular brand. Brand loyalty even gives the
seller that X set of customers is not going to choose any alternative for their product. Hence,
less fear of competition.

Assistances stigmatizing by segmenting the market. You can sell eight products under the same name
of mark or create new marks or marks of Co. Once the mark becomes strong, it create the reputation
of the company which facilitates so that the companies launch new marks and for gain the acceptance
of the wholesaler and the customers

Advantages to Consumer:

 Today there are 20,000 product in one category. Branding helps consumer select the product
they trust and have already experienced it.
 They can buy a product of the same brand knowing that the company selling the brand will
deliver the same promise as in other products it sells.
 They can shop more efficiently as they can differentiate between brands.

Advantages to Distributors:

 It helps that to handle products easily.

 Hold production to certain quality standards.
 They can identify the suppliers easily.
 It will help to reinforce preference of the buyer.


Niti Bhan and Brad Nemer indicate that in India the extension of a mark is not publicity simply about
the name, of the logo and the symbol but to analyze the local market carefully and to act then
consequently. The primary education point to establish a mark is of knowing that if you are
successful in a country, necessarily does not imply that the customers in other countries realize of
you, your product and your mark. The marks enormously successful in a country thinking that other
consumers of country realise will buy of their product and it, is one of the greatest reason of the
failures of mark. You must comprise the local tender and project your message of publicity

Homi Bhabha, points out Kellogg in the number of the magazine of Harvard, November 2005.
Kellogg without making the suitable market research of India started to sell rolled oats in India. They
did not realize until very late that with that the Indians do not prefer to begin their day with something
of cold. They prefer something of heat like the tea, the coffee or hot milk. Hot milk reversing itself
out of rolled oats would do it like a wet paper. With have Kellogg studied the country and its culture
and practices, it would have been a chief on the market of lunching. In this case one clearly sees it
that an enormous multinational mark love Kellogg, after having been successful in several countries
were not successful in India. The principal reason of their failure can be allotted to their limited
market research. This example shows clearly that a mark celebrates and well-known in a country
necessarily does not mean that it would strongly be successful in all countries around the world.

The best example of this is imper Donald, it studied the Indian market and offered its product
according to the taste of India. Seventy percent of their menu in India are according to the taste and
tastes' of the Indians. The analysis of the Indian consumers of Indian exposures of the market prefer
more spiced and salted food, therefore, imper Donald changed his menus of standards to add bites
like “that to shake it makes fry”, Imper-maharaja of “”, which was strongly preferred by the Indian
consumers and was successful compared much with its various competitors on the Indian market.
When a company projects throw its product in a new country, the only thing which they should
maintain in the east spirit “think total, people of the country of Law”. It is one of the incantation of
successful management. (WEB 1)

I employed the example of the imper Donald to prove that a mark which created the taste different
with its hamburger from Mc to make him an enormous success. Consequently it is very clear that
publicity, promotion and the discounts are not the only tools which help of the companies to establish
a mark. The companies should also consider the analysis of the local market, its target and culture of
the country where they want to establish their mark. The public relation is one of the important tools
used to establish marks.

One known it for the first time that the Indian company received number 1 stigmatizing on a market
with the United States. The report/ratio was released and undertaken by A.C. Nielsen who said that an
Indian company of transformation of the foodstuffs goes by the “choice of named Tastee” was
evaluated the number one on the market of the United States under the unwoven category of shrimp.
(Agencies, 2008). Assemble mineral water Ltd of Everest, under the umbrella of the group of
TOUCHED is in the discussions with chains of hotel and the principal air lines for the mark “the
Himalayas” Co-to stigmatize it with mineral water. Co-to stigmatize is well accepted in India and
seems advantageous (PTI, 2008).


10 | P a g e
A mark is seen as a particular perception of a product or a service tested by a customer of a company,
which is provided by the employees of the same company. To establish a transparent and precise
promise of mark so that it reverberates with the employees and the customer is the way to create
strong marks. Kartik Jain, head, sale, ICICI general insurance of Lombard, in an interview for a
newspaper (gone up periods, periods of India) gave an astute arrangement of the building of mark for
marks of service. Kartik believes that a knowledge supplements to establish a superb mark and what
the will it taken to make thus is the key with its long-term success. Today, in the current phase of the
growth of India, it always has many markets still unknown primary educations of the tertiary sector.
A company with the strong distribution and to go available to the good time to the good place can
help them to acquire new consumers. But to change the manner that they think of a focused superb
public image will help them to attract consumers, to receive positive feedbacks and to maintain the
customers advantageous.


The Sunday Times, daily newspaper, writes in one of its issues about India “From the proud palaces
of Rajasthan to the serene backwaters of Kerala, India’s variety is inexhaustible”.
(Web 2)

The government of India had supported the India mark for a long time. But it did not take place until
year 2002 that the ministers, the government and the agencies came together and India supported like
destinations of the most attractive tourists. Their shown combined effort of the positive results with
regard to the number of tourists and incomes of foreign currencies. The year 2007 observed a
remarkable growth in terms of arrival of tourists and incomes in the forex (Web 3). India is one of the
largest countries in the world, falling to the position two, after China in terms of population and it is
provided that by the year 2050, India not will be arranged. 1 in terms of country with the highest
population (Web 4). Its sector is 3 square million. Kms, being held with the seventh position in the
world (Web 5) and (Web 6). The concept to support India as mark is because one still sees it like
country with his tradition, ritual and culture antiques. The folk dance in India, the national peacock of
bird, Taj Mahal at Agra, and temple of gold in Amritsar are certain destinations of famous tourists.

