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E41-11 This figure should explain it well enough.

E41-12 y = D/d = (589109 m)(1.13 m)/(0.18103 m) = 3.70103 m.

E41-13 Consider Fig. 41-5, and solve it exactly for the information given. For the tenth bright
fringe r1 = 10 + r2 . There are two important triangles:

r22 = D2 + (y d/2)2

r12 = D2 + (y + d/2)2
Solving to eliminate r2 ,
p p
D2 + (y + d/2)2 = D2 + (y d/2)2 + 10.

This has solution r

4D2 + d2 1002
y = 5 .
d2 1002
The solution predicted by Eq. 41-1 is
10 p 2
y0 = D + y 02 ,
or r
0 4D2
y = 5 .
d2 1002
The fractional error is y 0 /y 1, or
4D2 + d2 1002
or s
4(40 mm)2
1 = 3.1104 .
4(40 mm)2 + (2 mm)2 100(589106 mm)2

E41-14 (a) x = c/t = (3.00108 m/s)/(1108 s) = 3 m.

(b) No.

E41-15 Leading by 90 is the same as leading by a quarter wavelength, since there are 360 in a
circle. The distance from A to the detector is 100 m longer than the distance from B to the detector.
Since the wavelength is 400 m, 100 m corresponds to a quarter wavelength.
So a wave peak starts out from source A and travels to the detector. When it has traveled a
quarter wavelength a wave peak leaves source B. But when the wave peak from A has traveled
a quarter wavelength it is now located at the same distance from the detector as source B, which
means the two wave peaks arrive at the detector at the same time.
They are in phase.

E41-16 The first dark fringe involves waves radians out of phase. Each dark fringe after that
involves an additional 2 radians of phase difference. So the mth dark fringe has a phase difference
of (2m + 1) radians.


E41-17 I = 4I0 cos2 sin , so for this problem we want to plot
2 2(0.60 mm)
I/I0 = cos sin = cos2 (6280 sin ) .
(600109 m)

E41-18 The resultant quantity will be of the form A sin(t + ). Solve the problem by looking at
t = 0; then y1 = 0, but x1 = 10, and y2 = 8 sin 30 = 4 and x2 = 8 cos 30 = 6.93. Then the resultant
is of length p
A = (4)2 + (10 + 6.93)2 = 17.4,
and has an angle given by
= arctan(4/16.93) = 13.3 .

E41-19 (a) We want to know the path length difference of the two sources to the detector.
Assume the detector
is at x and the second source is at y = d. The distance S1 D is x; the
distance S2 D is x2 + d2 . The difference is x2 + d2 x. If this difference is an integral number
of wavelengths then we have a maximum; if instead it is a half integral number of wavelengths we
have a minimum. For part (a) we are looking for the maxima, so we set the path length difference
equal to m and solve for xm .
x2m + d2 xm = m,
x2m + d2 = (m + xm )2 ,
x2m + d2 = m2 2 + 2mxm + x2m ,
d 2 m2 2
xm =
The first question we need to ask is what happens when m = 0. The right hand side becomes
indeterminate, so we need to go back to the first line in the above derivation. If m = 0 then d2 = 0;
since this is not true in this problem, there is no m = 0 solution.
In fact, we may have even more troubles. xm needs to be a positive value, so the maximum
allowed value for m will be given by

m2 2 < d2 ,
m < d/ = (4.17 m)/(1.06 m) = 3.93;

but since m is an integer, m = 3 is the maximum value.

The first three maxima occur at m = 3, m = 2, and m = 1. These maxima are located at
(4.17 m)2 (3)2 (1.06 m)2
x3 = = 1.14 m,
2(3)(1.06 m)
(4.17 m)2 (2)2 (1.06 m)2
x2 = = 3.04 m,
2(2)(1.06 m)
(4.17 m)2 (1)2 (1.06 m)2
x1 = = 7.67 m.
2(1)(1.06 m)
Interestingly enough, as m decreases the maxima get farther away!
(b) The closest maxima to the origin occurs at x = 6.94 cm. What then is x = 0? It is a local
minimum, but the intensity isnt zero. It corresponds to a point where the path length difference is
3.93 wavelengths. It should be half an integer to be a complete minimum.

