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1. Name of Procuring Agency: Institute Of Business Administration, Karachi 2. Tender Reference No: TT/108/2016-17 ‘Tender Description/Name of work/item: SILA of CISCO Active Equipment’ 4, Method of Procurement; 5. Tender Published: SPPRA. 7. Total Bids Received: Total Bid documents sold; 02 Single Stage Two Envelop 08-Aug-2016 SPPRA. (Available on website) 8, Technical Bid Opening date: (if applicable) 26-Aug-2016 9. No. of Bid technically qualified (if applicable): 02 10. Bid(s) Rejected: 0 II. Financial Bid Opening date: __26-Sept-2016 9654/2016 Bid Evaluation Report | | 12. Bid Evaluation Report: Name of | Cost offered | Ranking Soper Reasons for SNo| Firmor | by the Bidder | in terms Ente ted | "eeptance/ | Remarks | Bidder | Project Price | of eos ae rejection 0 1 2 eel 4 5 6 , 4 Open Lonest & Moat | Recommend for 1 | Wateen 750,587/- 1 Moa Brute Biter | smart Open f. at pet in Price ligh in Price 2 | CNSE 166,0445/- | 2 ace High in Ps Ugh in ecommendatiast= The ofleted amount of Rs, 750877 iclasive of SST by MVS, Watezn Tas been recommended by We 1Bheiateraal Member) MeSyed Janae Assistant Mi Dr. RAmoez Khalid PeaTertesso (0 award Uie work on the bass of thet echnical qualifying and lowest offered price bid <>) SE Ma Haris Ques HE) Karachi Universi BIDDER'S ELIGIBILITY QUALIFICATION REPORT SLA of CISCO Eligibility Qualification Criteria ACTIVE 17/108/2016-17 EQUIPMENT Eligibility Bidder's Name | Bidder’s Name Qualification Wateon CNSE S.No; | Criteria \q NTN Yes Yes 2 Sales Tax 2 Registration Yes Yes Registration with r sindh Revenue Board(SRB)IF applicable Yes Yes | Qualification Criteria Minimum three year 5 experience of | | relevant fed n les: Required Bid Security is attached Yes yes Turnover of at least last three years yes YES Bid is signed, named | __ & stamped by 8 suthorized person of the firm along with authorization eter | veg a | ‘Any other factor | deemed to be ‘9 relevant by procuring agency subject to | Provision of Rule-44 | | NA I Qualified/ Disqualified | au: Qualified = eD) o ¢ yb Invrhal Member PC chaltman Procurément Committee ovis eri Syed Jehanzeb Dr Rameez Khalid HE) Karachi Unversity __ASsIstant Manager Aeprotessor NITNO. 1T/108/2016-17(SLA of Cisco Active Equipment) ‘SPPRA-ID: 29654/2016-17 Method and procedure of procurement: National itive Bidding (Sin =Two Envelope) Mi OF BID OPENING MEETING HNICAL ‘A meeting ofthe procurement committe ofthis department was held on 26:08:2016 for opening the technical bids recived in respect of subject NIT ul the deadlines of submission. The meeting was atended by all following members ofthe procurement commitice and the cepreseaaive of bidders. The following bidders submited thei bds til the deadline of submission: SH] Name ofCompany [Name Peron | Contact Signature ] 1 (fee Lorne Lekéin ar Manin Wize cA? Cede then cory 2 hag’ ENS Encynecing| Kemien Hege | MLA edi fates 3 | case. dom ph. 4 | 3 \ ¥ | “The cechnical bids were opened st LL:3OAM in the presence of the above mentioned participants and the technical bids submited/quoted by bidders were read aloud and encitled by Chairman of the Procurement Committee, Following is the details of bids ennounced: ‘Technical — ‘Financis S| Name of Bidder Bid Envelope | Bld Envelope eer a (Original+Copy) | (Original+Copy) " T | anaaw Aei(nlolien Sl} ye yes les [= mr (ONS Eng)| Yes Gnawa) erly) Yes 3 ‘ T | # [ [ * [Ss x “The technical commie shai examine all ce technical bids ax per the Qualifeaton’ eighty criteria rovided inthe bidding documents and will announee the results of technics! qualified bidders later. “Tae meting ended wit the rote of thanks to en from the ca. sd jas os eS a 9p bi Mis. ruse reRiae eee Lala de S SPP wate 24 UD Xefeel cd ry Wa Comte + ra Se hoe Bea all> = HASTRATION Ht Technical Evaluation of SLA of Cisco Active Equipment for Aman CED, Razzak Tabba & Misc. Network Equioment. 'T/108/2016-17 6. No. ps ri meres engineering irmis with Income Tax Certificate / GST Certificate registered [.