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Bowdoin College

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The Nations Oldest Continuously Published College Weekly Friday, December 8, 2017 Volume 147, Number 12

New schedule to Mitchell 54 on life, Democratic party

increase passing
priority has taken precedence, Mitchell, who represented recently he served as U.S. Special
by Sarah Drumm said Mitchell. Maine in the United States Senate Envoy for Middle East Peace un-
Orient Staff
We are Americans first, we for 15 years, was majority leader der President Barack Obama.

time, night classes

Senator George Mitchell 54, have a national obligation to the from 1989 to 1995 and was voted Mitchell said the greatest chal-
H83 returned to campus early people, to our democratic system the most respected member of the lenge for the Democratic party
this week to participate in a dia- The notion that one individual, Senate for six consecutive years by going forward will be to address
logue with President Clayton Rose one group, one point of view can a bipartisan group of senior con- the growing wealth disparity in
titled Public Service in Times totally dominate our society to the gressional aides. He is perhaps best the U.S. He believes that devising
Like These, during which he chal- exclusion of all other persons and known for his work as U.S. Special policies to ensure that increasing
plan would extend the aca- lenged his fellow Democrats to re- interests is not only alien to our Envoy for Northern Ireland under wealth is not concentrated in an
by Anjulee Bhalla demic day to span from 8:30 examine their governing priorities. sense of what democracy means President Bill Clinton during the even smaller number of individ-
Orient Staff
a.m. to 4:15 p.m., impacting There has been an inversion of but to the best interests of the so- Troubles, which resulted in the
At Mondays faculty meet- dining, athletics, the Childrens priorities, and I think the political ciety as a whole. Good Friday Agreement. Most Please see MITCHELL, page 4
ing, faculty and staff discussed Center and many other compo-
a plan to alter the schedule of nents of campus life. While so
both the academic and extra- far, all these sectors have been
curricular day by adding 10 willing to accommodate the
minutes between classes. While change, Higginbotham stressed
the detailed schedule has yet how important feedback from
to be finalized, this specific the entire community will be
change will be implemented for throughout this process.
the fall 2018 semester. This is a campus deci-
The change comes as part of sionits not just athletics,
a two-phase plan, created by a its also extending dining to
working group that formed two accommodate that. We have
years ago to look into issues to think about faculty who
around scheduling. The first have families and how they
phase also includes shifting can still meet their obligations
the schedule blocks so that the here on campus and deal with
earliest class starts at 8:30 a.m., childcare, so we want to be as
organizing a shorter, more inclusive as we can in these
efficient exam period, adding decisions, said Higginbotham.
more three-hour class periods In addition to the logistical
during the day and 85-minute obstacles, the plan will impact
class periods in the evening. campus culture in a number of
Previously, there were few non- ways, such as how professors
lab three-hour classes offered view tardiness.
during the day and no classes Built into [the change] is
offered in an 85-minute block the expectation now that theres
at night. The first phase also really no excuse for students to
addresses the current role of be late for classes, said Hig-
Common Hour on campus. ginbotham. And so campus
The 10-minute transition culture around people who
period received almost unan- straggle in will have to change.
imous support from faculty, If we talk about 10 minutes and
both at the meeting and in all the positives that it brings,
conversations conducted by its got to be done concurrently
the working group. Putting 10 with the message [that campus THE MAN IN THE BLUE VEST: An exclusive interview with DeRay Mckesson. SEE PAGE 8.
minutes in between classes has culture needs to shift].

Mckesson 07 addresses activism, action

been something weve heard In addition to identifying the
from students and faculty al- current transition time as too
most since I came here over 20 short, the working group also
years ago. So its long overdue, found that Common Hour is
said Jim Higginbotham, asso- understood and utilized incon-
ciate dean for academic affairs. sistently across campus. Com- in the Black Lives Matter move- Mckesson framed his speech more pep talks or need more
Higginbotham is also a mem- mon Hour is a one-hour period by Nina McKay ment, has used social media, as a list of concrete steps that choir speechesI think people
Orient Staff
ber of both the working group on Fridays dedicated to bring- especially Twitter, to spread ordinary people could take to are looking for a plan in this
and the Curriculum Implemen- ing speakers and performers to On Tuesday evening, activ- awareness about the move- become involved in the resis- moment. What do we do to get
tation Committee (CIC), which campus. While students may be ist, organizer and educator De- ment, its nationwide protests tance movement, rather than out of this?
played a large role in the initial Ray Mckesson 07 returned to
used to seeing posters advertis- and the systems of oppression as an attempt to rally people In his talk, Mckesson
push for adapting the schedule. ing the various talks and con- campus as the keynote speaker that they seek to change. He around his cause. addressed the systems of
While the change has a lot certs, many are unaware that nofor No Hate November. He de- currently hosts the podcast At this moment, there are oppression that he sees as
of support and has been in the classes or committee meetings livered his address to a packed Pod Save the People, where he people who are more in love continuing to beset the Unit-
works for many years, its im- are scheduled for that hour audience in Morrell Lounge in interviews experts and political with the idea of resistance than ed States, most notably the
pact will be widespread, both Smith Union. leaders and discusses current the work of resistance, he said.
culturally and logistically. The Please see SCHEDULE, page 3 Mckesson, an active leader events each week. I dont think people need Please see DERAY, page 5

Tax bill to impact financial aid, donations

by Elizabeth Fosler-Jones
and Faria Nasruddin
Orient Staff
Currently, both the Senate
and the House have passed
would affect Bowdoins ability
to, among other things, pro-
vide financial aid through a
proposed tax on endowment
earnings and a decrease in the
number of taxpayers eligible
endowment earnings from
$100,000 to $500,000 per stu-
dent. Bowdoin is one of the
30 colleges affected in Senate
version of the bill.
What this tax does is pe-
Congress would penalize
those schools for doing the
most to bring low- and mid-
dle-income students to great
colleges and universities.
Early Saturday morning,
82% of students
give a damn.
See the Orient Student Survey Results,
versions of a revised tax code to itemize charitable dona- nalize the 30 or so colleges the bill passed in the Senate Page 7.
that would hit wealthy private tions, which may disincentiv- and universities with a large with a 51-49 vote. Senator Bob
colleges and universities with ize donating to the College. endowment, virtually all of Corker from Tennessee was
new taxes and restrictions. The Senate proposal would whom have very strong fi- the only Republican to vote
While there are significant raise the endowment thresh- nancial aid programs, said
differences between the Sen- old for colleges affected by President Clayton Rose. It is
ate and House proposals, both the 1.4 percent excise tax on bewildering to me that U.S. Please see TAX PLAN, page 3

How do professors use students responses Some students struggle with Seasonal Chris Ritter 21 reviews Kendrick Lamars The womens basketball team continues Anu Asaolu 19 criticizes selective activism
to course questionnaires? Page 3. Affective Disorder. Page 10. latest album. Page 6. eight-game winning streak. Page 12. at Bowdoin. Page 15.
2 Friday, December 8, 2017

Fire and ice: junior-senior STUDENT SPEAK:
Snow Ball interrupted by
Whats the weirdest thing a roommate youve had
has ever done?
fire alarm with a $7.00 fee for their fry- While many Polar Bears were
Jacob Baskes 20
"Use a cheese grater as decor."
by Anjulee Bhalla based cuisine. This unexpected disappointed by these events,
Orient Staff
move marks a more than 700 some junior and senior class
Hundreds of upperclassmen percent increase in price for the council members found solace in
dressed to the nines were forced commodity and was honestly de- the added publicity and how it re-
to pause their merrymaking at this ceptive to the vulnerable, broke ally enhanced an otherwise barely
years Junior-Senior Ball, the Snow and incredibly intoxicated ju- existent theme. Kate Rusk-Kosa 20
Ball, as the fire alarms sounded in niors and seniors who had grown If theres one thing that gets
Thorne Dining Hall at 11:22 p.m.
While many students retreated
accustomed to their free-Canadi-
an-delicacy privilege.
peoples attention, its a mob of
inebriated, dressed-up upper-
"She recycled a blueberry muffin
into the Tower, which is probably
not that much safer than just brav-
After some investigation, it was
found that the truck had been giv-
classmen on the verge of over-
turning the poutine truck with
and threw out a piece of paper.
ing potential flames in Thorne, ing out its typical and relied-upon their pent-up rage from the dis-
those unlucky students with no free portions earlier that evening ruption of them actively having
friends fled into the frigid Maine but conveniently finished Bowdo- sex on the floor of Thorne Dining
winter and the eager hands of the ins prepaid tab just before the fire Hall, said John Doe. And the
Pinky Ds poutine truck. alarm sent a tsunami of desperate fact that they were freezing to Kevin Lane 19
Pinky Ds was ready with open customers their way. death just really gives that trau-
arms and warm food to greet the
freezing scholars and crush their
Orient reporters find this timing
almost too convenient, yet Pinky Ds
matic imprint of the Snow Ball in
a way our three strands of silver "Hid a life-sized cardboard cutout of a
one potential source of happiness was not available for questioning. garland couldnt.
shirtless sailor in his bed."

SECURITY REPORT 12/1 to 12/7

Friday, December 1
A student using a hair dryer
Brunswick police cited a mi-
nor student for possession of alco-
dano Libero bicycle was stolen
from the area of Brunswick Apart-
Simon Cann 19
accidentally set off a smoke alarm
in Chamberlain Hall.
hol at the corner of Harpswell Road
and Longfellow Avenue.
ment U.
"One time in the middle of the night
he woke me up and told me to re-
A re alarm at Watson Arena A resident of Longfellow Av- Tuesday, December 5
resulted in a building evacuation enue reported loud music coming A student fainted during a

member to drink water because its

during a high school hockey game. from campus. Students running a class at Hubbard Hall. An ofcer
It is believed that the alarm was Ladd House event were advised to took the student to the health center
caused by vapor from an electronic keep windows and doors closed to for evaluation.
A brief power outage affected
prevent further complaints.
Following a complaint of loud
A students vehicle struck and
damaged another students parked
important to stay hydrated."
Burnett House and Mustard House. music, an ofcer asked a student to vehicle in the Reed House parking
The Junior-Senior Ball at
Thorne Hall was evacuated for 20
lower the volume.
A town resident on Mclellan
Two students were discovered
Rhianna Patel 20
minutes due to a building re alarm
that was initiated by a second-oor
smoking marijuana and in posses-
sion of paraphernalia inside Stowe "Ate an apple in her sleep."
elevator lobby smoke detector. Inn.
A student with an allergic re-
Saturday, December 2 action to prescription medication
Brunswick Rescue transport- was transported to Mid Coast
ed an intoxicated student from Hospital.
Thorne Hall to Mid Coast Hospital. A female student walking on COMPILED BY SAMUEL ROSARIO AND HAVANA CASO-DOSEMBET
A security ofcer assisted a Federal Street at 10:20 p.m. re-
student who reported feeling ill af- ported that someone in a passing

Survey Says...
ter smoking a marijuana joint. car yelled something unintelligi-
A student reported that a ble and threw a full plastic Butter-
womens black North Face knee- Street reported that an intoxicated scotch Liqueur nip bottle at her.
length parka, size large, was stolen male student wandered into his The student was not injured. Se-
from the area of the rst-oor stairs home at 1 a.m. The homeowner curity is investigating the incident

What do you want to be when you

at Baxter House. The theft occurred chose not to report the incident to and thinks the vehicle involved is
Friday between 10 p.m. and mid- the Brunswick police. Security a black older model VW Jetta, or
night. located the student, who had no similar vehicle.