E41-20 The resultant can be written in the form A sin(t + ). Consider t = 0. The three
components can be written as

y1 = 10 sin 0 = 0,
y2 = 14 sin 26 = 6.14,
y3 = 4.7 sin(41 ) = 3.08,
y = 0 + 6.14 3.08 = 3.06.


x1 = 10 cos 0 = 10,
x2 = 14 cos 26 = 12.6,
x3 = 4.7 cos(41 ) = 3.55,
x = 10 + 12.6 + 3.55 = 26.2.
Then A = (3.06)2 + (26.2)2 = 26.4 and = arctan(3.06/26.2) = 6.66 .

E41-21 The order of the indices of refraction is the same as in Sample Problem 41-4, so

d = /4n = (620 nm)/4(1.25) = 124 nm.

E41-22 Follow the example in Sample Problem 41-3.

2dn 2(410 nm)(1.50) 1230 nm
= = = .
m 1/2 m 1/2 m 1/2
The result is only in the visible range when m = 3, so = 492 nm.

E41-23 (a) Light from above the oil slick can be reflected back up from the top of the oil layer
or from the bottom of the oil layer. For both reflections the light is reflecting off a substance with
a higher index of refraction so both reflected rays pick up a phase change of . Since both waves
have this phase the equation for a maxima is
1 1
2d + n + n = mn .
2 2
Remember that n = /n, where n is the index of refraction of the thin film. Then 2nd = (m 1)
is the condition for a maxima. We know n = 1.20 and d = 460 nm. We dont know m or . It might

seem as if there isnt enough information to solve the problem, but we can. We need to find the
wavelength in the visible range (400 nm to 700 nm) which has an integer m. Trial and error might
work. If = 700 nm, then m is

2nd 2(1.20)(460 nm)

m= +1= + 1 = 2.58
(700 nm)

But m needs to be an integer. If we increase m to 3, then

2(1.20)(460 nm)
= = 552 nm
(3 1)

which is in the visible range. So the oil slick will appear green.
(b) One of the most profound aspects of thin film interference is that wavelengths which are
maximally reflected are minimally transmitted, and vice versa. Finding the maximally transmitted
wavelengths is the same as finding the minimally reflected wavelengths, or looking for values of m
that are half integer.
The most obvious choice is m = 3.5, and then

2(1.20)(460 nm)
= = 442 nm.
(3.5 1)

E41-24 The condition for constructive interference is 2nd = (m 1/2). Assuming a minimum
value of m = 1 one finds
d = /4n = (560 nm)/4(2.0) = 70 nm.

E41-25 The top surface contributes a phase difference of , so the phase difference because of the
thickness is 2, or one complete wavelength. Then 2d = /n, or d = (572 nm)/2(1.33) = 215 nm.

E41-26 The wave reflected from the first surface picks up a phase shift of . The wave which is
reflected off of the second surface travels an additional path difference of 2d. The interference will
be bright if 2d + n /2 = mn results in m being an integer.

m = 2nd/ + 1/2 = 2(1.33)(1.21106 m)/(585109 m) + 1/2 = 6.00,

so the interference is bright.

E41-27 As with the oil on the water in Ex. 41-23, both the light which reflects off of the acetone
and the light which reflects off of the glass undergoes a phase shift of . Then the maxima for
reflection are given by 2nd = (m 1). We dont know m, but at some integer value of m we have
= 700 nm. If m is increased by exactly 12 then we are at a minimum of = 600 nm. Consequently,

2(1.25)d = (m 1)(700 nm) and 2(1.25)d = (m 1/2)(600 nm),

we can set these two expressions equal to each other to find m,

(m 1)(700 nm) = (m 1/2)(600 nm),

so m = 4. Then we can find the thickness,

d = (4 1)(700 nm)/2(1.25) = 840 nm.

