Apneic Oxygenation Lets All Just Take A Deep Breath

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Can J Anesth/J Can Anesth

DOI 10.1007/s12630-016-0801-0


Apneic oxygenation: Lets all just take a deep breath

Duane J. Funk, MD, FRCPC

Received: 9 November 2016 / Accepted: 13 December 2016

Canadian Anesthesiologists Society 2016

When I was a junior resident, one of my attending staff headache when they awoke and one reported episode of
anesthesiologists gave me the following advice: When ventricular tachycardia.
youre intubating someone, hold your breath; if you Over the ensuing 57 years, there have been numerous
havent got the tube in by the time you have to breathe, studies on the safety and efficacy of apneic oxygenation. In
its probably a good idea to back off and mask ventilate the this issue of the Journal, Wong et al. provide a narrative
patient. Like all aphorisms, there was some truth to this, review on the effectiveness of apneic oxygenation.2 In their
but it was admittedly before apneic oxygenation started review, they examine 19 different studies of apneic
gaining favour. oxygenation in various patient populations. The authors
Apneic oxygenationfirst described by Frumin et al. in conclude that apneic oxygenation prolongs safe apneic
a human case series in 1959 can be defined as the time and reduces the incidence of arterial oxygen
diffusion of oxygen into the lungs in the absence of desaturation. While I do not disagree with the authors
ventilation.1 There are several ways to provide apneic conclusions, oxygenation is only one part of the equation.
oxygenation, from simply leaving conventional low-flow The function of the lungs is to exchange oxygen for carbon
(or recently described heated and humidified high-flow dioxide. Since we cannot easily measure blood CO2 tension
oxygen) nasal prongs attached to the patient, to placing continuously during apneic oxygenation, we may miss a
endobronchial catheters after induction of anesthesia. potential deleterious rise in PaCO2.
Apneic oxygenation is commonly utilized when When reviewing the studies cited by the authors, it is
performing tracheal intubation in patients with acute interesting to notice the poor quality of some of the
respiratory failure and those (e.g., the morbidly obese) at research on apneic oxygenation. While many of the studies
risk of oxygen desaturation during laryngoscopy. In do show a significant increase in the time to desaturation
Frumins original report,1 eight patients received apneic (defined as SpO2 \ 95% in many papers), none of these
oxygenation during surgery for periods as long as 55 min. studies have shown any meaningful clinical relevance.
None of the patients had their oxygen saturation fall to \ Clinicians should be skeptical of papers whose primary
98%measured with intermittent arterial blood gases, outcome is a measurement (i.e., a surrogate outcome) and
since pulse oximeters had not yet been invented. They did, not a clinically relevant outcome. Although the time to
however, report impressive increases in the patients desaturation (i.e., SpO2 \ 95%) is prolonged and a patient
PaCO2 with one patient having a PaCO2 of 250 mmHg may be apneic for a longer period of time, this result
and a pH of 6.72. According to the authors, these periods of doesnt necessarily translate to better patient outcomes.
apnea were easily tolerated, except for the likely severe Also, none of these studies were designed (let alone
statistically powered) to assess safety. At best, many of the
studies state that there were no reported complications,
D. J. Funk, MD, FRCPC (&) even though they didnt define what they were looking for
Department of Anesthesia, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, with respect to complications or didnt put forth a
MB, Canada
e-mail: funk@cc.umanitoba.ca concerted effort to detect complications. Patients with