grow up?
A student reported that the use recollection of the entire episode. A
of room deodorizing spray set off a report was forwarded to the deans Wednesday, December 6
smoke alarm in Chamberlain Hall. ofce. A student in Chamberlain Hall
The Bowdoin mens basket- Ofcers checked on an intox- was burning incense, a violation of
ball teams locker room at Colby icated student at West Hall after he campus policy. Queen A space doctor or professional
College was burglarized. Approxi- was seen to have fallen on campus. A smoke alarm in Stowe Hall Is it too late to be a cat? dog walker
mately $135 in cash and three sets A student reported a bicycle was caused by a student using a hair Elon Musk Randy Nichols
of headphones were stolen from stolen from Coles Tower. An of- dryer. Free from patriarchal and cap- Interesting
players lockers during the game. cer located the bike and returned it A dining employee backed italist hegemony!!!!! Pirate
Waterville police and Colby securi- to the owner. a College van into a campus light Rockstar POTUS
ty are investigating. A student reported that his pole located near Adams Hall. The An intellectual rockstar I want to be a zamboni driver
A smoke alarm in Chamber- blue Patagonia jacket was stolen pole was knocked down and de- I dont know the title, but I Irfan
lain Hall was activated by a student from an off-campus apartment on stroyed. want to change the narrative Part-time lawyer, full-time
using a hair curler. Carlisle Avenue. of the environmental move- queero (queer hero)
A security ofcer assisted with Thursday, December 7 ment away from individual- Spirit, Stallion of the Cimar-
a roommate dispute. Monday, December 4 The McKeen Center reported ized action to save polar bears ron
There was a report of people A black Trek 820 bicycle was damage to a wall-mounted direc- to the need for collective The happiest unicorn I can be
on the roof at Harpswell Apart- stolen from the south bike rack at tory sign located near the south change to save human lives, The president of Bowdoin
ments. Winthrop Hall. The bike bears entrance. especially the lives of those Cowboy
At the request of a concerned Bowdoin registration 04622. who did not contribute to An upper-middle class fami-
student, an ofcer checked on the There was a hydraulic uid From all of us at the Office of Safe- these issues lys golden retriever
well-being of an intoxicated student leak at the Thorne Hall loading ty and Security, have a safe and Spiderman Nicer Steve Jobs
at Helmreich House. dock. The spill was contained and joyous holiday season! PR for a troubled celebrity An Orient writer
the area cleaned. A fire-breathing dragon
Sunday, December 3 A white with red stripes Gior-
Friday, December 8, 2017 NEWS 3

NEWS IN BRIEF Professors approach course

questionnaires with caution


The Bowdoin Public Service Initiative announced its first
cohort of 10 sophomores and five juniors to take part in that came up for a third, half applying BCQs to tenure, re- las Denery has worked at the
Bowdoin Public Service (BPS) in Washington, D.C., and the by Eliana Miller and or most of the class? appointment and promotion College for the past 15 years
BPS fellowship program, respectively, last Friday.
Mark Harrison West Professor of Government considerations. and admits that he continual-
Orient Staff
BPS in Washington allows sophomores to explore public and Department Chair Mi- I think theyre part of a ly gets the same responses on
service by traveling to the nations capital to meet and net- This week, students were chael Franz also focuses on holistic approach, but they BCQs. He has, however, used
work with alumni and other public service representatives. urged to fill out Bowdo- trends in the comments. are certainly a significant part feedback to make structural
While there, these students will also tour important land- in Course Questionnaires We read those responses of that process [of evaluating changes in courses, such as
marks such as the U.S. Capitol Building and the Pentagon. (BCQs) to rate their experi- and we look for patterns, said professors], said Bay-Cheng. extending course material for
BPS Fellows, who are juniors, receive support in applying ences with courses and pro- Franz. [We ask ourselves] They provide one perspec- his class The Good Life to
to, securing and funding 10-week-long summer internships fessors. Students responses if very few students report tive on whats happening in cover issues of the present.
in Washington, D.C. in the public service or government are used to improve courses, having met with a faculty the classroom. While professors find
sector. The program provides a $5,000 internship grant evaluate faculty and supple- member in that semester, why Evaluation committees are BCQs useful, many still won-
for each of the five fellows. The cohort is made up entirely ment the process for making would that be the case? careful to contextualize stu- der about their effectiveness.
of students majoring in government and legal studies, al- decisions on reappointment, Some comments are con- dent feedback appropriately. Im not sure they actually
though Sarah Chingos, associate director for public service, promotion and tenure. sidered more highly than We try to be keenly tell you how much people get
expressed that the major was not a prerequisite. Though professors across others if deemed more sincere aware that the average score out of a class, said Denery. Is
Two of the five fellows have already secured internships multiple departments often and specific. that a professor gets on a there a necessary correlation
with the State Department for next summer. Reimi Pieters find student feedback help- The more detailed they particular question or a par- between people enjoying your
19 will be working with the Office to Monitor and Combat ful, they are sure to review are the more we take them se- ticular class gets you only class and giving you a good
Trafficking in Persons, and Isabel Udell 19 will be working the data cautiously. riously because some students so far in knowing how well evaluation versus getting the
at the Pakistan desk. BCQs allow students to rate click the boxes and give rat- that professor is doing in skills out of that class?
Chingos said that the applicant pool for both programs their professors on a one-to- ings but dont give any feed- the classroom, said Franz. Bay-Cheng worries about
was extremely competitive. five scale as well as provide back, said Franz. Though the data are con- the use of the one-to-five rat-
It speaks really broadly to [students] level of interest comments on communication Professors also acknowl- sidered cautiously, profes- ing system, especially since
and engagement in public service and exploring careers and from a professor, effective- edge that responses can be sors frequently incorporate so much is now evaluated in
opportunities to serve the common good through public ness of class time and overall skewed based on the context feedback when adjusting fu- this manner, such as movies,
service [as well as their interest in] government work, she instruction. While professors of when and where a student ture courses. restaurants and even doctors.
said. appreciate and implement answers BCQS. I have always sat down Part of me wonders if
This past Monday, the group met with former U.S. Senate feedback, they take ratings Its a snapshot of a particu- with them at the end of the the one-to-five rating has
Majority Leader George Mitchell 54, H83 when he visited with a grain of salt. lar moment, said Bay-Cheng. semester and then right be- changed now that we rate
campus. I try not to get too How people are feeling about fore I teach a class again, said everything this way, said
We were so proud of our students on Monday when they worked up about the outli- other classes, whats going on Franz. In the past, Ive tried Bay-Cheng. Is that really
had an opportunity to spend an hour with [Mitchell], said ers, said Sarah Bay-Cheng, in their livesI always try to multiple choice tests or more how we want to view facul-
Chingos. It was an absolute honor for us to spend time chair and professor of the- hold all of that in the back- than one midterm [but] the ty-student relationships in the
with him and [for] our students to ask him direct questions ater and dance. I try to ground as I look at these. feedback might push me in classroom, which is a primary
about his life in public service and the skills necessary to put those aside and look for This cautious review is different directions. mode of engagement on a col-
pursue a career in that area. It was really inspirational. trends. Is there something especially important when Professor of History Dal- lege campus?

TAX PLAN American life.

One of the things that I
servatives dont go for things
that raise the debt, but this SCHEDULE
much more frequently than these 85-minute blocks in the
others, causing a high degree evening would not support a
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 think is most upsetting about one does in the hopes that we CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 of congestion. healthy work-life balance for
against the bill. Negotiators it is that it touches aspects of achieve enough growth that it from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. For example, this semester both faculty and students.
from the House and Senate American life that have noth- evens out, said Navarro. on Fridaysso that the whole 57 sections are scheduled in the However, an alternative to
will go to conference on Fri- ing to do with taxation, said The Houses bill would college may absent themselves timeblock of 9:30 a.m.-11:25 having more evening courses
day to work out the differenc- McCann, referring to aspects also reduce the number of tax from daily concerns, gather in a.m. MWF and 39 in the time- is utilizing Friday more fully.
es between the two bills, after of the bill that would allow brackets from seven to four, common spaces, and engage in block of 11:30 a.m.-12:55 p.m. As Professor of Mathematics
which the House and Senate Arctic oil drilling and give which Navarro supports be- the ideas of speakers and the MW. Together, these sections Jennifer Taback pointed out
must vote on the joint version. more rights to fetuses. cause it would simplify the tax presentations of artists, as its make up more than a fifth of during the faculty meeting, 61
The proposal affects higher Regarding the economics of code and generally lower the statement of purpose says. the sections offered. classes meet on Friday, while
education on an institution- the bill, McCann is concerned tax rate for every bracket. If you ask anyone about the Addressing the problem of there are over 200 on Monday
al and individual level. The about adding $1.5 trillion to Rose has been in contact with history of Common Hour, like course conflicts and conges- and Wednesday.
House version of the bill in- the deficit. the congressional delegation 15 years ago when I first arrived, tion is not a part of phase one. As a campus culture, we
cludes a tax on tuition waivers Theyre just propagat- from Maine, which includes it was a much more thriving However, some of the small cant fit everything into the
for graduate students and for ing trickle-down economics Sens. Susan Collins and Angus thing, said Karen Topp, senior changes, such as increasing the days of four days, so we either
children of university em- again, which weve seen time King, as well Rep. Chellie Pin- lecturer in physics and also a variety of timeblocks at differ- expand into the evenings of the
ployees, which significantly and time again doesnt work gree. Rose declined to comment member of the working group. ent times of the day might help four days that people now are
increases the cost of graduate in this country, said McCann. on these interactions. A lot more people went, and it alleviate the issue. using, or we actually really use
education and greatly affects They are parroting these Rose expressed that the was actually thriving, engaging Phase one is a first step, and up the daytime of the five days,
colleges abilities to recruit economic theories that have congressional delegation [and] intellectually stimulating its to give the schedule a modi- said Topp.
talented faculty. The Senate absolutely no basis in fact, is supportive of Bowdoins for the whole campus. But it has cum amount of academic relief This discussion will contin-
version of this bill does not in- based on the studies that have mission. for a variety of reasons died out and curricular relief, and thats ue throughout next semester
clude this measure. been done by congressional They listen carefully, in the last 10 years, so it would what we hope to do, and we and the coming year, and mod-
In total, [the bill] will bodies, she continued, refer- they ask good questions, be nice to see something like want to watch that. And then ifications to the curriculum
cause real hardship for insti- ring to a study recently done and so we have an ability to that come back. itll be a long discussion as we will be taken in small incre-
tutions and for students that by the Joint Committee on be heard in a very thought- As of now, the working begin to think about the other ments to allow for reflection
teach and support at these Taxation. ful and real way, said Rose. group will not schedule Com- issues, said Higginbotham. and repair if necessary.
colleges, said Rose. Francisco Navarro 19, head However, many students are mon Hour until the final sched- However, adding 85-minute The foray into the evening
Students expressed opin- of Bowdoin Republicans, is upset with Senator Collinss ule is finalized. blocks to the evening, which is going to be modest. It already
ions on the bills, that ranged generally in favor of the bill vote in favor of the measure. The plan also adds an eve- would increase the number of is modest, said Higginbotham.
from support to concern. specifically the House bill To protest Collinss support ning exam slot to the finals courses offered, was a source So its never going to be that
Many students are con- and believes that passing the of the bill, Bowdoin Climate schedule, which will allow of controversy amongst fac- Bowdoins curriculum is going
cerned about the potential bill would significantly boost Action, Bowdoin Democrats spaces and proctors to be des- ulty. Criticisms from profes- to end up in the evening, we
cuts to financial aid as well the economy through the low- and Bowdoin Reproductive ignated for make-up exams sors acknowledged that this just cant do that. [Some eve-
as possible future education- ering of corporate taxes. Justice Coalition are organiz- and accommodations and for charge would create more ning courses] are just a part of
al costs. We currently have the ing a sit-in at Collinss office the exam period to be short- conflicts with rehearsals and those little safety valves that
A lot of Bowdoin students highest corporate tax rate in Portland. On Friday, a ened by a day. class meetings for music, the- allow a little steam to be let out
are planning on going to grad in the world at 39 percent group will gather in Congress However, the most contro- ater and dance. Furthermore, of a compressed system.
school, which, under the and it would lower that to 20 Square Park and then march versial aspects of the discussion
version of the bill that was percent, said Navarro. That to Collinss office. focused on the changes that THE CHANGES
passed in the House, would immediately boosts many as- Were going to go to her would come as part of future 10 minutes in between classes
be significantly more expen- pects of the economy, like the office and tell her that she phases and the work that would
sive due to taxes on tuition stock market, and it will cre- needs to find the courage that need to be done to address the More three-hour blocks during the day
credits and fellowships, said ate many jobs. she summoned over the sum- increasing number of conflicts 85-minute blocks at night
Emma Kane 18, co-leader of However, he expressed con- mer when she voted against between course offerings. Reorganizing the role of Common Hour
the Bowdoin Democrats, in cern over the increased debt the repeal of the Affordable Not only has the number of
an email to the Orient. the tax reform would create. Care Act and summon that course sections offered each
No classes starting before 8:30 a.m.
Isabella McCann 19 is op- I do worry about the as- again to vote against this bill, Fall increased by 32 percent Additional evening exam slot during exam period, and exam
posed to the bill and thinks it pect that it will raise the debt. said McCann. over the last 15 years, but also period shortened by a day
will radically affect all areas of Fiscally, traditionally, con- certain timeblocks are used
4 NEWS Friday, December 8, 2017

An outrageous process and a very bad result:

