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Ova: Oblong Golden Plerocercoid Ingestion Diphyllobothriasis Sparganosis Stool exam Proper cooking of
yellow Unsegmented larva in fish (infected fish) due to larva (ingestion of Double slide compression fish
Operculated Immature, procercoid in cyclops) method
9-12 days maturation Brothriocephalus anemia India ink stain
distinct terminal knob (Pernicious/ Megaloblastic
(abopercular knob) anemia) due to lack of Vit B12
Taenia solium Proglottid: Dendritic Cyticercus Cysticercosis, Neurocystecercos, Cook meat well
uterus 5- 13 uterine cellulosae Taeniasis solium Stool exam
branches Ingestion Double slide compression
Taenia Proglottid: 15 or more Cysticercus (infected meat) Taeniasis saginata method India ink
saginata tree- like uterine bovis Scotch Tape Swab
Hymenolepis Ova- Round to oval Embryonated Ingestion Stool exam (recovery improved sanitation
nana Thin shell bipolar ova (contaminated scolex/eggs)
Small thickening 4-8 polar Cysticercoid food/water)
intestine filaments larva
Hymenolepis Ova- Round Striated Ingestion Stool exam (eggs) Rodent control in
diminuta shell, colorless fried (contaminated are where grain
egg/ sunny side up food: wheat, products are
appearance With polar grains, cereals) produced
thickenings, No polar Cysticercoid
filaments larva
Dipylidium Melon/ cucumber/ Ingestion Dipylidiasis Stool exam Scotch Tape dogs & cats should
caninum pumpkin seed shaped, (flea/IH tissue) Swab Double Slide be dewormed
Has 2 sets of Compression India Ink
reproductive organs
Echinococcus Globular Armed Hydatid cyst Ingestion Hydatidosis (Cystecercosis) Biopsy of Hydatid cyst X- Education regarding
granulosus rostellum Embryonated (cysts in organs, Ray, MRI, Ultrasound, CT the transmission of
w/ double rows of 28- ova egg in feces) scan; Serologic: Casoni infection & the role
40 hooks Test, ELISA, Western Blot, of canine in the life
Indirect; hemagglutination cycle

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