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How to write HRQs

Part 1

Synergy | Mentorship Cell | July 2017

What are HRQs?
Think about yourself
STAR method

Synergy | Mentorship Cell | July 2017

What are HRQs?!
HR questions or HRQs are the questions which are used by the firms to
understand an individual beyond his/her acquired skill set from his
These questions help a firm understand an individuals personality traits,
attitude towards different situations that may be relevant to the firm and the
growth of the individual with respect to the experiences he/she has had in
his life so far.
HRQs, thus, help the firm build a perception about the interviewee on a
holistic level and judge if the individual is a fit for the firm or not.
Synergy | Mentorship Cell | July 2017
Think about YOURSELF
HRQs are all about YOU and YOUR EXPERIENCES.Define:
Divide your life Note down all the Academic
What have you done?

Write down
experiences into experiences that you Extra-curricular
small sections can recall. Be it as
(School, Undergrad, old as the first time Strengths
Job) and recall what you went to school Weaknesses
you did, why you did, or as recent as some
how you did and incident during your Success
what did you learn term 1 at IIMA. Failure

Synergy | Mentorship Cell | July 2017

STAR Method
Once done with recalling all your experiences, it is now time to write down
your answers.
A framework that can be useful in writing well rounded answers to HRQs is
called the STAR Method (explained in the following slide)

Synergy | Mentorship Cell | July 2017

S Situation
Give an example of the situation that you were involved in to give enough
context, but do not get too engrossed in details

T Task
State what you had to accomplish

Identify the various actions and steps that were taken

Identify the tools and mechanisms used, clearly stating your contribution in the
A Action process

What were the direct and indirect results of your actions?

Result What were your learnings (Focus)
Synergy | Mentorship Cell | July 2017
Variations in HRQs
HRQs do not have a fixed domain or set of questions.
These questions can revolve around various aspects of your life and usually
follow as a response to the first question: Tell me about yourself
Do not be flustered if you get any unusual question such as:
Who has a higher contribution in your life - your father or your mother?
Stay calm, think for a few seconds and respond with honesty as it shows and
would help you display the right attitude.

Synergy | Mentorship Cell | July 2017

Some action
verbs that
may help
Synergy | Mentorship Cell | July 2017
The End

Synergy | Mentorship Cell | July 2017

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