Senator George Mitchell 54 H83 on the tax plan
tion, and this bill is a disaster,
by Sarah Drumm Mitchell said. The tax on en-
Orient Staff dowments, I believe, is being
Senator George J. Mitchell 54, applied in a highly selective and
H83 returned to campus to partic- discriminatory fashion. It affects
ipate in a dialogue with President a small number of schools.
Clayton Rose titled Public Service Mitchell is founder of the
in Times Like These in Pickard Mitchell Institute, an organi-
Theater on Monday. zation he started after leaving
In an interview with the Orient the Senate that grants finan-
prior to the event, the senator dis- cial resources each year to
cussed his deep disappointment Maine students to attend col-
with the Republican tax bill passed lege. Many recipients of the
in the Senate on Saturday. scholarship attend, and have
The process that was used attended, Bowdoin since the
to write and enact it was incon- institutes conception.
sistent with the traditions and I think also the effective
practices of not just the U.S. tax[a] huge tax increase on
Senate but of democracy itself, graduate studentswill have a
he said. Its born out of politi- negative effect on a very large
cal desperation. They wanted a number of young striving Amer-
political victory no matter what icans who are working hard to
the cost. get an education and improve
Mitchell served 15 years in the themselves and [who] would be
Senate where he was majority lead- in a position to contribute to so-
er from 1989 to 1995 and was vot- ciety, he continued.
ed the most respected member of Mitchell has been public about
the Senate for six consecutive years his support for the reduction of the
by a bipartisan group of senior corporate tax rate. The bill passed
congressional aides. He served as in the Senate on Saturday pro-
U.S. Special Envoy for Northern vides a reduction of the rate to 20 ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
Ireland under former President percent from 35 percent currently. OUR MAINE MAN: Senator George Mitchell 54 H83 speaks to a packed audience in Pickard Theater on Monday. Mitchell served as Maines senator for 15
Bill Clinton and most recently However, Mitchell believes that years, six of which he served as majority leader. In an interview with the Orient, Mitchell expressed his disappointment with the recently passed GOP tax bill.
as U.S. Special Envoy for Middle a reduction to 25 percent would He criticized the large tax cuts lions of dollars of tax cuts for the budget deficit that would result uously repeated the false mantra
East Peace under former President have been sufficient. He said that for the wealthiest Americansand wealthiest people in our society from the passage of the bill. that its intended to help the middle
Barack Obama. corporate tax reform would have the minor and temporary cuts for [and gives] very little and tempo- I in the Senate, and others, class. The bill is the very opposite
A strong proponent of educa- been best dealt with through a middle-class Americansas one rary [cuts] for the vast majority listened to Republican members of the justification used, he added.
tional initiatives throughout his separate bill. of many measures in the bill that of Americans who earn less than of Congress giving speech after Mitchell was recognized by
career, Mitchell took particular is- While Mitchell is supportive of will continue to increase wealth $100,000 a year and who struggle speech after speech about the evils TIME magazine in 2008 as one
sue with the bills many provisions provisions of the bill that may dis- disparities between Americans. in their daily lives. of the federal deficit and how its of the most influential people in
impacting educational institutions courage the movement of Ameri- I cannot understand how the He criticized Republicans who so terrible to increase the budget the world. He is co-founder of
and the finances of their students. can companies abroad, overall he majority in the Congress would promoted the bill as beneficial for deficit, he said. the Bipartisan Policy Center and
Im very sensitive to the believes the bills impact will be enact a bill that is so profoundly the middle class and denounced And to add insult to injury, currently serves as co-chair of its
pressures and needs of educa- highly negative. misdirected in its lavishing bil- the large increase in the federal those who support the bill contin- Housing Commission.

challenges of the future. We believe Mitchells father, with only a to Bowdoin since his family did order to fund his education while brings inIm thinking specifi-
in a society in which no one should third-grade education, worked at not own a car. He was accepted to completing his coursework. cally of Arthur [C. Brooks] and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 be guaranteed success but every Central Maine Power. He lost his the College that same day. I always regard it as one of Frank Bruni, he said.
single person should have a fair job soon before Mitchell headed In an interview with the Ori- the most fortunate occasions of When Rose asked his opin-
uals will be the biggest challenge. chance to succeed. to Bowdoin, and later worked as a ent, Mitchell spoke fondly of his my life. So many people helped ion on the first year of Donald
Mitchell cited the passage of the Mitchell also spoke about his janitor at Colby College. time here. me and became role models and Trumps presidency, Mitchell
Americans with Disabilities Act, early life in Waterville, Maine His fathers work supervisor, The chance to come here was mentorsI formed a lifelong chose to speak about policy
Medicare and the GI Bill as high- growing up in very poor family. seeing promise in Mitchell, sug- for me so far beyond the scope of relationship with Dr. Helmreich rather than personality. He de-
lights of the Democratic record. His mother was an immigrant gested he meet with his friend my idea of possibility at the time who taught European history. But nounced Trumps stance on cli-
He believes a return to the values of from Lebanon who could neither Bill Shaw, an admissions officer that its really not possible for me I always felt that the education I mate change and Trumps remark
those decades should be prioritized. read nor write upon her arrival in at Bowdoin, which was about an to describe how big a step up it got here opened me up to other encouraging the attainment of
Thats the record that we the United States. hour south of his hometown. After was, he said. people, other places, other ideas, nuclear weapons by Japan, South
brought to the challenges of the She worked long, often over- an interview was set up on on his He drove trucks for Brunswick other ways of life and that I took Korea and Saudi Arabia.
past and we have to bring it to the night shifts at a textile mill while behalf, Mitchell hitchhiked down Oil and Coal nearly full-time in the first step toward adulthood at Were Japan, South Korea and
Bowdoin. Saudi Arabia to attain nuclear
Over the years, Mitchell has weapons as they can do, it will
stayed incredibly involved with completely undermine the nucle-
the College, from donating his ar non-proliferation regime and
immense archives to Bowdo- lead to an instantaneous world-
in, which now reside in the the wide race for nuclear weapons,
George J. Mitchell Department he said.
of Special Collections and Ar- In a time of great discontent
chives, to supporting programs with American government,
like Upward Bound, which Mitchell maintains great hope in
works to help under-resourced the value of public service.
high school students prepare for Life is a never-ending search
and attend college. for respectfirst, and most im-
Mitchell took questions from portant, self-respect and then the
the audience at the event, most respect of others. There are many
of which were from students. ways to achieve it, and in most
Questions dealt with topics rang- people theres an innate drive to
ing from the impact of Brexit on do well, to achieve what some
Northern Ireland to educational call fame and fortune and recog-
opportunity in public schools. nition, he told the Orient.
Ben Ratner 19, who took But my life experience has
the opportunity to ask Mitchell taught me the more one gets
a question at the event, found of things, the more one realizes
his visit to be far more valuable that there has to be more to life
than that of recent speakers to than that and that real fulfillment
campus. will come not from recognition
I was especially impressed or acquisition but from working
with the way he gave substantive with all of your spiritual and
responses to student questions, physical might for a cause that is
ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT and really seemed to want to en- larger than your self-interest, that
OPEN MIC: Caitlin Loi 20 asks Mitchell the first student question of the night. Following his dialogue with President Clayton Rose in Pickard Theater, Mitchell gage. You dont see that a lot with helps other people.
took questions from the audience, which ranged from the repercussions of Brexit on Northern Ireland to public school education. the types of speakers the College
Friday, December 8, 2017 NEWS 5

DERAY this world is to dream a dream

big enough that is rooted in
on a personal level will help
achieve this goal.
The purpose of No Hate
November is to raise aware-
which co-sponsored the event.
Over the course of last
Mckesson, who has spoken
before at Bowdoin, was excit-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 equity and justice, one that If the goal is to help them ness about people and issues year a lot of us got really frus- ed to return to his alma mater.
criminal justice system and makes all of us brothers and learn, I think that we have to that have been traditionally trated with this void between He spent the day leading up
its discriminatory treatment sisters and siblings and one share the cognitive work, he marginalized and to help proj- our really strong ideas about to the event and much of the
of racial minorities. Mckesson that eventually gets us free. said. ect these issues onto the great- justice but also this feeling day following the event meet-
urged optimism in spite of Advocating for a respon- I want you to have to think er community at Bowdoin, of inertia, and we dont know ing with numerous student
the abundant problems that sible optimism, he said that through this deeper than said Salim. Were just going what to do about it, Hurley groups on campus.
the country faces, arguing I am reminded that people youre thinking of it. People to be the bystanders if we do said. Its hard to activate It always feels like a home-
that imagining a world that is made this system, and if peo- say Mike Brown stole some- not stand up for these kinds of those values into something coming for me here on cam-
more equitable and just than ple made it then we can make thing from the convenience issues I think that as a top tangible that produces pus, said Mckesson at the be-
the one in which we currently it differently. store. I just say, should Mike liberal arts college like Bow- change, and I [thought Mck- ginning of his address. This
live is one of the most import- Our optimism has to be Brown be alive today or not? I doin, [we] should be tackling esson] would be the perfect was truly a family to me, and
ant tasks we can undertake. rooted in reality. It has to be want you to work through this these issues head-on from all person to speak to that. I think about it every day and
If your dream will only rooted in a deep understanding issue. Im not going to preach kinds of ways. Salim was encouraged by I carry it with me every single
change you, you havent of how systems and structures the whole time, because when Theodora Hurley 20 ini- the number of people who day. I think about Bowdoin as
dreamt big enough. And if you work today, he continued. you preach they just say no, tially reached out to Mckes- came to see Mckessons speech. the place where I fell in love
get anything from this, you Still, Mckesson said that he continued. son about coming to speak on We often have these con- with my mind, a place where
will take away this idea that the work of righting racial BSG Vice President for Stu- campus after spending time versations on a small scale I learned what it meant to
you have to dream in a way injustices must not only be dent Affairs Salim Salim 20 this past summer listening to where the same audience dream and believe and imag-
that if you got everything you the work of people of color. felt that Mckessons talk was his podcast. She felt that Bow- shows up, Salim said. I think ine, and those in so many
dreamed for, it would change Those who arent affected by conducive to the goal of No doin students would greatly what [Mckesson] did yester- ways are the key skills in what
the world, he said. Your re- racial bias must also be in- Hate November because it not benefit from hearing Mckes- day with such a big audience it means to organize.
sponsibility to the common volved and asking these peo- only raised awareness but also sons calls for action. Hurley is project these issues onto the
good and to each other and to ple to think through issues encouraged action. is a resident of Quinby House, greater Bowdoin community.

TWITTER TITAN: (BELOW): Activist, organizer and educator DeRay Mckesson 07 addresses a full
audience in David Saul Smith Union on Tuesday evening as the keynote speaker for No Hate November.
(BOTTOM LEFT): Bowdoin Student Government President Irfan Alam 18 asks Mckesson a question.
(TOP LEFT): Students, faculty and staff listen to Mckessons talk.



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Friday, December 8, 2017


STEP UP: (LEFT): Lucia Gagliardone 20 performs her final class project, which she
choreographed. She also designed the costume, lighting and sound for her performance.
(RIGHT): Tyler Chonoles 19 and Destiny Kearney 21 also perform their final class project
on Wednesday and Thursday, along with the other four members of Modern I: Repertory
and Performance. Their performance was composed of both duets and group numbers,
showcasing a variety of styles and tempos.