E41-28 The wave reflected from the first surface picks up a phase shift of . The wave which is
reflected off of the second surface travels an additional path difference of 2d. The interference will
be bright if 2d + n /2 = mn results in m being an integer. Then 2nd = (m 1/2)1 is bright, and
2nd = m2 is dark. Divide one by the other and (m 1/2)1 = m2 , so

m = 1 /2(1 2 ) = (600 nm)/2(600 nm 450 nm) = 2,

then d = m2 /2n = (2)(450 nm)/2(1.33) = 338 nm.

E41-29 Constructive interference happens when 2d = (m 1/2). The minimum value for m is
m = 1; the maximum value is the integer portion of 2d/+1/2 = 2(4.8105 m)/(680109 m)+1/2 =
141.67, so mmax = 141. There are then 141 bright bands.

E41-30 (a) A half wavelength phase shift occurs for both the air/water interface and the water/oil
interface, so if d = 0 the two reflected waves are in phase. It will be bright!
(b) 2nd = 3, or d = 3(475 nm)/2(1.20) = 594 nm.

E41-31 There is a phase shift on one surface only, so the bright bands are given by 2nd = (m
1/2). Let the first band be given by 2nd1 = (m1 1/2). The last bright band is then given by
2nd2 = (m1 + 9 1/2). Subtract the two equations to get the change in thickness:

d = 9/2n = 9(630 nm)/2(1.50) = 1.89 m.

E41-32 Apply Eq. 41-21: 2nd = m. In one case we have

2nair = (4001),

in the other,
2nvac = (4000).
Equating, nair = (4001)/(4000) = 1.00025.

E41-33 (a) We can start with the last equation from Sample Problem 41-5,
r = (m )R,
and solve for m,
r2 1
m= +
R 2
In this exercise R = 5.0 m, r = 0.01 m, and = 589 nm. Then
(0.01 m)2
m= = 34
(589 nm)(5.0 m)
is the number of rings observed.
(b) Putting the apparatus in water effectively changes the wavelength to

(589 nm)/(1.33) = 443 nm,

so the number of rings will now be

(0.01 m)2
m= = 45.
(443 nm)(5.0 m)

q q
E41-34 (1.42 cm) = (10 12 )R, while (1.27 cm) = (10 12 )R/n. Divide one expression by

the other, and (1.42 cm)/(1.27 cm) = n, or n = 1.25.
q q
E41-35 (0.162 cm) = (n 12 )R, while (0.368 cm) = (n + 20 12 )R. Square both expres-
sions, the divide one by the other, and find

(n + 19.5)/(n 0.5) = (0.368 cm/0.162 cm)2 = 5.16

which can be rearranged to yield

19.5 + 5.16 0.5
n= = 5.308.
5.16 1
Oops! That should be an integer, shouldnt it? The above work is correct, which means that there
really arent bright bands at the specified locations. Im just going to gloss over that fact and solve
for R using the value of m = 5.308. Then

R = r2 /(m 1/2) = (0.162 cm)2 /(5.308 0.5)(546 nm) = 1.00 m.

Well, at least we got the answer which is in the back of the book...

E41-36 Pretend the ship is a two point source emitter, one h above the water, and one h below
the water. The one below the water is out of phase by half a wavelength. Then d sin = , where
d = 2h, gives the angle for theta for the first minimum.

/2h = (3.43 m)/2(23 m) = 7.46102 = sin H/D,

so D = (160 m)/(7.46102 ) = 2.14 km.

E41-37 The phase difference is 2/n times the path difference which is 2d, so

= 4d/n = 4nd/.

We are given that d = 100109 m and n = 1.38.

