Day 2

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13. A packed bed of solid particles of density 2500 kg/m3 occupies a depth of 1 meter in a vessel
of cross-sectional area 0.04m2. The mass of solids in the bed is 50 kg and the surface-
volume mean diameter of the particles is 1mm. A liquid of density 800 kg/m3 and viscosity
0.002 Pa-s flows upward through the bed, which is restrained at its upper surface. Calculate
the voidage of the bed.

=1 = 0.5

Transport Mechanics

28. A hollow plastic sphere is held below the surface of a fresh-water lake by a cord anchored
to the bottom of the lake. The sphere has a volume of 0.654 m3 and the tension in the cord
is 9000 N. (a) Calculate the buoyant force exerted by the water on the sphere. Calculate the
mass of the sphere.


The net force of the sphere is zero.

= (1000 ) (0.6503 ) (9.8 2 ) = 6.37103

(6.37103 )900
= + =
= = 558
9.8 2

Heat Transfer

40. Consider a 0.8-m-high and 1.5-m-wide double-pane window consisting of two 4-mm-thick
layers of glass (k=0.78 W/mC) separated by a 10-mm-wide stagnant air space (k=0.026
W/mC). Determine the steady rate of heat transfer through the double-pane wall.

1 1
= , 1 = 1 = = 0.08333
(10 2 )(1.2 2 )

1 0.004
1 = 3 = = 1 = = 0.00427
(.78 )(1.2 2 )

2 0.01
2 = = 2 = = 0.3205
(.026 )(1.2 2 )

1 1
0 = , 2 = 2 = = 0.02083
(40 2 )(1.2 2 )

Rtotal =Rconv,1 + Rglass,1 + Rair + Rglass,2 + Rconv, 2 = 0.4332C/W

12 [20(10)]
= = 0.4332C/W
= 69.2

Thermodynamics 1

11. The temperature in the atmosphere near the surface of the earth (up to an elevation of
10000 m) can be approximate by T(z) = 15 0.00651z C. Determine the pressure at an
elevation of 3000 m if at z = 0, P = 101 kPa.


Condition 1: Condition 2:

z1 = 0 m; P1 = 101 kPa z2 = 3000 m; P2 = ?

1 = 15 0.00651(0) = 15 2 = 15 0.00651(3000) = 4.53

2 = 101 15+273.15
= 94.1545

2 = 94.1545 101.325
= 13.6597
Calculations 1&2

5. 250 lbs per hour of 98% H2SO4 enters an absorption tower of a contact sulfuric acid plant. If
20% oleum is produced per hour, how many pounds of SO3 are absorbed?


Let x = SO3 absorbed

SO3 absorbed = SO3 in the converter gas

SO3 Balance:
SO3 entering = SO3 leaving
124 3 80 24 3 80
+ (250)(. 98) ( 98 ) (24) ( 3 ) = (250 + ) [. 2 + .8 ( 98 ) (24) ( 3 )]

= 90.28 3

Thermodynamics 2

44. A simple Brayton cycle uses helium as the working fluid, has a maximum temperature of
1000 K and the pressure ratio of 4. At the start of the compression, the helium pressure and
the temperature are 50 kPa and 250 K. based upon cold-air standard analysis, the thermal
efficiency of the cycle is


Using the given pressure ratio rp = 4; assume Cv = 3/2 & Cp = 5/2;

= 1 1
[ ]

= = 3 = 1.6667

=1 1.66671 = 0.4257
[ ]
4 1.6667

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