The academics of dance: students perform class projects

by Kathryn McGinnis Making Dances and Chore- forming solos based on their extracurricular add-on to their on this piece for four months. Aoki believes Bowdoins
Orient Staff ography for Dancers classes daily routines, including clips of academic subjects, said Aoki. Its definitely high stakes. I hope dance classes reflect a central
appeared in the show, allowing found sound they have heard A performing arts major people like it. value of the College.
The dance departments an- the audience to interact with the in their everyday lives. was added to Bowdoins cur- For Aoki, performing is a The emphasis on the
nual December show allows performers as they move in dif- Its easy to be grandiose in riculum this year, with con- valuable experience for students Common Good is really vital
students, both novice and ad- ferent facings about the room. our vision, said Aoki, and to centrations in dance, theatre or in and of itself. in a dance class where you are
vanced, to show off their skills Audiences get to have a win- think we dont have the mate- an interdisciplinary approach. I think the act of perfor- quite exposed, unlike your
in dance, choreography and dow into processes, practices rial, [but in] this class we were Lucia Gagliardone 20, who manceof getting on stage, pre- chemistry class or your math
staging. This years show, with- and the minds of choreogra- looking for the habitual stuff, performed on Wednesday and paring and then realizing you class where the learning pro-
out the usual guest performanc- phers, said Assistant Professor the stuff we take for granted and Thursday, is currently the only cant prepare anymorethat the cess is very individual, said
es and more elaborate staging, of Dance Aretha Aoki. I think tried to find the choreographic student pursuing the dance moment has come and the lights Aoki. In dance class youre
put the spotlight on the depart- audiences will really feel a part possibilities there. concentration. are on and people are there and showing that, all of your vul-
ments class projects. of the experience. Theyll be Providing students with an I always get a little nervous youve got what you got, said nerabilities and mistakes and
In past years, dance classes asked to move around the space. academic approach to dance before I perform which is kind Aoki. Theres something really failures and in fact thats an
performed in Pickard Theater, The performers are going to be emphasizes the performing arts of good, said Gagliardone. profound about that experience important part of class. So
but this year the recital was held able to see them and the lights as a legitimate field of study, ac- [The] adrenaline is terrifying, that I think its useful to anybody having a dynamic thats actu-
in a dance studio in Edwards are such [a way] theyll be able cording to Aoki. but also great. Im nervous be- There are fundamental skills ally really kind and supportive
Center for Art and Dance on to make eye contact. Itll be an For students [who] really do cause Ive never performed my there that even if you dont have is so important and also being
Wednesday and Thursday nights. enlivening experience. want to focus on [dance] they own choreography and chore- any plans of pursuing dance or critical too is super important
Routines from Modern 1: The four students in Aokis can dive into the disciplines ography that Im this attached theatre as your career you can and I feel like our students
Repertory and Performance, choreography class are per- rather than viewing it as an to. Ive literally been working find value there. strike that balance well.

On DAMN., Lamar sidesteps expectations, spews self-doubt

sidesteps our expectations, sample of Fox News commen- tached as, Feel like removin find Lamar at a new position
The Aux Cord set by 2015s classic To Pimp
a Butterfly, taking a sharp
tator Geraldo Rivera saying,
This is why I say hip hop has
myself, no feelings involved,
to as incendiary as, I feel
in life, reassessing his position
at raps peak with all the anx-
by Chris Ritter turn from experimental jazz done more damage to young like this gotta be the feelin iety that comes with sudden
rap towards hard-hitting trap, African-Americans than rac- what Pac was / The feelin success: My newfound
Kendrick Lamars first mis- solidifying his place at the top ism in recent years, Lamar of an apocalypse happening life made all of me
take was releasing DAMN. while resisting the urge to do spits rapid-fire lines about / but nothing is awkward. magnified / How
on Good Friday. Fan theories anything that resembles what drinking from a Grammy in Lamar describes a strug- many accolades
blew up. The first about Easter got him there. his mansion over a pounding gle surprisingly relatable in do I need to
Sunday, predicting a second DAMN. is an album for Mike WiLL beat. But theres 2017, one that simultaneous- block denial? Its
coming and a second album the end of the world the way still a self-consciousness be- ly pushes for action and re- a sentiment that
on Easter Sunday. Then La- To Pimp a Butterfly was an hind that confidence, as if clusion. It all boils over into Kanye West
mars producer Sounwave album for saving it. At 29, La- Lamar knows that success desperation: I feel like the expressed in
tweeted But what if I told mar seems heavily occupied will silence every critic ex- whole world want me to pray My Beau-
you thats not the official with the things that he thinks cept himself: You aint rich for em / but who the fuck tiful Dark
version with a picture of might kill him: pride, love, enough to hit the lot and prayin for me? DAMN. Twisted
Morpheus from The Ma- lust, fear. In other words, all skate / Tell me when destruc- doesnt wear its politics on Fantasy, but
trix. A new theory, this one parts of himself. The album tion gonna be my fate. Most its sleeve throughout like Lamar seems
involving red pills and blue isnt hopeless, but Lamars of the time on DAMN., La- To Pimp a Butterfly did, even more
pills emerged, again predict- super-saturated mindstate mars mind seems as full with but Lamars struggle between self-aware
ing a second album. There leaves little room for bright self-criticism as it is with apathy and action is as rele- here, cutting
were articles, analyses and spots on DAMN., which disdain for his critics. More vant now as Butterfly was the instrumental DE
Reddit discussions pages long spews frustration, self-doubt than anything, his mind is two years ago. flair and letting his YL
discussing the legitimacy of and outrage at every turn, and just full. As relevant to the world as voice take center when KA
these theories. flexes while doing it. The same mindstate is it might be, DAMN. con- needed.
This isnt one of those arti- That sounds messy, but La- displayed on more subdued tains some of Lamars most Is it wickedness? Is it Lamar has given an uncom-
cles. However, if we can learn mar delivers that mess with tracks like FEEL., where essentially personal song- weakness? Its fitting that the promising look at himself
anything from these hysterical brutal efficiency. DNA. puts Lamar tackles the worlds writing to date. FEAR., an end of DAMN. circles back and the world in a way that
hopes for a second album, its it all out on the table, ridicul- problems from an entirely eight-minute epic of murky to the questions that opened defies the expectations that
probably that the first album ing Fox News by flaunting internal standpoint. Lamar boom bap, sounds like it could the album, because Lamar automatically come with his
was pretty good to begin what they hate most about follows the repetition of fit on Butterfly or untitled hasnt come close to answer- music. For Kendrick Lamar,
with. On DAMN., Lamar him: his success. Soon after a I feel with lines as de- unmastered. But its lyrics ing them. But in attempting, theres little left to answer.
Friday, December 8, 2017 7

Bowdoin Orient Student Survey

FA L L 2 0 1 7 R E S U LT S
Compiled by James Little, Rohini Kurup,
Gideon Moore, Hannah Donovan and Drew

This week the Orient sent ics, academics and lifestyle in dents to choose No Opinion. years the Orient has been con-
out a revised version of its bi- an effort to gather more in- This survey error may have ducting the survey. BSG presi- SUBSTANCE USE AT BOWDOIN
annual approval ratings sur- formation about the student skewed results towards a trend dent Irfan Alam 18 received an
vey, now called the Bowdoin experience and to understand of respondents having fewer approval rating of 47 percent, Alcohol
Orient Student Survey, which how several factors influence opinions when compared to down 23 percentage points
asks students about their approval ratings. Previous previous semesters. from the approval rating of the Marijuana
opinions on campus institu- versions of the survey includ- Keeping in mind this po- BSG president last spring.
tions. The survey was sent to ed only general demographic tential source of bias, some of Consistent with previous Tobacco
all 1,816 students and yielded questions along with the ap- this semesters survey results results, the institutions with
429 responses. Survey re- proval rating for each institu- showed significant change from the highest approval ratings are Mushrooms
spondents had mixed reviews tion. This semester, the Orient last semester. Roses approval Dining Services, the faculty,
of Bowdoins more significant added questions about political rating fell 10 percentage points, Safety and Security, Bowdoin Cocaine
institutions: 85 percent of re- beliefs, academics, extracur- the Orients approval rating fell College and the libraries. This
spondents approve of Bowdo- ricular activities and drug and 20 percentage points and the semester, the five institutions Unprescribed
in, 72 percent of respondents alcohol use. Judicial Boards approval rating with the lowest approval rat- study drugs
approve of President Clayton When compared with previ- fell 23 percentage points; how- ings are the Department of LSD
Rose and 38.2 percent of re- ous semesters approval results, ever, the percentage of respon- Athletics, Counseling Services,
spondents approve of the respondents more frequently dents who disapproved of each the Judicial Board, the Student 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Bowdoin Student Govern- chose the No Opinion option. institution fell as well. Activities Funding Committee
ment (BSG). Unlike in previous semesters, BSGs approval rating fell (SAFC) and BSG. Have used substance while at Bowdoin
This semester, the scope of No Opinion was the center, more than 35 percentage points For an interactive data visu- Havent used substance while at Bowdoin
the survey was broadened with default option in this semesters to a rating of 38 percent, an all- alization visit bowdoinorient.
new questions on demograph- survey, making it easier for stu- time low for BSG in the seven com/boss-f2017.


DISAPPROVAL APPROVAL Not in the past year 1-3 times per month
Up to 3 times per semester More than once a week Daily
20% 20% 40% 60% 80%
Strongly disapprove
Strongly approve


0 25% 50% 75% 100%




More than once a week

THE HEALTH CENTER 1 - 3 times per month

Up to 3 times per semester
20% 20% 40%










Yes: 82% 18%
20% 20% 40% 60% 80%
8 Friday, December 8, 2017 Friday, December 8, 2017 9

then theres a simpler way to talk

If I can come and help people understand

about bail. We should choose a sim-

DeRay Mckesson 07
pler version.
We can create a world map for
people around all the things that
need to especially be taken away so the issues better or help them think about the
world in a different way, thats the least that I
that we can have a more equitable,
just system. The hardest work will be

can do.
about imagining a new system. Once
we get rid of all the bad stuffthe

The Orient spoke with the civil rights activist

end of the bad stuff doesnt [cause]
the presence of the good stuff; it just

and organizer about optimism, imagination

means the end of the bad stuff. So
how do we actually get rid of all the race or gender identity that has a different than they were before. I re- it was one of those things that peo-

and his time at Bowdoin.