increased intracranial pressure, metabolic acidosis, respiratoire aigue et chez ceux (par exemple les patients
hyperkalemia, and hemodynamic instability, as well as obeses morbides) courant un risque de desaturation en
those at risk for cardiac dysrhythmias and pulmonary oxygene pendant la laryngoscopie. Dans le compte rendu
hypertension would not be candidates for apneic original de Frumin,1 huit patients ont recu une oxygenation
oxygenation due to the potential consequences of the apneique pendant leur chirurgie pour des periodes allant
hypercarbia that accompanies apneic oxygenation. jusqua 55 minutes. La saturation en oxygene de tous ces
Finally, many of the situations in the studies patients nest jamais tombee \ 98 %; a lepoque, elle a ete
investigating apneic oxygenation are cases where manual mesuree par gaz sanguins arteriels intermittents, etant
ventilation by mask would be an acceptable alternative. donne que loxymetre de pouls navait pas encore ete
While some may argue that ventilation could increase the invente. Les auteurs ont toutefois rapporte des
risk of gastric insufflation and pulmonary aspiration, it is augmentations impressionnantes de la PaCO2 des
not clear if the consequences of hypercapnia are worse than patients, un patient presentant une PaCO2 de 250 mmHg
this theoretical increased risk of aspiration. et un pH de 6,72. Selon les auteurs, ces periodes dapnee
While Im not completely opposed to the practice of etaient facilement tolerees , exception faite de la
apneic oxygenation, I would encourage clinicians to probable cephalee grave au reveil et dun episode
contemplate the potential consequences of not providing rapporte de tachycardie ventriculaire.
adequate ventilation and instead consider the alternative to Au cours des 57 annees suivantes, un nombre important
this technique i.e., manual bag-mask ventilation during detudes ont ete realisees pour evaluer linnocuite et
the anesthesia induction period. Journals like to publish lefficacite de loxygenation apneique. Dans ce numero
positive trials,3 but the information in the studies we read is du Journal, Wong et coll. presentent un compte rendu
sometimes incomplete, particularly with regard to safety narratif sur lefficacite de loxygenation apneique.2 Dans
outcomes.4 So, before implementing any new technique or leur compte rendu, ils examinent 19 etudes differentes sur
drug into your practice, please take a deep breath and loxygenation apneique, realisees aupres de diverses
consider not only the potential upsides but also, and populations de patients. Les auteurs concluent que
importantly, the apparent downsides. loxygenation apneique prolonge le temps dapnee
securitaire et reduit lincidence de desaturation arterielle
en oxygene. Bien que je ne sois pas en desaccord avec les
conclusions des auteurs, loxygenation ne constitue quune
Loxygenation apneique: partie de lequation. La fonction des poumons est
prenons tous une grande dechanger loxygene pour du dioxyde de carbone. Etant
donne que nous ne pouvons pas facilement mesurer la
respiration pression partielle de CO2 dans le sang de facon continue
pendant loxygenation apneique, nous pourrions passer a
Lorsque jetais un jeune resident, lun de mes patrons en cote dune augmentation potentiellement deletere de la
anesthesiologie mavait donne le conseil suivant : PaCO2.
Lorsque vous intubez quelquun, retenez votre souffle; En passant en revue les etudes citees par les auteurs, il
si vous navez pas mis la sonde avant de devoir prendre une est interessant de noter la qualite mediocre de certaines des
nouvelle respiration, il serait peut-etre bien de la retirer et recherches sur loxygenation apneique. Alors que bon
de ventiler le patient au masque. Comme tout aphorisme, nombre des etudes montrent une augmentation
ce conseil contenait une part de verite mais cetait avant considerable du temps jusqua desaturation (definie en
que loxygenation apneique ne gagne en popularite. tant quune SpO2 \ 95 % dans de nombreux articles),
Loxygenation apneique, decrite pour la premiere fois aucune de ces etudes na montre de pertinence clinique
en 1959 dans une serie de cas chez lhumain par Frumin et significative. Les cliniciens devraient se mefier des articles
coll., peut etre definie par la diffusion doxygene dans les dont le critere devaluation principal est une mesure
poumons en labsence de ventilation.1 Il existe plusieurs (c.-a-d. un critere de substitution) et non un critere
facons de fournir une oxygenation apneique, par exemple pertinent dun point de vue clinique. Bien que lintervalle
en maintenant des canules nasales conventionnelles a faible de temps jusqua la desaturation (soit une SpO2 \ 95 %)
debit (ou, comme cela a ete recemment decrit, de soit prolonge et quun patient puisse demeurer en apnee
loxygene chauffe et humidifie a haut debit) installees sur pour une periode prolongee, ce resultat ne se traduit pas
le patient, ou en placant des sondes endobronchiales apres necessairement en pronostic ameliore pour le patient.
linduction de lanesthesie. Loxygenation apneique est une Qui plus est, aucune de ces etudes na ete concue (ni ne
pratique frequente lorsquon realise une intubation possedait la puissance statistique suffisante) pour evaluer
tracheale chez des patients atteints dinsuffisance linnocuite de cette strategie. Dans le meilleur des cas,

Apneic oxygenation

plusieurs etudes declarent quil ny a eu aucune en ce qui concerne les resultats dinnocuite.4 Cest pourquoi,
complication rapportee , bien quelles ne definissent pas avant dintegrer une nouvelle technique ou un nouveau
ce quelles recherchaient en termes de complications, ni medicament a votre pratique, je vous invite a prendre une
nont presente deffort concerte pour detecter les grande respiration et a reflechir non seulement aux avantages
complications. Les patients presentant une pression potentiels, mais aussi, et surtout, aux desavantages
intracranienne accrue, une acidose metabolique, une apparents.
hyperkaliemie ou une instabilite hemodynamique, tout
comme ceux courant un risque de dysrythmies cardiaques Conflicts of interest None declared.
et dhypertension pulmonaire, ne seraient pas de bons
Editorial responsibility This submission was handled by Dr. Philip
candidats pour une oxygenation apneique en raison des M. Jones, Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Anesthesia.
consequences potentielles de lhypercarbie qui
accompagne loxygenation apneique. Conflit dinteret Aucun.
Enfin, bon nombre des situations presentees dans les
Responsabilite editoriale Cet article a ete traite par Dr Philip M.
etudes examinant loxygenation apneique sont des cas dans
Jones, redacteur adjoint, Journal canadien danesthesie.
lesquels une ventilation manuelle au masque aurait
constitue une alternative acceptable. Alors que, selon
certains, la ventilation pourrait augmenter le risque
dinsufflation gastrique et daspiration pulmonaire, nous References
ne savons pas si les consequences de lhypercapnie sont
pires que laugmentation de ce risque theorique 1. Frumin MJ, Epstein RM, Cohen G. Apneic oxygenation in man.
daspiration. Anesthesiology 1959; 20: 789-98.
2. Wong DT, Yee AJ, Leong SM, Chung F. The effectiveness of
Bien que je ne sois pas totalement oppose a la pratique de apneic oxygenation during tracheal intubation in various clinical
loxygenation apneique, jaimerais encourager les cliniciens settings: a narrative review. Can J Anesth 2017; 64. DOI:10.1007/
a envisager les consequences potentielles sils ne s12630-016-0802-z.
parviennent pas a fournir une ventilation adequate et a 3. Jones PM. Publication bias in the anesthesiology literature:
shifting the focus from the positive to the truth. Can J
considerer, a la place, lalternative a cette technique soit la Anesth 2016; 63: 658-63.
ventilation manuelle au masque pendant la periode 4. Tsang R, Colley L, Lynd LD. Inadequate statistical power to detect
dinduction de lanesthesie. Les revues aiment publier des clinically significant differences in adverse event rates in
etudes positives,3 mais linformation contenue dans les randomized controlled trials. J Clin Epidemiol 2009; 62: 609-16.
etudes que nous lisons est parfois lacunaire, particulierement


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