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India develops at a fast speed with its bond of sea in Mumbai in the final stages of achievement, the
market of Stock Market and the potential. There are around 600 marks of biscuits, 500 of toilet soaps
and 350 marks of packed tea. Those do not include its alternatives, savour, perfume and color (Web
4). The government of India did not create the awakening of the India mark for a long time. The
foreign tourists who intended to speak about India by the word of the mouth or saw a film about India
were the only tourists coming to India. With the exceptional devices and the potential of India, the
voyage of the world and the Council of tourism identified “India as a one of the first centers of
growth of tourism in the world” in the next future. Other that very famous Taj and well-known
Mahal, of the tourists are also attracted with the myriad of other experiments like - the leisures, the
culture, the adventure, the spirituality, eco-tourism and health and health (Web 6). The worlds
carrying out the matter consultant “future marks” of mark evaluated India like marks higher country
in its index 2006 of mark of country. Since the initiative of the government of the India mark of sale,
it jumped six positions higher and nine rows above in terms of authenticity and culture respectively.
Australia carries out the index of mark of country, India maintained its position strong in terms of
category of authenticity. Much country is the narrow competitors in India in terms of authentic
quotient. All this was made possible with the change of the attitude of the government of India
towards supporting India like marks with the incredible devices. It remain much of things which the
government of India must cover to remain not only formed in its spot but to develop higher. It must
be favoured as secondary marks in order to attract tourists of various tastes and preferences. Little can
like cold time and 365 days of snow to the Cashmere and some can like to see the dessert of
Ràjasthàn. Little can also like to be spirutally connected to God and would like to visit Kerala, also
known under the name of the “gods have the country” (Web 7).


Aim of the Dissertation:

To identify crucial steps or activities those are involved and contribute to building a brand.

Objective of the Dissertation:

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 Impact of marketing mix on Branding.
 How can advertising influence the Brand power?
 Decisions to be made prior to building a Brand.
 An Ideal model that illustrate steps to be followed to build a Brand.


The methodology of research implies a compromise between the options of “” and the choices of “”
because of the many approaches to research in management. (Gill and Johnson, 1997) Saunders and
others., (2003) think that the methodology of research refers to the theory in the way in which
research is undertaken. It declares moreover that a method of research refers to the tools and the
techniques employed to obtain and analyze data.

According to Ghauri and Gronhaug (2002), the goal with a research is to state what must be achieved
by the control of the research and how the results can be employed. Saunders and others., (2003)
claim that it is also possible to have more than one goal.

The descriptive study of research is guided by a first assumption and is conceived to depict a precise
profile of the people, events or situations. It is crucial to have a clear image of the phenomena on
which the researcher wants to undertake research before the data acquisition.


According to Yin (2003) there are three conditions which decide which strategy of research to
choose, namely, the type of questions of research created, the order a researcher has the finished real
behavioral events and the hearth on modern contrary to the historical phenomenon. Corbetta (2003)
thinks that when considering the logic of the process of research there are two different approaches to
seek: deductive study and inductive study.

13 | P a g e
4.1 Qualitative and quantitative research

There is two research of categories that studies can be divided inside, qualitative and quantitative.
Quantitative research implies the numerical data or the limited data which usually can be measured
and can change simple accounts with more complex data such as points and prices of test. (Saunders
and others., 2003) according to 2003) average qualitative of research of Creswell (emergent, flexible,
interpretative and being led in its normal arrangement. Qualitative research is described like occasion
to study such a true subject like possible. In fact the conclusions of a qualitative research are based on
not-quantifiable data, such as attributes, values and perceptions. (Saunders and others. 2003).
According to Lee (1999) qualitative research can be the best choice when the identification of the
new theoretical proposal of the actions managers is considered necessary.

On the other hand, the data of quantities are more useful to generalize when the data are measurable
on a scale. It is not always possible with the economic concepts which can employ numbers to
describe phenomena or characteristics private individuals, but the exact report/ratio of measurements
cannot be exactly known. For example, director A can declare that the production is effective with the
output 1X while the director B at another company can give the output 2X; although 2X is double
output 1X, the difference in effectiveness can not be with quantifiable precision on the same scale.
The principal force of qualitative research is the validity of the data obtained; individuals are
interviewed in detail sufficient so that the results are taken as truths, correct and credible. Qualitative
research also provides a holistic sight, by the participants have words and perceptions, way in which
they include/understand, explain and act in these situations. (Miles and Huberman, 1994).

Collection of Data

Data collection can be done by both secondary data and primary data. The researcher must keep in
mind issues of reliability and validity while conducting his research.

14 | P a g e
Primary Data
The primary data are the data gathered by the researcher himself. These data can be gathered various
sources: interviews, observation, and seen. The principal advantage of the primary data is that it
makes it possible to the researcher to discover the sight of the people of what they think, considers or
feels in order to discover its objectives of research (Saunders and others., 2003).

Secondary data

The secondary data are the data which already exist. These data were preciously gathered for other
goals. The secondary data can be qualitative and quantitative data and can be employed for
descriptive and explanatory research. Indeed the data can come from the internal or external sources.
The researcher should test and employ the recently published data, because it will be more applicable
to the scenario today. The researchers of businesses employ other experiment and data, when they are
available, as secondary data. The principal advantage of is that secondary data can be obtained in a
way less expensive than the primary data. Moreover, of the secondary data (Saunders and others can
usually be obtained quickly. 2003).


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