bad stuff, which I feel more and more general consensus, like mass incar- member when Mark Foster was one ple saw and were like Okay. I guess
confident every day that we can do, ceration is not a good thing. of the only black faculty members Im just down for the ride. Those
and create a space to imagine a new Theres so much energy. The ques- here? Were just at a different time. sorts of things helped people think
justice system that doesnt do damage tion is for us is, Can we organize So, I think that that is a responsibil- about what we could do differently.
to people like this? it? And if theres anything that is a ity. I dont know what it would look And there were people who were
real question theres a version of this like for a college to just do it as cam- like, What are you doing? This
SD: Do you think you started to story thats like, we organized it and pus programing, like sponsored by seems ridiculous. And we were just
think this way at Bowdoin? we won and like that is really dope, the College. like, We think this is what were go-
DM: I think I learned how to imag- and well look back and be like, That One of the things Im always lov- ing to do. And it was like a I think
ine at Bowdoin. The issues around was hard. That took us a while. And ing about Bowdoin is that theres a we can make it work attitude that
mass incarceration and injustice in we did it. real opportunity for students to make I learned here. I had never experi-
this way Ive learned after being here. Theres another version of the sto- this experience what they really want enced that before.
But, it was here that I learned, that I ry thats like We tried. And well all it to be, and too often students dont
appreciated for the first time that the look back in 30 years and tell a really realize their power until its pretty SD: You talked about Trump
world wasnt fixed. That people made great story about how we tried. Well late, like til theyre juniors. Theyre briefly last night. I think both of us
this and people can unmake it I talk about standing in the street, like like I can start a club, or I can start were surprised that your remarks
saw what incredible teams look like. we all did it, and we remember that an initiative. And by the end of ju- werent more enraged. Do you just
That the power of teams could do time, and well say to our kids, You nior year, youre getting set up for take that sentiment for granted at
things, that people didnt think could keep the fight because we werent what youre going to do next. Bowdoin, that we feel that way, or do
ever happen. I thought that was real- able to. I want to believe that we will you think theres an appropriate time
ly cool. I learned how to play with the end up on the formerthat we will SD: Did you feel any constraints to be more enraged?
ideas or imagine without constraint end up in the story where were like from either students or the adminis- DM: I think Trump is the prod-
in a way that I didnt have an experi- We did it. It was really hard and we tration to be imaginative during your uct, not the producer, right? Hes the
ence in growing up. thought we werent going to do it. But time here? manifestation of an ideology that
we did it But that to me is the ques- DM: I definitely ran into people existed way before his body exist-
HD: Why are you so confi- tion. Can we organize the interest? I who were not imaginative. I dont ed. Hes just the crystallization of it
dent that we can get rid of all the think the passions therethe energy know if that was a constraint as much in the most intense form that weve
bad things? people care. But can we organize is as its like ever seen. So, when I think about
DM: Because people did it and the question. You know, for usI was in student the task at handits why I talk
people made them, and I think there government and was class [presi- about pessimism, its understand-
has never been more interest in these HD: Last night, you talked about dent]we knew that sometimes we ing that whiteness is more than just
issues than there is now. Theres nev- the importance of giving people, es- were going to have to do it, and it was overt white supremacy and lynch-
er been a public conversation across pecially white people, the language going to have to work before people ing. All of those things, I think, are
to talk about how race works, how believed. And we made some big bets the philosophical framework that
class works, how the systems work pretty early, and people just believed. we engaged to combat what Trump
Interview by Sarah Drumm and Harry DiPrinzio Photos by Ann Basu and how were potentially implicat- So we did this thing for [our] represents and what he is. So I dont
ed. From your experience here as first yearevery yearit was called know how much more there is to
a student, do you think Bowdoin is Proud to be 07 Week. And there say about Hes screwing on health-
doing that for all students? was a surprise in one day of the care. Like, yes. The tax bill makes
Harry DiPrinzio: You cur- DM: The language piece? [hesi- week. Our first year we changed no sense. The health care bills make
rently produce a podcast each
week, but youre also a full-time I THINK THAT tates] I think that the classroom at
its best can be that. I dont know if
all the toilet paper in the first-year
dorms. We got custom paper made
no sense. What hes doing to public
land makes no sense. But, even his
organizer and activistHow
do you manage the work of RACISM IS BAD AND any college is necessarily doing that
for people writ large. I even think
where every sheet was like a polar
bear that said We got your back.
supporters are going to be screwed
by those things. To me those are the
communicating with all these
people, preparing for podcasts,
SHOULDNT BE PART about how the curriculum here has
grown since I was here. Even the
And we changed all the rolls in all
the dorms over the night. People
easy things to talk about, and the
harder things to talk about are the
getting guests to come on, edu-
cating yourself about whats go-
OF THE BOWDOIN class offerings around anything re-
lated to race or justice, those are just
woke up, and there was different toi-
let paper. And it was so random, but
ideas behind those things. I want to
talk about those.
ing on and educating others like
celebrities and other activists?
DeRay Mckesson: Luckily,
Im in a set of teams of people
who are incredible, so Im never
alone. Its never just me. So thats
something Im always mindful
of. I actually learned it here. I
was a three-term class presi-
dent, two-term student body
president, so I learned how to
manage a complicated schedule.
I think with this I always
try and make sure that the
work where Im putting my
energy is going to have an im-
pact because theres so much to
do. One of the reasons I travel
to colleges to talk is that Im
mindful that it was everyday I think that we all have a responsibility to learn about
these things and make ourselves closer to them if we
people who stood in the mid-
dle of the street who did this
process outside the classroom
say we care about them.
work. If I can come and help this space with a couple who torationletting the canvassers ties where this has not died.
people understand the issues are also leading that I just didnt for that initiative in Florida for educating ourselves, or can I think that we all have a
better or help them think about know, so I texted her like, Hey come to the concert. Lady Gaga it happen in the classroom here responsibility to learn about
the world in a different way, is there anyone else I should talk just let the canvassers come to at Bowdoin? these things and make ourselves
thats the least that I can do. to? her concerts. Just helping to DM: Im mindful that the closer to them if we say we care
There were so many people I tweeted them this morning. create links between people so civil rights movement was a about them. One of the things
who came and stood with us in One of them gave me his phone that they can do it. We can make decade-long worth of activism. that Ive come to appreciate
Ferguson. So the least I can do is number, so in my break later time for all of this to work. Its It wasnt one year, two years and over the past few years is that
go stand with you in your place today Ill call him to learn more just how to make sure that its three years. And the protests none of this is too complicated
because people did it for us. about what hes doing. Were go- going to have an impact. are just three years old, right? I for you to understand or for me
The key part of working with ing to show him this thing were think in classrooms, people are to understand. People can know
the issues took a lot of reading, doing. So its a lot of that. Sarah Drumm: Youve be- talking about these issues way these things. The question is
like a lot of reaching out to peo- We did a lot of offline work come somewhat of an encyclo- longer than the public has been how to talk about it in a way that
ple. We are launching a project with influencers around how pedia about so many issues and talking about them. So, the re- actually creates entrances for
soon and a part of it is closing they can plug in. So we worked nobody taught you this stuff. search around this stuff is actu- people. So theres a way to talk
the racial wealth gap, and there with Jay-Z and Vic Mensas Looking at students, how do ally pretty strong. I think thats about bail thats hyper-compli-
is one scholar whos leading in team around Florida felon res- you say we do that? What is the been one of the only communi- cated and nobody can get, and
10 Friday, December 8, 2017

Seasonal Affective Disorder rises as temperatures fall

over time.
by Amanda Newman Counseling Service offers
Orient Staff
bright fluorescent lamps that
December on Bowdoins simulate exposure to sunlight
campus means shorter days, and can help people suffering
colder nights and the potential from SAD. Students in need
onset of Seasonal Affective Dis- can borrow the lamps for up to
order (SAD) for some members three weeks. Hershberger rec-
of the Bowdoin community. ommends light exposure for 30
SAD is a phenomenon that minutes a day and said that if
arises for certain people related used properly the effect is typi-
to diminished light which typi- cally noticeable within 10 days.
cally occurs in Maine from the Laverdiere was officially di-
end of October and continues agnosed with SAD by her per-
into Mid-February, wrote Di- sonal doctor over fall break of
rector of the Counseling Service last year.
and Wellness Programs Bernie November is always the hard-
Hershberger in an email to the est month by far, said Laverdiere.
Orient. When there is less nat- Two weeks after receiving her
ural light the production of vita- SAD diagnosis, she was diag-
min D goes down. nosed with Lyme Disease which
As a result, a person with is said to be a common side ef-
SAD may experience lethargy, fect of SAD.
lack of motivation, increased When asked why she nev-
sleep and sadness. er reached out to Bowdoins
Its pretty much the same as mental health resources for
depression, it just affects you help along the process of her
during certain seasons, said diagnosis, she said it never felt
Simone Laverdiere 19, who necessary because her doctor
has suffered from SAD since had already prescribed her 30
high school. minutes of light from a SAD
According to Hershberger, lamp, recommended daily vita-
those from regions that receive mins and suggested eliminating WINTER IS COMING: Counseling Service provides light therapy lamps to students experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder during winter months.
more sunlight during this time gluten, sugar and dairy from I know other people with control. they did not perceive enough low students to learn about ways
of year will be more acclimated her diet. depression [and] therapy and Laverdiere attempted to of a need on campus. to cope with SAD and to test out
to higher levels of natural sun- While Laverdiere believes go- counseling really helps them. It start a support group for stu- I [havent] really reached out Counseling Services light thera-
light and as such may be more ing to therapy or counseling can does help [with] SAD as well, it dents dealing with Lyme Dis- to Bowdoin for help since then, py options.
vulnerable to the effects of SAD. help some people manage SAD, just didnt really help me at all, ease with the hope that such a she said. For those who are interest-
Students from the northern she said that it was not effective she said. group would be able to touch According to Assistant Di- ed in seeking help navigating
and northeastern regions of the for her because she didnt have By the time its 7 o clock I on the many varying symp- rector of Health Promotion SAD, Hershberger recom-
countrylike Laverdiere, who a specific aspect of her life that just want go to bed ... but theres toms of the illness including and Education Christian van mends setting up an appoint-
is from southern Mainecan she was unsatisfied with that she only so much I can do about SAD, but she said the College Loenen, Peer Health plans to ment with Bowdoin Counsel-
also become more susceptible could speak about. it so I just try to do what I can did not support the idea as hold an event in January to al- ing Service.

Senior project promotes reproductive health on campus

spoke with before beginning women. Along with organiz-
by Nicole Tjin A Djie her project hadnt known ing the event, Ogle created
Orient Staff much about these resources. easy-to-read pamphlets on
From Peer Health to One of the biggest barriers the science and significance of
Healthy Relationships, there Ogle found was the adjust- topics such as the menstrual
are a number of campus orga- ment from high school to col- cycle and intrauterine devices
nizations dedicated to student lege with relation to conversa- (IUDs) with the help of Bow-
health at Bowdoin. Despite tions surrounding sex. doin Health Services.
the active presence of these Ogle explains, a colle- These pamphlets will now
groups, Bowdoin students can giate environment is going be available at the Bowdoin
sometimes find it difficult to be a lot more open and Health Center.
to access resources related public with talking about sex As complicated as the ac-
to sexual and reproductive than a high school environ- tual science may be, Ogle
health. To address this issue, ment will ever be. When you emphasizes this information
Martinique Ogle 18 host- show up as a first year you should be common knowl-
ed Snacks and Sex-Ed at are not used to the halls of edge, particularly for women.
Macmillan House Thursday your high school filled with If you have a uterus you
nightan event designed to people saying come to this should really know how it
provide knowledge and em- group to talk about sex, so works because it is a major
powerment to all students, I think it is bit of an adjust- organ, Ogle said.
especially first years. ment period. In order to communicate JENNY IBSEN, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
The event, which featured Going forward, Ogle notes this important information, LETS TALK ABOUT SEX: On and off-campus health resources gathered in MacMillan House on Thursday evening
booths and representatives that she would be interested Ogle collaborated with Julie to meet students and answer questions about sexual health and contraception.
from Peer Health, Bowdoin in hosting further events or Gray of Health Services, as-
Healthy Relationships, Health creating pamphlets. sistant physician. Gray gave to for a confidential clinical Parenthood in Topsham to have the potential to really
Services, the Sex Project and It has been a good experi- demonstrations and spoke visit and strategize around have the IUD implant proce- change a students life, espe-
Topsham Planned Parent- ence to learn how I, as a scien- about contraceptive options how to protect themselves as dure done. For students who cially if theyre concerned
hood, was designed as an tist, can learn a bunch of sci- available through Health Ser- much as possible. choose other forms of con- with not getting pregnant,
open house to bring the many entific information, and then vices at Thursdays event. Despite the inclusive atti- traception, Health Services said Gray. That constant
resources available to all stu- write about it for non-scien- Gray, who often works with tude of Health Services, many provides prescriptions for oral worry on top of all the work
dents, regardless of gender, tists, she said. student groups, promotes students, particularly first contraceptives, Nuvaring, the in college is enormous.
together in one place with Aiming to ease this adjust- Health Services as a welcom- year women, are unaware of Shot and the Patch along with Gray notes that fear of costs
demonstrations and interac- ment, Snacks and Sex Ed ing, confidential resource for the variety services they pro- free condoms. can also impede students
tive activities. was just one part of Ogles, a the student body. vide. As Ogle herself reveals, According to Gray, explain- from seeking the healthcare
I wanted to have an event biology major, independent I would love it if ev- I did not know Health [Ser- ing to women how they can they need.
that could break down a lot of study on endocrinology and ery student on this campus vices] gave prescriptions for access birth control confiden- For students who cannot
the intimidating barriers that I reproductive health. Ogles could recognize this is a IUDs until I was like halfway tially and easily can be an em- pay we make it so they can get
think exist for younger wom- study initially began as a bi- place to have confidential through my freshman year. powering first step for young the devices they need for next
en and younger people here ology project, but eventually health services for all, said Moreover, Health Services women beginning to manage to nothing, said Gray. That is
on campus. said Ogle, noting evolved to include a public Gray. [Health Services] is will provide taxi fare to and their own lives. enormous first step, especially
that a number of students she health initiative for Bowdoin a place students can come from the nearest Planned Conversations like these if its done confidentially.
Friday, December 8, 2017 FEATURES 11