__ Pifidavt (thatthe firm has not been blacklisted by prwate, Govt, Semi Govt. and fies es Autonomous Sody} least Five years of relevant experience in Operation and maintenance of Same Wes es services |e, maintenance of Network equipment of equal or higher rating, deployment end management of network as per recognized tandard. Documentary Proof with customer satisfaction reoort Required. [,, _Piseing company Being in operation for atleast Ten yearsin es es akistan in relevant business. Documentary Proof reauired. Location of Offices (Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi) Documentary Proof required. Yes es lg, [Bld must be accompanied by Manufacturers authorization letter from principal. Wes es (Sample attached Annexure 0) ___ ith references) + F completely filed BOQ should to be submitted (as part of Financial Bid) es es pave Operation Plan (Time Lines, Resources, desicatedStaf, Shared Staff, Yes es te.) (Should to be submitted as part of technical id) [Minimum Rs. 20 milion enna Financial Turnover For last two years es es 0. _ bites Diagrams with respect to survey. io es, | Bhi very ‘maintained by company at least equivalent to those items No es ention in BOQ. i ens jatean Engineering folutions No, Attributes a keutalsetcuseseeeha Corporate Profile ree TRATION stig WARACH . cocation of Offices 8 [location of Offices of Bidder 6 8 Pocumentary proof and references in consideration/ Maximum, h. equired ocation of Offices. marks for each local office “ompany in Operations 10 flo. of year of Bidin lio No. of years) Documentary proof Fewer (Maximum nd references required ear. mark for each year “ompany Association with Cisco (Gold 10 flo. of year of Bid in remier (Sold rcpt Docuetary poe nideaion/ Maximum pore partner lequired Near. | l: mark for each year ho “ompany total Certified No. of Certified Resources "CNA resources. (Documentary proof Ff Bid in fi. pnd references required) ‘onsideration/Highest No. of certified Resources Dimarks per CONA ‘company total Certified 20 No. of Certified Resources of 20 0 “CNP resources. (Documentary proof and iid in consideration/ iS. eferences required) Highest No. of Certified resources marks per CCNP imiler Projects (Similar services with! uivalent or Higher rating isco Network Equipment SLA in Pakistan (Documentary proof and references on has completed / has in hand 18 ho No. of Projects of Bid in -onsideration/completed/ Hig, est No, Projects. 2 marks per project required) aE Te il [eae Gy meet on by vl oh — cent stn Corpora ate Profile rvices Operations and arts monthly Availability Jeg. 99.9% ete.) (Explicit Jdentification is needed in proposed service operation plan) 3 Fommitted Availability uated in bid in consideration/ Highest Committed Availability woted. company SLA janagement Pian(May include ‘ompany CRM, pline reporting etc.{Expiicit kdentification| Is needed in proposed service operation pian) Min. time for al fault everity levels fram all bids in consideration/Time for all faul severity levels of the bid in Technical Part: 70% Financial Part: 3056 Technical Part: 1-Technical Bid Score: Total marks obtained (70) Financial Part: 2-Financlal bid score: Total marks obtained (30) Total Score = Technical Bld Score + Financial Bid Score Note : Two company M/s CNS Engineering and M/s Wateen solutions has participated in the tender and both companies are qualifi of t simp oF 08 ied technically. NIT NO (Tender #): IT/108/2016-17 (SLA of Cisco Active Equipment) SPPRA: 29654/2016-17 Method and procedure of procurement: National Competitive ingle Stage — Two Envelope) MINUTES OF BID OPENING MEETING (Finance) A mecing ofthe procarement commits of this deparinent was held on 26-09-2016 for opening the bids received in ‘espect of subject NIT til the deadlines of submission. The meeting was atended by all following members ofthe procurement commie andthe rpresenatve of bidders, ‘Te following bidders submited their bids til the deadline ofsbsion: SH | Name of Company Name Person Conta ‘Siamature [tT 5 eres C2 keen A aan $19 P68 Meg ente Komsen Fates Phen | 02882-02570 GA ‘The bids were opened at LLODAM in the presence ofthe above mentioned panicipate and the rates quoted by bidders were ead aloud and encircled by Chairman ofthe Procarernent Comite. ll te mesnbers of te procurement commie signed ‘nancial proposal bid. The bids do not contain any overwriting 8 cuing. (lee mention using cm over writing ar). Following is the dotils af bids srnounce: SNe | Name or Baer Ogi ag oF See, rrr : Woleen 950,589 | 75,99 3: Mak 005434 2 @Nse 1660445 | $3/027]:ec 330444 ‘The commitee stall examine all he bis as per the Qualification eligibility cieria provided inthe bidding documents, erthmetic! checks and vetity the documents and bid security submited by the bidders ‘The eating ended wih the note of thanks to and