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Phase 3: Geography Assignments

City Build (Map)

Specs: Design and develop a sustainable city that accounts for all of the land use categories and their percentages, uses
appropriate renewable energy where needed and takes into account the push/pull factors that would draw immigrants to move
there. This project will take the form of a land use map, accompanied with a pamphlet/booklet that includes information related
with immigration, as well as highlights the sustainability of your city.
Learning Expectations: Land Use Categories, Land Use map, Push/Pull Factors, Mapping Rules, Methods of Sustainability

4 3 2 1
K/U Land Use Demonstrates thorough Demonstrates considerable Demonstrates some Demonstrates limited
understanding of land use understanding of land use understanding of land use understanding of land use
categories categories categories categories
Immigration Demonstrates thorough Demonstrates considerable Demonstrates some Demonstrates limited
understanding of push/pull understanding of push/pull understanding of push/pull understanding of push/pull
factors and issues related with factors and issues related with factors and issues related with factors and issues related with
immigration immigration immigration immigration
Sustainability Demonstrates thorough Demonstrates considerable Demonstrates some Demonstrates limited
understanding of methods of understanding of methods of understanding of methods of understanding of methods of
sustainability within a city sustainability within a city sustainability within a city sustainability within a city
C Map Demonstrates thorough use of Demonstrates considerable use Demonstrates some use of Demonstrates limited use of
mapping rules, including of mapping rules, including mapping rules, including mapping rules, including
legend, colour, scale, title, legend, colour, scale, title, legend, colour, scale, title, legend, colour, scale, title,
symbols, & compass symbols, & compass symbols, & compass symbols, & compass
Pamphlet Pamphlet expresses and Pamphlet expresses and Pamphlet expresses and Pamphlet expresses and
organizes ideas using sections, organizes ideas using sections, organizes ideas using sections, organizes ideas using sections,
titles, images and colour with a titles, images and colour with titles, images and colour with titles, images and colour with
high degree of success considerable success some success limited success
T Conferencing Demonstrates a high degree of Demonstrates considerable Demonstrates some Demonstrates little
participation in conferences; participation in conferences; participation in conferences; participation in conferences;
frequently leads conferences frequently conferences conferences somewhat often seldomly conferences
Learning Demonstrates thorough use of Demonstrates considerable use Demonstrates some use of Demonstrates little use of
Process learning process, asking of learning process, asking learning process, asking learning process, asking
questions, researching and questions, researching and questions, researching and questions, researching and
developing drafts developing drafts developing drafts developing drafts
A Transfer of Transfers knowledge and skill Transfers knowledge and skill Transfers knowledge and skill Transfers knowledge and skill
knowledge of land use, immigration & of land use, immigration & of land use, immigration & of land use, immigration &
sustainability to city with a high sustainability to city with sustainability to city with some sustainability to city with
degree of success considerable success success limited success
Spelling/ Project contains no convention Project contains few Project contains some Project contains many
Grammar errors and uses content convention errors and properly convention errors and uses convention errors and uses few
vocabulary thoroughly uses content vocabulary some content vocabulary content vocabulary

Land Use Issues

Specs: Now that you have created your land use map, you will need to solve for a specific issue that arises within it. This
will require you to study real-world issues and develop a solution to this problem.

4 3 2 1
K/U Land Use Demonstrates thorough Demonstrates considerable Demonstrates some Demonstrates limited
understanding of land use understanding of land use understanding of land use understanding of land use
categories and related issues categories and related issues categories and related issues categories and related issues
T Conferencing Demonstrates a high degree of Demonstrates considerable Demonstrates some Demonstrates little
participation in conferences; participation in conferences; participation in conferences; participation in conferences;
frequently leads conferences frequently conferences conferences somewhat often seldomly conferences
Learning Demonstrates thorough use of Demonstrates considerable use Demonstrates some use of Demonstrates little use of
Process learning process, asking of learning process, asking learning process, asking learning process, asking
questions, researching and questions, researching and questions, researching and questions, researching and
developing drafts developing drafts developing drafts developing drafts
A Transfer of Transfers knowledge and skill Transfers knowledge and skill Transfers knowledge and skill Transfers knowledge and skill
knowledge of land use with a high degree of land use with considerable of land use with some success of land use with limited success
of success success
Spelling/ Project contains no convention Project contains few Project contains some Project contains many
Grammar errors and uses content convention errors and properly convention errors and uses convention errors and uses few
vocabulary thoroughly uses content vocabulary some content vocabulary content vocabulary

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