War hero Andrew Haldane 41 to be featured in biography

Primarily through conduct-
by Faria Nasruddin ing interviews and reading
Orient Staff
through letters, Shetrawski
On May 18, 1940, Andrew is in the process of compil-
Haldane 41 received a wood- ing Haldanes story. He had
en spoon from his classmates, a chance to speak with Hal-
the award given to the stu- danes nephew, Steve Moore,
dent voted the most popular who pointed him to the In-
member of the senior class. ternational Museum of World
Haldanefootball captain, War II in Natick, Mass., where
baseball player, president of most of Haldanes belongings
the student council and class are kept.
secretarywould later find It was astounding just how
himself called into service much stuff was kept over the
for the U.S. Marine Corps, yearshundreds of letters,
abruptly ending his short personal correspondenceall
stint as assistant football in great condition, he said.
coach at Bowdoin. The letters recipients in-
While serving for the K35 clude former Bowdoin pres-
Rifle Company (Kilo Com- ident Kenneth Sills, former
pany, 3rd Battalion, 5th Ma- Dean of Students Paul Nix-
rines), which included two on, Sen. Paul Douglas, the
other Bowdoin graduates, Department of the Navy and
Edward Everett Pope 41 and former Bowdoin Football
Paul Douglas, class of 1913 coach Adam Walsh. Shet-
Haldane died in battle. He was rawski estimates between 75
killed in 1944, during World and 100 of the letters connect
War II by a snipers bullet in to Bowdoin.
Peleliu, an island off the coast It was really interesting to
of the Philippines. see that dialogue and how much HERO IN THE MAKING: Andrew
Haldane has been men- Andy cared about the Bowdoin Haldane 41 was captain and assistant
tioned in numerous memoirs community, said Shetrawski. coach of the Bowdoin football team
and a 2010 HBO miniseries, While Sills and Nixon kept
before joining the Marine Corps in
1941 during World War II. He died
though none have focused on in touch with the all three in the war and will be featured in an
Haldane himself. That is until Bowdoin alumni in Guadalca- upcoming biography.
Garret Shetrawski, an account nal, Haldane often wrote back.
executive from Massachusetts, Its really interesting to One of our undergrad-
stumbled upon his story. see, from 41 to 44 there uates has just brought me a
Shetrawski has interviewed were almost monthly touches, picture of you and the account
over 200 World War II vet- sometimes even more, said of Walts Ridge in the Law-
erans since his senior year Shetrawski. All his correspon- rence Daily Eagle. The picture
of high school for a book on dence between the president makes you look as nice and
World War II in the Pacific and dean of students at the friendly as a Baptist clergy-
Theatre. Shetrawski recent- time, [and] family members, man, he wrote.
ly rewatched the miniseries, all elaborate on the fact of how Haldane reflected this deep
The Pacific, which features much he missed the school and affection for the College in his
Haldane, and was compelled how much the school shaped letters to Walsh:
to learn more about Haldanes who he really was. I can sincerely say your
story. I searched for about a Haldane came from a blue-col- instruction and guiding ways
day and I couldnt find any- lar family in Methuen, Mass. have helped me greatly in this
thing, and I was really sur- He was a very good athlete; task I have of leading men.
prised that no one had taken he might not have been the Shetrawski said that Hal-
the time to write this book particularly greatest student, danes Bowdoin years are
about an interesting individu- but I think he worked hard, what defined the leadership COURTESY OF BOWDOIN SPECIAL COLLECTIONS
al, said Shetrawski. said Shetrawski. Haldane did qualities that he exemplified
Shetrawski then decided to not attend college until age 20, on the battlefield and made to-hand combat at Walts Ridge an idol. He was human. But he took time to do that.
take on a project chronicling making him graduate with the him a successful Marine on an island in what is now commanded our individual des- While most of the material
Haldanes life from his child- class of 41 at age 24. Corps Officer. Papua New Guinea. tinies under the most trying con- for the biography has been cov-
hood to his legacy. His project In his correspondence with Before Peleliu, Haldane During testing times, he ditions with the utmost compas- ered, Shetrawski still has around
breaks up Haldanes life into Haldane, Nixon commonly earned a Silver Star for his would give away his food to sion, said Sledge in his memoir. 120 letters to read. Additionally,
four intervals: Childhood, the comments on how much Hal- work repulsing five Japanese his fellow Marines. Whether Haldanes legacy reverber- Shetrawski will visit Bowdoin
Bowdoin Years, the War Years, dane is admired by current bayonet charges in less than an it be blankets or ammo, he ated beyond his Company. In today to work out the finishing
and Andys Legacy. undergraduates. hour, and engaging in hand- would always put them first. a letter to Haldanes parents, touches on Haldanes legacy. He
He was known to never raise Nixon told them the story of is particularly interested in un-
his voice and when you talked, how the other Marines cre- derstanding the significance of
he listened, said Shetrawski, ated a baseball diamond in the Haldane cup, an extra-cur-
I think what separates him is a clearing that they named ricular award given to a senior
that he really did make the ul- Haldane Field, and placed who demonstrates outstanding
timate sacrifice at the end on a plaque dedicating the site leadership qualities.
the battlefield. to Haldane. The cup is just one of many
Haldane was killed three Shetrawski recounted reading ways in which Haldanes lega-
days before Marines were sup- a letter written after Haldanes cy continues to be reflected at
posed to come off the front death by the father of a Marine Bowdoin, a place he cared so
lines. Eugene Sledge and R.V. who served with Haldane di- deeply for.
Burgin, two mortar-men in rected to Haldanes mother. I think if he made it back,
Company K, wrote of Hal- He wrote Andys mother that was the first place he was
danes death in memoirs. He saying that Andy had written going to go, said Shetrawski. I
died while peeking his head him a few letters about his think Bowdoin just shaped him.
over a ridge, an act which they son and how much he meant Anyone with further in-
describe as courageous and to Andy after [his son] had formation to contribute is
necessary for the Company to died, said Shetrawski, the encouraged to contact Shet-
direct their fire. father just found that really rawski at garret.shetrawski@
Capt. Andy Haldane wasnt appreciative that the skipper

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12 Friday, December 8, 2017

HIGHLIGHT Womens basketball extends winning streak
REEL by Jason Cahoon
Orient Staff

This Wednesday, the wom-

Hard hitting: The womens ens basketball team dominated
squash team (2-2) split a pair University of Maine-Farmington
of Saturday matches after 109-24, extending its undefeated
losing to No. 26 Hamilton record to 8-0.
The team scored 60 points
(1-3) 6-3 and then rebound-
in just the first half of the game,
ing and beating Colgate (2-3) setting a new program record for
8-1 the same day. Against points in a single half. Bowdoins
Hamilton, the Polar Bears bench played a huge role in the
swept the top three positions, game, scoring 82 out of the total
while the top seven positions 109 points for the Polar Bears.
all came away with 3-0 wins Abby Kelly 19 led the Bowdoin
against Hamilton. The team offense by contributing 14 points
will play its last matches of off of the bench.
The Saturday preceding the
the semester on Saturday at
UMaine Farmington game, the
MIT against Wellesley and Polar Bears played their first con-
Boston College. ference game against NESCAC
rival Colby College. Bowdoin
was once again victorious, win-
ning 79-45.
The game began as a tight
matchup, when both teams were
Diving in: The womens tied 9-9 with just 3:50 remain-
swimming and diving team ing in the first quarter. Howev-
placed second in the Maine er, Bowdoin pulled away from ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT

State Meet this weekend Colby in a 16-0 run to finish the BALL IN THEIR COURT: Lydia Caputi 18 dribbles past a UNE player on Nov. 21. The team won 91-59. Currently, the team is on an eight-game winning
quarter with a 25-9 lead. The streak after beating University of Maine-Farmington 109-24 on Wednesday. The Polar Bears will travel to play Bates on Saturday at 3 p.m.
with strong performances
team was able to take advantage
from many individuals.
of the momentum gained from bined with their focused and During Phelps four years as a focused and disciplined when against Bates College in Lew-
Mary Laurita 21 broke the the end of the quarter, continu- disciplined defense. player at Bowdoin, the team made the team has defeated its oppo- iston. The Bobcats have had a
school record for the 50 fly ing to widen the score margin in We have a lot of threats be- three NCAA appearances. nents by an average of 37 points rocky start to this season, win-
with a time of 26.05, beating the remaining three quarters of hind the arc this year, and that [Phelps] has brought a little per game. To get the most out of ning only two of their first seven
the previous record by only the game. makes it hard for people to de- more toughness and grit to the every game, Head Coach Adri- games. However, Shibles and the
.03 seconds. Thea Kelsey 20 These two games have been fend us, said Lauren Petit 18. floor this season, said Kate Ker- enne Shibles creates short-term rest of the team plan on bringing
won both the one meter and just the tail end of a spectacular We also have post players that rigan 18. goals for the team going into the same relentless attitude to
three meter diving events start to the teams season. The are becoming stronger down low Though the Polar Bears have every quarter to keep her players Bates that they have brought to
Polar Bears 8-0 record has earned so our in-and-out game has got- experienced a successful start to constantly focused on improving their previous games.
and qualified for the NCAA
them national recognition. ten better. their season, they are determined and playing their best. Bates is a young fast team
Regionals on the three ranks Bowdoin Our defense applies a lot of to avoid taking teams lightly and The message is that we have and their gym is an equalizer
meter. 14th in the country. In November pressure which causes turnovers to use every game as an opportu- to keep getting that one percent in some ways. We have a nice
they defeated St. Thomas (Minn.), and gets us transition points, nity to learn and improve. every day, and each opponent big floor, which allows us to
who is ranked 11th on D3Hoops. Petit added. I think there is pressure to presents a new challenge so we use our speed and depth to
com. St. Thomas has defeated ev- The team has additionally ben- win, but theres pressure to be our need to continue to rise, Shibles our advantage. They have a
ery other team it has played. efited from its newly hired assis- best selves every day. Every day said. Complacency is a killer, so smaller gym so it takes away
Making a splash: The mens The players and coaches tant coach, Megan Phelps 15, who we try to get one percent better, we want no part of that. what we like to do best, said
swimming and diving team attribute their success to their was a two-season team captain as said Kerrigan. This Saturday, Bowdoin will Shibles. So that will be a
also placed second in the loose, confident offense com- a member on the basketball team. It is not always easy staying play its second NESCAC game good challenge for us.
Maine State Meet this week-

Mens hockey to raise money for cerebral palsy

end. Karl Sarier 19 won the
200 IM with a time of 1:56.40
as did the 400 freestyle relay
team, which came in at a
time of 3:08.97. One of the
most impressive performanc- by Harry Jung As a team IMPACT player Blanchet said. [Hodells mother]
es was from Daniel Williams Orient Staff
for the past six years, Hodell really endorsed what they do and
19, who was named the The mens hockey team supports the Polar Bears by the efficiency [with which] they
NESCAC swimmer of the (3-5) will host a fundraiser joining the team dinners, prac- run the program. As soon as we
week after breaking his own for United Cerebral Palsy of tices and games. He also has his reached out to them and looked
school record of 16:12.44 for Maine during its game against own locker. more into them, it seemed like
the 1650 freestyle with a time Connecticut College (2-3) at [Hodell] is at our every the obvious choice.
home tomorrow. home game, so we all know Everyone on the team
of 15:58.16. He then went on
According to Camil Blan- him pretty well. [Antunez] and bought a special third jersey for
to win the 500 freestyle with
chet 18 and Spencer Antunez I knew we wanted to do some the game against Connecticut
a time of 4:41.79. 18, who spearheaded the fund- kind of charity fundraiser, College. A portion of the mon-
raiser, the idea to support a ce- Blanchet said. Some type of ey that went into the sale will be
rebral palsy charity came from event would be fun, [and] weve donated to the foundation.
Lucien Hodell, a child who has got a good venue for it. [Cere- The team will also sell these
cerebral palsy. They met Hodell bral palsy] seems like the most jerseys at Saturdays game. They
Causing a racquet: The mens through Team IMPACT, a na- obvious cause. Its personal to bought an extra jersey, which
squash team fell to 1-3 after tional organization that con- us and the team. all members will sign, and raffle
losing 6-3 against No. 29 nects kids facing serious and This is the teams first fund- off at the game this Saturday.
Hamilton (2-2) and 5-4 to chronic illnesses to local college raiser since 2014, when the Additionally, the team or-
No. 26 Hobart (6-3). Uday athletic teams. team raised money for the dered t-shirts bearing Hodells
Khanna 21 and Drew Clark [Team IMPACT] ap- Wounded Warriors project. name and number on the back. ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
proached us about having United Cerebral Palsy of The proceeds from the jer-
20 won both their matches FOR A CAUSE: Caleb Perez 20 sells special jerseys and t-shirts. The mens
Lucien join our team be- Maine, which is located in Ban- seys, t-shirts, and raffle will all hockey team is raising money for United Cerebral Palsy of Maine.
in the 6th and 7th positions,
cause he is a hockey fan, gor, is a non-profit organization be donated.
respectively. The team will
Head Coach Jamie Dumont that helps over 1,500 individu- I think a lot of people are fa- end. Tonight, the team will There are big points on the
travel to MIT tomorrow to said. Weve had basketball als with disabilities a year gain miliar with Hodell. They see him face Tufts (1-5-1) at 7 p.m. On line for the playoffs. We want
face off against the Engi- programs have special team independence, productivity and at all our games. So this is a way to Saturday, the team will play to make sure that if we play at
neers in the last match of the members join the team as well full citizenship. not only give back to the commu- its last game of the semester home we are taking advantage
semester at 12 p.m. and they are part of the pro- [United Cerebral Palsy of nity but to him as well because he against Connecticut College of those opportunities, and its
gram and [the special team Maine] does a lot of good work is such a prominent member of (2-3) at 4 p.m., the night of pretty special to have the game
COMPILED BY ANNA FAUVER members] are here supporting in Maine, first with cerebral pal- the team, Antunez said. the fundraiser. on Saturday for [Hodell] and
us as they support [the basket- sy but [also with] other degen- The Polar Bears will host Its our last game of the for the cerebral palsy organiza-
ball team], he added. erative neurological diseases. two home games this week- semester, which will be huge. tion, Dumont said.
Friday, December 8, 2017 SPORTS 13


ITS A POWER MOVE: Meade Avery 20 competes against University of Southern Maine on Tuesday. The womens hockey team had its first shutout of the season, winning 3-0. The Polar Bear also beat Saint Anselm 3-2 on Saturday.

