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Department of Mathematics

Prof. Dr. Martin Schmidt

Dr. Christoph Thurner
WS 2017/2018

1. Exercise Sheet of
Advanced Mathematics for Economics


Exercise G1 (Properties of functions)

(a) Examine the invertibility of the following functions and specify the image. If possible, give
the inverse function.

f1 : R R, x 7 3x + 29
f2 : [0, ) R, x 7 3x + 29
g1 : Z Z, x 7 x2
g2 : Z N0 , x 7 x2

The image of a function f : X Y is the set of all values of Y which are taken by f (X).
(b) Let f : R R be defined by f (x) = 21 x2 x and g : R R by g(x) = 2x + 3. Determine
the functions h1 = g f and h2 = f g.

Exercise G2 (Convexity of functions)

(a) Show that the linear function f : R R with f (x) = 2x is both convex and concave.
(b) Let f1 , f2 : Rn R be convex functions. Which of the following functions is convex?

f1 + f2 , f1 f2

Proof your conjecture or find a counterexample.

Exercise G3 (Equivalence relation)

Which of the following relations R is an equivalence relation on the set of integers?
(i) aRb if |a| = |b|
(ii) aRb if ab 0
(iii) aRb if a b is even
(iv) aRb if a b is odd

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