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Researchers consider think that concern ethical subjects during research project, and keep the

privacy and confidentiality of the respondents from t he public. The researchers also insured the

respondents that the study was strictly academic, purpose and that utmost confidentiality

observed. Anonymity and confidentiality of the secret information given high attention finally;

the researcher respected to maintain individual self-confidence.

3.6 Limitations of the study

Like all research studies, this study encountered some prominent limitations like other

studies, The One of the major limitation of this study is the researchers was use mono

method strategy means using questionnaire only to collect or to obtain information

from the respondents, while we ignore other instruments such as, interview so using

one instrument such as questionnaire was a limitation for the study. Also there is a lack

of sufficient resources; libraries and documentation centers in the town, insufficient

time also were become great limitations for the study.

3.9 Conclusion

The study will utilize a survey research design, survey will be used questionnaire, the

questionnaire will be used this study Self-administered questionnaire, descriptive study will use,

The sample size of 100 will take , Statistical analyses usually require a minimum sample size of

30 (Saunders et al, 2009, p.243). The quantitative data analysis will be used in this study and

will use analyses Statistical Package for Social Sciences, (SPSS Version 17.0). Descriptive

statistics is the use of measure mean, standard deviation and percentage to utilize the objectives

of the study.

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