Womens ice hockey beats Saint Anselm in comeback win

sonally and projected out for third quarter comebacks. How- excited about starting, so there game and dictate for ourselves cause you can enjoy Bowdoin
by Jill Tian
Orient Staff other teams to see. It definitely ever, according to ONeil, these has been a lot of good energy, ... Especially when teams get without all the school work. I
earned us a lot of respect, said comebacks do not necessarily good excitement from that. more physical, I personally am excited for that. I am excited
Last Saturday, the womens captain Jill Rathke 18. reflect the games as a whole. In The Polar Bears now have am getting a lot of penalties, to have time to focus solely on
hockey team (4-0-1, NESCAC Head Coach Marissa ONeil the game against U-Mass Boston, non-conference games ahead so I think making sure to play hockey and spend time with my
1-0-1) broke Saint Anselms agreed, noting the teams which the Polar Bears won 2-1, to close out the month, which cleanly and be able to stay ag- teammates, said Rathke.
23-game winning streak with strong technical play. Bowdoin had a 34-15 advantage gives them time to build up gressive when the others are Looking forward to the rest of
a comeback in the third quar- We started off slow against in shots on goal. team chemistry and work on aggressive too, she said. Pen- the season, the teams early suc-
ter to win 3-2. The team then [Saint Anselm], [but] we cap- We played the entire game skills. For future games, ONeil alties really break up the flow cess has helped it gain confidence.
continued to dominate with italized on some power play if you look at the shots. We were said the team needs to main- of the game. Right now where we are
its first shutout of the season, opportunities that we got, said consistent from the first to third, tain its consistency and work Due to the stresses of read- in general, there is a lot to be
beating University of Southern ONeil. We just tried to shorten said ONeil. on higher execution rate. ing period and finals, the team confident about. A lot of that
Maine 3-0 in Tuesdays mid- the game, and we were able to Despite the strong record, We scored two or three goals is currently not training. The [confidence] also has to come
week match up. do so. We created an opportuni- the beginning of the year in most games, but we have a Polar Bears return to campus from within, ONeil said. [It
Before losing to Bowdoin, ty and got a good bounce. You comes with challenges. A lot more chances, said ONeil. on December 30 for training, doesnt] always come from the
Saint Anselm, a Division II always make your own bounces quarter of the team this year Its a long season, we are only a full three weeks before oth- wins and lost record, but it
team, had the longest winning and create your own luck I be- consists of first years, but they a handful of games in. Our con- er students will return. Both doesnt hurt if we have good
record in college hockey, hav- lieve. We certainly did that. are proving themselves and sistency hasnt been tested yet. ONeil and Rathke agree that record, and we have been a
ing won its past 23 games, in- In both the Saint Anselm game getting good skate time. Rathke also the importance these three weeks are great for good team so far.
cluding the nine games ithave and the previous game against The freshmen have fit well in of dictating play and avoiding concentrating on hockey. Tomorrow, the team will
played this season. University of Massachusetts the game, which has been great, penalties. It is one of the most fun face off against Johnson and
It was a huge win for us per- Boston, the team made dramatic said Rathke. Everyone is really We need to enter each times throughout the year be- Wales at home at 1 p.m.

Mens basketball rebounds against Bates

Tim Gilbride. best matchup will be offen- and improve a little bit each
by Roither Gonzales
Orient Staff The arrival of several tal- sively, and that might be a time. So that at crunch time,
ented first years with dynamic different person for each we can continue to make the
The mens basketball team strengths has added to the game. And we are unselfish right plays that will give you
broke its incredible six-game teams skill set as well. enough, to say that this game an opportunity to do that,
winning streak this week with Zavier Rucker [21] is that is our best way of scor- said Gilbride.
two losses against Colby and starting as a point guard right ing, said Gilbride. The brisk pace of these
Saint Josephs, but rebounded now for us. He defends very According to senior captain back to back games has also
against Bates on Thursday, well, his assists to turnover ra- Liam Farley 18, the teams made training and focusing
beating the Bobcats 70-63 to tio is very good. So, he brings chemistry is also better this on the team itself much more
get back into the win column. a steadiness that is unusual year, which has made commu- difficult. The Polar Bears
Bowdoins recent success for a first year, said Gilbride. nication a lot easier. hope to utilize the short break
can be partially attributed to Another first year is Sam I think we have just been that they have to further hone
the continuity of its roster. Grad [21], and he is capable communicating about what their skills and cohesion. They
The team only graduated two of playing as either our cen- we think our issues are and are also traveling to Florida
seniors last year, and while ter or as a forward. He moves how we could get back on from December 26 to January
their absence is missed, a large pretty well [and] has a pretty track. I definitely believe that 1 in order to train.
number of returnees stepped good feel for the game. And the talent is there, but we just We havent had practices
up and filled the gaps left by so those two guys have added have to all come together and to improve what were do-
their departures. Its top five a lot. do our part to win games, ingweve just had too many
scorers and three out of four The teams experience and said Farley. games back to back. Its more
top rebounders all returned to the rapid integration of new Yet, despite these devel- of like game prep. So its nice
compete this season. players into the team goes opments, the team still faces to have a bunch of practices
We have more players hand-in-hand with anoth- many challenges and under- in a row, and so well concen-
that played a lot of minutes er advantage that the team stands it has a lot to work on. trate on what we want to do,
last year Theres an expe- hopes to drive home this I see every game as a chal- said Gilbride.
rienced group there that has yearits depth. lenge. For sure, every game The mens basketball team
been through this already, and Our depth this year has well have a chance of winning will look to continue the mo-
has a pretty good feel of what made it harder for the oppos- or a chance of losing depend- mentum as it faces off against
CAROLINE FLAHARTY , THE BOWDOIN ORIENT we need to do to be successful. ing team to key on a particular ing on how we play. Thats ME-Farmington this Sunday,
WHAT A BALLER: Hugh ONeil 19 reaches towards a jump ball in the game Were also playing a little bit person. And recently we have kind of the fun of the season. December 10 at 1:00 p.m. in
against Saint Josephs on Tuesday, which the Polar Bears lost 77-58. differently, said Head Coach been thinking about what our Trying to beat that challenge Morrell Gym.
14 Friday, December 8, 2017

Learning from our alums

This past week, Bowdoin students had the opportunity to hear from two
of Bowdoins most prominent alumni, U.S. Senator George Mitchell 54 H83
and Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson 07. Both men expressed
their grave concern for the current state and direction of American politics
and society. Yet despite their dismay, both men expressed a fundamental op-
timism about the future of our country.
When so much seems wrong with the world around us, optimism is hard to
muster, and when hopefulness does arise, we dismiss it as naive and misplaced.
As Mckesson himself noted, pessimism has become cool, and a fatalistic apa-

Culture as context:
thy, rather than hope, is championed as a more pragmatic attitude towards a
political system that has yielded disappointment after disappointment.

But the lives and stories of these two alumni, both of whom are living

proof of the manifold ways that we can do real and immediate good in the

voicing my Polar Views

world, should combat this fatalism. Though it may seem trite to note, their
celebrity should not obscure the basic fact that both these men, though from
vastly different backgrounds, were once Bowdoin students just like usboth
were provided with the enormous resources of the College and both were
faced with the daunting decision of how to make the most not only of their
four years at the College, but also with their lives after graduation.
In an interview with the Orient, Mitchell shared the following lesson with male peers on campus, but this ex- when I say there are women who do
students; we think it is vitally important that it be heard. He said, Life is a perience was not a problem for me. appreciate it. It was at that moment
never-ending search for respectfirst, and most important, self-respect and
Polar Views The issue was that no one tried to when I fully realized that I needed to
then the respect of others. There are many ways to achieve it, and in most by Osa Omoregie educate me on my supposed wrong- accept my mothers advice and em-
people theres an innate drive to do well, to achieve what some call fame and doing. Unlike magazine writers from brace my culture.
fortune and recognition But my life experience has taught me that while It is easy for a minority student far away, I am a student writer who is My mother was worried because
its entirely appropriate to work hard to earn an income to support yourself to hate Bowdoin. From the class- easily accessible on Bowdoins cam- she raised me to be respectful and
and your family, the more one gets of things, the more one realizes that there room, to College Houses, to student pus. Some members of the Bowdoin kind towards otherswomen, men,
has to be more to life than that and that real fulfillment will come not from clubs, almost everything is per- community approached me to ex- teachers and especially elders. I al-
recognition or acquisition but from working with all of your spiritual and ceived through the perspective of a press their appreciation for my piece, ready compromise part of my cul-
physical might for a cause that is larger than your self-interest, that helps traditional-student population. I but no one approached me who dis- ture when I have to address elders
other people. was tired of it, so I decided to start agreed with it. Since there were stu- on campus, some old enough to be
Though not every Bowdoin alumni will become the majority leader of writing about my experiences from dents who reacted negatively to my my mother or grandmother, by their
the United States Senate or the face of the largest social protest movement a different cultural lens. Of course, article, I would have appreciated a first name rather than with an hon-
of a generation, every Bowdoin student has the choice to answer Mitchells I understood that my audience was conversation with them as a teach- orific. When she heard that my peers
charge to place the well-being of others over his or her own immediate predominately white and that their ing moment for both sides. I touched were accusing me of being a misog-
self-interest. Perhaps the notion of the Common Good, overused to the perspectives could be contrary to on several topics in my piece, but my ynist for opening doors, she was ut-
point of oblivion, now rings hollow in our ears. But if we hope to revitalize mine. Theres a reason why I named friends overheard that the cause of terly appalled. Respect is embedded
it, there is no better place to start than with the stories of this weeks speak- my column Polar Views. I wanted outrage was primarily my anecdote in my black communal background,
ers. We are thankful for their model, and yes, even optimistic that their to provoke thought and reflection, about a friend accusing me of be- my rich Yoruba culture. Perhaps we
influence can lead to real good. but it came with some resistance. nevolent sexism for opening a door as Bowdoin students could all learn
For the past two weeks, I have for her. The comments section of my to respect the cultures of others who
This editorial represents the majority view of the Bowdoin Orients editorial board, endured the uproar from female piece was riddled with accusations are different from us. It is interesting
which is comprised of Rachael Allen, Anjulee Bhalla, Harry DiPrinzio, Sarah students in response to my previous that I was not only victim-blaming to note that most of the people who
Drumm, Ellice Lueders, Ian Ward and Allison Wei. article that pertained to hookup cul- women, but that I was misogynistic. were so offended by my piece are not
ture, specifically the phenomenon So I spoke to the women in my from my culture or background.
of the fuckboy. Some of my peers life, across various age groups, and If having the door held open is so
agreed with my opinions but re- they didnt have the same negative painful for you, then respectfully, I
frained from openly agreeing with reaction. These are women who will specifically not open doors for
my piece because they were cautious appreciate men who treat them like you. I never learned in childhood
about voicing these opinionsand they are special people. Women that opening doors for women
justifiably so. When I voiced an are special; my mother is special. I stemmed from a preconceived opin-
opinion that may or may not have spoke with my mother a few days af- ion that they are weak or helpless.
been the dominant one, I was at- ter the uproar from my female peers. Opening doors is an act of kindness
ESTABLISHED 1871 tacked by those who want everybody My mother, hearing the remorseful and respect in my household and my
to look at the world through their tone in my voice on the phone, told community. I write as a black man 6200 College Station Brunswick, ME 04011
specific lenses. me, Please son, dont stop open- with a Nigerian immigrant family. I
The Bowdoin Orient is a student-run weekly publication dedicated to providing news and information I cant count the number of glares ing doors. Its no longer hip to be a respect your views and your culture,
relevant to the Bowdoin community. Editorially independent of the College and its administrators, Ive recently received from my fe- gentlemanI get itbut trust me so please respect mine.
the Orient pursues such content freely and thoroughly, following professional journalistic standards in
writing and reporting. The Orient is committed to serving as an open forum for thoughtful and diverse

Letter to the Editor

discussion and debate on issues of interest to the College community.

