Revised Round Table Paper

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Erick Martinez


Round Table Paper

As a student who enters their higher education in American university they are required

to take apart of these courses considered as general education. When one takes a part of these

courses they may as themselves what is the reasoning behind this requirement and could the

American curriculum do away with these courses? Considering this question there are a number

of perspectives that have been taken in mind to take apart of this idea ranging from: a student in

America, outside of America and professors within the country.

A professor throughout your college education will have a great influence in how your

college education develops. Education throughout the number of years have had developed in a

form that our professors have needed to adapt towards. Students have lost interest with these

courses making them difficult to teach as stated by this professor General education today has

been influenced in a way that students have lost interest ( Pregitzer). Know that we have

adapted to a more electronic following for our education online choice has been taken in

consideration for these courses. A professor ,Wells in the United States, believes that there needs

to be change to these courses and possibly a elimination from them eventually

Students take theses course in consideration in different forms because of their standpoint

in respect to their majors at times. Someone that is used to an education outside of the United

States may have a different stand point towards these courses. They would be used to having

courses that are strictly focused towards their major instead of these liberal subjects. Maria

Ozaki, a student from Tokyo, Japan, states that In my home country there isnt this liberty to be

enrolled in these broad choices for courses. Making it interesting where students may find it

usefully to have these courses for the students in Universitys.

Erick Martinez
Although students in America have statistically demonstrated that there is a mix thoughts

around these courses and the requirement to take them. Kelsh and Fritzell research has shown

that a percentage of students showed positive response towards the general education and

another percentage the opposite.

Each of these groups have different opinions on the topic of general education in

America. Students having both positive and negative response. Professors having their

standpoint within the loss of interest between the students and the subjects. Creating the idea if

theres is a reasoning behind the requirement for the students to take apart of this curriculum that

has been followed for years.

Students in America have the opportunity to have a different career in their higher

education due to its different curriculum in comparison to other countries. In a way people

believe that this country creates a stronger foundation to the student due to this education

approach. Although there have been changes within the society of the country where it may

appear that these courses are not needed anymore.

Work Cited

Kelsch and Fritzell, A. (2014). University of North Dakota Bush Longitudinal Study: What

Students Tell Us About Cross-Disciplinary General Education Goals and Learning. 1st

ed. pp.3-45. 9 Nov. 2017


Ozaki, Maria. "General Education as an Abroad Student." Telephone interview. 7 Nov. 2017.
Erick Martinez
Pregitzer, Michael and Susannah N. Clements. "Bored with the Core: Stimulating Student

Interest in Online General Education." Educational Media International, vol. 50, no. 3,

Sept. 2013, pp. 162-176. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/09523987.2013.831517.

Wells, Cynthia A. "Realizing General Education: Reconsidering Conceptions and Renewing

Practice." ASHE Higher Education Report, vol. 42, no. 2, Jan. 2016, pp. 1-85.

EBSCOhost, doi:10.1002/aehe.20068.

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