Factory Method Design Pattern: Create Motorbike

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Factory Method Design Pattern

Create Motorbike

Create Me a Plane

Create Car

Create Bike
Create Plane

Factory Class Structure

Factory Source //Factory class
class Factory{
Vechicle *GetVechicle(VechicleType VT){
Vechicle *vechicle = NULL;
#include <iostream> switch (VT){
using namespace std; case PLANE:
vechicle = new Plane();break;
enum VechicleType{PLANE, BIKE, MOTORBIKE, CAR}; case BIKE:
vechicle = new Bike();break;
//Base class
class Vechicle{ vechicle = new Motorbike(); break;
case CAR:
vechicle = new Car; break;
virtual void PrintVechicle()=0; default: break;
return vechicle;
class Car: public Vechicle{ };
int main(){
void PrintVechicle(){ cout<<"Here is Car";} //Create Factory
Factory *VechicleFactory = new Factory();
//Factory creates an object of type CAR
class Bike: public Vechicle{ Vechicle *Vech = VechicleFactory->GetVechicle( CAR );
//Factory creates an object of type CAR
void PrintVechicle(){ cout<<"Here is Bike"; } Vech = VechicleFactory ->GetVechicle (PLANE);
int i;
class Plane: public Vechicle{ std::cin>> i;
return 0;
public: }
void PrintVechicle(){ cout<<"Here is Plane";}
}; 3
In the above sample code, there is only one Factory of vehicle.
Please create a few factories (Phone Factory, Book Factory), and link it
with Abstract Factory (Vehicle Factory also links to Abstract Factory).

Deadline: 14 December 2016

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