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“Project Advanced Professional

Development ”



1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................3
2 LITERATURE REVIEW...........................................................................................3
2.1 PRINCIPLES OF LEADERSHIP.........................................................................3
2.2 PERSONAL LEADERSHIP SKILLS....................................................................4
2.3 PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP SKILLS.............................................................4
2.4 STRUCTURING PERSONAL LEADERSHIP SKILLS.............................................4
3 METHODS TO DEVELOP LEADERSHIP SKILLS......................................................5
3.1 PERSONAL SKILL AUDITS..............................................................................5
3.3 STRESS MANAGEMENT QUESTIONNAIRE .....................................................7
4 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN.........................................................................9
4.1 OBJECTIVES OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN..........................................9
5 SWOT ANALYSIS................................................................................................10
5.1 STRENGTHS................................................................................................10
5.2 WEAKNESSES .............................................................................................10
5.3 OPPORTUNITIES..........................................................................................10
5.4 THREATS ....................................................................................................10
5.5 MONITOR AND EVALUATE THE PLAN...........................................................11
5.6 EVIDENCE................................................................................................... 11
5.7 IMPORTANT LEARNING POINTS...................................................................11
6 CONCLUSION.................................................................................................... 11
7 REFERENCES.....................................................................................................12

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Leadership is very important for any organization. In this assignment we have
discussed mainly about the professional and personal leadership skills, principles
and how to develop the leadership skills to be more effective and successful in the
organization. When the leadership audit is required and why it is necessary.
Analysing the learning skills and also along with the supplementary time and stress
management questionnaire. Personal development plan of the leader to reach the
success in the organization and the strengths weakness, opportunity and threats of
the personal development plan. Finally evaluating the performance and taking
effective measures to improve it.

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Leadership is known as the method of social power where one individual can join the
serve and maintain others in accomplishing the common task of the organization.
Leadership is eventually about constructing a way to the individuals to contribute and
to make something happen extraordinary. Leadership residues as the most
appropriate characteristics of the company perspective. Defining leadership had
become challenging and the definitions about leadership may vary based upon the
situation. Leadership is all about capability, the leaders should have the capability to
observe and listen and should use their knowledge as the initial point in encouraging
the dialogues across all the levels of the decision making. Leadership is the process
where the leader influences the employees to achieve the objectives and direct the
organization in the way that makes profits and to the benchmark in the industy.
Good quality leaders are not born by themselves they are made. If the individual
person has the will power and wish then they can become a good and effective
leader. Leaders improve through a certainly not ending practice of education, self
study, experience and training. To motivate your employees to high levels of group
work there are few things individual should know, do and to. They do not come
naturally to any person but they are obtained through continuous study and work.
Good leaders will continuously study and also work to develop their skills of
leadership. There are important factors in the leadership they are
 Leader
 Communication
 Followers
 Situation



 Be familiar with yourself and search for self development

 Should be technically capable
 Look for responsibilities and should be accountable for various activities
 Make perfect decisions and should be timely when needed
 Be an example
 Understand your employees and search for their good
 He need to his workers on a timely basis about the changes and
developments in the organization
 Improve a intellect responsibility in the workers

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 Make sure that the tasks are supervised, understood and achieved as
predetermined according to the standards of the organization
 Train the employees as a group
 Make use of total capabilities for your company


As a owner of the organization we should develop qualities of leadership so as to be

successful in the business. Whether our aspiration is to become the leader, there are
certain skills that should be developed. Styles of leadership will vary according to
different personalities but the main and the important qualities should be present for
excellence. There are different important keys of the leadership.
 Standard centred leadership
 Measuring situations logically
 Being important and also taking instant action when it is required
 Communication
 Should lead by the example
 Strong self esteem


Leaders play an important role in the success of the organization as leaders will
motivate the employees of the organization to contribute and to work with their
capabilities in order to be successful as an individual as well as the organization. We
receive it for fixed the good leaders have high-quality communication skills. Leaders
should have few professional skills so as to reach success personally and also
professionally which in turn leads to the success of the business.
 Courage
 Inspiring followership
 Vision
 Serving
 Decision making
 Advocacy
 Entrepreneurship