fiom the chai. ae KARACHI NITNO (ender): IT/108/2016-17 (SLA of Cisco Active Eauinment) SPPRA: 29654/2016-17 Method and procedure of procurement: National Competitive Bidding (Single Stage — Two Envelope) ‘MINUTES OF BID OPENING MEETING (Fiasnciad A meeting ofthe procurement commits of ths Gepuument was held on KGAB-2016 fr opening the its received a ‘spect of subject NIT tl he deadines of sutstistion The meting was anended by al following members ofthe precreaent ‘commatee andthe repesentative of bidders. ‘The following bidders submit ther bist the deadline of submission: BH | Rane of Company Rime Pers Cuaete Sigeatore 1 c i> rene FU pay $19 WO2R ‘ 2 oNse Kanter Facer he. | 088% 2223876 ‘Tee bide were opened at LLODAB inthe presence ofthe above mentioned parisipants andthe rte quoted by bidders ‘were read loud and encircled by Chuimman of lhe Procuremeat Corwnitu, All the member of the procurement coer signed foci ropes bis. The bids donot contain any overoweing ar eutlag. (Alo mention cura or over wring.) Folewing it he deuii of bide announce: Se, [Name orniar ne re (Sr To] RET wy rte 8] yYotean 750,587 | '75,295/:Max cost3eq : @NSE 1660445 | 93/0224. ee 130444] ‘The comatee sal exami ll he bids ae pr the Qualification ligt slteria provided in te bidding documens, arctic! checks and verify the documents and bi scary submitod by We bidders. ‘Tee mecting ended with the sot of than fo and fom te chuc we Breas eo te ee f Wado Bs am KARACHI Financial Evaluation of SLA of Cisco Active Equipment for Aman CED, Razak Tabba & Misc. Network Equipment. \/108/2016-17 Wateen Solutions [S.No.|Item ry [Unit PKR 1_ [os Switch MD5-92221 468 a] 145,749] 2 {cisco 2960 POC Switches WS-c2960_| 38 764i 3 [IP Phones CP6923-CL-K9-C 47] 175] [Access Points AIR-LAPIO4IN-E-K9 E a 5 [Access Points AIR-LAPI310G-€-K9 312.549 Total ffotai Price | Tax [Grand Total [SUA Price for First Vear 664,236.00] 85,350.68) 750,586.63] [SUA Price for Second Year 1424,809,00| $3,930.37) 958,779.37 [SLA Price for Third Year 535,273.00] 69,585.49) 604,858.49 CNSE [Sto tern ‘Gry [UniePRR [Soles TAX [Total Price 1_|wos Switch MOS-92221 466 a| 163,866] 21,305] 740,766} 2 |cisco 2960 POC Switches WS-C2960 3ef_ 33,063] 2,698] 560,910] 3. [IP Phones cP6921-Cl-K9-C a7] 4,344 imal 71,214 “4 [Access Points AIR-LAP1041N-E-X9 eal 2,311] 300] 219,366 5 [Access Points AIR-LAPL310G-£-X9 3] 20,114 2,615] 68,185 Total 7,660,442] frotai Price [Tax [Grand Total for First Vear 4,468,420.81| 193,024.70] 1,660,445.51| for Second Year 2,571,557.79] 334,315.51] 2,905,973.30] [SUA Price for Third Year 2,833,017.91] 368,262.33] 3,201 310.24] Note:- M/s Wateen is the Lowest Technically Qualified Bidder B ong \) omTRAL RATION INSTTUTE OF Bue S5 N85 EOWATEEN lutions Cover Letter & Financial Proposal (Annex-C & detailed Proposal) Dated :23" August, 2016 To: ‘Manager Procurement ICT Institute of Business Administration, 'BA Main campus, University Road, Karachi Tenderi 1/108/2036-17 susseer: L render Dear Sir: \We are pleased to submit our financial Proposal for subject requirement. We would ike to confirm you that our solution is fully compliant and inline with subjected Request for Proposal (RFP: Please feel tree to contact the undersigned for any clarification. sincere, J B Syed Noman All Key Account Manager Enterprise Business Unit Cel: 492-3204149927 “SE | {S) Fal (iS) EEE none I ee ee ehe TF ey tt yeah Pee ee op rk TaYpred meyy yroddes 49 pro me Cow We me se gain el T= Ans “NOD 3 Ue | 1 St 2) | Neu 5 | WTS bua fe wat BB do reg y VE Bog vy eeerme He ag yo detdse vowed Trim, 9s pianieg wid HE aw tent NL 3 12 Lon bara Barstow av Ay J i) ay 2 = aos |x T@NS [eau =| | “al aa a (NS — rrr smu i STRAON (CNS ENGINEERING RARACHL 1 F0A 1X Cornmorcial oa, ave We Faure 9, Seat 38, WE town House aie. Defence Housing Autor, hore -Pakiion —-/, crmaad - Poston ode PECHS KavoCh «Patan Tou: 092 42 326¢0287 Tou: 49251 2761508, 2453082, Tel: 492 21 14326707, 44311960 ex +92 42 92800258 Fee +92 51 2263058 Fon: 4922) 34n40H99) ob: vormenintcory Wb: wew.onsint.com, We vencrarion| {Ns 7 onan nf ead el ood ma ‘ooo =. «| eed we] aed mm Secs nett en Ae bY seamen cvcrsnane SE TEE & Wee rich KaBACEL ae 10K Wi Wows 9, aT, Fat Womobod Fotwon Tol: #92 61 2281806, 2853952, exe +9281 2263088 Webs werent com W town teue OTST, iucck, FECKS taraeN Pawson Tek: +92 21 34928707, 36311840 Fox 47221 ‘Web: wire.cnantcom

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