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Thisara Thanapathy Associates

Matale, Sri Lanka

Architect in Charge
Thisara Thanapathy

Assisting Architect
Nadun Saputhanthri

1725.0 ft2

Project Year

Waruna Gomis

Jat, Metroof, Gardian

Structural Engineer
Wasantha Chandrathilake

Civil contractor

Sanjeewa Maddumage
Text description provided by the architects. The building is positioned to create an immense enclosure of
space between the building and encircling crescent of mountains across the valley.

The building is linear in form. It does not dominate the landscape, but tries to be a gentle noticeable part of
it. This thin form does minimum damage to the vegetation, while allowing the sun and rain to fall on the
ground. All this minimizes the damage to the ecology. By being on pillars it allows the breezes to cool the
building. Timber grills used on either side of the upper level bedrooms provides ample natural ventilation.
A thin metal roof with its long eaves, shades the building.

Waruna Gomis

Text description provided by the architects. The building is positioned to create an immense enclosure of
space between the building and encircling crescent of mountains across the valley.

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Waruna Gomis

The building is linear in form. It does not dominate the landscape, but tries to be a gentle noticeable part of
it. This thin form does minimum damage to the vegetation, while allowing the sun and rain to fall on the
ground. All this minimizes the damage to the ecology. By being on pillars it allows the breezes to cool the
building. Timber grills used on either side of the upper level bedrooms provides ample natural ventilation.
A thin metal roof with its long eaves, shades the building.

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Waruna Gomis

Salvaged materials are used for the building. These salvaged materials had been purchased prior to
designing the building. Steel and timber grills were salvaged from a demolished factory.

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Ground Floor Plan

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First Floor Plan

The decks are out of salvaged railway sleepers. Rest of the timber was purchased from the locality. There
are only two main masonry walls, except the peripheral walls of the toilets.

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Waruna Gomis

The building is approached via a long walkway by the side of an elongated wall. At the end of the long
walkway begins a viewing deck which is perpendicular to it. This viewing deck is pierced through the
building and is in the center of the vast space between the mountain range and the building enabling the
user to fully experience it. This viewing deck is orientated towards a patch of paddy field, which is a
significant feature of this landscape.

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While the building tries to capture different views from the dinning room and the bed rooms, it is the
extreme end of the significant deck that provides the dramatic experience of an encompassing space
defined by the mountain range and the building.

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Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis
Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis
Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis
Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis
Waruna Gomis

Waruna Gomis

Site Plan

Ground Floor Plan

First Floor Plan



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