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Energy Strategy

Right Prescription
For Hospital System
CHICAGOThe delivery of patient The facility council comprises facil- actual experience in performing com-
care may be the primary mission in the ity managers from each hospital who petitive electric procurement work in
healthcare business, but controlling costs meet monthly to address system-wide is- other parts of the country. Siemens was
and mitigating risk in todays economy sues, explains Rohde. The strategic is- also an independent, unbiased energy
can distract even the most proficient of sue of energy is now addressed regularly procurement firm and was not an energy
caregivers. Heres how one 10-hospital and thoroughly by the council. Siemens producer or marketer.
system took a strategic approach to de- is an important player in that process be- Siemens provides five energy services
veloping an energy initiative that saves cause they serve as our advisor on all as part of the three-year contract with
more than $1 million annually in utility energy-related matters. Advocate: electric and gas procurement,
costs while enhancing the environment Initially, Advocate had eyed aggrega- load profiling, utility bill monitoring,
of care. tion for energy procurement with a local strategic energy planning, and high-level
As the largest, fully integrated healthcare association. But when energy consulting services. These ser-
healthcare delivery system in metropoli- Advocates senior management learned vices were originally projected to save
tan Chicago and one of the top 10 sys- that there might be a better way to buy Advocate approximately $500,000 each
tems in the country, Advocate Health energy competitively, they requested pro- contract year in gas and electricity costs,
Care is accustomed to developing lead- posals from five consulting companies, but generated more than twice the amount
ership initiatives. Two years ago, sens- then narrowed the field to Siemens so far.
ing impending changes in a volatile en- the only service company at the time with Additionally, the utility bill monitor-
ergy landscape, management believed
the time was right to take a more strate-
gic approach to energy and utility re-
source management and to reassess the
imminent risks and opportunities.
What Advocate had in mind was to
strengthen its position as a premier
healthcare provider, but not to become
an energy expert in a restructured en-
ergy industry. The goal was to better
manage utility resources so as to achieve
optimal savings without compromising
patient and employee comfort. Advocate
also needed assurance that its total util-
ity budget nearly $14 million annu-
ally in gas and electricity across the 10
hospital locations was being managed
professionally for all of its facilities in
the most proficient and sensible man-
ner possible, for both short and long
A key to the implementation of a new
energy initiative, according to Deborah
Rohde, vice president of facilities and
construction, was for its facility council
to address energy issues using an
outsourced, independent energy services
company which was not affiliated with
an energy supplier. This led to the ap-
pointment of Siemens Building Tech-
nologies for Advocates strategic energy CHICAGO - Advocate Lutheran General Hospital is one of 10 sites that use Siemens
program. Building Technologies to address system-wide energy issues.
ing services have validated and resolved to Advocate. Siemens job is to help man- spection of monthly utility bills. The en-
more than $450,000 worth of disputed agement find its ideal balance between gineers and operators at each location are
bills with local utilities resulting in a sig- the levels of risk they are willing to as- now e-mailed daily load profile reports
nificant amount of credit, while constant sume and the resulting savings they re- for their equipment and buildings, while
attention and advisement regarding bill- ceive. This was the surest way, Advocate the managers and directors receive
ing rate changes and improvements in reasoned, that they can enjoy the optimal weekly or monthly summary reports.
self-generation strategies have netted an utility cost savings every year after the This tool also allows Siemens and Advo-
additional $100,000 of savings or business risks are mitigated. cate engineers to continually troubleshoot
avoided cost. Rohde also emphasizes that there are areas of unnecessary energy usage dur-
The most valuable service in the con- other mission-critical issues relating to ing high-cost peak periods, such as the
tract, Rohde points out, is the competi- energy that transcend cost savings and risk one caused by the housekeeping staff at
tive energy procurement for deregulated management. These include keeping op- one hospital recharging battery-operated
electricity and gas, for two reasons: com- erating rooms running without interrup- equipment while they went to lunch.
plexity and dollar value. This is a very tion, improving indoor comfort levels, Load prof iling helped us identify
complicated marketplace with factors like and increasing the total environmental anomalies in our hospital operations that
pricing options and derivatives, she con- quality of patient care. These issues re- we would have never uncovered under
tinues. Its like a foreign language to quire strict attention to proven, best prac- normal circumstances, adds Rohde. We
the lay healthcare person who doesnt do tices and procedures for healthcare insti- were able to investigate these situations
this every day. That is why the hospital tutions. with accurate information and take cor-
system outsources the intricate work such To help develop an accurate load pro- rective actions.
as procurement and utility bill monitor- file for Advocate sites, Siemens installed In addition, the benchmarking of load
ing. more than 60 meters and recorders in stra- profile information among all hospitals
In a business where we work hard to tegic locations throughout all of the hos- gives rise to more collaborative discus-
get a 1% to 2% profit margin, energy pitals in order to capture energy usage sions among facility directors in deter-
savings that amount to about $1 million data. Comprehensive load profile infor- mining why they are using more or less
becomes quite significant, said Rohde. mation was provided in a much more energy per square foot. Such discussions
The risk management aspect of stra- timely fashion than Advocate had previ- encourage discovery of more opportuni-
tegic energy services is vitally important ously been able to obtain by its own in- ties for energy conservation within the

Photography courtesy Advocate Health Care

Three of Advocate Health Cares 10 Chicago sites. Left photo is Advocate Christ Medical Center.
Upper right is Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital and lower right is Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital.

Copyright 2003, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 1791 Tullie Circle NE, Atlanta, GA 30329.
Reprinted by permission from the January 27, 2003 Issue of ASHRAE Journals Official Show Daily.

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