(a) = 4(1.38)(100109 m)/(450109 m) = 3.85. Then

I (3.85)
= cos2 = 0.12.
I0 2
The reflected ray is diminished by 1 0.12 = 88%.
(b) = 4(1.38)(100109 m)/(650109 m) = 2.67. Then

I (2.67)
= cos2 = 0.055.
I0 2
The reflected ray is diminished by 1 0.055 = 95%.

E41-38 The change in the optical path length is 2(d d/n), so 7/n = 2d(1 1/n), or

7(589109 m)
d= = 4.9106 m.
2(1.42) 2

E41-39 When M2 moves through a distance of /2 a fringe has will be produced, destroyed, and
then produced again. This is because the light travels twice through any change in distance. The
wavelength of light is then
2(0.233 mm)
= = 588 nm.

E41-40 The change in the optical path length is 2(d d/n), so 60 = 2d(1 1/n), or
1 1
n= = = 1.00030.
1 60/2d 1 60(50010 m)/2(5102 m)

P41-1 (a) This is a small angle problem, so we use Eq. 41-4. The distance to the screen is
2 20 m, because the light travels to the mirror and back again. Then

D (632.8 nm)(40.0 m)
d= = = 0.253 mm.
y (0.1 m)

(b) Placing the cellophane over one slit will cause the interference pattern to shift to the left or
right, but not disappear or change size. How does it shift? Since we are picking up 2.5 waves then
we are, in effect, swapping bright fringes for dark fringes.

P41-2 The change in the optical path length is d d/n, so 7/n = d(1 1/n), or

7(550109 m)
d= = 6.64106 m.
(1.58) 1
p The distance from S1 to P is r1 = (x + d/2)2 + y 2 . The distance from S2 to P is
2 2
r2 = (x d/2) + y . The difference in distances is fixed at some value, say c, so that

r 1 r2 = c,
r12 2r1 r2 + r22 = c2 ,
(r12 + r22 c2 )2 = 4r12 r22 ,
(r1 r2 ) 2c2 (r12 + r22 ) + c4
2 2 2
= 0,
(2xd)2 2c2 (2x2 + d2 /2 + 2y 2 ) + c4 = 0,
4x2 d2 4c2 x2 c2 d2 4c2 y 2 + c4 = 0,
4(d2 c2 )x2 4c2 y 2 = c2 (d2 c2 ).

Yes, that is the equation of a hyperbola.

P41-4 The change in the optical path length for each slit is nt t, where n is the corresponding
index of refraction. The net change in the path difference is then n2 t n1 t. Consequently, m =
t(n2 n1 ), so
(5)(480109 m)
t= = 8.0106 m.
(1.7) (1.4)

P41-5 The intensity is given by Eq. 41-17, which, in the small angle approximation, can be
written as  
I = 4I0 cos2 .

The intensity will be half of the maximum when
1 d/2
= cos2
= ,
4 2
which will happen if = /2d.

P41-6 Follow the construction in Fig. 41-10, except that one of the electric field amplitudes is
twice the other. The resultant field will have a length given by
E0 = (2E0 + E0 cos )2 + (E0 sin )2 ,
= E0 5 + 4 cos ,

so squaring this yields

2d sin
I = I0 5 + 4 cos ,

d sin
= I0 1 + 8 cos2 ,

Im d sin
= 1 + 8 cos2 .

P41-7 We actually did this problem in Exercise 41-27, although slightly differently. One maxi-
mum is
2(1.32)d = (m 1/2)(679 nm),
the other is
2(1.32)d = (m + 1/2)(485 nm).
Set these equations equal to each other,

(m 1/2)(679 nm) = (m + 1/2)(485 nm),

and find m = 3. Then the thickness is

d = (3 1/2)(679 nm)/2(1.32) = 643 nm.

P41-8 (a) Since we are concerned with transmission there is a phase shift for two rays, so

2d = mn

The minimum thickness occurs when m = 1; solving for d yields

(525109 m)
d= = = 169109 m.
2n 2(1.55)
(b) The wavelengths are different, so the other parts have differing phase differences.
(c) The nearest destructive interference wavelength occurs when m = 1.5, or

= 2nd = 2(1.55)1.5(169109 m) = 393109 m.