 Begin untimely in life so as to take accountability to get the things done

 Scamper for a board or managerial position in the organization
 Join the political organizations

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 Community volunteer at work
 Take initiation to accept new challenges at workplace
 Run for determination
 Read broadly about individuals who became leaders
 Meet the leaders
 Study, observe and imitate leaders
 Take courses to learn about leadership


Leadership skills and styles are based upon the leadership behaviour. A skill only
does not make the leaders it also requires style and also behaviour. The increasing
attentiveness and demand for the idealist values in leadership are growing the
importance on corporate responsibility, business ethics, personal integrity, emotional
maturity. A person is not a leader if he is not at the highest or top level in the
organization the title required is president, CEO, manager, managing director,
supervisor to become the leader. Anyone can certainly become the leader without
having the title. The important thing one should do before leading others is to lead by
him. To be a great leader one should be first a good person. To catch the attention of
others you should be first attractive.
Leadership development is very challenging. Few methods to be followed to develop the
leadership skills
 Learning continuously
 Book journal
 Positive confirmations
 Goal setting
 Visualize
 Nutrition
 Exercise
One should continuously read books to get inspired, strengthen the character and to
understand the great leader’s life story. With the help of goals one can move
forward. By setting the goals it creates positive energy and hope.


A well-organized and practical approach in completing the personal skill audit after
that meeting any precise requirements identified and will deliver wide variety of
benefits for the organization which includes
 An executive team with having the required skills will execute better and
provide increased results for the organization

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 Knowledgeable managers are good at managing, recruiting, developing and
maintaining good employees and they will deliver high returns on the
individual investment within organization
 Staff return at the level of management is probable be decreased as
companies which improve their employee skills and are much more striking to
 Decisions are much probably should made at the suitable level across the
business which enables business to develop as error is very fewer and the
time is flowing up towards the senior levels intended for business
The audit can also be utilized for group of individuals or managers. These may also
used at those who are aspirant to become supervisors as the foundation for set of
the training objectives can be achieved. There are five important steps to personal
skills audit they are
 Recognize the people rightly
 Simplify the objective
 Complete audit or data collection
 Analyse the data
 Organize learning as well as development plan



Many individuals identify that every person wish altered learning styles as well as
techniques. Learning style collection has a common method that every people learn.
Every individual has the learning styles mix. Few think that they do have a prevailing
learning style and others assume that they make use of different styles based upon
the situation and the circumstances. One can improve the ability with fewer dominant
styles. Using several styles of learning and also multiple intelligences to learn is quite
a new approach. This approach has started recently to identify. By identifying and
knowing the learning styles one can make use of the techniques which suites them
better. This will enhance the quality and speed of learning. There are different
learning styles
 Aural
 Visual
 Verbal
 Logical
 Physical
 Solitary
 Social

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When the person puts himself under extra pressure than what he can handle, then
he is making himself weak and to congregation of illness that may be getting worse
to diseases which are life threatening. Very frequently we ourselves become aware
of our problems at the time they appear and not prior to they do. Have some time off
from the schedule, check if any symbols of physical or mental breakdown.

1. When you are required to work extra time, how will you deal it?

A: I begin working on those things that required to done.

B: I imagine first, and after that I take time in doing what actually I required to do.

C: Get irritated and uninterested with work.

2. If you unexpectedly hit upon yourself in liability, you...

A: Try to resolve all of your financial troubles as early as you be able to manage.

B: Assess the circumstances and gradually improve your losses (Financially).

C: worry over the difficulty.

3. If you are asked to illustrate your life within one word, it might be?

A: stable.

B: Progressive.

C: Difficult.

4. Whenever you encounter with a problem, you...

A: Receive it as the challenge.

B: Assume regarding what essential steps to acquire to compact with it.

C: Blame other people on behalf of the problem

5. If a individual whom you are waiting is late, you?

A: Find somewhat to entertain myself among while waiting.

B: Read a high-quality book or take the things to see and relax.

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C: Get irritated and angry.

6. When you are given much work than what you can handle with, you?

A: Increase your efforts so as to make ends get together.

B: Outline a track of achievement and gradually but surely get used to the stress.

C: Protest about it.

7. At the time of vacation you?

A: Go all over the place I can able go to.

B: Relax.