Sarah Drumm Harry DiPrinzio

Editor in Chief Editor in Chief I read with interest my fellow football alum Daniel Show patience as he defines a new culture.
Covells piece in last weeks Orient that takes a very ac- Fortunately, President Rose and Director of Athletics
ademic and somewhat drastic approach to addressing Tim Ryan have already chosen to exercise that option
Creative Director Managing Editor Sr. News Editor Bowdoins football woes. However, sometimes turning and although the record doesnt show it, Coach J.B.
Jenny Ibsen Rachael Allen Anjulee Bhalla a program around simply comes down to the right Wells is in the process of creating the foundation that
Sarah Bonanno leadership, and Daniel neglects to mention this fourth, will bring long-term success to the program. Changing
Ellice Lueders Asst. News Editor
Digital Director Emily Cohen
rather basic option, that I believe has the best chance a culture is akin to pushing a rock up hill, but Wells has
Nickie Mitch for success: shown many of us that he is a strong and capable leader.
James Little Allison Wei
Sports Editor Hire a dynamic hard-charging head coach who Finally, we should never quantify success solely
Associate Editor Anna Fauver played NESCAC football and has a track record of through wins and losses. Bowdoin Football is far more
Photo Editor
Roither Gonzales building football programs from scratch. about learning the value of hard work and discipline
Ann Basu Features Editor Give him the opportunity to build his own roster and building lifelong relationships.
Louisa Moore
Amanda Newman Alyce McFadden by recruiting players from outside of the competitive Dan Spears is a member of the Class of 1981 and was
Layout Editor Northeast Corridor. a member of the football team.
Emma Bezilla A&E Editor
Copy Editor Isabelle Hall
Ian Stewart
Sam Adler
Eleanor Paasche Opinion Editor
Data Desk


Gideon Moore Rohini Kurup
Sr. News Reporter
James Callahan Calendar Editor
Social Media Editor Kate Lusignan
Gwen Davidson Business Manager
Uriel Lopez-Serrano Edward Korando Page Two Editor Were looking for columnists who can bring fresh voices to the Opinion
Faria Nasruddin Ned Wang Samuel Rosario pages. If that sounds like you, reach out to us with your ideas.
The material contained herein is the property of The Bowdoin Orient and appears at the sole discretion of the Email us at
editors. The editors reserve the right to edit all material. Other than in regard to the above editorial, the opinions
expressed in the Orient do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors.
Friday, December 8, 2017 OPINION 15

Why Bowdoin fails at activism

issues hold value to us and I am even more disheartened affect students on our cam-
Anus Corner consequently omit issues that that a community that I hope pus to some degree. Once we
affect people on our campus to call home is not moved or begin to recognize that these
by Anu Asaolu and beyond. I recognize it is aware of the slave trade. Some- issues affect the basic rights of
impractical for Bowdoin to body once said to me you all persons, we can mobilize
Highly selective activ- respond to all prevalent top- cant expect people to feel for to aid the human condition.
ismthis is a term I have ics. However, there needs to you, if they are not you. How- It is not the responsibility of
coined to describe Bowdoins be more accountability to ac- ever, I can expect a communi- the oppressed to educate and
advocacy. Our student body knowledge the prevalence and ty of driven, intellectual and organize, we all have a role to
is proud of being a culturally the magnitude of these issues. passionate students to respond play. I believe that if we rede-
sensitive campus that aims to In the wake of recent news and mobilize regarding Libyas fine world issues as campus
uphold the common good. In in Libya, Bowdoins silence is current crisis. discourse and as necessary to
my time here, there has been even louder. The world has Though I recognize the fulfilling the common good,
a lot of mobility and activ- been reacting to videos of slave fluidity in activism, one of we will thrive at activism.
ism on campus surrounding auctions and trade in Libya. the underlying causes of our Bowdoins selective activism
issues regarding womens These videos have sparked re- failure is ignorance. There is a microcosm of the larger so-
rights, LGBTQ rights and, alizations that slave trade did is no way to provide aid or ciety. However, we as intellec-
recently, DACA. This speaks not end after Atlantic slavery. support if we are unaware of tual beings need to change our
to our progress as a student Thousands of migrantsmale, these problems. Bowdoins attitude towards all issues that
body in creating a sanctuary females and children alike selective activism is not a re- subdue every humans rights.
that values these identities across Africa were captured sult of malicious unconcern We need to actively decide to
and peoples. However, our by militia in Libya and sold as but rather the lack of knowl- learn more about these issues
student body remained si- slaves. I was born and raised in edge. Our Bowdoin bubble that affect our roommates, pro-
lent after Trumps travel ban, Nigeria, and my African roots weakens the connection with fessors and the larger society.
Charlottesville, bombings in are the core of my identity. our neighboring cities and To this day, there are slaves still
Bangladesh and now Libya. Many of the migrants-turned- the larger world. In order to being sold in Libya. If you can
As a community, our activism slaves originated from my expand our frame, we need to remain silent when black bod-
is selective even though these home country and it hurts my deconstruct the notions that ies are still being sold as mer-
issues are equally as import- heart that my peoples bodies these matters are distant from chandise, do black lives really
ant. We have determined what are being traded and beaten. our community. These issues matter to you? MOLLY KENNEDY

Stop. Sexual misconduct is not a partisan issue

which we must address as a so- through the most political bel of deflection has been used policy for sexual harassment long-time Clinton ally received
Relevant Politics cietal problem, not a partisan, realms of the internet, Ive no- to describe a lot of activity late- entailed for Conyers, Pelosi a pretty serious backlash from
by Brendan Murtha political one. The strains of patri- ticed a particularly disturbing ly: frequent defense of Trump stumbled around a defense of some parts of her own base
archy and hyper-masculinity that trend in how the self-described manifests through shouts of ... due process before saying firmly, fiercely loyal Democratic voters
have impacted our society dont Left addresses such revelations, but Hillary! But Obama! in an John Conyers is an icon in our and Clinton supporters who
Sexual misconduct should not discriminate. As weve seen late- especially those that expose attempt to remove the spotlight country. He has done a great deal accused Gillibrand of irrespon-
be weaponized as a mechanism ly, necessary revelations have ex- elected officials of the Demo- from clearly heinous acts. Yet, as to protect women. sibly bringing up past events
to score points against political posed abhorred behaviors at all cratic Party as no different than much as the Left accuses Trump When Todd then asked Pelosi when the present problem of
adversaries. To do so is insulting points on the political spectrum. some of the Rights sexual preda- supporters of deflection, we are whether she believed the victims Trump should be receiving all of
to the victims of an epidemic In my recent journeys tors we love to demonize. The la- now observing a large contin- accounts, she made her answer her focus.
gent of Democratic loyalists even worse: I dont know who Worse, those same supporters
using the same tactic to mitigate they are. They havent really lambasted Gillibrand for being
the political impact of harass- come forward. ungrateful to a political figure
ment allegations against people Pelosi may now be calling for (Bill Clinton) who, alongside
like Sen. Franken and Rep. Co- Conyers resignation, but her Hillary, has bolstered Gillibrands
nyers. These deflectors may not initial reaction is still telling. Her political career and backed her
be denying the accusations out- attempts to mitigate the impact unequivocally throughout her
right, but they certainly trivial- of such allegations, discrediting tenure.
ize their significance when they the victims and hailing Conyers This is one of the most danger-
say, Why doesnt our pussy- protection of women are in- ous reactions from the left Ive
grabber-in-chief go first? in dicative of a fiercely partisan seen yet. Berating a woman for
response to calls for resignation. response to a nonpartisan issue. being ungrateful to the man who
This is textbook deflection, Harkening back to the accuseds helped her career because she
shifting the focus of criticism historic good deeds is a classic spoke out about his sexual mis-
onto political adversaries with- ploy to discredit victims. Think conduct sets up a precedent that is
out pausing for a moment of of the Hollywood insiders who toxic and unbelievably hypocriti-
concerted self-reflection. Of championed Weinstein as giv- cal for Democrats to expound.
course, Trumps long history of ing countless career-changing Again, it looks eerily similar to
sexual misconduct, harassment opportunities to womenac- defenses mounted by Weinstein
and assault should never be ig- cording to them, this made him allies. Furthermore, it echoes a
nored or forgotten, but if we are a true ally! Victims of sexual sentiment from the election cycle
truly committed to fighting this misconduct dont care about the I think is equally dangerousthe
plague we must be consistent politics of their attacker, or their idea that the Clintons should be
in our outrage and not weigh so-called merit. Those who isolated from criticism because
certain crimes as forgivable just stand in true solidarity with the any amount of it bolsters Republi-
because of the perpetrators po- victims shouldnt either. Nancy can narratives and propagates in-
litical affiliation. Pelosi is not a real ally of the vic- ternal division. Bullshitwe must
Indeed, hypocrisy runs deep tims, and apparently not an ally always be vigilant of misconduct,
when sexual misconduct is polit- of her own policies, either. and I applaud Gillibrand for her
icized. Last weekend, Sen. Nancy Things also got dicey when, divergence.
Pelosi gave a brutally insulting last month, Sen. Kirsten Gilli- Victims of sexual harassment
answer while being interviewed brand said that she thinks Bill simply deserve better than po-
by Chuck Todd about her take Clinton should have resigned liticized reactions. They deserve
on the John Conyers allegations. from the presidency after the consistent outrage, validity and
SARA CAPLAN When Todd asked Pelosi what Monica Lewinsky scandal. This nonpartisan solidarity. Lets give
her so called zero tolerance unexpected development from a it to them.


500-700 words

Send all submissions to by 7 p.m. on Tuesday SUBMIT A LETTER TO

of the week of publication. Include your full name and phone number. 2 THE EDITOR
200 words or fewer
16 Friday, December 8, 2017

Racer X Concert
Racer X and Four Men at Work featuring Associate Professor
of English Aaron Kitch and Associate Professor of Music
Vineet Shende will perform an end-of-the-semester concert.
The concert will feature music such as Walking on the
Sunshine, Like an Egyptian, Faith and more.
Kanbar Auditorium, Studzinski Hall. 4 p.m.

Desserts In December
The Center of Multicultural Life will host an end of the
semester celebration to prepare for finals and celebrate the
new year. There will be music, games and treats.
Schwartz Outdoor Leadership Center. 4 p.m.


Fall 2017 Visual Arts Open House LOTS OF LATKES: Members of Bowdoin Hillel Annie Rose 20 and Carly Berlin 18 make latkes in Ladd House to celebrate the upcoming holiday,
Students taking fall visual arts courses will display their work Hanukkah. The latkes are a great break for students as they enter reading period.
completed during the semester. The exhibit will feature art
in a variety of mediums.

Edwards Center for Art and Dance. 5 p.m.

Winter Dance Concert
Student dance groups including Polar Bear Swing, Refresh, FILM PERFORMANCE
Vague and Obvious will perform. The 19th Annual Animation Show Winter Music Sampler
Pickard Theater, Memorial Hall. 8 p.m. Frontier will show 16 thought-provoking short films Student musicians will showcase their talent in a performance
representing artists from eight countries, nine of which were hosted by the Department of Music.
directed by women. Featuring themes such as injustice and Kanbar Auditorium, Studzinski Hall. 4 p.m.
complicity, the films are melancholy, playful and, above all,
relevant to a number of social issues that grip our world

Frontier. 3 p.m.


Bowdoins First Intercollegiate Smash Rogue Reference Desk
Bros Showdown A librarian will be available to answer reference questions in
Bowdoin College Super Smash Bros Club will host its first Smith Union.
tournament. Smash Clubs from Bates and Colby will travel to PERFORMANCE David Saul Smith Union. 3:30 p.m.
Bowdoin to compete.
Room 20, Druckenmiller Hall. 12 p.m.
Jazz/Pop Voice Students of
Jeffrey Christmas
EVENT Students of Jeffrey Christmas, adjunct lecturer of music, will

sing in a concert hosted by the Department of Music. The
Bake Sale Fundraiser concert will feature music from Claudio Monteverdi, Lin-
Maine Girl Scout Troop 190 will sell baked goods to benefit
Manuel Miranda, Fiona Apple, Irving Berlin and more.
Girl Scouts in Puerto Rico who were affected by
Room 101, Gibson Hall. 12 p.m.
Hurricane Maria. PERFORMANCE
David Smith Union. 1 p.m.
EVENT Music at the Museum with
PERFORMANCE Multimedia Pop-Up George Lopez
Students who have created multimedia projects in the Media Beckwith Artist-in-Residence George Lopez will perform
End of Semester A Cappella Show Commons this semester will share their work. Refreshments Russian music to accompany the exhibit, Constructing
Bear Tones, BOKA, the Longfellows, the Meddiebempsters, the Revolution: Soviet Propaganda Posters from between
will be served.
Miscellania and Ursus Versus will take the stage. the World Wars. The concert is free of charge, but due to
Media Commons, Hawthorne-Longfellow Library. 3 p.m.
Pickard Theater, Memorial Hall. 8 p.m. limited seating, tickets are required.
Museum of Art. 7 p.m.

15 EVENT 16 EVENT 17 18 19 EVENT 20 21

Field Note Study Break in Fall Housing

Friday the Libraries Closes

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