This is blue-violet.

P41-9 It doesnt matter if we are looking at bright are dark bands. It doesnt even matter if we
concern ourselves with phase shifts. All that cancels out. Consider 2d = m; then
d = (10)(480 nm)/2 = 2.4 m.

P41-10 (a) Apply 2d = m. Then

d = (7)(600109 m)/2 = 2100109 m.
(b) When water seeps in it introduces an extra phase shift. Point A becomes then a bright fringe,
and the equation for the number of bright fringes is 2nd = m. Solving for m,
m = 2(1.33)(2100109 m)/(600109 m) = 9.3;
this means that point B is almost, but not quite, a dark fringe, and there are nine of them.

P41-11 (a) Look back at the work for Sample Problem 41-5 where it was found
rm = (m )R,
We can write this as s 
rm = 1 mR
and expand the part in parentheses in a binomial expansion,
1 1
rm 1 mR.
2 2m
We will do the same with r
rm+1 = (m + 1 )R,
expanding s 
rm+1 = 1+ mR
to get

1 1
rm+1 1+ mR.
2 2m
r mR,
r R/m.
(b) The area between adjacent rings is found from the difference,
2 2

A = rm+1 rm ,
and into this expression we will substitute the exact values for rm and rm+1 ,
1 1
A = (m + 1 )R (m )R ,
2 2
= R.
Unlike part (a), we did not need to assume m  1 in order to arrive at this expression; it is exact
for all m.

P41-12 The path length shift that occurs when moving the mirror as distance x is 2x. This means
= 22x/ = 4x/. The intensity is then
I = 4I0 cos2

E42-1 = a sin = (0.022 mm) sin(1.8 ) = 6.91107 m.

E42-2 a = / sin = (0.10109 m)/ sin(0.12103 rad/2) = 1.7 m.

E42-3 (a) This is a valid small angle approximation problem: the distance between the points
on the screen is much less than the distance to the screen. Then
(0.0162 m)
= 7.5 103 rad.
(2.16 m)
(b) The diffraction minima are described by Eq. 42-3,

a sin = m,
a sin(7.5 10 rad) = (2)(441 109 m),

a = 1.18 104 m.

E42-4 a = / sin = (633109 m)/ sin(1.97 /2) = 36.8 m.

E42-5 (a) We again use Eq. 42-3, but we will need to throw in a few extra subscripts to
distinguish between which wavelength we are dealing with. If the angles match, then so will the sine
of the angles. We then have sin a,1 = sin b,2 or, using Eq. 42-3,
(1)a (2)b
= ,
a a
from which we can deduce a = 2b .
(b) Will any other minima coincide? We want to solve for the values of ma and mb that will be
integers and have the same angle. Using Eq. 42-3 one more time,
ma a mb b
= ,
a a
and then substituting into this the relationship between the wavelengths, ma = mb /2. whenever mb
is an even integer ma is an integer. Then all of the diffraction minima from a are overlapped by a
minima from b .

E42-6 The angle is given by sin = 2/a. This is a small angle, so we can use the small angle
approximation of sin = y/D. Then

y = 2D/a = 2(0.714 m)(593109 m)/(420106 m) = 2.02 mm.

E42-7 Small angles, so y/D = sin = /a. Then

a = D/y = (0.823 m)(546109 m)/(5.20103 m/2) = 1.73104 m.

E42-8 (b) Small angles, so y/D = m/a. Then

a = mD/y = (5 1)(0.413 m)(546109 m)/(0.350103 m) = 2.58 mm.

(a) = arcsin(/a) = arcsin[(546109 m)/(2.58 mm)] = 1.21102 .

E42-9 Small angles, so y/D = m/a. Then

y = mD/a = (2 1)(2.94 m)(589109 m)/(1.16103 m) = 1.49103 m.


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