C: Find it complicated to relax.

8. You find your work?

A: Attractive.

B: Amusing.

C: Complicated.

9. You believe like you are?

A: Ready to deal with everything that comes in my way.

B: Cool and also open-minded.

C: Not be able to create things exit my way

10. When something or anyone forces you towards changing your standard of living,

A: Agree to the changes.

B: Discover how to handle with changes.

C: Protest about it.

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If most of the answers are A that means the individual is very active and also a
reliable person. If majority of answers are B then the individual is more likely to be
relaxed. If most are C then it reflects that the individual is comparatively poor in
coping mechanisms.


To make sure the success of the organization, organization owner requires having
wide variety of skills which are relating to leadership and management. Based on the
current situation and role, this technique has prioritised most important parts that one
should concentrate and that will direct you in the correct way for more training and
Areas that requires to develop are
 Decision making
 Communication
 Leadership
 Supporting and value others
 Prioritising
 Motivating
 Delegating
 Reporting
 Analysing
To be successful in the areas one need to refresh on certain skills and obtain some
advice about how to set out the following activities
 Encourage improvement in the business
 Lead the change
 Plan the change
 Supervise a agenda of projects
 Implement the change
Personal Development Plan might be advantage in helping the individual to realise
the aspirations of career. The plan will also help them to recognize learning goals
and needs for the short, medium and long term.


The word development might unfortunately recommend that objectives are merely
about correcting the poor performance in the organization. In fact the objectives of
personal development can also be used so as to manage the performance in
different ways
 Remedy so as to address the poor performance
 Growth and diversification

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 Consolidation so as to continue and drive forward a satisfactory performance
The common importance while setting the objectives should definitely be on looking
for improvements. Moreover, continuous development of maintaining the values
since it is more about faster, better, smarter. The word improvement can be viewed
broadly to integrate the important three areas of development.


If you are able to look at the individual using the framework of SWOT, you can able
to start separating yourself and from colleagues and additionally develop the
dedicated abilities and talents which they require to move ahead of career


 What benefits do you contain that others are not having

 What you do superior to others
 Which achievements are makes you more proud
 What personal possessions you can access


 What work you avoid usually as you do not feel confident in doing them
 What others will see in you as a weakness
 Do you possess personality qualities that hold back you in which field you
 Are you confident completely?


 What innovative technology you can help

 Does your market or industry growing
 What development you have seen in your organization
 Does your company has any requirements that are not filled by anyone


 What obstacles you are facing currently at work

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 Does your task changing
 Might any of the weaknesses are leading to threats


 An individual will require knowing

 Particulars of his or her goals
 Particulars of individual development towards recognized personal action
plans and aims
 Monitor development towards individual personal accomplishment plan
 Present and recognize evidence for achieved targets
 Recognize how the learning was most efficient
 Determine way to additional improve the individual performance and learning


 It shows he or she had monitored on regular basis

 It involves confirmation about personal achievements, development and
learning which arise from implementation
 Includes the evaluation about how learning has occurred and also recognizes
lessons and propositions for potential development
 Recognize ways to additional improve the individual performance and learning


The influence of aligning individual motivation and also business objectives. The
capability of well-built and well articulated values to motivate individuals.
Communication is faraway further than words
Leadership is of not regarding making people to perform what we ask It is quite far
about more considering what is required and delivering individuals forward by means
of your vision. Being capable to generate the collision you want. Increasing your
speciality of power. Capable to talk with people and making them to understand
Using suitable language. The significance, improvement and make use of individual
personal style. Putting diagonally ideas and concepts easily and flair. The
importance of innovative risk-seeking and thinking "out of the box". Make sure that
projects are moved forward without doing the work entirely by you.


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Anticipate the unusual, the strange, the individualist, the achiever, the motivator and
you have got a leader in yourself. To be converted into one and to increase the
individual leadership skills one should have to totally connect in the method of
improvement and very soon like everybody else, you should continuously practise.
By categorizing the issues of SWOT into different categories of planning individual
can achieve a structure which presents the practical method incorporating the
external and internal information regarding the company unit, describing short as
well as long term right of ways and permitting a simple method to construct the
management group by which they can achieve the organization objectives for the
growth and profit


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